Honest answers only



  • CJisinShape
    CJisinShape Posts: 1,404 Member
    I suppose that part of the confusion people have regarding Christian viewpoint on this topic might be from not knowing the foundations of Christian belief. The non-Christian argues the for the natural tendencies whereas the devoted Christian fights against the natural human tendencies in himself. For instance, it comes naturally to tell small lies when convenient. The devoted Christian fights against this natural tendency to lie, because he knows God is holy and strives to be holy because that is Gods desire for him.

    Jesus did not come to condemn the world, he came to save it. Part of that job of saving is to show people what they need to be saved from, which is, their enslavement to their sin nature. All of us want happy, fulfilling lives, but so many are caught up in self-destructive behaviors, from alcoholism to passive-aggressive behavior toward a spouse. They cannot reach that place of peace they seek because their natural inclination is toward behavior that is destructive.

    Morality alone can't fix this, because it is like treating a symptom without healing the cause. The cause is our sinful nature, the cure is Jesus. Many people try to seek happiness in their sins, relationsips, work, food, but eventually find out that it does not satisfy. The only thing that can satisfy the human soul is intimacy with God. This is why many people who have had great struggle have great joy, because their powerlessness over a situation caused them to pray a lot. These prayers, these conversations with God, builds the relationship and satisfies the soul. Jesus makes that close relationship possible.
  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    Honestly, how can you want an honest answer but forbid talk of the bible if someone believes in the bible?

    Exactly! Thank you!!!!
    Because we want answers from people that can actually think for themselves and not rely on some fictional book for everything.
  • DonniesGirl69
    DonniesGirl69 Posts: 644 Member
    Honestly, how can you want an honest answer but forbid talk of the bible if someone believes in the bible?

    Do you believe that a woman who is raped is obligated to marry her attacker?
    Do you believe that if your child is disobedient, he should be stoned to death?

    There are many things in the Bible that simply aren't applicable or that are downright ludicrous.

    I'm a believer in a higher power....I have faith in the innate goodness of mankind.

    I also accept that the Bible was written by men and men are imperfect and often wrong.....
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    I was born heterosexual. Some are born differently. Them's the facts.

    If you've ever worked on a farm, you would know that sometimes a bull is not interested in the cows (female). It happens. They were born that way. So those that argue that it's "not natural" are incorrect.
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    also, saying people are born gay is a way to normalize it for people.

    it IS normal to be gay. but people feel they need to normalize it because of the hatred that is down through the ages. even animals have gay tendencies.

    but, you can't tell me that saying..."they were born gay" isn't a way of trying to defend being gay.

    if someone was to say, "i chose a gay lifestyle at 30" that they would be treated with as much respect.

    just my observation, i don't think i am a scientist like many people lol

    I shouldn't have to defend being Gay at all!

    Trust me on this, there is NOTHING worse than being a kid of 13/14 years old, knowing that you're gay, trying to understand it and figuring out what it all means, and having to hide the fact from the people who are supposed to love you the most because you listen to your parents and their friends making snide jokes and comments about other family members or neighbours being gay, and being scared that you will be rejected for who and what you are. It is soul destroying.

    I'm so sorry that you read such trash and ignorance on this thread and had to experience such pain in your life. It is senseless and barbaric and primitive; the way some heterosexuals feel about LGBT people. (((hugs)))
  • cestlafete
    cestlafete Posts: 71 Member
    Personally I'm anti-gay not because I came from a machista culture (I'm Hispanic) nor from a strict Roman Catholic family but honestly I find that some of the gay men are very hot. Plus I'm not interested in women's private parts. I assume that you used the word "gay" to mean homosexual people that also include lesbians as well.

    One thing that I find a bit disturbing is when a gay competes in a beauty pageant with real women. For me, sexual preference & biology aren't the same.

    However I don't meddle with other people's sexual preference. We all have a free will to choose what we want to be.

    Just thought I'd mention, and I'm making the assumption you're referring to the Miss Universe contestant, but that is not a case of 'a gay' competing against 'real women', but a case of a post-operative transsexual (who is a real woman) competing against other women (who we assume to be real women as well).

