Honest answers only



  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    Seen a few post, and maybe it has been discussed already, but "homosexuals" are born that way. I guess not everyone took science in highschool or junior high. They cannot help falling in love with their own sex, as we can't help falling in love with the opposite sex. It is not an option they can choose. And I think it's rediculous some people actually believe they choose that lifestyle. Just goes to show how ignorant people really are and have been for centuries. And thats why this world is so messed up because some people have a small closed mind and can't except that people besides them are different. That goes for racism, sexism, and homosexuals. Hatred is evil and that is a sin my friends.

    THIS IS SO MISINFORMED. there is NO gay gene. this is one school of thought.

    took science in high school, and in university, and if you were to ask my anthropology professor, who was openly gay....he was not BORN gay.

    there is no evidence of a gay gene, please don't spew bs

    edit for extra clarity: i am not saying people 'choose to be victimized', i am saying that like any other behaviours and desires, they grow with us. i don't think people are hardwired to being gay OR straight.
  • Zoesmum025
    Zoesmum025 Posts: 37
    @mgmlap. True dat!
  • shirayne
    shirayne Posts: 263 Member
    I took this statement off of a friend's status update and would really like some answers. I'm not trying to start a war but am interested to see what people will say..so here goes; "If you are anti-gay I want to know why, other than, "it's in the Bible"?

    it can also harm the norm of a family where a child is raised by either two men or two women... the amount of abuse that child could receive is unfair, and it is hard for any child to not have a balance of having both a mom and a dad... just an honest answer.

    I was going to stay out of this topic because I accept that you just cannot change a persons mind, especially on a forum, but this comment made my knee jerk so hard I practically gave myself a black eye. There is NO EVIDENCE whatsoever to prove that a child of a gay couple is more susceptible to abuse than a child of a straight couple. And as someone who has, briefly, worked in the child care field I can tell you that I saw PLENTY of straight people abusing their children.

    Also, let's remember that any old straight couple could have a kid: a single one night stand and oops! She's pregnant and he's pissed and she knows her parents will kick her out if she comes home with a baby so now there's a child born into this world who gets left in a box at a fire station. Meanwhile, that gay couple who has been together for 17 years has put in another application to adopt and has been denied.

    I'm not saying that ALL straight couples are bad parents and that ALL gay couples are good parents. What I'm saying is: there are good and bad parents of ALL orientations and being a good parent has nothing to do with what you do in the bedroom and EVERYTHING to do with how you treat your children.

    Also, the 'balance' idea is complete BS. This is 2012, there are plenty of good, well-adjusted kids being raised in single-parent households nowadays (raises hand) and if one woman can do it by herself, then 2 men or 2 women can do just as good a job.

    You didn't quite understand the previous comment before you got on your...Gigantic SOAP BOX......The comment was referring to the child of same sex parents becoming subject to teasing and abuse from other children....and let's be real...Bulling is a age old problem that ALL children will encounter at some point in their childhood....wether its being too fat,skinny,light dark,short,tall, freckles,glasses you name it some kid will encounter that type of peer abuse...why would anyone want to add GAY Parents to the list...beats me....If you want a child...get It the way it was intended....by copulation beteween a MAN & WOMAN.

    So does that mean children whose parents have chosen not to care for them or are unable to should not be adopted? Because essentially that's what you are saying. The "acquisition" (please excuse the use of this word in this context) of a child via adoption means the adoptive parents have not "gotten it as intended" (your words not mine).

    As for being gay, I don't believe it is any more a choice than it is to be attracted to someone with blue eyes or red hair or a funny personality. Attraction by definition is "the force by which one object attracts another". The physiological responses we have due to attraction is caused in part by the production of dopamine. Some of it is also due to mental and emotional responses we have when attracted to something/someone. This comprises the attributes, qualities, and things that, in our mind, we perceive are attractive. We form this paradigm in our minds, which over time becomes part of our emotions. When we see someone that meets our paradigm it triggers our subconscious mind and the attraction process begins with the release of dopamine. Everyone has a different paradigm of what he or she perceives is attractive. So essentially, the subconscious mind is what "tells" someone whether they like guys or girls. It's not a conscious "choice".
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    Seen a few post, and maybe it has been discussed already, but "homosexuals" are born that way. I guess not everyone took science in highschool or junior high. They cannot help falling in love with their own sex, as we can't help falling in love with the opposite sex. It is not an option they can choose. And I think it's rediculous some people actually believe they choose that lifestyle. Just goes to show how ignorant people really are and have been for centuries. And thats why this world is so messed up because some people have a small closed mind and can't except that people besides them are different. That goes for racism, sexism, and homosexuals. Hatred is evil and that is a sin my friends.

