Petite girls r u struggling w last 10 pounds??? 5'1" - 5'3"



  • littlelol
    littlelol Posts: 539
  • AmyBeth719
    AmyBeth719 Posts: 184 Member
    I have the same problem too. The last 10lbs have been horrible and I keep bouncing around.
  • garfield89
    garfield89 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm 5' 1" and am with you on this one. I have struggled from the age of 16 to stay at 115 and my weight somehow always creeps up to 128-130. Some things I have been trying lately are switching up my exercise routine. I do insanity a few days a week, go jogging, speed walking, yoga, or the brazilian booty lift dvd. It keeps me motivated and works wonders. Another thing that may be happening is the more you work-out the more muscle you gain. When I used to be an avid runner I was always 119 or 120 but I looked as skinny as I did when I was 110 and didn't work out as much. Muscle weighs more than fat, measure yourself through jeans size opposed to the number on the scale, as long as its not too high.
  • Amcolecchi
    Amcolecchi Posts: 260 Member
    I am 5'1" and Currently having such a struggle to get to 118...BUT I have noticed that instead of being skinny fat I am becoming more solid, so even though I still weigh 122 I do not jiggle when I walk, abs are tight and arms are lean. Sometimes we just weigh more than we like but our body fat percentage is weigh down! I also lost a ton of inches in my waist! So there's hope ladies! Start measuring your body with a tape measure and not a scale!
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member
    I am 5'1" and Currently having such a struggle to get to 118...BUT I have noticed that instead of being skinny fat I am becoming more solid, so even though I still weigh 122 I do not jiggle when I walk, abs are tight and arms are lean. Sometimes we just weigh more than we like but our body fat percentage is weigh down! I also lost a ton of inches in my waist! So there's hope ladies! Start measuring your body with a tape measure and not a scale!

    That's what I do.

    I am doing the Venus Index workouts which are shape based. I fluctuate between 122-119...

    and as long as my waist measurement stays the same... I am good.

    I am currently 119, who knows...tomorrow I may be 122...but I have weighed less and looked absolutely horrible.

    I actually hit 125 a few months ago on my weight loss rollercoaster and had more fat. A few weeks ago I finally hit it i again and looked tighter. That 2nd time was true fat loss because my waist went down.(it's about 5 lbs of FAT per inch but less so as you get smaller. Just food for thought to know if what you lose is H20 vs FAT)
  • MizzTatiana
    MizzTatiana Posts: 116 Member
    Lost 20+ lbs before find MFP, trying sooo hard to get that last 10 lbs off!!! I'm only 5'1
  • Joorrrrdddyyn
    Joorrrrdddyyn Posts: 59 Member
    5'1 and 123 pounds. cant get any of the weight off! im really struggling w/ it. :(
  • kddruckenmiller
    kddruckenmiller Posts: 114 Member
    YES ah I have been trying to lose the same last 5 pounds since the beginning of the year. Up and down and up and down. It's beyond frustrating. I suspect I haven't been exercising enough but with summer classes and standing up at work for 8+ hours at a time (in a restaurant), working out is the last thing I want to do when I get home. I guess I need to just suck it up and deal with it!
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    Well I have decided to add 30DS to the mix of my routine, hoping this is the little bit of push my body needs!!! I shall record my measurements before and after ...ordering to day !!!
  • tsheetz
    tsheetz Posts: 25 Member
    I am 5'3 and 122 lbs. I would love to get down to around 115 but it is definitely slow going. However, I am seeing a lot more definition in my body. I think lifting weights is really helping. I am still hoping for a much flatter stomach though.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    Well I have decided to add 30DS to the mix of my routine, hoping this is the little bit of push my body needs!!! I shall record my measurements before and after ...ordering to day !!!

