Petite girls r u struggling w last 10 pounds??? 5'1" - 5'3"



  • jnj1013
    jnj1013 Posts: 27
    Same here - 5'3", been between 117-120 for what is starting to seem like forever. Goal is 110-115 so I guess I shouldn't be complaining. I was losing 1.5-2.5 pounds per week when I started at 137 so it's been very frustrating. I also didn't start exercising at all until about the same time I started MFP (6 weeks ago) and I honestly think all the exercise (6-7 times per week) is impeding the progress toward my weight goal but I have noticed a considerable difference in how my pants fit - I'm down 3 sizes, the other day I had to use a binder clip at work to hold my pants up! Like everyone else, I have this idea in my head of what a perfect weight is for me that I can't seem to push past...even when I need assistance holding up my pants.
  • sherisse69
    sherisse69 Posts: 795 Member
    I am 5'1" and Currently having such a struggle to get to 118...BUT I have noticed that instead of being skinny fat I am becoming more solid, so even though I still weigh 122 I do not jiggle when I walk, abs are tight and arms are lean. Sometimes we just weigh more than we like but our body fat percentage is weigh down! I also lost a ton of inches in my waist! So there's hope ladies! Start measuring your body with a tape measure and not a scale!

  • jharb2
    jharb2 Posts: 208 Member
    Yes, having same issue. 5'1.5" and last 10 are sticking no matter what I change. Not giving up though.
  • Ann1964x
    Ann1964x Posts: 76
    try being 48 post menpause 5'2 134 and cant get below 129! I have gone back and forth between 129-134 all year.
    I can improve my eats though, and started MFP a few weeks ago. Goal is 116.
  • SMP151
    SMP151 Posts: 32
    I am so struggling with my last 10 pounds or so... I hate it. Need to change something up. I am bound and determined to get to 138. I'm 5'3" with a large body frame and lots of muscle.
  • Cece94
    Cece94 Posts: 1
    Im 5'2 almost 5'3 and and I actually just lost the 10lbs I gained and was stuck at 120 but now I'm 111-112 and can't seem to reach my goal of 108. I've cut down on calories and been working out a lot. I don't carry weight well so that's why 120 is a huge deal to me since when I'm at 120 my face looks big and bloated and i look bigger than other girls my weight and height especially since i have huge hips and thighs, I think im a pear shape. Sometimes I wish i was taller but my height fits my face and personality. :) I wish lluck to all of the other petites who are having a hard time.
  • onematchfire
    onematchfire Posts: 13 Member
    I'm in the same boat at around 120 and 5' 1 and 13/16" (those increments are important when you have so little to work with). I'd like to get to 105-110, which is right around what I weighed at my healthiest point.

    Ultimately, mathematically, we just have to realize that we can't eat as much as taller folks. Can more lean body mass built through weight training help? Absolutely. Any increase in metabolism is helpful (and we arguably need that boost more than tall folks). However, given that our healthy weight range is lower than that of taller folks and that BMI is in large part determined by weight, we just have fewer calories to work with and losses are going to require longer sustained effort for slower results. It's not fair, but life generally isn't.

    That being said, right now I'm cycling calorie intake to see if that will help: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday at 1100 calories; Wednesday and Saturday at 1600. It averages out to 1243 calories per day, which is right around 20% below my total energy expenditure, which is allegedly a healthy and sustainable way to lose. I've also dropped cardio to maybe three days per week and am trying to focus more on HIIT and heavy weights in conjunction. Here's hoping!
  • abrewer563
    abrewer563 Posts: 122
    You aren't the only one trust me! I stopped working out about 2 months ago... I don't know why, but I was in this plateau where I could not for the life of me lose the last 5-8 pounds. Now I'm back at square one pretty much of being a fat butt since vacation and have to lose 6 pounds just to get back to where I was when I stopped. Then I'll have another 5-8 to go from there. Good luck, I certainly do not know the secret... I tried uping my calores, lowering my calories, adding strength training, doing more cardio, reducing cardio to no avail and eventually became unmotivated (which I would NOT recommend, starting up again stinks).
  • emu217
    Hi all-

    No one has written in this thread for a few weeks, but I am in need of some major motivation and help..

    I have gone from 105 to 123ish (not exactly sure since I haven't gotten on the scale in a few days since it scares me...), in a matter of months. I was 105 at the end of May, and now I am 123 at the beginning of September. In three short months, I've gained 20 pounds.

