My Weird Walmart Experience With a Cashier



  • cqueenbee12
    cqueenbee12 Posts: 48 Member
    Lol. Bizarre.

    I like when my purchase is 6.25 and I give them a $10 and a loonie ($1 coin for the non-Canadians) and a quarter so I can get a $5 bill back and they get confused and try to give me the coins back. Lol. Thats not just Walmart though.
    LOl! This one had me confused for a sec myself. I didn't know what the loonie was I was assuming that was the name for the ten until I reread the post. Maybe i should dust off the old resume and see if the walmart is hiring. LOL!
  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    For the people saying "get a career change", stfu. I work in a customer service job, am polite, professional and try my hardest to be pleasant and friendly. I get some of the rudest, nastiest people and have been cussed out and threatened for doing my job the way I was trained to and enforcing company policies. I AM looking for another job because I hate customer service but it is extremely difficult and I have bills to pay. Just because I am working in customer service, that makes some people think they can talk to me and treat me like a lesser being. NO, *kitten*, I am a human being, I don't come to your job and make your life hell.

    I completely understand. I just left Burger King as an assistant manager. Anyone I've ever worked with can tell you that I am the nicest person to customers but I seriously want to make a customer handbook. People just don't seem to understand that they are still required to treat those that they feel are "serving" them with respect and civility.

    It's a shame.
  • couponfun
    couponfun Posts: 714 Member
    As a quick 2 cents, I will say Wally World experiences depend on the area. The Super Walmart on the "affluent" side of town here - plenty of open registers, well stocked, clean, friendly staff, well lit, great prices, great customer service, fresh produce/meat. Even Black Friday was beyond easy and well organized, with maps, friendly staff, cashiers that had copies of ads for price matching, etc.

    At a different Walmart in a not-so-nice area? It looks like a bomb went off, loud customers, staff's idea of stocking is literally throwing stuff on the shelves (heard glass breaking one time), kids walking around in diapers, sticky floors, expired food on the shelves, almost no cashiers, etc.

    I think it's like a cycle. Nice area = nice store = attracts good employees = brings nice customers = higher profits = makes store nicer. Same in reverse. :smile:
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    some podunk mid-western welfare town.

    Hello? California has far more welfare recipients than any other state. Don't dump your west coast prejudices on us in the Midwest.

    So glad someone said this.
  • dpwellman
    dpwellman Posts: 3,271 Member
    I went to Walmart. AND I actually got to use a hand basket AND I didn't have to wait in any sort of line. I think there were a couple new hires. Of course on the way home I had to out-ride a T-storm. The last thing I want to do is clean my bike* when I get home.

    *bicycle-- this is MFP after all
  • LaLouve_RK
    LaLouve_RK Posts: 899 Member
    Ha! Not my proudest moment...but the cashiers never say hello at my Walmart. But I'm über friendly so I always have to say hi...I can't stand not saying hi. So I challenged my self not to speak and see if the cashier ever acknowledged my presence at her check out line. Nothing. I was fuming mad. Outraged pissed (and TOM) so finally when she finished ringing my purchase....she stood there silently...did not have the common curtosey to tell me my total(probably $350 or so) I exploded. I informed her that she was going to need to tell me hello and tell me the total out loud in order for me to pay. Etc etc etc...then the freaks behind me were looking at me like I was crazy.....I told them off too. Hahahahhahahaha!!!


    I've been meaning to tell someone about that. Lolz!

    Some just seems like they dont like their jobs ahahahah Then quit if you cant offer proper service!
  • Carolyn_79
    Carolyn_79 Posts: 935 Member
    I'm the original poster, and for the record I worked in customer service for years. I was a cashier at Shoppers Drug Mart while I put myself through University so I am by no means trying to say cashiers are dumb and I'm better than anyone else. For the few that got offended on here, you seriously need to grow some thicker skin. It was a funny conversation so that's why I posted it. I also understand the environmental concern but I live in an apartment building so I'm seriously not making 2 trips down from the 22nd floor so that I can grab my orange juice because it's not in a bag. Anyone that lives in an apartment understands slinging all the bags up your arms so that two trips aren't required.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Wow. Most of these posts are pretty high on the poster. Have you ever worked at Wal Mart? It seems as though that store attracts and multiplies the stupidity of of the stupidest people on earth.

    I worked for two months as cash at Walmart. And four more in the cell phone department. Believe me. If the wal mart cashier was concerned you didn't want a bag for your g** dam* juice, it's because four people that day freaked out that she was killing the trees by putting a bag on the juice.

    Stop believing you are important. The poor people who work there are just trying to do a pretty thankless job. As are most people in customer service. They put up with wierdos and all sorts all day long. Perhaps they are surly because the last ten customers were stupider and ruder than usual.

    Just sayin.

