No Results??? I give up!!



  • LindaCWy
    LindaCWy Posts: 463 Member
    It took me 7 whole months to lose 30 pounds. I have a friend who lost 35 pounds in 2 months. How? Anorexia.

    SO ya I'm okay with it taking me 7 months. :drinker:
  • Goal_Line
    Goal_Line Posts: 474 Member
    4 lbs is 20% of your goal. 20% of goal in 30 days is excellent. You didn't gain the weigh overnight nor will it come off overnight.

    My body is not meant to be sexy I guess.

    I don't understand self pity. The one thing for sure, if you quit it won;t be sexy. If you keep at it, you will. - The choice is yours.
  • lissaann22479
    DON"T GIVE UP!!!

    Those people that are heavier tend to lose weight a bit faster, but when you are not extremely over weight a person tends to lose weight at a slower rate. You also need to keep in mind that your body is also building muscle when you exercise like you are. You should drink lots of water on a daily bases! All I can say is giving up is not an answer,there are so many people on mfp for support! We all need encouragement and help from time to time. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!:smile:
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    4 lbs in one month when you only have 20 to lose is awesome! you should be very proud of yourself!! don't quit. And for the record, Muscle does not weight more than fat...5 lbs is 5 lbs, regardless, just 5 lbs of muscle looks MUCH better than 5 lbs of fat!! That could very well be your case...pull out the tape ANYTHING but give up...what is giving up going to accomplish?? probably gaining back the 4 lbs you worked your *kitten* off for, and possibly more making you even unhappier then you are now. It's a hard process, stick to it though, it's worth it!!! Best of luck!!

    Yes, muscle does weigh more than fat, that is like saying bricks don't weigh more than feathers. Yes 5 lbs of either will weigh the same. The phrase "muscle weighs more than fat" is meant in terms of size. Think how big of a bag of feathers you would have to have to get to 20 pounds, while it only takes about 4 bricks to weigh 20 pounds
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    4 lbs in one month when you only have 20 to lose is awesome! you should be very proud of yourself!! don't quit. And for the record, Muscle does not weight more than fat...5 lbs is 5 lbs, regardless, just 5 lbs of muscle looks MUCH better than 5 lbs of fat!! That could very well be your case...pull out the tape ANYTHING but give up...what is giving up going to accomplish?? probably gaining back the 4 lbs you worked your *kitten* off for, and possibly more making you even unhappier then you are now. It's a hard process, stick to it though, it's worth it!!! Best of luck!!

    Yes, muscle does weigh more than fat, that is like saying bricks don't weigh more than feathers. Yes 5 lbs of either will weigh the same. The phrase "muscle weighs more than fat" is meant in terms of size. Think how big of a bag of feathers you would have to have to get to 20 pounds, while it only takes about 4 bricks to weigh 20 pounds
    I think the major inaccuracy of this argument comes down to not the pound vs pound (because most people do understand its about mass), but the suggestion that people eating on a calorie deficit and exercising have gained a significant amount of muscle in a short period of time. People tend to throw out the "Oh, you must be gaining muscle" line way too casually around here.
  • KuroNyankoSensei
    KuroNyankoSensei Posts: 288 Member
    I've lost a pound a week and I see nothing wrong with that ;3. The less you weigh, the longer it will take you to lose~
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    4 lbs in one month when you only have 20 to lose is awesome! you should be very proud of yourself!! don't quit. And for the record, Muscle does not weight more than fat...5 lbs is 5 lbs, regardless, just 5 lbs of muscle looks MUCH better than 5 lbs of fat!! That could very well be your case...pull out the tape ANYTHING but give up...what is giving up going to accomplish?? probably gaining back the 4 lbs you worked your *kitten* off for, and possibly more making you even unhappier then you are now. It's a hard process, stick to it though, it's worth it!!! Best of luck!!

    Yes, muscle does weigh more than fat, that is like saying bricks don't weigh more than feathers. Yes 5 lbs of either will weigh the same. The phrase "muscle weighs more than fat" is meant in terms of size. Think how big of a bag of feathers you would have to have to get to 20 pounds, while it only takes about 4 bricks to weigh 20 pounds
    I think the major inaccuracy of this argument comes down to not the pound vs pound (because most people do understand its about mass), but the suggestion that people eating on a calorie deficit and exercising have gained a significant amount of muscle in a short period of time. People tend to throw out the "Oh, you must be gaining muscle" line way too casually around here.

    That is true, it is extemely hard to gain a lot of muscle and even harder to do it fast, naturally anyway. However, someone that doesn't have much muscle at all will gain a small amount pretty quickly when they first start working out just because their muscles have gone from no activity to a lot of activity, the same way people who are 300 pounds and go from eating McD's and not exercising to eating good and working out a lot lose a lot of weight really fast the first couple of months. So realistically she may have gained some muscle mass and actually lost a little over 4 pounds of fat the first month. Either way 4 pounds a month is a pretty good pace, especially since she only has 30 to lose
  • peachyxoxoxo
    peachyxoxoxo Posts: 1,178 Member
    Don't give up OP! I am in the same shoes as you. I've been doing Insanity for a month and "only" lost four pounds and my body hardly looks any different from 30 days ago. It's definitely difficult seeing pictures or hearing stats from other people who've seen drastic results in that short period of time. But one pound a week is good, and the closer you are to your goal weight, the slower the weight will come off. Although it is very frustrating that your goal seems so far off going at this rate, just keep reminding yourself that small changes are far better than sitting around doing nothing. I am confident you will get there, and so will I.
  • kalawhon
    kalawhon Posts: 162 Member
    Never give up!! I believe your doing great, you just started and you've lost 4lbs, that is awesome! I started in March, and It's taken me 4 months to lose 5lbs, I'm a lot smaller when I started, but girl It will take time! Hang in there!
  • LadyL2012
    LadyL2012 Posts: 127 Member
    Oh stop it. People you see on MFP who have lost 16 pounds in a month are usually OBESE, like I was when I started losing weight. I have lost 38 pounds and I am still quite overweight, 200 pounds, so my weight loss is still going to seem more than someone who only has 30 pounds to lose. Your weight loss is proportionate to your current weight!

    Yes, it very well may take you 7 months to lose the rest of your weight. So? The 7 months is going to pass anyway so you might as well just go on and lose the weight. Or you can just 'give up' i.e go back to whatever it was that caused you to gain the extra 30 pounds in the first place.

    You DON'T have to go the rest of your life with your stomach resting on your lap. If you choose to, that's your business. But understand it is your choice.

    I agree with this. Often obese people have huge weight loss to begin with, simply because they can have an easy 1000cal deficit, whereas someone who has say 30lbs to lose, wouldn't be able to. Unfortunately if you start off a bit overweight, it will take longer, but that comes with the positive of staying off, for good.

    Hang in there mama, a pound a week is a respectable loss.