When to get Married...



  • weighlossforbaby
    weighlossforbaby Posts: 847 Member
    We met online in July 2006 when I was 23 years old. He asked me to marry him on the phone in April 2007. We met in person for the first time in July 2007. I went to Indiana where he is from in November 2007 and we got married in a court house. His siblings never wanted him to be with me so they and his sister-in-law don't like me much. We have been married for almost 5 years :heart: We don't have kids yet cause he wanted to wait til he got out of the National Guard and he did last summer so it's about that time :happy: I will be 30 years old in January.

    Get married when you feel like it's the right time for you and not because everyone wants you to.
  • RMuske
    RMuske Posts: 271 Member
    My family in not rushing me to get married but my clock is ticking in my mothers body.. I feel the pressure to have children but not to get married, although I think they would all prefer if I was married before hand.
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    23?? Geez. :laugh: My family thinks thats too young to settle down.