What is you accent?



  • NYChick84
    NYChick84 Posts: 331 Member
    New Yorker at its finest. lol I don't hear it, others do though lol
  • CountryMom03
    CountryMom03 Posts: 258 Member
    Southern Twang all the way here!!:) Have grown up all my life in Tennessee & Georgia:) My husband grew up in Chicago until he was about 13, then he moved down here to GA where he has been ever since. Now neither place will claim him. When he goes up North they tell him he has a Southern accent, down here they tell him he still has a Northern accent so he cant win lol

    My two all time fav accents to listen to is the Australian accent and the Irish accent:)

  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    Mostly Michigan, with a little South Carolina mixed in. From time to time I've had people ask me if I'm from California, although, I have no idea why as I've never been west of Minnesota. I guess because I've moved around so much since I was a kid, I tend to pick up the accent of whomever I'm talking to or spending alot of time with. It's weird, because I don't even realize I'm doing it.
  • mom2teebee
    mom2teebee Posts: 76 Member
    I grew up in Pittsburgh although I don't use the "yinz" which normally depicts someone from Pittsburgh. "Pop" has also become soda which is from living in the Philly/southern NJ area for the last 15 years.

    Some words are a dead give away though. To my ears Don and Dawn are said the same way. It would drive my coworkers crazy. And when I'm excited or not paying attention any word that ends in -eel comes out as -ill instead like steel or heel end up being still and hill.

    There are other small things like using to be with verbs. My husband would bug me about that all of the time. I'd say something needs + verb instead of something needs to be + verb.

    And I'm sure there are words that I use that are typical of Pittsburgh.
  • KBjimAZ
    KBjimAZ Posts: 369 Member
    I guess you could say I have a "redneck" accent, being from northeast Indiana. However, I spent a lot of my childhood on the UP of Michigan, and when I would come home, people would comment on my "Yooper" accent.

    I call it "Indiana Hillbilly"...that's what I have. Everyone in Arizona guesses that I am from Texas. hahaha
  • eireannyoung
    eireannyoung Posts: 154 Member
    I grew up in Connecticut around people with thick Yankee and Yiddish accents, and then part of the time in Manhattan, NY. I think I picked up the New York accent most of all, to the point where when I first moved to Oregon people would ask me to say the word "coffee" (it's KAW-FEE, of course :)) Well I've lived in Oregon almost ten years, so my accent is rather non-specific now :( I still have a mildly broad way of speaking though.
  • Selma10001984
    Selma10001984 Posts: 206 Member
    Hmm. Well, my mothertongue is French and Danish. When I came to Canada at the age of 11 and stayed for an entire school year, it was mostly a Danish accent. (God knows how much I hate it, allthough French accents aren't that much better either)So I worked and is still working hard on getting completely rid of it. I must say that Ive been quite successfull.

    When I was working at the bakers shop in a little spare of a fart town in Denmark and handed over the goods to what turned out to be a Canadian customer, he suddenly asked me if I've ever been to Prince Edward Island. And that was simply after uttering "which type of bread would you like?" (No "eh's"):tongue:
    I was happily surprised to know that some of it had rubbed off. :smile:
  • stephc0711
    stephc0711 Posts: 1,026 Member
    Mine is a mix of farmer and southern. I live in Missouri, my mom grew up in the southern part of the state, so I say things like "Missourah", "crick" (creek), & "Sant" (saint).
  • BSummers321
    BSummers321 Posts: 94 Member
    North Eastern Scottish, tends to come out even worse when I'm angry. I'll go into full slang mode, none of my English relatives would understand me lol

    edit: cough, Scottish and welsh accents are British accents too guys, I think you mean English :)
  • Selma10001984
    Selma10001984 Posts: 206 Member
    I love the scottish accent...especially in males : G-RRRard Butler:))
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    Depending on who I'm talking with/to, my accent will change noticeably ...

    growing up i was surrounded by stong accents... english and maltese at home, and Bermudian (the rest of the population of the country .. all my schoolmates and friends, etc)

    Oddly i never developed any regional accent.

    i live in western canada now, and the same remains true.. no specific sound to my voice.
    That being said, if i spend very long in the company of someone with an accent, i find myself slipping into their accent.

    My family used to laugh at me when i spent time with a friend with a very strong newfoundland accent, as everytime i went home i sounded like her *LOL*
    Same is true when i go home to Bermuda for a visit, or spend much time with my sri lankan friend *S*
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    Sort of a mild, non-specific British accent, I think might be the best way to describe it.

    pssst... you DO have a Bermudian accent... sorry *chuckling* only really more obvious maybe when you come to canada for a visit maybe *S*
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    Westcountry accent - I'm from Plymouth, Devon, UK
  • WishUponAStarx
    WishUponAStarx Posts: 41 Member
    Irish. Tap af the mornin ta ye!
  • chelle866
    chelle866 Posts: 53
    english.....the most boring accent :(
  • SomeoneSomeplace
    SomeoneSomeplace Posts: 1,094 Member
    Country to popular belief those of us in Boston CAN say the word car without the accent, lol.

    But I have trouble with magarita, corner, international, party...many others. It's when the r comes in the middle of the word. At the end I'm all set but it seems to disappearing the middle. I took come classes in high school that basically focused on speaking good English, with an acce nt. That helped me become more aware of it. I've found you sound more educated if you don't have a heavy Boston accent. A lot of yuppies will assume you're white trash just bc you have an accent.

    Whenever I go down to Florida or anywhere people know I'm from Boston right away tho so I guess I'm not that good at hiding it. But for where I'm from I am, most people who grew up around my neighborhood have much stronger accents, my parents included.
  • merls74
    merls74 Posts: 25
    Minnesota, so most likely a Mid-western accent, but I know I don't have the "Fargo"/Northern MN/ND accent! LOL! I don't think i have an accent though.
  • emmaonamission
    I have a Welsh accent that has been ruined by years of living in London, so I have a sorta stereotypical American twang... People who meet me for the first time always think I'm American because of this!
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Theres nothing cuter than an accent. I think theyre all attractive, but the best ever is a southern accent on a good down home man. mmm.
  • LadyofLight08
    LadyofLight08 Posts: 245 Member
    I have a Miamian accent? lol