50 shades of grey....



  • alemiszki
    alemiszki Posts: 49
    I'm halfway through the third book and find myself wanting to throw my Nook across the room everytime I turn the page. IDK if the AMOUNT of sex is increasing, or I'm just noticing it more - but I really want a story line. It's hard to pick the story out from the three page sex scenes every four pages.
  • darias_mommy
    darias_mommy Posts: 127 Member

    I read the first one and thought it was laughable. There was no way I was going to drop more money down on the subsequent books. Ana acted like she was twelve not twenty something. I found it very hard to believe that someone her age never had an orgasm, never masturbated and thought things like "Oh but what is that funny feeling I have down there?! Is it desire? Oh MY but it's all new and tingly feeling!!" *rolls eyes*. Really honey? You've never felt that before? Not only that but she was never properly kissed or even touched? Did she live under a rock for the majority of her life?

    When you consider that the majority of women who read this are middle-aged, it kind of makes me sad to think that their sex lives are so dull and un-fulfilling that they have to get off to crap like that. The day I read this book will be the day I might as well get my vagina surgically sewn up, because if reading this monstrosity is better then the sex I could be having there's not point in having one any more.

    AMEN! AND, what kind of 23 tear old from Seattle drinks English tea, has no cell or laptop and has never dated???? Give me a break! I wanted to send this author a thesaurus! it was so cliche and predicable from page 1.
  • Dragonnade
    Dragonnade Posts: 218 Member
    They are awful books...terribly written and extremely overrated. None of the three of them should have made it past the editor's desk. And, can I please by the author a thesaurus? Shakespeare must be turning in his grave.

    I'm just thinking that if you're all caught up in the soft core porn in these novels and wishing your signifiant other was more like Christian Grey, then you're not doing something right in the bedroom. Liven things up! Don't be stagnant! Take control of your sex! It doesn't have to just be up/down, in/out!!!

    Oh, and read the Marquis de Sade...now THAT is some crazy good porn! :drinker:

    A friend of mine took 120 Days of Sodom into her office. The colleague who was reading 50 Shades commented that she didn't think it was appropriate reading for the workplace. She had them both turn to a page at random and read it out.
    50 Shades - that tampon scene.
    120 Days of Sodom - the philosophy of a libertine.
    Point proven. At least de Sade had some depth, is well written and, though similarly repetitive, is properly filthy!

    I downloaded the books. I read fanfiction compulsively and love the particularly awful stuff. 50 Shades is too poorly written even for my tastes. Just absolutely dire!
  • SairahRose
    SairahRose Posts: 412 Member
    Read the books. Complete waste of my time - pretty much like Twilight was, to be honest.
    It makes people who practice BDSM look like crazy psychopaths, it allows women to think they need to have this overbearing man love them and they'll orgasm, and to top it all off, the writing style is that of a child.
    I didn't feel that there was too much sex in the book, but the sex that they were having was completely unrealistic and wrong.
    Literotica.com, although sometimes containing stories that aren't so good, are a lot better planned out than this.

    It should have stayed as a piece of fanfiction and just left well alone.
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    The books are terrible, in my opinion. But addictive. The author knows how to make you want to keep reading. However, Grey as a character is horrible. I don't really understand how all the girls are like, "Ooo Greeeyyy. So dreamy and perfect!" Okay, handsome and rich I get, but also controlling with a crap ton of baggage, and kind of a suffocating jerk. I'm not sure how that's appealing at all. Also Ana always gives into to everything, despite her being a "different sort of character who will stand her ground".

    Ana had the potential to being a really cool character, until she kept giving into everything just because he sexed her and gave her googly eyes. Geez, it's just kind of demeaning.

    Edit: Also, I might be the only female in the world who has read this and thinks this way. Feel free to disagree with me, this is just my two cents.
  • MrsT99
    MrsT99 Posts: 148 Member
    Not read them but I was intrigued, don't think I'll bother.

    However a friend of mine was on the train last week and there was a lady in front of her who was trying to disguise the cover of the book, but the title at the top of the page was still obvious, and she was practically writhing in her seat. My friend ended up with her newspaper as much in front of her eyes as possible!
  • dyskras
    dyskras Posts: 54
    Oh man. Thank you for the Goodreads reviews. Love it.
  • bbaker172
    bbaker172 Posts: 93
    I see this book the same way I see all romance novels.

