Petpeeves, what does YOUR partner do?



  • stephl81
    stephl81 Posts: 122 Member
    He will try to fart on my face, he picks his at his feet and nose hairs, snores, and chews with his mouth open!!!
  • stephl81
    stephl81 Posts: 122 Member
    If I don't expect anything of him (as far as things in the house goes..), I can't be disappointed. :wink: LOL The whole "leaving clothes on the floor", "toilets", etc doesn't bother me much. BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT he likes to pass gas and lock the windows when we are in the car. REALLY??? WHO DOES THIS *kitten*??? Oh yeah. My husband. LMAO Nasty Effer.

    hahahaha My BF will fart in bed under the covers and then pin me under neath them after he farts yelling "dutch oven" OMG its awful!!! he thinks he is so freaking hilarious!!
  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member
    If I don't expect anything of him (as far as things in the house goes..), I can't be disappointed. :wink: LOL The whole "leaving clothes on the floor", "toilets", etc doesn't bother me much. BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT he likes to pass gas and lock the windows when we are in the car. REALLY??? WHO DOES THIS *kitten*??? Oh yeah. My husband. LMAO Nasty Effer.

    hahahaha My BF will fart in bed under the covers and then pin me under neath them after he farts yelling "dutch oven" OMG its awful!!! he thinks he is so freaking hilarious!!

    LOL!! yes mine does it too!!
  • futuremalestripper
    futuremalestripper Posts: 467 Member
    Removed by Moderator due to explicit content.
  • cyndarella13
    cyndarella13 Posts: 20 Member
    He shouts!
    Not in an angry way,just in an expressive way
    and I don't really mind except in the morning,lol
    I told him no shouting before 9am
  • Assassins_Angel
    hmm so far it seems im one of the very few who doesnt have petpeevs for her other half :P
  • HartJames
    HartJames Posts: 789 Member
    He has the attention span of a gnat. I should really find a way to use this to my advantage hmm...
  • futuremalestripper
    futuremalestripper Posts: 467 Member
    If I don't expect anything of him (as far as things in the house goes..), I can't be disappointed. :wink: LOL The whole "leaving clothes on the floor", "toilets", etc doesn't bother me much. BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT he likes to pass gas and lock the windows when we are in the car. REALLY??? WHO DOES THIS *kitten*??? Oh yeah. My husband. LMAO Nasty Effer.

    hahahaha My BF will fart in bed under the covers and then pin me under neath them after he farts yelling "dutch oven" OMG its awful!!! he thinks he is so freaking hilarious!!

    Your boyfriend is retarded.
  • katejenkins1
    katejenkins1 Posts: 210 Member
    I do the laundry during the night while he is at work and he puts it away the next day while I'm at work. He will put everything away excet the last couple of shirts for one of the kids He leaves them on the bed with a couple of handers next to them. Drive me nuts.

    So everytime he does I put an empty ice tray in the freezer. (one of his peeves)
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    I thought I was alone!!

    1: he leaves all the cabinet doors open..close it please! I've banged my head too many times while cooking!
    2: he waits until he has no clothes at 9:30 at night to conveniently remember he needs to wash.
    3: he never EVER replaced the toilet paper...why?! I don't care about the seat being up but please for the LOVE of god man, replace the TP!!!!
    4: he has a bad habit of jiggling his leg, which drives me insane when it jiggles my damn desk
    5: he never brings his water cups downstairs...I go for a cup and realize there are none...go upstairs and see about 10 on his nightstand
    6: all that crap you take out of your pockets and put on the dresser or kitchen counter don't go there! Throw the trash away and put it in a neat pile!
    7: he expects a thank you when he does some menial house work like sweeping...and has to point out that he swept. Why? Do I get a thank you for busting my *kitten* all day for cleaning? Uh, no.

    Now all complaining aside, I married him anyway and we make do with each others quirks. Love him to pieces. :love:
  • tam120
    tam120 Posts: 444 Member
    I just want to say that the problem with men leaving the toilet seat up is more about the way it looks. I just think walking into a bathroom and seeing the seat and lid up is disgusting. I have a bathroom right at the top of the stairs by the garage door so if the seat is up anyone coming in the garage door sees that. It's just nasty. Put it down! it really has nothing to do with this fallacy that I can't be bothered to put it down. Just respect the way I want my home to look.
  • NoxDineen
    NoxDineen Posts: 497 Member
    1. Never does the dishes (I've started washing mine as soon as I use them, so everything sitting in the sink is his and I'm justified refusing to touch it)

    2. Doesn't work out at ALL but insists on commenting on what I should be doing with my fitness routine. (I run, lift weights at home and do Insanity/JM DVDs/Nike Training Club workouts, he just keeps saying I need to join a gym. I'm 117 lbs and do more pushups than

    3. Hasn't cleaned once since we moved into our house this past spring and then complains to his mother about how dirty the house is. (I cleaned a bunch but now as I have told him his maid is on strike).
    BRANDYGR8MOVES Posts: 87 Member
    Some defence and explanations, Gulp!! Here go's.........

