50 shades of grey....



  • _Wits_
    _Wits_ Posts: 1,286 Member
    The main difference between genders......

    Men watch porn....

    Women read it while scolding men for watching....

    I joke, I joke...:p

    haha...that's funny..I went through a phase where I read these erotic romance novels and the husband would ask "hows your word porn today?>" Granted he didn't care....it got me in the mood and he reaped the benefits :tongue:
  • Wildheart_Baby
    Wildheart_Baby Posts: 44 Member
    The books are terrible, in my opinion. But addictive. The author knows how to make you want to keep reading. However, Grey as a character is horrible. I don't really understand how all the girls are like, "Ooo Greeeyyy. So dreamy and perfect!" Okay, handsome and rich I get, but also controlling with a crap ton of baggage, and kind of a suffocating jerk. I'm not sure how that's appealing at all. Also Ana always gives into to everything, despite her being a "different sort of character who will stand her ground".
    No, a lot of people have also expressed a similar opinion, he's a very controlling person within the books and its also been said that it feed into the current mindset of oh he's handsome and rich this is all I need. Its a way of keeping Women in their place, which is an awful thing in this day and age, it also will have a lot of young impressionable Women being fed the whole, it must be me/my fault nonsense that society feeds them and expects of them.
  • LizRobot
    LizRobot Posts: 19
    If you can get past the poor writing, repetitive phrasing and word usage, AND the totally unbelievable plot-line then......you can enjoy all the hot, steamy bdsm sex parts. :o)
  • Wildheart_Baby
    Wildheart_Baby Posts: 44 Member
    ^^YEP- my 2 cents exactly! I don't see the comparrison to Twilight AT ALL, but I've heard this several times. To me- they are COMPLETELY different. Just my opinion....

    It started as Twighlight fan fiction from what I'd heard.
  • backwoodsbama
    backwoodsbama Posts: 104 Member
    haha...that's funny..I went through a phase where I read these erotic romance novels and the husband would ask "hows your word porn today?>" Granted he didn't care....it got me in the mood and he reaped the benefits :tongue:

    Lucky guy.... :P

    My grandmother was a very Christian woman. Still loved her romance (word porn) novels though. :P
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member

    "My nipples pucker"???? O.M.G. That was HORRIBLE. And even if it hadn't been Gilbert, it would have been horrible. I'm so glad I didn't even try to read that drivel. A Harlequin is better than that.
  • mtaylor33557
    mtaylor33557 Posts: 542 Member
    I can't be the only woman that doesn't see a warped man with tons of baggage, and automatically thinks "Oh, yay! A project, I will fix him and he will forever be mine, so what if he mentally and physically abuses me in the process!"

    I just don't get all the women swooning over this character!

    I love that I married a well adjusted, happy man!!
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    If you can get past the poor writing, repetitive phrasing and word usage, AND the totally unbelievable plot-line then......you can enjoy all the hot, steamy bdsm sex parts. :o)

    Yeah but why would anyone spend the money on that when you can get good stuff online for free.
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    The main difference between genders......

    Men watch porn....

    Women read it while scolding men for watching....

    I joke, I joke...:p
    Right? haha
  • mtaylor33557
    mtaylor33557 Posts: 542 Member
    ^^YEP- my 2 cents exactly! I don't see the comparrison to Twilight AT ALL, but I've heard this several times. To me- they are COMPLETELY different. Just my opinion....

    It started as Twighlight fan fiction from what I'd heard.

    This is correct, the characters were originally Edwards and Bella until it was published.

    It's VERY easy to see this!
  • LizRobot
    LizRobot Posts: 19
    If you can get past the poor writing, repetitive phrasing and word usage, AND the totally unbelievable plot-line then......you can enjoy all the hot, steamy bdsm sex parts. :o)

    Yeah but why would anyone spend the money on that when you can get good stuff online for free.

    True. A friend of mine lent me the book so I didn't have to pay for it. :wink:
  • backwoodsbama
    backwoodsbama Posts: 104 Member
    Yeah but why would anyone spend the money on that when you can get good stuff online for free.

    You just made my day. :P

    Just goes to show that most women secretly want a "project". Hell, that goes all the way back to high school.