    i have re started 30ds as well on Aug 1st. i actually took pics this time to "see" any changes.... i am wishing for some change.
  • rachelvinman
    rachelvinman Posts: 1 Member
    Yeah, I keeep reading through all these and I'm EXTREMELY frustrated and lost. I have completed my first week of P90X (not to mention running nearly everyday the month/2 months prior), I eat healthy (no fried foods, no take-out/fast food, love veggies and fruit, no soda/juice/alcohol), I stay within my calorie goals, my workouts are mixed up, I sleep 6-8 hours a night, drink tons of water and yet CANNOT lose any weight. Oh and the whole measurement thing and/or using your clothing to judge your progress is definitely not working either. ABSOLUTELY NO CHANGE! So what is the point of logging and working out like crazy to just continue to get heavier and heavier, year after year, month after month....slowly it all creeps on. I am 5'3.5" and weigh 127.4lbs. This is not a good weight for me. It doesn't look good on me, it doesn't feel good to me, its soft and squishy and I know I can be 110...I was one year after I had my son (who is now 4). I stayed at 106-110 for 2 years...and now I just keep getting bigger and bigger and I don't know why.
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member
    Yeah, I keeep reading through all these and I'm EXTREMELY frustrated and lost. I have completed my first week of P90X (not to mention running nearly everyday the month/2 months prior), I eat healthy (no fried foods, no take-out/fast food, love veggies and fruit, no soda/juice/alcohol), I stay within my calorie goals, my workouts are mixed up, I sleep 6-8 hours a night, drink tons of water and yet CANNOT lose any weight. Oh and the whole measurement thing and/or using your clothing to judge your progress is definitely not working either. ABSOLUTELY NO CHANGE! So what is the point of logging and working out like crazy to just continue to get heavier and heavier, year after year, month after month....slowly it all creeps on. I am 5'3.5" and weigh 127.4lbs. This is not a good weight for me. It doesn't look good on me, it doesn't feel good to me, its soft and squishy and I know I can be 110...I was one year after I had my son (who is now 4). I stayed at 106-110 for 2 years...and now I just keep getting bigger and bigger and I don't know why.

    IT sucks. 135-128 is where my body loves to be and some people tell me that's an ok weight.

    But it looks bad on me. My body doesn't carry that weight well at all. I look chubby.

    Although I am now trying to not care about the scale and more about shape. Still hard though.

    I got to 125 back in MARCH! But it looked...awful and it was because I had just too much bf% compared to lean muscle.

    Well I hit 125 AGAIN in June. Looked TOTALLY different. Bf% VERY different.

    What works for me is lifting really heavy weights. I realize I needed to not just lose lbs...I had to do a total body recomposition. We shorties just show a few lbs way easier than taller women.
  • LinzyStarr
    LinzyStarr Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I'm 5'2" & between 120 & 125. The weight has been fluctuating pretty continuously so I'm never sure exactly how much I've lost & how much I have to go. I love my cardio & jog or use my elliptical machine 3 - 4 times per week. It seems from reading this thread that strength training is my missing link.
  • MissGraziano
    It took me about a year to lose the last 10 pounds. I'm 5'0". It was really hard but it's gone now! I found that eating clean and 30 Day Shred helped take it off.
  • meomixq
    meomixq Posts: 2 Member
    My experience has been similar to a lot of the other replies--Healthy to rapid weight loss for the first 20lbs or more, but then a screeching halt; the "Plateau". My body needed a drastic change in exercise routine. Drastic changes in diet may be necessary, as well.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    As small as you are, and since you've been working out, you may have added muscle weight. Have you measured? That shows progress more than the scale.

    I'm really having a hard time losing the last 12-13. I'm 5ft 3, 138lbs and my goal is 125. I started at 179 and am down 41 lbs. I was beginning to wonder if I'll be stuck forever at 138, so I'm trying to mix up my cardio and added lifting every other day. So far, I've gained 2lbs but I've lost half an inch off my waist, hips and thighs so I guess I wont complain and I'll just keep working at it.

    If anyone has any tips, please say so! lol
  • meomixq
    meomixq Posts: 2 Member
  • sherisse69
    sherisse69 Posts: 795 Member
    I am 5'2" and I am finding it very hard to keep that last 10 pounds off again, seems like no matter what I eat or how much exercise I do it creeps up, and 10 pounds is alot to petite girls ..its like 20 pounds to taller people....*sigh*....I don't know what the issue is? I havent changed anything... i've gone from 110 in March to 119.6 today!!! Its very discouraging as I spend everyday at the gym, I feel like this is a big waste of time if I am still gonna gain weight...why should I bother ...anyone else out there having the same issue ?

    I have been in similar situations (not there yet this time around but..) the last 10 are usually the toughest. Have you ever heard of "set point"? It is apparently your body's "comfort zone" which from what I understand can make it very tough to get past. I find when I have been successful in the past, I could get down to 125 (sometimes 120) but anything lower and I was FIGHTING HARD. From the pattern of this, and what I gather, perhaps my, and maybe your set point is higher than your ideal. It doesn't mean you cant get there, but you will probably have to work real hard to reset.
    Best of luck! You look fab!!!
  • Alexfit12
    I know how you feel.