50 shades of grey....



  • gemmalouise85
    gemmalouise85 Posts: 157 Member
    I liked the whole fictional story, but felt book 3 last chapter was really rushed - as without saying too much for him to get from where he was then to 3 years later feeling that way I'd loved to know what had happened in those 3 years and how he felt when certain events happened to rather the 3 years later..

    if im honest i skipped through a few sex scenes as time i got to the 3rd book I wanted toread the story and not all the sex bits as crazy as that was.

    also has anyone read twilight? i felt sometimes in certan moments she was trying pick out their characters a little too.

    good book, but rushed.
  • muzmacol
    muzmacol Posts: 358 Member
    in respect of the sex in these books, save to time and go through your partners internet history instead. Shabba. ::happy:
  • FitnFabMichelle
    FitnFabMichelle Posts: 161 Member
    Just started book 3...and so far I've thoroughly enjoyed them...thoroughly. LOL.
  • Jani2416
    Jani2416 Posts: 275 Member
    It's just a little bit of escapism, that's all. I'm on book 3.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    I loved them. I read them on my way to and from vacation. I loved them, the sex, the drama, the underlying story, the way Ana helped change Grey(make him see a different view is how I feel). I don't wish my boyfriend was like him, but I really liked the book.

    I read that as on my way to and from the Vatican. I thought thats an odd choice of book for visiting such a holy place LOL
  • Karenannmo
    Karenannmo Posts: 118
    Not yet but I going to download the first and go from there:happy:
  • McGruber03
    McGruber03 Posts: 113
    The books are terrible, in my opinion. But addictive. The author knows how to make you want to keep reading. However, Grey as a character is horrible. I don't really understand how all the girls are like, "Ooo Greeeyyy. So dreamy and perfect!" Okay, handsome and rich I get, but also controlling with a crap ton of baggage, and kind of a suffocating jerk. I'm not sure how that's appealing at all. Also Ana always gives into to everything, despite her being a "different sort of character who will stand her ground".

    Ana had the potential to being a really cool character, until she kept giving into everything just because he sexed her and gave her googly eyes. Geez, it's just kind of demeaning.

    Edit: Also, I might be the only female in the world who has read this and thinks this way. Feel free to disagree with me, this is just my two cents.

    I read the first one, and thought it was HORRIBLE writing. All of the same catch phrases over and OVER again really got on my nerves..."inner goddess, my breath hitched, his eyes were hooded, I flush, I blush". I wish I had counted how many times "inner goddess" was referenced. I love to read, and I always read what is popular just to see what all the fuss is about. I regretted this read. I will not be wasting my precious time on 2 and 3. I honestly felt like this was written by a 12 year old who happened to know too much about sex. There are plenty of books with sex in the story line that are way better than this. I could go on and on, but I'll stop now. I am still pissed at myself for even finishing the first one and wasting my time.
  • phillieschic
    phillieschic Posts: 615
    They are awful books...terribly written and extremely overrated. None of the three of them should have made it past the editor's desk. And, can I please by the author a thesaurus? Shakespeare must be turning in his grave.

    I'm just thinking that if you're all caught up in the soft core porn in these novels and wishing your signifiant other was more like Christian Grey, then you're not doing something right in the bedroom. Liven things up! Don't be stagnant! Take control of your sex! It doesn't have to just be up/down, in/out!!!

    Oh, and read the Marquis de Sade...now THAT is some crazy good porn! :drinker:
  • amyjax
    amyjax Posts: 102
    They are easily the worst books I've ever read.

    I totally get the "addictive" quality everyone's mentioning, though. I had to keep reading them, just on the off chance that they maybe got better... but no.

    Christian Grey isn't swoonsome or dreamy or perfect - he's an abuser, and I'm not talking about the BDSM at all. He effectively stalks, controls and changes Anastasia, down to the food she eats and at one point when she can pee(!). Ana is the weakest character, stereotypically clumsy, and goes from uber-virginal (down to NEVER having masturbated in her life) to being capable of multiple orgasms from the second her hymen is broken.