    THIS IS SO MISINFORMED. there is NO gay gene. this is one school of thought.

    took science in high school, and in university, and if you were to ask my anthropology professor, who was openly gay....he was not BORN gay.

    there is no evidence of a gay gene, please don't spew bs

    There doesn't need to be a "gay" gene as such to be born gay. There are plenty of environmental factors that come into play when we're talking about how we're born.

    What makes male or female (pardon the assumption of a binary gender system for a moment)? Chromosomes, right? More specifically, the father's contribution. So what caused that particular sperm to win? It wasn't a gene; it was most likely environmental, but obviously there is a genetic component to gender.
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    Seen a few post, and maybe it has been discussed already, but "homosexuals" are born that way. I guess not everyone took science in highschool or junior high. They cannot help falling in love with their own sex, as we can't help falling in love with the opposite sex. It is not an option they can choose. And I think it's rediculous some people actually believe they choose that lifestyle. Just goes to show how ignorant people really are and have been for centuries. And thats why this world is so messed up because some people have a small closed mind and can't except that people besides them are different. That goes for racism, sexism, and homosexuals. Hatred is evil and that is a sin my friends.

    environmental factors are more at play outside of biology, just saying. i think they do have an effect, so i agree there. but i think once the baby is born the environment takes more effect.

    THIS IS SO MISINFORMED. there is NO gay gene. this is one school of thought.

    took science in high school, and in university, and if you were to ask my anthropology professor, who was openly gay....he was not BORN gay.

    there is no evidence of a gay gene, please don't spew bs

    There doesn't need to be a "gay" gene as such to be born gay. There are plenty of environmental factors that come into play when we're talking about how we're born.

    What makes male or female (pardon the assumption of a binary gender system for a moment)? Chromosomes, right? More specifically, the father's contribution. So what caused that particular sperm to win? It wasn't a gene; it was most likely environmental, but obviously there is a genetic component to gender.

    it totally didn't post my info. anyway, these are all schools of thought. i am all about non-gender normativity. and i think there are many many more factors outside of the womb that build us into who we are.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    i'm not going to read everything but all I will say is, we are not living in bible times. its 2012. Someone you know is gay wether you know they are gay or not.

    They are people just like everyone else. I don't hold that against them. I have gay friends and family who are perfectly nice people who want to be in love like everyone else does.

    Now if they choose to behave in a vulgar or disrespectful manner that's another thing, but so do straight people and that I don't like.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    There is no such thing as a gay gene but there is evidence that sexual orientation and traits can be determined in utero.

    Therefore people can literally be born (rather than conceived) gay.

    Baby I was born this way....
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    also, saying people are born gay is a way to normalize it for people.

    it IS normal to be gay. but people feel they need to normalize it because of the hatred that is down through the ages. even animals have gay tendencies.

    but, you can't tell me that saying..."they were born gay" isn't a way of trying to defend being gay.

    if someone was to say, "i chose a gay lifestyle at 30" that they would be treated with as much respect.

    just my observation, i don't think i am a scientist like many people lol
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    There is no such thing as a gay gene but there is evidence that sexual orientation and traits can be determined in utero.

    Therefore people can literally be born (rather than conceived) gay.

    Baby I was born this way....

    where is the research on this. i am willing to believe, i just haven't read anything that identifies this.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    I had a conversation about the "born this way" question with a gay friend years ago.

    He said this: "I would not have CHOSEN to live this way, because has not made my life an easy one". He also said he had dated girls in high-school and could have easily married one and had a traditional family, but even at that time, he knew there was something else he wanted/needed, that a woman couldn't give him. So, I do believe there's something to the theory that people can be born a certain way.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member

    I am not anti-gay. I am anti-sin, I don't approve of any sex between anyone that isn't husband and wife. That includes straight couples who aren't married. The only sex that is ok in God's eyes is between and husband and wife. Any other is sin, gay or not!

    Phew, good thing God doesn't exist!
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    It clearly say not bible related.

    I'm anti, because is not natural. In the animal kingdom you need a female and a male to procreate, this is as I said not bible related.

    The fact of having 'hybrids' animals doesn't mean those are homosexual, because that's the way they are, not males, not females.

    I dislike when humans want to do whatever they want regardless of mother nature showing all around how it's supposed to be. not HUMAN rules of any kind, but just the wise mother nature...

    I don't hate homosexual regardless, I just disagree it's non nature related meaning, but I let people be as long as they let me be too.

    It's as much honest as i can get, so if you re gay out there, i don;t hate you or anything, i just don't like it, but I respect it.

    Oh and since minorities always complain people must understand their postures, make marches and become victims, same for them, if they say they are fighting to be accepted, why don;t they make an example and accept not being accepted? Minorities or majorities way is not the rule where everyone must change to :). We are all so different so just accept each other point of view.

    animals are actually quite gay at times, look it up and spread the love ;)
  • Zoesmum025
    Zoesmum025 Posts: 37
    It also says in the bible that you should kill your children if they disobey you, so I think giving "because it's in the bible" as an answer for anything is a complete fallacy.

