wearing black nail polish in a corporate job inappropriate?



  • threnners
    threnners Posts: 175 Member
    wow, I am dis heartened to heat this. So the color of my nails determines how people will perceive me, WOW. It's just a color on my nails, why should that matter.

    Basically i can have all the qualifications in the world and a great personality, but because of the color of my nails i might not get hired..WHAT!!!!! ::jaw drops::

    Welcome to the real world.
  • Amryfal
    Amryfal Posts: 225
    it's so sad that this is an issue, but i totally feel the OP's pain. i have piercings, and i used to have fire engine manic panic red hair. when i was teaching, i rocked that - and my students loved it. now i'm on the job market, i've toned it down...a slightly more natural red, less obvious jewelry.

    i will not, however, remove my jewelry entirely for an interview. if that makes the decision rather than my teaching skills, i don't want to work there.

    on the other hand, i'm in academia, not corporate or retail. some companies have pretty conservative policies. something that will go over fine at Google might not at Goldman Sachs.

    it's up to the OP how much self-expression she wants to give up for the professional workplace.
  • Voncreepy2
    Voncreepy2 Posts: 1,450 Member
    I think if you appear well put together, and you do by your photo, then the color of your nails shouldn't matter. Be yourself. If you don't get the job based on THAT then I wouldn't want to work there anyway. What would be next?
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    Your goal is to obtain the job and you only have once chance to make a FIRST IMPRESSION! U didn't say what industry it is in, so I would say TAKE IT OFF! When you have the job and are a great performer, WEAR THE BLACK NAIL POLISH THEN!
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    wow, I am dis heartened to heat this. So the color of my nails determines how people will perceive me, WOW. It's just a color on my nails, why should that matter.

    Basically i can have all the qualifications in the world and a great personality, but because of the color of my nails i might not get hired..WHAT!!!!! ::jaw drops::

    Welcome to the real world.

    Employers have HUNDREDS if not THOUSANDS of qualified or OVERqualified people who have applied for the job. Do NOT give any reason for you not to get HIRED. Employers can be overwhelmed with resumes and applications thus may resort to using seemingly minor items to NOT hire someone. It happens all the time.
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    If you want the job, clean hands and fingernails or at least a conservative or "traditional" colour. Nails should be clean and short...
  • LavenderBouquet
    LavenderBouquet Posts: 736 Member
    wow, I am dis heartened to heat this. So the color of my nails determines how people will perceive me, WOW. It's just a color on my nails, why should that matter.

    Basically i can have all the qualifications in the world and a great personality, but because of the color of my nails i might not get hired..WHAT!!!!! ::jaw drops::

    Unfortunately I come across this often too. I wear 2 small jeweled lip studs and I always take them out for interviews because closed-minded people have negative and often ridiculous views and connotations towards these types of things. It may not have any bearing on what kind of person you are, but it's better to be safe then sorry I suppose.
  • feliciapeters
    I am just trying to get a feel of what you all think. I have an interview in 2 weeks with a corporate office. And a friends of mine mentioned that i should not forget to take off my black nail polish,. I looked at her and i was like, why should that matter?


    corporate is all about image
    a dress or skirt, no slacks
    modest jewelry, hell wear pearls if u have them
    for a manicure i'd say go french - always classic & elegant
    pantyhose- dont care how hot it is, bare legs are NOT corporate
    if you get the job, you will be able to tell from the other women in the office
    what they consider appropriate officewear
    word of advice that has served me well over the years
    dress for the job ABOVE the one you want/have
    trust me, when it comes right down to it,
    2 people with equal skills/qulifications
    1 dresses casual, the other more corporate
    i guarantee the more corporate dresser will get the job
    they want to see the image you will be presenting for their company
    they dont care about your personal style
    save that for the weekend
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    I'm cracking up at the people who say things like "If they don't like how I look with black nail polish/tattooes on my neck/4 lbs of makeup/more jewelry than Tiffany's/a bright blue mohawk/etc then I wouldn't want to work there anyhow!" :laugh: Seriously?? You're all independently wealthy? You have someone else paying your rent/mortgage (besides the taxpayers that is)? Your nail polish is that important to you that you will forego a good job in this economy to keep it? 1 in 8 people are unemployed and want a job. I guarantee you that there are people out there who would not only remove the nail polish but would never wear it again if that's what it took to get and keep a decent job. If your nail polish is more important to you than providing for yourself and your family then go ahead and wear it but don't cry about it when you don't get the job. You talk about how your skills should be more important. They are. That's why you got the interview. The interview is to actually look at you and see if you are a fit as well as to see how well you speak and interact. You can be tops in your class from Harvard but if you show up in a dirty T-shirt you aren't going to get the job either. What shouldn't matter and what actually matters are 2 very different things.
  • takehimaway
    takehimaway Posts: 499 Member
    Take it off sweetie! We already have a hard time getting high profile jobs with just our education and certifications. They pick us apart looking for anything to say "No". Trust me sweetie I know and they hate me being on top of my game honey. :wink:


    This; she said it best.
  • feliciapeters
    So many Goths! :laugh:


    these women arent applying for a corporate position?

    if i made 8 million a movie then i sure as hell could wear what i wanted

    also, these women when they work, wear the whatever they are told to for the character they play

    they arent vying for an office job in a corporate setting

    they all have dark polish one, great, but these womwen arent at work in these pictures

    they are out on their own time
    just as i suggested earlier
    u dress for your job, if the way the image they want you to portray isnt how you want to dress, dont work there
    otherwise suck it up
    ive been in the cororate world too damn long.
  • KaidaKantri
    KaidaKantri Posts: 401
    Unfortunately sometimes looks make the yes or no answer even if you have all of the qualifications. When I worked at a department store, my "boss" Refused to hire this one girl (The only person who applied that had any experience in what we did) because she wore too much make-up. Her reasoning was that the girl was going to spend way to much time in the bathroom doing her make-up and fixing it. Looks are super important, It tells a lot about a person.
  • feliciapeters
    If you want the job, clean hands and fingernails or at least a conservative or "traditional" colour. Nails should be clean and short...

    clean yes, short not necessary
    a beauiful manicure gives the impression of elegance
    (says this as she gets ready to go get one)
  • feliciapeters
    So as a person who has done hiring before and helped people with interviews here's what I can offer

    2. Shoes, no high heels, flip flops, sneakers, sandals, or crocs (seriously, I refused to interview a guy who showed up in crocs once). Low heels, dress/conservative shoes, yes. Try to avoid open toe all together

  • KaidaKantri
    KaidaKantri Posts: 401
    I think if you appear well put together, and you do by your photo, then the color of your nails shouldn't matter. Be yourself. If you don't get the job based on THAT then I wouldn't want to work there anyway. What would be next?

    Looks matter a lot in getting hired. Whether it should or shouldn't matter, if you want the job, dress for it. That includes taking off the nail polish in the corporate world.

    Jobs and personal life are two different areas for a reason. They shouldn't be mixed, which is why looks matter.
  • bestbassist
    bestbassist Posts: 177 Member
    To me, black nail polish shows attitude and confidence on a woman. It also shows she is not afraid to do things outside of standard social convention, which could be a win-win with the right employer. I'd suggest leaving it on if you wear it well. Wear it with a killer women's "power suit" and you might be surprised of the respect you command.

    And to the bigot who said black nail polish could lead someone to think you are "emo" or "goth," and insinuated said people have baggage that doesn't allow them to do their job properly - screw you twelve times over. As a lifestyle Goth I've worked my way up at every job I've had and I've been with my current employer for 7.5 years. I'm respected for my work performance and therefore not bothered about my personal style. Gothic people may not wear khakis and turtlenecks, but lumping them all in as problem employees is disgraceful and ignorant. Do you judge people by skin color as well?
  • feliciapeters
    So as a person who has done hiring before and helped people with interviews here's what I can offer

    2. Shoes, no high heels, flip flops, sneakers, sandals, or crocs (seriously, I refused to interview a guy who showed up in crocs once). Low heels, dress/conservative shoes, yes. Try to avoid open toe all together


    are u insane?

    an elegant dress, dark conservetive color, pantyhose, & closed toed heels
    no strappy sandles, no rhinestones
    low conservative heels arent "corporate" they are just ugly lol

    and i dont mean 6inch platform edges
    i mean an basic, closed toed pump, between 2 1/2 -3 inches
    (which by the way is what i consider training heels lol)
    a high heeled pump has been classic for longer than ive been alive

    heels LOOK better
    corporate does not mean dumpy

    and the more confident your clothes make you feel, the more confidence you will project
  • kansasbelle
    kansasbelle Posts: 264 Member
    :bigsmile: Hey you can wear it after you get hired. I remember my first job out of college I was told not to wear pants to the courhouse because the judges (I lived in AL) were old fashioned and would side with the opposing legal teams out of spite. Or it also could have been the perverted attornies in Mobile. Back in 94 I was asked interview questions about being single, did I plan to have kids, getting married, and my favorite "would you walk across the room and get that piece of paper off the desk" so they could look at my *kitten*. Yes, thankfully almost 20 years later that is illegal. So feel glad all you have to take off is your polish. Furthermore, I was a sociology major. A lot of your credentials are more to do with you adhering to societal norms that education. So show them you are willing to conform for the day, get the job and let your true self shine through.

    And I am tired, and dyslexic and y'all can kiss my butt if I have a typo or spelling error.