    IQ sucking black holes encouraging unhealthy perspectives on what relationships should be.

    hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!! good one, and kind of true. Unless you already realize that the man you chose to be with will probably never be what you read in a book!!! I love reading them though....
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Haven't read it. Doubt I ever will. About as relevant as Twilight or Chelsea Handler's series of books. Flavor of the month.
  • slliwlt
    slliwlt Posts: 68 Member
    Have to agree with so many of these posts! I read the 1st book & was in love.... the 2nd book was like 'eh....' Just started the 3rd & I'm feeling more like I have to finish the series because I started it. I'm not a prude by any means-but come on.... I should be able to read at least one page without them 'sexing' or 'kinky f-ery' or how about Ana's 'inner goddess peering over her half moon glasses' (laughable!)
    Not terrible if you need a time waster (I read while working out) but that's about it....
  • StrengthIDidntKnow
    StrengthIDidntKnow Posts: 543 Member
    The books are terrible, in my opinion. But addictive. The author knows how to make you want to keep reading. However, Grey as a character is horrible. I don't really understand how all the girls are like, "Ooo Greeeyyy. So dreamy and perfect!" Okay, handsome and rich I get, but also controlling with a crap ton of baggage, and kind of a suffocating jerk. I'm not sure how that's appealing at all. Also Ana always gives into to everything, despite her being a "different sort of character who will stand her ground".

    Ana had the potential to being a really cool character, until she kept giving into everything just because he sexed her and gave her googly eyes. Geez, it's just kind of demeaning.

    Edit: Also, I might be the only female in the world who has read this and thinks this way. Feel free to disagree with me, this is just my two cents.

    Well said. I read all 3, but by the end I was just skimming through. And while reading it, I was very thankful that my husband is nothing like Christian Grey.
  • Leeanne1974
    Leeanne1974 Posts: 207 Member
    Addictive but crap.
    Anyone who isn't strictly vanilla sees that the so called "erotic" bits are written by someone who has more than likely only ever had vanilla sex ;)
    "i bit my lip" "are you rolling your eyes Ms Steele" etc etc. "holy crap" "holy *kitten*" "holy *kitten*".
    That is about it really.
    But fair play to the author, she is a multi millionaire now and good for her.
    The books are, in my opinion, written badly. The characters have such a one dimensional thing about them.
    But horses for courses and if someone enjoys them then each to their own!
  • TitanGM
    TitanGM Posts: 1,161 Member
    I feel a bit sorry for all the wonderful men out there whose partners wish they were "a little more like Christian Grey".

    Haven't read any of those, but whatever they are the person above is very shrewd!!
  • ccarre81
    ccarre81 Posts: 134 Member
    I didn't read it for it's literary prowess.

    Yes, Christian Grey is a controlling jerk, albeit sexy as hell... I don't mind a bit of control now and then.:blushing:

    Who cares if the book was badly written... my husband was more than pleased that I read all 3 books :love:
  • VanessaGS
    VanessaGS Posts: 514 Member
    My friend is reading those books. I'm thinking about borrowing them. I did hear it's pretty graphic though.
  • tomoore14
    tomoore14 Posts: 2
    I started reading the first book last night. Although I couldnt put it down, I have to agree with you. I was expecting some epic novel, but all I am getting is a relationship that reminds me of something from high school or college.
  • proudaunt
    proudaunt Posts: 46
    Agreed! Just finished book 3.
  • proudaunt
    proudaunt Posts: 46
    The books are terrible, in my opinion. But addictive. The author knows how to make you want to keep reading. However, Grey as a character is horrible. I don't really understand how all the girls are like, "Ooo Greeeyyy. So dreamy and perfect!" Okay, handsome and rich I get, but also controlling with a crap ton of baggage, and kind of a suffocating jerk. I'm not sure how that's appealing at all. Also Ana always gives into to everything, despite her being a "different sort of character who will stand her ground".

    Ana had the potential to being a really cool character, until she kept giving into everything just because he sexed her and gave her googly eyes. Geez, it's just kind of demeaning.

    Edit: Also, I might be the only female in the world who has read this and thinks this way. Feel free to disagree with me, this is just my two cents.

    Not sure how to "copy" this post but.....I agree 100%. Terribly written but addictive.
  • I barely got through the first book. Horrible. I can't even....just, no. I've ready cheesy, cheap, trashy romances that looked like advanced literature compared to this.

    Underdeveloped blank slate annoying characters, repetitive writing, no storyline...and the sex...well, if your idea of graphic S&M sex involves some spanking and bossing around, "gasping", and lots of utterings of "Holy Crap", well then, you might like this. But as was said in another reply, it's kinda obvious that the "erotic" bits are written by someone who hasn't done much more than vanilla sex herself...

    Just my 2 cents though....
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    my friends and I are going to make a 50 shades marionette show.