    I have never figured out the anti-gay thing either. Why is someone's sex-life anyone else's business?

    Where in the bible does it say "murder your children"?
  • ScubyUK
    ScubyUK Posts: 271 Member
    also, saying people are born gay is a way to normalize it for people.

    it IS normal to be gay. but people feel they need to normalize it because of the hatred that is down through the ages. even animals have gay tendencies.

    but, you can't tell me that saying..."they were born gay" isn't a way of trying to defend being gay.

    if someone was to say, "i chose a gay lifestyle at 30" that they would be treated with as much respect.

    just my observation, i don't think i am a scientist like many people lol

    I shouldn't have to defend being Gay at all!

    Trust me on this, there is NOTHING worse than being a kid of 13/14 years old, knowing that you're gay, trying to understand it and figuring out what it all means, and having to hide the fact from the people who are supposed to love you the most because you listen to your parents and their friends making snide jokes and comments about other family members or neighbours being gay, and being scared that you will be rejected for who and what you are. It is soul destroying.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    There is no such thing as a gay gene but there is evidence that sexual orientation and traits can be determined in utero.

    Therefore people can literally be born (rather than conceived) gay.

    Baby I was born this way....

    where is the research on this. i am willing to believe, i just haven't read anything that identifies this.


    I haven't read the study itself but I presume it is available on Google Scholar.
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    I had a conversation about the "born this way" question with a gay friend years ago.

    He said this: "I would not have CHOSEN to live this way, because has not made my life an easy one". He also said he had dated girls in high-school and could have easily married one and had a traditional family, but even at that time, he knew there was something else he wanted/needed, that a woman couldn't give him. So, I do believe there's something to the theory that people can be born a certain way.

    maybe it wasn't a choice, but i am still edgy about saying people are born that way. look at some of the people on the thread that are against gay people, their main defence is either god (let's just lol at that) and "it is not natural"

    so if it "was" proven as natural, then they would be ok with it? i think there is just something to saying we are born a certain way, it makes things excusable? but i don't think being LGBTTTIQQ needs any justification
  • DonniesGirl69
    DonniesGirl69 Posts: 644 Member
    It also says in the bible that you should kill your children if they disobey you, so I think giving "because it's in the bible" as an answer for anything is a complete fallacy.

    I have never figured out the anti-gay thing either. Why is someone's sex-life anyone else's business?

    Where in the bible does it say "murder your children"?

    Deuteronomy 21:18-21

    "If a man has a stubborn and rebellious son who does not obey his father and mother and will not listen to them when they discipline him, 19 his father and mother shall take hold of him and bring him to the elders at the gate of his town. 20 They shall say to the elders, "This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious. He will not obey us. He is a profligate and a drunkard." 21 Then all the men of his town shall stone him to death."
  • HWeatherholt
    HWeatherholt Posts: 283 Member
    Personally, I think being gay is a mix of both nature and nurture.

    I think you are born "that way" but the environment in which you are raised has to "give you permission" to act on your desires.

    I personally know someone who got married and was trying to start a family because that is what he "was supposed" to do. Luckily they didn't have a family before he realized he wasnt going to be happy and needed to live his life the way he wanted.

    I have many friends and several relatives that are gay, and some, despite their family/religious up brining.

    If you haven't watched it, check out http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/c0cf508ff8/prop-8-the-musical-starring-jack-black-john-c-reilly-and-many-more-from-fod-team-jack-black-craig-robinson-john-c-reilly-and-rashida-jones.
  • Jani2416
    Jani2416 Posts: 275 Member
    also, saying people are born gay is a way to normalize it for people.

    it IS normal to be gay. but people feel they need to normalize it because of the hatred that is down through the ages. even animals have gay tendencies.

    but, you can't tell me that saying..."they were born gay" isn't a way of trying to defend being gay.

    if someone was to say, "i chose a gay lifestyle at 30" that they would be treated with as much respect.

    just my observation, i don't think i am a scientist like many people lol

    I shouldn't have to defend being Gay at all!

    Trust me on this, there is NOTHING worse than being a kid of 13/14 years old, knowing that you're gay, trying to understand it and figuring out what it all means, and having to hide the fact from the people who are supposed to love you the most because you listen to your parents and their friends making snide jokes and comments about other family members or neighbours being gay, and being scared that you will be rejected for who and what you are. It is soul destroying.

    I'm sorry that you had to go through this, people should feel supported no matter who they love.
  • chlorisaann
    chlorisaann Posts: 366 Member

    Nuff said....

This discussion has been closed.