    Not to open up that can of worms, but I think that this distinction needs to be made. Transsexuals are not just 'gays' and it has absolutely nothing to do with sexuality.
  • chlorisaann
    chlorisaann Posts: 366 Member
    If it harms none, do what ye will.

    Beautifully said!! and Blessed Be!!!
  • jenbk2
    jenbk2 Posts: 614 Member
    Honestly, how can you want an honest answer but forbid talk of the bible if someone believes in the bible?

    Exactly! Thank you!!!!
    Because we want answers from people that can actually think for themselves and not rely on some fictional book for everything.

    ^^ THIS. The fact that people believe in a book that was written years ago boggles my mind. I can write a book today and in 2000 years from now people will believe what i have written??? Does that even seem right to you? Let's not forget how the book has been changed over the years(Nicene Council) . Basically making women and black people men's slaves.. but that is another thread...
  • MFPBrandy
    MFPBrandy Posts: 564 Member
    Because it's just not natural and don't tell me you're born that way, you choose to be gay, period. I am anti LGBT everything
    ...You go around all high and mighty, not having to worry about people not only hating you (even though they've never met you)...
    Oh, I don't know about that...
  • The_New_Christina
    The_New_Christina Posts: 818 Member
    Ummm...I am not an avid bible reader, but heard that the "end of the world (2012) was written somewhere in there. So are we supposed to believe this too? Just saying. I'm not anti anything. I love everyone. Cuz remember Jesus died for our sins. SO if anti-gays think being gay is a sin, well, don't matter now does it. Cuz we all are forgiven our sins. IMO :heart:
  • NikkiSixGuns
    NikkiSixGuns Posts: 630 Member
    Why do we need to have a conversation about whether or not we all approve or disapprove of a particular sexual orientation/preference/lifestyle?

    Would we really have the same discussion about whether we're pro or anti heterosexual? And if you're not, then why not?

    Seems kinda one-sided to me.

    Personally, I'm OK with homosexual people. I'm much more interested in what kind of person they are than what gender they're attracted to.

    That said, I don't need to be slapped in the face with LGBT parades and such. IMO, if you go about drawing attention to yourself like that then you'll always be perceived as different. If someone wants to be accepted and treated just like "the rest of the world", then they need to stop proclaiming how different they are...
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    oh oops. I misread the initial OP! Sorry!
    I wouldn't post such a topic. Because honestly, if I had friends that were homophobes...we could quite possibly cease to be friends.

    Religious reasons or not.
  • mrsnathanandrew
    mrsnathanandrew Posts: 631 Member
    Honestly, how can you want an honest answer but forbid talk of the bible if someone believes in the bible?

    Do you believe that a woman who is raped is obligated to marry her attacker?
    Do you believe that if your child is disobedient, he should be stoned to death?

    There are many things in the Bible that simply aren't applicable or that are downright ludicrous.

    I'm a believer in a higher power....I have faith in the innate goodness of mankind.

    I also accept that the Bible was written by men and men are imperfect and often wrong.....

    i LOVE you ^^

    I'm not antigay, I see nothing wrong with it. My dads real father is gay, I don't call him Grandpa because he was never a part of my life not because he's gay. I have many homosexual friends and love them to death. It's their life, if they're happy who are we to stand in the way?
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Honestly, how can you want an honest answer but forbid talk of the bible if someone believes in the bible?

    Do you believe that a woman who is raped is obligated to marry her attacker?
    Do you believe that if your child is disobedient, he should be stoned to death?

    There are many things in the Bible that simply aren't applicable or that are downright ludicrous.

    I'm a believer in a higher power....I have faith in the innate goodness of mankind.

    I also accept that the Bible was written by men and men are imperfect and often wrong.....
    Well said!
  • MFPBrandy
    MFPBrandy Posts: 564 Member
    I'm opposed to the militant approach some people take when addressing their sexuality. Some of the time there seems to be a rather in-your-face kind of attitude that's presented, and I don't really understand the reasoning. I have family that's homosexual, and friends that are as well, but oftentimes it can get wearing when it's constantly brought to one's attention. Whatever happened to identifying oneself as "a baker" or "avid reader" or "fan of rugby" or so on?

