Petpeeves, what does YOUR partner do?



  • kitigonkukoo
    kitigonkukoo Posts: 218 Member
    My husband is known by my family and his own as the "Delay Fish". He's never ever EVER EVERRRR even remotely close to on time, unless I'm right behind him, forcing him to not get distracted.

    "Honey- I know there's a butterfly outside the window- but we're late, and you were going to shave before we leave, remember???"

    Although my biggest one is that he chews ice. C.A.N.T S.T.A.N.D I.T!!! :explode:

    The noise... aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! That's anyone though, not just him. :wink:
  • Marcillene
    Marcillene Posts: 484 Member
    Mid conversation he will be talking about something I clearly have no idea about. And then says his famous words:

    "I told you about it!"

    Uh NO you just THOUGHT you did.
  • spikesmom
    spikesmom Posts: 441 Member
    Mine forgets to flush! Every time I walk into a bathroom and see the pee sitting in there, it makes my blood boil. He also doesn't pick up his clothes, dishes, etc. I'm the endentured slave that has to follow behind him, doing his bidding. And he does the eternal male thing- makes believe he's listening, but never heard a word I say. Then he will ask me to prepeat myself over and over.

    Thank God he has other qualities, or else I would have divorced him 28 years ago!
  • princessdarzz
    ok, here are mine:

    1. leaves his dirty socks on the floor, now my 4yo son does it too

    2. never replaces the t-paper onto the holder, or paper towels for that matter

    3. does the "let soaking in the sink for days until it turns into a science experiment". And when he does load the dishwasher, it is usually full of clean dishes, so instead of empting it first he just adds to the clean and re-runs the diswasher

    I love my husband to death, but he is a man

    oh and he NEVER puts a garbage bag in the can after he takes the garbage out :o)
  • JeaninePaige
    JeaninePaige Posts: 464 Member
    1. Throws his clothes/things wherever when he walks in the house.
    2. Doesn't put the fcking seat down or sometimes won't put it up. WTF.
    3. Has NO SHAME farting when we're laying down and thinks it's hysterical.
    4. Chews on random things all the time, like pen caps etc...
    5. Always thinks he's right. Always. (He's not!)
  • clydethecat
    clydethecat Posts: 1,094 Member
    i adore my darling husband, hes the best man i've ever know... that said lol, he leaves his clothes all over the house. he changes like three times a day and will put his clothes near the hamper but never in the hamper... every time i go to do laundry i have to hunt all over the house for his clothes...

    but you know, if he wasnt around for any reason, i would miss picking up those clothes, because it means hes not here. that would be the worst thing. so picking up clothes is a small price to pay for such a wonderful man :)
  • Marcillene
    Marcillene Posts: 484 Member
    I understand guys fart.. but do they HAVE to fart ALL the TIME? I mean, I lean in for a sweet kiss... BAM.
    WHILE eating dinner....BAM.. In bed..BAM.. ANYTIME he is just standing there.. BAM..

    What happened to romance. You killed it with a fart.
  • EnergyYesPlease
    i adore my darling husband, hes the best man i've ever know... that said lol, he leaves his clothes all over the house. he changes like three times a day and will put his clothes near the hamper but never in the hamper... every time i go to do laundry i have to hunt all over the house for his clothes...

    but you know, if he wasnt around for any reason, i would miss picking up those clothes, because it means hes not here. that would be the worst thing. so picking up clothes is a small price to pay for such a wonderful man :)

    That is adorable!! And I would so agree with you :)) Another pet peeve of mine is that I wish he'd say 'I love you' more often.
  • Marcillene
    Marcillene Posts: 484 Member
    Is the table where your hat, wallet, and keys go as soon as you step in the door?

    I bought a hat wrack, and key rack and hung it IN the kitchen for this very thing.
  • Marcillene
    Marcillene Posts: 484 Member
    He forgets that women like to be thanked for things they do for their partner. This is big, I feel like appreciation is needed SOMETIMES.
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    *slowly backs out of thread*
  • Marcillene
    Marcillene Posts: 484 Member
    *slowly backs out of thread*

  • spikesmom
    spikesmom Posts: 441 Member
    1. Throws his clothes/things wherever when he walks in the house.
    2. Doesn't put the fcking seat down or sometimes won't put it up. WTF.
    3. Has NO SHAME farting when we're laying down and thinks it's hysterical.
    4. Chews on random things all the time, like pen caps etc...
    5. Always thinks he's right. Always. (He's not!)

    LOL#3!!! Mine must have a farting machine inside of him!
  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    Oh- I love him to death but come on--

    The farting could totally do with out! And the pee bubbles, I thought I was the olny woman who dealt with this!! I hate them :explode:

    I do wish he was aware that his crap that he spreads out as he is coming home from work does not magically get put away!

    My biggest one is he rolls his socks off inside out and he wears these heavy work boots and they are all sweaty--- and I have to wash them!!

    Oh and he leaves said work boots around- and they don't move when you trip over them so I fall! :noway: :grumble: :explode: :angry: :mad:
  • dogacreek
    dogacreek Posts: 289 Member
    Mid conversation he will be talking about something I clearly have no idea about. And then says his famous words:

    "I told you about it!"

    Uh NO you just THOUGHT you did.

    ^^^^THIS ^^^^THIS
    Oh gosh, yes.......... :grumble:
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Not to be a 'Debbie downer' but.. Ahh.. I have a few but now that he has a terminal illness they are no longer a problem. I'll miss him when I won't see his empty pill bottles he leaves on the countertop for no reason other than being to lazy to toss them. I'll miss his tools being all over the place because he never put them back. I'll miss his dirty garage, his dirty truck, the dirty hunting clothes, the toothpaste in the sink. etc.
  • Skinny_Jeans_Soon
    Skinny_Jeans_Soon Posts: 326 Member
    He is so controlling I can't go to the grocery store or shower without asking him first.

    He is so OCD that nothing can be out, even if it has a reason to be out. It took me 1 month to find my HRM chest strap and in my dresser drawer of all places. He just sticks stuff places to get it out of sight and makes me crazy.

    He doesn't flush..ewww

    He won't let the kids get their toys out to play or make a mess....they are kids..let them play.

    I could go on forever.
  • OtekahSunshield
    OtekahSunshield Posts: 42 Member
    My husband insists that I drive us everywhere (partly because I have a shiny new car, mostly because he's lazy), and then while I'm driving at his behest, he b!tches about how I drive and what route I choose to take!

  • Deedles2012
    Deedles2012 Posts: 122 Member
    My husband is known by my family and his own as the "Delay Fish". He's never ever EVER EVERRRR even remotely close to on time, unless I'm right behind him, forcing him to not get distracted.

    "Honey- I know there's a butterfly outside the window- but we're late, and you were going to shave before we leave, remember???"

    OMG Love it! I think your hubby and my hubby must be kin.
  • firelle
    firelle Posts: 118 Member
    Farting -________- like it's a joke lol. Eeeeeeeeeeew! JUST like the other posts lol!

    When he comes home, he just throws it all onto a chair.. urrgghhh!! Fold it at least! only I can do that #hypocrite :P

    Maybe it's because I can't drink it that often lol but soda... We have to have soda... Always. But it's okay sometimes. I'll even go and buy a limited edition soda cuz I know he loves it that much lol.

    Walks SUPER FAST! I have an ankle injury :I I dont run like that anymore!