More office pet peeves....



  • lil_bit_crazy
    lil_bit_crazy Posts: 161 Member
    for me, it's a BIGGER pet peeve if the person is out of the office and don't set the message, so you're continually trying to get an answer from them and you have no idea that they're gone and won't respond for a while....

    I don't do that for safety reasons. It be annoying to my co-workers, but I don't want the whole world to know that I'm not home right now. Seems stupid, right?

    The company I work for demands that you let everyone know when you are away. But, I disagree, I think personally, it's dangerous, not just for getting robbed, but it's also a little dangerous from a social engineering perspective. It's a bad policy and something that people shouldn't do. Instead, you just let a few people you work closely with know that you'll be out and that should suffice.

    That's my $.02 on the topic.

    My mom does this at home! Her answering machine changes by the hour!
    "Hi! We stepped out to Walmart then to the bank. We'll be home about 4 leave a message or call back!"
    :noway: WHAT!! so now I know no one is home, where you'll be (how far from home) and when you'll be back....UNSAFE!

    I've tried explaining this to hour later I called and got "hey we ain't home! Ran to get lottery tickets and cigarettes. Call us back!" I hung up.

    Never never never say you're not there. Home or work ...we used to put on ours "we can't answer the phone we're cleaning our guns BANG! oh s hit! Leave a message!" (Recorded gunshot from backyard.
  • opalescence
    opalescence Posts: 413 Member
    Lazy people period. oh what you're lazy and incompetent?
    ^^this... my job thats all they hire lazy and incompetence.
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    The office jargon slinger, we have one of these guys, everyday all day.
    Dial it in, throttle back on that, get your ducks in a row, drill down, synergize, let's precon (pre construction meeting), .....etc.
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    my co-workers who complain all day!!!! everything that comes out of their mouth is negative....and its about everything, they dont stop!!! I am in earshot and just want to shoot myself somedays ....
  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member
    1. typing the entire message of an email in the subject box. if its in all caps, then you can suck it.

    2. conference calls on speaker phone and you don't close your door.

    3. cold calls. and if you transfer one to me, you better believe it i'm going to get payback.

    4. simply not listening to what i tell you. yeah, i get it, you're an idiot but insist on cc'ing 12 people to try to make me look like the bad guy. but if i've explained something to you 10 times, trust that i WILL "reply all" and make it crystal clear to you and everyone else how big of a dumb *kitten* you are.

    5. replying all when its not neccesary.

    6. cc'ing people that have absolutely no association with the purpose of your email.

    7. people embellishing/lying on their linked in account or on any other social media. i realize this is not directly related to the office environment, but it still peeves me.

    8. people who generally have bad attitudes all the time. who wants to work around that.?

    9. constantly being on your cell phone for personal entertainment.

    10. texting or emailing during a meeting if its obvious that its not an emergency.

    11. talking up how oh so busy you've been in an attempt to make yourself look oh so in demand and important. i can understand venting, we can all vent to eachother, but don't be arrogant. we're ALL busy.

    k, i'll get off my soap box now and get back to work. this has been a nice five minute break.
  • pmuscil
    pmuscil Posts: 7
    People who aren't computer savvy who are constantly interrupting you and expect you teach them tips and tricks or just do their work for them. You try and teach them or help them once and then they come back to you with the same issue over and over because nothing sinks in. They don't want to actually learn, they just want you to do it for them. This is especially annoying when it isn't work related and personal. Then they ask the same question 20 different ways, hoping for a different result, when you tell them you can't help them. The blank stares with shooting arrows coming out of their eyes when you refuse are the most irritating...
  • galededras
    galededras Posts: 45 Member
    How did I forget - Being the only person in the department with a vagina does not automatically make me your Secretary.
  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member
    #8 The ones that can obviously see your busy/swamped/stressed and DONT STOP TALKING...Really do I have to tell you to go away, I havent looked at yoou the entire 20 minutes you've been yappin?

    YES!!! or the ones that chat with eachother one door down for 45 minutes. uhm, everyone else is working, you should be too. and you're annoying as SH--.
  • hkevans724
    hkevans724 Posts: 241 Member
    I also hate it when the boss interrupts my mfp-time to give me work to do.

  • Xniecex
    Xniecex Posts: 39 Member
    OMG, these have me cracking up!! but also wondering if we all work at the same place!!

    In ONE office we have:

    - the nail clipper guy who does full on manicures at his desk, according to the other males he also doesn’t wash his hands after the restroom,

    - the guy that snorts his boogers constantly(ACK!!!), tries to talk to other management about projects and procedures when he CLEARLY has no clue

    - a stinky female that cuts her HAIR (often times the books she works out of need hair cuts when she’s done with em) and the papers come back with mystery spots/stains frequently. There was a GLOB of hair in her cubicle one day… I about lost my lunch!!! Oh and to remedy the stink? They gave me a fan to put on my desk?? Instead of telling her to go home and scrub-a-dub-dub I got a fan!

    - and we have a switch hitter. Super friendly and totally agrees about the department being a wreck. But then is really good friends with the manager.

    Now, for the breakroom:

    - we have people that get up and walk out leaving their chair in the middle of the room. Wasn’t it elementary school where you learned to push in your chair before leaving?!?