    I feel so disgusting and so lost. I don't know what to do. Hardly any of my clothes fit, and I don't know if I can lose this weight AGAIN (i have had to do this before). I just get so angry all the time that this happened and that only causes me to eat more. What can I do to jumpstart my motivation again? Basically, I struggle because I feel like it's going to be SUCH a long road to get back to where I want to be. At this point, I'd be happy just to get to 110. I am 5'3".
  • Alexfit12
    I'm struggling with that as well, but I'm excited to start over on a slow carb diet from tomorrow. Maybe this can fool my body, since I've had an extremely difficult time losing that weight.

    Hope you're making progress!
  • cortney_weiss
    cortney_weiss Posts: 57 Member
    Many people seem to have this problem too. I'm 5'1" and about 110, and I have always struggled with those last 5 pounds. I just really focus on what I eat, making sure it is clean foods and not junk, working out, but NOT over training, and taking those rest days, because our bodies really need to rest. If you want some more one on one coaching or join our fitness group on Facebook, you will definitely get that extra push, and may even learn something new/find out something you're doing wrong. Let's talk! I want to see you succeed.

    Here's our Facebook group:

    Find me on facebook,
  • Alexfit12
    I've met some people who have had amazing results on a slow carb diet (popularized by the book the 4 Hour Body, which has some other amazing tips in there as well) and I'm gonna try that out starting tomorrow. I'll give it at least 4 weeks, because the feedback on it is great, and I believe the eating plan is doable. So you might want to look into that.

    And if you want, add me at a friend, and you can always know that I'm taking a look at how you're doing. you should be more motivated to do well if someone is checking up on you ;)
  • zephylis
    I'm under 5'3 and the journey from 120 to 110 is taking a really long time. I was stuck at the same weight for many days when I clearly had a calorie deficit and also a few pounds bounce back very easily.
  • KirstinM0
    KirstinM0 Posts: 8 Member
    I have the same problem ! I'm 5'4'' and 139 . It seems like the first 60 pounds were no problem to lose - but the last 15-20 that I want to lose don't seem to be going anywhere! I recently started to eat about 600 calories less a day and really work on muscle building - they say that's the best way to burn fat. I've lost 2 pounds this week so maybe it's working...hopefully!
  • squigglypuff
    squigglypuff Posts: 279 Member
    i'm a bit shorter (4'11) and the last 10 pounds are the worst -- especially how they creep back up :( i started at 148 in june 2011, dipped down to 113 in april of this year, then stopped counting, then went back up to 124 in august and now i'm around 120. trying to get down to 110 or fitting in size 2 or 4 comfortably. i can fit in some 4s but the muffin top is not pretty! i do a combination of jogging, zumba, yoga, pilates, and light lifting.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    It's work, but I expected it, given my age, size, height, weight, and activity level.
  • internationalmf
    bump for later
  • internationalmf
    I'm pretty much exactly in the same boat- I think where you went wrong- if you are like me- is maintenance. try losing the weight slower this time- with tiny lifestyle changes- don't push your body to lose weight- just make healthier choices. The best diet is the one you dont' know you are on.

    Hi all-

    No one has written in this thread for a few weeks, but I am in need of some major motivation and help..

    I have gone from 105 to 123ish (not exactly sure since I haven't gotten on the scale in a few days since it scares me...), in a matter of months. I was 105 at the end of May, and now I am 123 at the beginning of September. In three short months, I've gained 20 pounds.

    I feel so disgusting and so lost. I don't know what to do. Hardly any of my clothes fit, and I don't know if I can lose this weight AGAIN (i have had to do this before). I just get so angry all the time that this happened and that only causes me to eat more. What can I do to jumpstart my motivation again? Basically, I struggle because I feel like it's going to be SUCH a long road to get back to where I want to be. At this point, I'd be happy just to get to 110. I am 5'3".
  • franmetamorphisis
    I believe you hit a Plateau ,change it up!
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I'm pretty much exactly in the same boat- I think where you went wrong- if you are like me- is maintenance. try losing the weight slower this time- with tiny lifestyle changes- don't push your body to lose weight- just make healthier choices. The best diet is the one you dont' know you are on.

    I don't believe that approach works for everyone. People who have little to lose have to be extra on top of their eating and sometimes they need more than minimal changes. And any time you aren't eating what you want or as much as you want it's a diet.