    EL James has admitted she's never researched BDSM at all, saying that she met one guy who was into it and he was a bit of a freak, so that's how she decided to portray it.

    The books are trash, pure and simple, and the number of women wishing their men were more like Grey make me want to puke.
  • dyskras
    dyskras Posts: 54
    I see this book the same way I see all romance novels.

    IQ sucking black holes encouraging unhealthy perspectives on what relationships should be.

    I love you so much.
  • CookieMummy84
    I loved it personally. I don't read books for their reality content! I think Christian Grey is brilliant. Yes he's controlling, but personally that doesn't bother me. Everyone has baggage, he's great in bed and he adores Ana. I think I'd be exactly the same as her and feel like we have a lot in common! I wish people would stop being so snobby about it, if people enjoy it why rain urine on their parade?
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    I haven't read it yet but was really interested in all you guys opinions as I'm a real bookworm..my best friend says its a must read as her sons girlfriend is saying she can't put it down but after reading what you all have to say I have my doubts whether I'd like it or not now! I do like good prose with lots of inspiration and none of this repetitive fluffy stuff either - and as for the sex, I've nothing to learn in that regard (always thoughts I coulda had a shot at writing erotica myself - under a pseudonym of course lol) if it sounded like it was wrote by a teenager that really would put me off reading the book!

    Anyway, I MIGHT download it to see what all the hooha is about and make up my own mind :)
  • Tara1B
    Tara1B Posts: 78
    I see this book the same way I see all romance novels.

    IQ sucking black holes encouraging unhealthy perspectives on what relationships should be.

    ^ Exactly this. Why would I waste my time on such utter crap when there are so many beautifully written books out there to discover?!
  • amyjax
    amyjax Posts: 102
    Katrina Lumsden on goodreads.com has the best reviews of the trilogy, complete with appropriate gifs.

    Fifty Shades of Grey - http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/340987215/

    Fifty Shades Darker - http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/341907930

    Fifty Shades Freed - http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/347430024
  • kimnsc
    kimnsc Posts: 560 Member
    I feel a bit sorry for all the wonderful men out there whose partners wish they were "a little more like Christian Grey".

    No Kidding!
  • alliegeorge
    alliegeorge Posts: 114
    I'm reading them on the sneak in e-book form. haha. It's addicting, yet crappy because the story line is practically IDENTICAL to fricken Twilight. And I've read better sexy times.

    The 50 shades of gray books started off as a Twilight fanfiction.
  • Kerri_is_so_very
    Kerri_is_so_very Posts: 1,005 Member
    I'm almost done with book 1 and so far I am enjoying the mindless easy reading and look forward to reading all 3. I really had no interest in reading them, but I couldn't stand not knowing what all the hype was about....so I decided to pick them up. I think the movie will be fantastic. My favorite part is how the good/bad angels (subconcious) are like real characters. I absolutely love how she acknowledges both of them like they are right there in the room....and they are very much like me!!! HA!!!
  • memobe
    memobe Posts: 126 Member
    I have just started the first book last night. No sex yet....waiting....
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    but also controlling with a crap ton of baggage, and kind of a suffocating jerk. I'm not sure how that's appealing at all. Also Ana always gives into to everything, despite her being a "different sort of character who will stand her ground".

    You aren't the only one who feels this way. I found him to be needy and suffocating. I could not stand a man like that. It felt like she couldn't even go to the bathroom and he was emailing her ......

    I skipped over some of the multi page sex scenes just to read the story.
  • darias_mommy
    darias_mommy Posts: 127 Member
    first book was fun- the rest was like reading homework. You just had to finish it.
    If you want a really well written seriously dirty series, read Anne Rice's erotica- The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty. it puts 50 Shades to SHAME. they will blow your mind.