How do you get so much water in?



  • dasaucywench
    dasaucywench Posts: 56 Member
    Using straws are the key for me....I generally chug 32oz via straw in the morning and another after lunch so I don't have to think about it again the rest of the day. Also, no diet coke for me until after my water...usually!
  • Melonheads
    Melonheads Posts: 11
    Like everyone else has said, you just need to make it a priority! First, you need to have a big bottle of water in plain sight at all times. Literally, carry it with you everywhere (at your desk, in the car, in the bedroom, etc). Then make little goals to keep you hydrated throughout the day. For me, I have a 24 oz propel bottle, and my goal is to drink 1 before lunch, 1 before I get home from work and 1 before bed = 72 oz. I still get to drink my coffee in the morning, and/or pop at dinner.

    I also found that unless its super hot outside, I really don't like drinking ice cold water. I find that when I have room-temp or water straight from the tap, I drink it MUCH faster.
  • Lkoblara
    Lkoblara Posts: 137 Member
    The only other thing I drink is my one coffee in the morning. I don't drink soda ever and rarely drink juices, so it's never been a challenge for me. I drink at least 10 cups every day. I just drink it consistently over the day. I don't really do the chug it down thing unless I can tell that I really need the water, it usually doesn't get to that point though.
  • ketchup38
    ketchup38 Posts: 112 Member
    I find it easier to down some water in the morning.
    The thought maybe quite hard at first., but I find myself drinking more, as soon as the first drops land on my tongue.
    After 6-8hrs of sleep, the body gets very thirsty indeed.

    Then I keep a Kleen Kanteen filled up around me all the time. Once it's in sight, it's amazing how frequently I feel the need to drink.
  • shivles
    shivles Posts: 468 Member
    I switched all my teas/coffees to herbal teas. Herbal tea is much nicer than plain water, plus the hot liquid curbs hunger.
  • RealWomenLovePitbulls
    RealWomenLovePitbulls Posts: 729 Member
    keep a water bottle so u can see how much ur actually drinking, like a 1.5L bottle. also, when take more than one drink out of it at a time. if u would normally just take one drink, take 2 or 3 and gradually build up.
  • Melonheads
    Melonheads Posts: 11
  • Melonheads
    Melonheads Posts: 11
    I post this a lot on here.

    Turns out the 8 glasses of water a day is a myth.

    I don't know about this........... you can find a scientific study to prove just about any opinion. I was just hospitilized for dehydration 10 days ago and was told quite succintly that I need to drink 2 - 3 liters of water a day, every day, and even more if I were doing lots of activities in hot weather. Becuase I did NOT drink a regular amout of water, on a day where I spent several hours in 90 degree weather, I became so dehydrated that both my blood pressure and heart rate dropped to a dangerous level and I began to pass out repeatedly. I was hospitilazed for 2 days and it took me an entire week to feel normal again.

    Maybe some people can go there whole lives without drinking 8 cups of water daily and be perfectly fine, but I wouldn't go as far as to say the whole idea is a myth.
  • klbaierwalter
    klbaierwalter Posts: 309 Member
    You can also get water in from fruits and veggies. But I have a water bottle that I just make sure that I am constantly sipping from. I also have crystal light and MIO. I also use Muscle Milk after my workouts and I make it with water, not with milk or anything else. It will help you to get about another cup in, depending on if you go with 1 scoop or 2 scoops.
  • SurrenderToNothing
    I often forget to drink water, so I'm awful with it! I try to drink a glass of water with each meal and one after, then throughout whenever I remember. I prefer to get it over and done with so I just gulp it all down and drink more than necessary. It's probably not a very wise idea, but then I won't get halfway through a glass in a day simply because I'm sipping. I usually drink about 3 glasses of water after exercise too, just to cool myself down!
  • lanie37
    lanie37 Posts: 204 Member
    since giving up tea, coffee and fizzy drinks I have no issues drinking water. I down 2 glasses as soon as I get up on a morning. Before each meal I have a glass or 2. Whenever i am out and about I always have a bottle with me.

    It doesnt take long for your body to get used to drinking large amounts, and you do stop running to the loo every 5 mins once your used to drinking large amounts. I have never felt better since I gave up the caffeine. I wake up before the alarm clock and have bags of energy in the morning. A month ago I couldnt operate until I had at least 2 coffee's in the morning. My skin looks and feels fantastic too.
  • NWCyclingBeast
    NWCyclingBeast Posts: 157 Member
    Typically, I drink it :)
  • NWCyclingBeast
    NWCyclingBeast Posts: 157 Member
    Yeah, she beat me to that one!
  • wildcata77
    wildcata77 Posts: 660
    32 oz Nalgene bottle.

    I have one (travel mug) cup of coffee first thing at work, and then drink water all day, including with lunch. If I'm really struggling I may sneak a Coke around 3PM, but only if I've finished at least one Nalgene bottle of water. Then I start the other bottle on the way home from work and with dinner, and if I work out I may squeeze 2-4 more cups in.

    I like my water ice cold, and chewing mint gums helps, b/c it gives the water some flavor.

    If you just keep trying, you'll get there. Summer is a great time to start b/c the heat already makes me feel thirsty! I used to be a non-drinker like you...I probably drank less than 32oz fluid in a day a year ago, including soda/juice/coffee/tea.
  • Monny287
    Monny287 Posts: 109
    I cut out all other drinks except nutritional supplement shakes (which I'm hoping to wean myself off of). So when I'm thirsty, it's water. I drink a ton of water.
  • Freyja2023
    Freyja2023 Posts: 158 Member
    I post this a lot on here.

    Turns out the 8 glasses of water a day is a myth.

    I don't know about this........... you can find a scientific study to prove just about any opinion. I was just hospitilized for dehydration 10 days ago and was told quite succintly that I need to drink 2 - 3 liters of water a day, every day, and even more if I were doing lots of activities in hot weather. Becuase I did NOT drink a regular amout of water, on a day where I spent several hours in 90 degree weather, I became so dehydrated that both my blood pressure and heart rate dropped to a dangerous level and I began to pass out repeatedly. I was hospitilazed for 2 days and it took me an entire week to feel normal again.

    Maybe some people can go there whole lives without drinking 8 cups of water daily and be perfectly fine, but I wouldn't go as far as to say the whole idea is a myth.

    I agree with this if I don't get my water in I feel like garbage. My skin, hair, and emotions look and feel better when I am properly hydrated
  • michele2224
    The best thing I ever bought at walmart, it is a 28oz bottle that holds hot/cold, and I swear by it, I start drinking water at about 11 and the ice stays in there till about 5, this is the only thing I can use to drink water all day b/c it holds the ice so long and stays cold..i swear by this. I drink about 4-5 of these which averages about 12 cups a day, i would not do it with out it!!
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    I have a 32oz water bottle with a straw (the straw is key with out it I drink much less) but I fill and drink that cup at least 4 times each day
  • Establishedn1986
    Establishedn1986 Posts: 306 Member
    I have a filtered 20oz Brita bottle. The filter lasts 2 months or 200 gallons. I love it. I refill it several times throughout the day. I drink 100-120oz a day!
  • vger11
    vger11 Posts: 248
    HALF MY WEIGHT IN OUNCES OF ...tap that has set out on the counter-top overnight....WORKS