    - someone puts his food in the microwave for about 10 minutes and returns to their desk, then when it’s done clocks out for lunch. really?? meanwhile, my *kitten* already clocked out and now have to waste my lunch waiting for yours to be done so I can START mine. And then talk on the cellphone the entire time in the breakroom. EVERYONE hated it. I finally had it… and called him on it. He said he hadn’t noticed and would make an effort to go outside when on a personal call if others were in the room.

    - We have the sloppy, trashy, employees. Scares me to think about their homes!!!

    - You OPENED the door to come in, CLOSE the door when you go out! plain and simple.
  • jwaitman
    jwaitman Posts: 367 Member
    The nosey person in the office that thinks everything is about them and they need to know everything. If I didn't tell you, it must not be any of your business.
  • ArtemisMoon
    ArtemisMoon Posts: 144
    1. People who wear heavy perfume/cologne. If I can smell you when I can't even see you, it is really obnoxious. Not to mention really aggravates people with breathing problems. :grumble:

    2. The woman who forgets to lock the stall door...thankfully I don't work with her anymore. :noway:

    3. I have seen everything from body hair to toilet paper to urine to POO SMEARS in the bathrooms! And it is a nice, high-end, new office building with professional employees, so I find myself even more disgusted with the behavior. :explode:

    4. People who hog all the space in the fridge. They will bring in huge containers of milk or other items and just leave them 'til they rot or someone else throws it out. With as many people sharing as there is, you should only bring what you need for the day. :angry:

    5. The idiot who put a glass bottle of soda in the freezer... :mad:

    I need to stop, lol...I could go on for days!
  • lunarastro
    lunarastro Posts: 32 Member
    PP said,
    "Hahaha!!! Love it! Where I work, apparently there was one woman (she doesn't work there now, gee, I wonder why?) who thought everything in the fridge was free game for her taking. About once a month one of the warehouse workers would put on an awesome BBQ with chicken and burgers ... one time she took half the meat before it was cooked and hid it under her desk to take it home. Another time, she told another girl, "Hey I drank your last SlimFast so you'll need to buy more." Funny thing is, if you tried to take something of hers (just give her a taste of her own medicine), she would let all hell break loose. The sense of entitlement some people have really blows my mind. "

    You should make a lunch for for a week but put your name on it but dont eat it. Brin another lunch for you seperatley that dosent have to be put in the fridge. Put some ex-lax brownies in one day. Make a sandwich with a big glob of pure Wasabi buried in the middle so she eats 1/2 of it without thinking, them BAM! mouthfull of wasabi. Make a peanutbutter and ketchup sandwich. She will think it is PBJ. pou citric acid crystals on strawberries to make them super sour. Make egg salad with a tablespoon of salt in it. Put a piece of cake with a layer of siracha under the icing. Once she eats all the horrible food, she may atart shying away from your lunches.
  • RedHeadDevotchka
    RedHeadDevotchka Posts: 1,394 Member
    People who try to get you to buy their:
    skin care products
    food stuff
    candy bars
    girl scout cookies
    gift wrap
    or whatever else kind of fundraising things that people are SO pushy about! I don't want it!!!
  • Puddles0308
    Sorry if this was posted already, didnt read through.

    When someone sends me an email and then calls me to see if I got it. WTF.....just call me in the first place! :)
  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member
    4. People who hog all the space in the fridge. They will bring in huge containers of milk or other items and just leave them 'til they rot or someone else throws it out. With as many people sharing as there is, you should only bring what you need for the day. :angry:


    You don't need to bring a week's worth of frozen meals at one time. I understand that makes it convenient for you, but you're leaving less space for the rest of us.
  • _LilPowerHouse
    _LilPowerHouse Posts: 365 Member
    The office guy here next to me eats lunch at his desk and SLURPS everything.. even a dry *kitten* sandwich.. and he also makes slurping sounds when he talks... grrrrrr... :angry:

    also farts and thinks that no one can hear him.. I seriously am going to lose my job one day.. :grumble:
    xSCiNTILLATEx79 Posts: 245 Member
    #8 The ones that can obviously see your busy/swamped/stressed and DONT STOP TALKING...Really do I have to tell you to go away, I havent looked at yoou the entire 20 minutes you've been yappin?

    YES!!! or the ones that chat with eachother one door down for 45 minutes. uhm, everyone else is working, you should be too. and you're annoying as SH--.

    lol ,luckily I'm at the opposite side of the building from everyone so I only have to deal with this if I go out to the sales floor. However it definately happens, thats why they like to come "visit me" they think Im lonely when in fact Im in my nice quiet space "WORKING" or on MFP :bigsmile:
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Public nail clipper guy....none of us wants to hear you clipping your nails, go to the bathroom or better it at home!

    We had one of these... and when he was let go and we had to go through his desk to clean up we found that he wasn't clipping them into his trash can but a drawer... IT WAS GROSS!!!

    hope the office popped for the postage & mailed them to the guy :laugh:
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    Public nail clipper guy....none of us wants to hear you clipping your nails, go to the bathroom or better it at home!

    LOL!! Tooo funny!!