body fat %



  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    19% and I'm totally fine if it doesn't go any lower.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I love these threads. I'd rather just spy but I guess I'll participate- I'm at 28% per 3 point caliper. I'd like to be around 20, but I don't think these pictures are representative of me at least. The 25-26 girl is doughier than I am at 28%.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Nah the pictures aren't all that accurate for the women, whose bodies distribute fat with a lot more variety than men. I carry ALL my fat in my lower body so none of these pictures looks like me at all, personally... It's just an interesting reference
  • kylTKe
    kylTKe Posts: 146 Member
    I want to get down to 4% BF and then jerk it to my diced up glutes in the mirror. lol... Some people need a new hobby.
  • MelStren
    MelStren Posts: 457 Member
    I'm around 34 but I'd like to be around 20
  • drmryder
    drmryder Posts: 181 Member
    I'd be happy at 20%, but I know once I'm there I'd go for the 17-18%.
  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    With the exception of my arms, which are leaner, my body looks a lot like 25% girl's. I'd like to be a little leaner than 20-21% girl, but not as lean as 17-18 percent girl. Whatever percentage of body fat lands me between the two is what I'm aiming for.

    On the guys, I like 14-15% guy and 9-10% guy. :)

    Now back to read through the thread.
  • KiltFuPanda
    KiltFuPanda Posts: 574 Member
    I would like to add that there are exceptions to the raw measurement (tape) method. I thought for a long time that my bodyfat was much higher than it is based on the fact that I've got a "powerlifter belly". Big and solid, and you can pinch the skin off the underlying muscle easily. That's why I'm using calipers to track my progress. I've still got a fair amount of fat (about 90 lbs), but it's better than the 130 lbs the tape measurement method suggested.
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    Online calculators usually put me at 22-24%. Based on the pictures, I would guess 20%??
  • monicasuze
    monicasuze Posts: 37
  • nikkiprickett
    nikkiprickett Posts: 412 Member
    Mine's 27.7 based on the calculator where you enter all your measurements, weight, height and gender.
    My goal is 19-20% based on those pics :)

    The guy at about 14-15% is what is most attractive to me on men :)
  • sunshine77493
    sunshine77493 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm at 23.1% according to the online calculator that someone posted a link for. I wouldn't mind reducing to 20% but I don't want to lose muscle while getting there.
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    I'm still very fat; my body fat percentage is currently 40.8. I'm going to get it down to 20% though!
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I'm at 33% (done by calipers) which I'm thrilled with. Aiming for 20-22% and will be happy there. Any lower body fat is not a look I want.
  • Lynxie83
    Lynxie83 Posts: 246
    My BMI is 19.5%.

    BMI and body fat % are 2 completely different things. One is a ratio based on your weight vs your height and the other is the measure of your lean body mass vs your body fat.
    How do I figure this out, then? Is there a calculator online?

    There are a few ways, some more accurate than others. You can have it measured via calipers or via one of those hand held electro-magnetic things by a trainer/doctor (they offer free body comp tests at my gym, where I had my first one done), find a place where you can be measured via bod pod in your area (can be expensive, but most accurate) or this nifty calculator I found that takes your measurements and averages the various body fat measurement systems to give you a pretty close estimation.

    From the link you provided I come out as 47.5% which compared to the photos at the top would probably be about right. My goal would probably be about 18-25% somewhere in that range.
  • BackinShape001
    I'm about 22-24...15 would be great
  • Lisseth03
    Lisseth03 Posts: 518 Member
    with those pictures? i'd like anywhere from 14-18
  • MelisRunning
    MelisRunning Posts: 819 Member
    Had my body fat checked two weeks apart. Had lost 4 pounds and had a birthday. Because of the birthday, my body fat JUMPED 3%. Go figure. Getting old is not all it is cracked up to be.
  • cjh03
    cjh03 Posts: 74 Member
    I'm at about 12.5 right now...goal is to get down into the 8-10% range.