    1. The Science experiment in the sink is a two fold attack, one to weaken the burnt on stuff and two to weaken the partner to give in and Just do It!

    2. Farting,,, Generally men don't like to hold these in, It is incredibly funny when he we do it but totally unacceptable when a lady does it! So remember and laugh when it occurs better still score him!

    3. The stuff all over the house,, It's called Man Droppings.... we have to mark out our territory!

    4. This is two fold as well, men are fascinated by peeing in to moving water,,,, it's just magic! Also, we are boys at heart and the toilet was a majot achievement, we had to progress from sitting down to standing up! we are really quite proud of this! By leaving a small amount in the bowl or by leaving the seat up,,, we just want acknowledgement.

    5. We are all fantastic BBQ Chefs... No argument!

    Any more queries I am happy to answer. Enjoy your man,,,
    Dr. Macas.

  • pumalama
    pumalama Posts: 140 Member
    Mine leaves his working clothes on the floor, wherever he enters the house and will only pick them up on laundry day. He works hard and the clothes are too dirty to mix with our regular laundry and the nice bins I keep buying are probably too nice to use.

    My solution: inviting his friends over for dinner. He is a proud man, the house will get quickly cleaned every time we have people over :) He will also clean the bathroom and anywhere else they could snoop in. I only have to cook while he takes care of the rest.
  • holliph
    holliph Posts: 88 Member
    the only thing I can complain about it my husband is ADDICTED to the computer game Old Republic. I can remember days when it would be 9:05 pm and he would be in bed, glasses off and out like a light 5 minutes later.
    Now I am lucky if he comes to bed before 2AM!
    I was so happy when I found out we had no internet this morning, that meant he couldn't play his game for 5 hours.
    I think I am going to be rotten and get something set up with the cable company that we NEVER have internet on the weekends until after 7PM!
  • pumalama
    pumalama Posts: 140 Member
    I thought I was alone!!

    1: he leaves all the cabinet doors open..close it please! I've banged my head too many times while cooking!
    2: he waits until he has no clothes at 9:30 at night to conveniently remember he needs to wash.
    3: he never EVER replaced the toilet paper...why?! I don't care about the seat being up but please for the LOVE of god man, replace the TP!!!!
    4: he has a bad habit of jiggling his leg, which drives me insane when it jiggles my damn desk
    5: he never brings his water cups downstairs...I go for a cup and realize there are none...go upstairs and see about 10 on his nightstand
    6: all that crap you take out of your pockets and put on the dresser or kitchen counter don't go there! Throw the trash away and put it in a neat pile!
    7: he expects a thank you when he does some menial house work like sweeping...and has to point out that he swept. Why? Do I get a thank you for busting my *kitten* all day for cleaning? Uh, no.

    Now all complaining aside, I married him anyway and we make do with each others quirks. Love him to pieces. :love:

    number 6: This annoys me too when he does it so I bought small nice looking baskets with lids attached (so he cannot lose them) and told him to empty his pockets and put his stuff in there. If we have visitors it still looks nice and I don't get to see the pile of random stuff everywhere. When I clean, I also put his stuff back in there so he knows where to look for it. I realized I cannot change his habits but I can modify them in a way that is the least annoying for me :)
  • kcmcd
    kcmcd Posts: 239 Member
    He does way fewer annoying things than I do. For sure. I am a giant pain in his butt.

    Which is why I learned to cook.

    And put out. lol

    LOL......So you became the perfect wife?:laugh:

    I guess so. Unless you count all the annoying crap I do. And also that I am a terrible housekeeper. lol
  • lovezies
    lovezies Posts: 28 Member
    My sweetie is more woman than I am! He will nit-pick every item of clothing, every stray hair. The man is physically fit to a T and worries about how everything fits. I kinda miss manly men.... But I love him, lol
  • lovezies
    lovezies Posts: 28 Member
    Oh one more! He will take his dishes & drink into the kitchen, that's nice, but if its a soda can & a paper towel? That will be placed on the counter. The trash can is 3 FEET AWAY! Put them there! Lol
  • solarpower03
    solarpower03 Posts: 12,161 Member
    In 20 years, my partner never ever admitted her mistake. Designed to be infallible!