Do you really think logging in every day to MFP helps?



  • brandsworld
    Oh yes!!! Holds me accountable and responsible for my eating habits!! Lost 50= pounds on 6 months due to this app :) Love it!! I not only changed my eating habits. I have changed my entire eating lifestyle.................for life. I will use this app for years to come :)
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    Of course it does! Not only does it keep me motivated but it also lets me see what goes in my mouth. I love MFP and without it I still think I'd be sitting down stuffing my face with chips and feeling sorry for myself. I look forward to exercise and love logging my foods daily. :smile: :smile:
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Yes, Yes, Yes !!!!! Helps me keep healthy thoughts to the forefront of my mind. It is also the connection to others who are trying to be healthy. Plus I am learning alot!
  • 2012newbie
    2012newbie Posts: 88 Member
    It always helps me to log my meals, keeps me honest with myself. I use to use dietwatch years ago when it was free. I think I like MFP better, although I only found this in January this year.
  • CentralCaliCycling
    CentralCaliCycling Posts: 453 Member
    For those of us with OCD it gives us something to do :D
  • bluebird321
    bluebird321 Posts: 733 Member
    It helps. My eating is structured and mindfully done because of the logging.
  • brunette824
    brunette824 Posts: 73 Member
    Yes, I've tried not logging and I always go back to bad habits so I make a deal with myself that I will eat whatever I want as long as I log it and if I'm logging it usually makes me want to eat less so win win situation
  • radreyfus
    radreyfus Posts: 1
    Yes. I am relatively new to MFP. I have been using it for about 3 weeks and have already seen results. One of my major problems is portion control. By logging in every day and being honest about what I eat, I can actually can gauge how much I am eating. It also allows me to plan ahead. On my birthday this week, I wanted birthday cake. I looked up how many calories it was and adjusted my eating habits for the day to account for the cake. I am not obsessive about logging, but try to keep the log current. I like the fact that MFP allows you to look in its data base and choose "close equivalents." My doctor recommended MFP and I am grateful he did.
  • StephStepByStep
    StephStepByStep Posts: 131 Member
    Yes for many reasons. I can keep track of my calories, but also each time I log in there is someone there for support, which I know is just as important as calorie counting. I also find healthy recipe ideas on here each day, so I am always excited to try some new healthy foods verses something bad for me!
  • moonlightturk
    I've heard that weight loss is 80% diet...knowing how much food you consume will help you be accountable of yourself and lose weight much more efficiently.
  • jerbear1962
    jerbear1962 Posts: 1,157 Member
    I like knowing where I am with my calories and my exercise and it keeps me accountable...
  • ems1583
    ems1583 Posts: 180 Member
    Absolutely! Lost 19 lbs already (started March 22) :D MFPs the greatest thing I did for losing weight :D
  • Merrysix
    Merrysix Posts: 336 Member
    yes, left to my own devices the calories start creeping up.....olive oil and almonds are healthy aren't they? I often weigh and measure too, because I keep forgetting what 4 oz "looks" like.
  • HisShadow
    HisShadow Posts: 59 Member
    Yes. 61 lbs in 100 days. I know it helps.
  • madworld1
    madworld1 Posts: 524
    Without a doubt, YES.
    I have been logging on daily for a few days now. I have made a commitment to log everything- even when I know the numbers are gonna be embarrassing. I have been able to stay closer to my goal numbers by pre-entering meals before I order out. It really does help. Back when I lived in NC, I lost all of my weight bc of my daily food journal. I was really committed back then. But, when we moved back to Texas, I stopped using it & I am now 25 pounds heavier. It helps to keep me accountable. I can't hide from calories when I actually enter them into myfitnesspal.
  • jdforshort
    jdforshort Posts: 269 Member
    Couldn't do without it! Before I found MFP (3 months ago), I used log it in a composition book and get the nutrient info from a book. This is much easier, I pre-plan the day and then change to actual as I go along during the day. I am no good at guesstimating, If I had to, I'll surely be underestimating everything except calories burnt! LOL!
  • rcclcruiser
    rcclcruiser Posts: 98 Member
    Definitely yes, because I would be eating right now if I didn't know where I stood with my calorie intake. I know that I am just barely under my calorie intake for the day, so I am drinking water for the rest of the evening.

    Before I eat my evening meal, I type in what I am thinking about eating. If it goes over my allowed calories, I delete it and type in something else that will keep me under my calorie limit. It is actually fun to see how much a certain food will cost you. It's nice when you can eat your favorite foods, be full, and still be under your calorie limit. I am working on being more consistent.
  • Want2BSkinny13
    It does for me, because when I don't check in I'm more likely to have more "faturdays"
  • xgemma87x
    xgemma87x Posts: 18 Member
    I'm new to it but I am finding it good to see what you are eating and what foods are worse for you than you thought.

    I have managed to cut down my calorie intake in a few days because I know where I was going wrong already.

    I have tried so many different diets and they don't work because I end up feeling hungry and they don't encourage exercise so I don't do it.
  • layapooh15
    layapooh15 Posts: 64 Member
    Heck yes it helps me stay on track and i love how it tells u how many days u lo freegged in:)f