    Just sayin' I am pretty sure the post title was about an odd experience, meaning the OP is saying this isnt a "typical" experience with cashiers at Walmart. i am sure if she shared a "horrible customer" experience she would get just as many responses. No one is saying the customers arent as bad. I am sure most of us have worked in customer service at one point or another and understand, I know I have and have a million terrible or stupid customer stories (I have worked in call centers for technical support, can there be a more underappreciated gig, not to mention half my grief was caused by lazy coworkers who dont do their job) . There are good and bad on both sides, most of us realize that. Didn't really think that had to be pointed out to talk sbout one incident. It was a light hearted thread. Settle.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    For the people saying "get a career change", stfu. I work in a customer service job, am polite, professional and try my hardest to be pleasant and friendly. I get some of the rudest, nastiest people and have been cussed out and threatened for doing my job the way I was trained to and enforcing company policies. I AM looking for another job because I hate customer service but it is extremely difficult and I have bills to pay. Just because I am working in customer service, that makes some people think they can talk to me and treat me like a lesser being. NO, *kitten*, I am a human being, I don't come to your job and make your life hell.

    Read my above post
  • stepherzzzzz
    stepherzzzzz Posts: 469 Member
    For the people saying "get a career change", stfu. I work in a customer service job, am polite, professional and try my hardest to be pleasant and friendly. I get some of the rudest, nastiest people and have been cussed out and threatened for doing my job the way I was trained to and enforcing company policies. I AM looking for another job because I hate customer service but it is extremely difficult and I have bills to pay. Just because I am working in customer service, that makes some people think they can talk to me and treat me like a lesser being. NO, *kitten*, I am a human being, I don't come to your job and make your life hell.

    Agreed. I've been called every name in the book just for following company policies. A guy once called me a "stupid cun.t" because I had no dimes in my register to give him for the photocopier.
  • wldlndcpt
    wldlndcpt Posts: 25
    Let's hop in the "Way-back" machine for a minute:

    I was working at Burger King in the 70's, during the "Have it Your Way" campaign. I was at the counter and the conversation went something like this.

    Me: Good Evening, what can we make for you?
    Him: Can I really have it My Way?
    Me: Yes sir, what would you like?
    Him: I want you to sing the song for me.
    Me: (Sings song), now sir, what would you like?
    Him: Nothing, I just wanted to see if you would do it.

    Sigh! :bigsmile:
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    some podunk mid-western welfare town.

    Hello? California has far more welfare recipients than any other state. Don't dump your west coast prejudices on us in the Midwest.

    And look at the size of California in comparison.
  • JenAiMarres
    JenAiMarres Posts: 767 Member
    Ha! Not my proudest moment...but the cashiers never say hello at my Walmart. But I'm über friendly so I always have to say hi...I can't stand not saying hi. So I challenged my self not to speak and see if the cashier ever acknowledged my presence at her check out line. Nothing. I was fuming mad. Outraged pissed (and TOM) so finally when she finished ringing my purchase....she stood there silently...did not have the common curtosey to tell me my total(probably $350 or so) I exploded. I informed her that she was going to need to tell me hello and tell me the total out loud in order for me to pay. Etc etc etc...then the freaks behind me were looking at me like I was crazy.....I told them off too. Hahahahhahahaha!!!


    I've been meaning to tell someone about that. Lolz!
    I really hope that post is just trolling

    If not-

    Wow, maybe she was having a bad day? Maybe she just got a call that her dog died, or she was fighting with her boyfriend or her life just was falling apart? Maybe your just a rude little snot???? As if you can't buy your groceries without her saying hello to you. You are lucky you didn't come through my cash. I would have taken the order out. And left you to move your crap to another register. Unlike your unlucky cashier, I didn't work there for the money. So b*tches like you I would love to mess with.

    Nope not trolling. True story. Hey , I prefaced it with "not my proudest moment".
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 888 Member
    Ha! Not my proudest moment...but the cashiers never say hello at my Walmart. But I'm über friendly so I always have to say hi...I can't stand not saying hi. So I challenged my self not to speak and see if the cashier ever acknowledged my presence at her check out line. Nothing. I was fuming mad. Outraged pissed (and TOM) so finally when she finished ringing my purchase....she stood there silently...did not have the common curtosey to tell me my total(probably $350 or so) I exploded. I informed her that she was going to need to tell me hello and tell me the total out loud in order for me to pay. Etc etc etc...then the freaks behind me were looking at me like I was crazy.....I told them off too. Hahahahhahahaha!!!


    I've been meaning to tell someone about that. Lolz!
    I really hope that post is just trolling

    If not-

    Wow, maybe she was having a bad day? Maybe she just got a call that her dog died, or she was fighting with her boyfriend or her life just was falling apart? Maybe your just a rude little snot???? As if you can't buy your groceries without her saying hello to you. You are lucky you didn't come through my cash. I would have taken the order out. And left you to move your crap to another register. Unlike your unlucky cashier, I didn't work there for the money. So b*tches like you I would love to mess with.