    I don't want to get a mental image of people doing their thing every time I have a conversation. It's one thing to hug or kiss or hold hands in front of someone, and it's a whole other bear when a person is constantly bringing up their sexual orientation. Sometimes I just want to tell them: I don't incessantly discuss my sexual escapades or proclivities, why do you? People aren't two-dimensional, and yet so often it seems to be the case when interacting with the homosexual community.
    I agree that people who push their cause, whatever it be (I notice it most with religion), disproportionately in normal/unrelated conversation, are annoying. I'm sorry those are the only gay people you're meeting, because that hasn't been my experience at all. Except, I should add, for those that are just recently out -- and that's sort of a natural pendulum effect; people who are insecure and expecting attack will often go on the offensive.
  • recoiljpr
    recoiljpr Posts: 292
    Just thought I'd mention, and I'm making the assumption you're referring to the Miss Universe contestant, but that is not a case of 'a gay' competing against 'real women', but a case of a post-operative transsexual (who is a real woman) competing against other women (who we assume to be real women as well).

    Interesting point, what makes up a "real" woman (or man for that matter)? Is it external appearance alone? Is it how a person feels in their head? Or is it they have specific reproductive organs from birth?

    If a transsexual should be able to compete in the Miss Universe pageant, should a transsexual be able to compete in gender specific sports? Would that give them unfair advantages?

    It's a seemingly simple sounding question that can have quite a large broader impact...
  • shierrarobin
    shierrarobin Posts: 181
    I was never against homosexuality even when I still believed in the bible. I no longer believe in the bible since I've read certain passages (like the one about stoning your children when they don't obey and the one about a virgin woman who was raped being forced to marry her rapist).

    I can't bring myself to believe that the God who is supposed to love and care for us would have us stoned just for being a homosexual or for disobeying our parents. I believe in God, but not the god of the bible. I believe in a loving God who cares for his children and loves them no matter what. I don't believe in a god who would condemn us for living our lives a certain way, especially since he created us. Why would he condemn us for being the way he made us?

    So I will forever be in favor of homosexual rights including gay marriage and the right for homosexuals to adopt children.

    And for those who believe that homosexuality is unnatural: certain animals like the dolphin, penguin, and even dogs perform sexual acts on those of the same gender all the time. In fact, I've seen a male dog mount a male dog on several occasions. There's nothing "unnatural" about it.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,728 Member
    People are anti-gay because a religious book written by people many centuries ago tells them it is an abomination, and people will find ANY reason to hate someone who is different than they are.

    That same book also tells you not to judge others, and to treat them as you would have yourself be treated.

    I don't think it is only religious people who are anti-gay. I think there are religious people who are just fine with homosexuality. And I think there are non-religious people who are not fine with it.

    I think it's dangerous to group people together like you did. It's very narrow-minded.
  • The_New_Christina
    The_New_Christina Posts: 818 Member
    To the person who wrote:

    If someone wants to be accepted and treated just like "the rest of the world", then they need to stop proclaiming how different they are...

    My response:

    I'm different. I'm half Mexican. With all these new immigration laws being pushed I'm hearing racist remarks (not to me directly), but hey....I'm not gonna hide my nationality just for fear of backlash. I'm gonna let anyone and everyone know because I'm proud of my Mexican side. So why would gays need to hide their pride?
  • CJisinShape
    CJisinShape Posts: 1,404 Member
    Honestly, how can you want an honest answer but forbid talk of the bible if someone believes in the bible?

    Exactly! Thank you!!!!
    Because we want answers from people that can actually think for themselves and not rely on some fictional book for everything.

    ^^ THIS. The fact that people believe in a book that was written years ago boggles my mind. I can write a book today and in 2000 years from now people will believe what i have written??? Does that even seem right to you? Let's not forget how the book has been changed over the years(Nicene Council) . Basically making women and black people men's slaves.. but that is another thread...
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