    "I know he sleeps around on me and all but I still love him. I swear I can change him one day...." /facepalm
  • paulsmisses
    paulsmisses Posts: 178
    Cherise Sinclair's books are so very much better!!! Try the Dom's of Shadowland series and anything else she has written. So Very much better!

    just downloaded the first one, thanks for tip off!
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    If you can get past the poor writing, repetitive phrasing and word usage, AND the totally unbelievable plot-line then......you can enjoy all the hot, steamy bdsm sex parts. :o)

    Yeah but why would anyone spend the money on that when you can get good stuff online for free.

    True. A friend of mine lent me the book so I didn't have to pay for it. :wink:

    that would be the only way I would read it... though I want to see the youtube video posted earlier..
  • LizRobot
    LizRobot Posts: 19
    If you can get past the poor writing, repetitive phrasing and word usage, AND the totally unbelievable plot-line then......you can enjoy all the hot, steamy bdsm sex parts. :o)

    Yeah but why would anyone spend the money on that when you can get good stuff online for free.

    True. A friend of mine lent me the book so I didn't have to pay for it. :wink:

    that would be the only way I would read it... though I want to see the youtube video posted earlier..

    Same here. I was curious about it after all the hype and hoopla, but did NOT want to buy it. I'm glad I didn't.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Yeah but why would anyone spend the money on that when you can get good stuff online for free.

    You just made my day. :P

    Just goes to show that most women secretly want a "project". Hell, that goes all the way back to high school.

    "I know he sleeps around on me and all but I still love him. I swear I can change him one day...." /facepalm

    Not *this* woman (I know you said most)... that is just way too much work... and I'm quite lazy...
  • Sockimobi
    Sockimobi Posts: 541
    Loved the books, loved the sex, loved the story. All in all, a great read!

    ^^YEP- my 2 cents exactly! I don't see the comparrison to Twilight AT ALL, but I've heard this several times. To me- they are COMPLETELY different. Just my opinion....


    Scroll down half way...

    ETA: TL;DR?
    We processed 50 Shades as a student paper against another student paper (MoTU). According to Turnitin, the similarity index was 89%. There are whole swaths of text wherein just the names were changed from MoTU to 50 Shades
  • purplegoboom
    purplegoboom Posts: 400 Member
    A review from Amazon.com:

    "About half way through the book, I looked up the author to see if she was a teenager. I really did because the characters are out of a 16 year old's fantasy. The main male character is a billionaire (not a millionaire but a billionaire) who speaks fluent French, is basically a concert level pianist, is a fully trained pilot, is athletic, drop dead gorgeous, tall, built perfectly with an enormous penis, and the best lover on the planet. In addition, he's not only self made but is using his money to combat world hunger. Oh yeah, and all of this at the ripe old age of 26! And on top of that, he's never working. Every second is spent having sex or texting and emailing the female character. His billions seem to have just come about by magic. It seriously feels like 2 teenage girls got together and decided to create their "dream man" and came up with Christian Grey.

    Then come the sex scenes. The first one is tolerable but as she goes on, they become so unbelievable that it becomes more laughable than erotic. She orgasms at the drop of a hat. He says her name and she orgasms. He simply touches her and she orgasms. It seems that she's climaxing on every page.

    Then there's the writing. If you take out the parts where the female character is blushing or chewing her lips, the book will be down to about 50 pages. Almost on every single page, there is a whole section devoted to her blushing, chewing her lips or wondering "Jeez" about something or another. Then there's the use of "shades of". He's "fifty shades of @#$%% up," "she turned 7 shades of crimson," "he's ten shades of x,y, and z." Seriously?

    The writing is just not up to par, the characters are unbelievable, and the sex verges on the comical. I don't know what happens in the remaining books and I do not intend to read them to find out. But given the maturity level of the first book, I imagine that they get married, have 2 perfect children, cure world hunger, and live happily ever after while riding into the sunset, as the female character climaxes on her horse causing her to chew her bottom lip and blush fifty shades of crimson. Jeez! "

    Pretty much sums up how I feel. Doubt I could've put it better.
  • backwoodsbama
    backwoodsbama Posts: 104 Member
    Not *this* woman (I know you said most)... that is just way too much work... and I'm quite lazy...

    This is why I date women at or older than my age normally. More mature and less drama. :p
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Ok... 1) Gilbert Gottfried's reading of this is AWESOME!

    2) the book now incites domestic violence : http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/fifty-shades-grey-steak-sauce-assault-171428353.html