    I think it is not too much for your cashier to say the total. Just common courtesy. And even if she was having a bad day, when you are dealing with customers, you should always be polite and courteous. And when you have people spending hundreds of dollars a pop (like I do as well) at your place of business, appreciate that people are spending money there so you have a job.

    Good thing you did not do that to me, because I would have reported you to the manager and then they could fire you. Of course, you would not care because you are independently wealthy and you were working at Walmart just to pass the time of day. None the less, I would have reported you and you probably would have been fired. Haters like you, I LOVE to mess with!!

    I can say that most of the employees at my Walmart are wonderful. I have six kids and I shop there every week. I wish they had more check out lines open, but that is not the cashier's fault. Our Walmart and their employees are really great!
  • apedeb09
    apedeb09 Posts: 805 Member

    Another time, I was waiting in line to cash out. I was 8 months pregnant, and with my husband and child. I was at the end of the cart and was about to cross into the threshold of the actual register lane, when a woman in an electric shopping scooter, came driving AT ME from two lines over, yelled at me that she was next in MY line and to get the F out of her way. I stood my ground, and asked her politely to explain to me WHY she felt she was next in my line. She said it was because she was shopping with the woman in front of me and I needed to get the F out of her way. She then aimed her electric scooter directly at me and started to drive AT me. Mind you I am 8 months pregnant. So I moved out of her way and moved over to the line she was in, and had to try calming my husband down. I really didn't want to create a scene, or worry about getting jumped in the parking lot. So after I moved lines, the two women started swearing at me from the line they were in, screaming at me. I told my cashier to get the manager immediately. After I explained what happened, and had witnesses backing me up, he attempted to ask them what happened. They went off on him calling him not nice names. He ended up kicking them out of the store, without their groceries. Then gave us an escort to our car.

    This kinda reminds me of when I was working as a cashier at Kmart... I had some lady screaming at me because I had stepped away from the register for literally only a minute because this old lady in a wheelchair in my line asked me if I could get her a candy bar.. I was being nice so I did, since the candy was right around the corner. I come back and the lady is like "OH come on! there are people waiting here" and then she starts yelling at the old lady... then she tells me she is leaving my line and goes to another while I was still ringing up the other lady. She goes to a new line and as soon as she sees me about to ring up the next customer waiting, she RUNS back over to my line and yells "Oh hell no, I don't think so! I AM NEXT IN LINE!! and literally pushed her out of the way....

    I quit probably a couple weeks after that happened because I was sick of dealing with people like that.. I seriously cannot believe how rude and childish some people are. It's ridiculous.
  • SmexAppeal
    SmexAppeal Posts: 858 Member
    Walcreatures... gotta love em :)
  • grumpy2day
    grumpy2day Posts: 212
    A few years ago I was in NC and stopped first at a liquor store to purchase a bottle of wine and corkscrew and was told by the cashier they do not sell corkscrews (my first wtf of the evening). Paid for the wine and went to walmart to purchase the corkscrew. This place was huge! To save time I asked an employee where to find the corkscrews and she and her co-worker apparently did not know what a corkscrew was so I had to describe what it was used for and the light suddenly comes on....Oh, You need the Gadget Aisle! WTF there is a Gadget Aisle!? Yep, there was a Gadget Aisle lol.
  • sbernardy
    sbernardy Posts: 188
    bumping for later :)
  • carld256
    carld256 Posts: 855 Member
    some podunk mid-western welfare town.

    Hello? California has far more welfare recipients than any other state. Don't dump your west coast prejudices on us in the Midwest.

    And look at the size of California in comparison.

    California has 3.3x as many people as Ohio, and 6.6x as many welfare recipients. I just found the characterization of welfare as a Midwest thing incredibly annoying, and I live in a Midwest podunk of a town as I've characterized it in other threads.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member

    ETA: Racist cashier was fired after my complaint. I genuinely think he was autistic, so I felt a bit bad-- but seriously, you cannot have someone like that working that type of job. It was awful.

    Disability or not you did the right thing, but someone being racist doesn't mean they're autistic...

    however....people with autism tend to not have the "brain to mouth filter" that other people have...and sometimes you can just *tell*. I say this as the mother of an autistic teen. I have actually picked out a guy on the spectrum who works at the local grocery who was ahead of me in line. the cashier made a comment to me that confirmed it....

    Both my brothers & several of my cousins are autistic, I understand what you mean, but just because this guy was racist, does not mean he has autism.

    very true...but sometimes there is just *something* about the person, a mannerism or speech pattern, that makes you strongly suspect it. I was talking to a friend last night about spectrum ( I diagnosed her niece a year before she was officially dx) as she suspects her grandson might also have a spectrum disorder. I told her that my "spectrum-dar" was screaming ( you know, like a gaydar, but for spectrum?) after we chatted about a few specific behaviors.

    I think the poster who mentioned it meant that she felt a little bad he got fired since he may not have known any better IF he has autism, however, it is NOT acceptable behavior.