Petpeeves, what does YOUR partner do?



  • jlaurena
    jlaurena Posts: 60
    flicks boogers on me and laughs! EWWWWW
  • trojanbb
    trojanbb Posts: 1,297 Member
    I hate watching movies with mine. He's always pausing it every 5 to 10 minutes because he thinks he needs to explain the movie to me or to anyone else that is watching it. Same with tv series that are on dvds. Drives me nuts.

    Because if we dont, we end up having to explain it all afterwards.

    And FYI, that "men are conditioned into not expressing their feelings" BS is mostly just that, BS. To a small extent it is true. But is mostly hormonal. We dont have raging estrogen like you, we are not dominated by mood swings and "empathy". Dont try changing us, it will not work.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I hate watching movies with mine. He's always pausing it every 5 to 10 minutes because he thinks he needs to explain the movie to me or to anyone else that is watching it. Same with tv series that are on dvds. Drives me nuts.

    Because if we dont, we end up having to explain it all afterwards.

    And FYI, that "men are conditioned into not expressing their feelings" BS is mostly just that, BS. To a small extent it is true. But is mostly hormonal. We dont have raging estrogen like you, we are not dominated by mood swings and "empathy". Dont try changing us, it will not work.

    Damn, I wouldn't kick you out of bed for eating crackers or whatever that saying is.

    In other words, you look good without a shirt on.

    Also you don't need to share your feelings with me.
  • MUByM
    MUByM Posts: 208
    -Flushes before he is done (ew)
    -He cuts his hair and when it falls on to the carpet in the bathroom he just flips it over so it looks like he cleaned up. I asked him why he does this and he said because I like to clean. Yeah, sure.
    -Farts ANYWHERE. If we are at a store and he farts, he gives me a look and I know I better get the hell out of that aisle.
    -Where he stands to take his clothes off is where it stays.
    -When he actually puts clothes in the closet, he rolls them up in a ball and throws them in there.
    -He changes clothes more times a day than me.
    -Very picky eater! He won't eat the same thing two days in a row.
    -Acts like he is dying when he is sick.

    and so on..
  • BaileyKat52
    BaileyKat52 Posts: 461 Member
    Me: Steve invited us over Saturday night (or any other statement you can think of)

    Him: Wha?

    Me: nevermind

    Him: Steve invited us over Saturday night?

    Me: Why the hell do you say what when you heard what I said the first time?

    Just to clarify. I used to repeat myself. The nevermind was a little experiment. He knows what I said every time.

    Why oh why?

    Do they all do that????
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    My boyfriend cannot throw away a box of food he finishes for his life. When I first went to his house when we first started dating, I would pick up boxes in the freezer, thinking they had food in them, and they were empty. Empty hot pocket boxes, empty pizza bread boxes. It was confusing and I still don't get it. His brother does it too. They can finish a 6-pack of beer and the cardboard box stays in the fridge until I or his roommate throws it away. Crazy.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    To start it off, here's a few of what MINE does.....

    *He leaves the toilet seat UP!!

    *When he opens a cupboard, he forgets how to shut it I guess!

    *Flushes before he is done so OF COURSE theres pee in the toilet still.

    Ready, Set, GO!!!

    Wait. Are you married to my husband?
  • midcoast_mommy
    midcoast_mommy Posts: 127 Member
    1. Leaves the lights on. I CANNOT stand this.

    2. Leaves his clothes randomly scattered throughout the house.

    3. Picks his nose and wipes it wherever. Gross. Use a freaking tissue!

    4. Complains about me "dragging" him to get-togethers with friends or family, and 9 out of 10 times he ends up having fun.

    Ohh but I love him dearly lol
  • cjcjcjcjcj
    cjcjcjcjcj Posts: 19
    My boyfriend is a twig, he can eat anything and everything he wants without putting on so much as an ounce, enough said!
  • trojanbb
    trojanbb Posts: 1,297 Member
    I hate watching movies with mine. He's always pausing it every 5 to 10 minutes because he thinks he needs to explain the movie to me or to anyone else that is watching it. Same with tv series that are on dvds. Drives me nuts.

    Because if we dont, we end up having to explain it all afterwards.

    And FYI, that "men are conditioned into not expressing their feelings" BS is mostly just that, BS. To a small extent it is true. But is mostly hormonal. We dont have raging estrogen like you, we are not dominated by mood swings and "empathy". Dont try changing us, it will not work.

    Damn, I wouldn't kick you out of bed for eating crackers or whatever that saying is.

    In other words, you look good without a shirt on.

    Also you don't need to share your feelings with me.

    -Flushes before he is done (ew)
    -He cuts his hair and when it falls on to the carpet in the bathroom he just flips it over so it looks like he cleaned up. I asked him why he does this and he said because I like to clean. Yeah, sure.
    -Farts ANYWHERE. If we are at a store and he farts, he gives me a look and I know I better get the hell out of that aisle.
    -Where he stands to take his clothes off is where it stays.
    -When he actually puts clothes in the closet, he rolls them up in a ball and throws them in there.
    -He changes clothes more times a day than me.
    -Very picky eater! He won't eat the same thing two days in a row.
    -Acts like he is dying when he is sick.

    and so on..

    He must be my twin
  • saustin201
    saustin201 Posts: 270 Member
    He smacks his lips when he eats and sometimes chews with his mouth open. Sometimes it bothers me, but after 20 years I still cannot shut it out completely.

    However, he is a good dad, good hubby and works very hard to support us. I'll keep him because I have habits that annoy him too. :laugh:
  • weighlossforbaby
    weighlossforbaby Posts: 847 Member
    1. Play too many Video games.

    2. Wanting to have as many rigs (computers) as he can.

    3. He cooks every night since he have been laid off but he leaves a sink full for me to wash (we don't use our dishwasher anymore) after my walk that I take after 8 pm.

    4. Puts his clothes in a corner in our room so when I wash laundry I forget about them.

    5. He's way too laid back of a person.

    Other than that he is a great husband :happy:
  • smkafka
    smkafka Posts: 134 Member
    Throw his dirty clothes in front of the laundry shoot. Why not just throw them down the shoot right away!

    Ask me where something is in the frig because he is afraid to move the milk to see it.
  • musicstardust67
    musicstardust67 Posts: 299 Member
    1. leaves the toilet seat up

    2. after showering or basically just whenever, he leaves his clothes on the living room floor or just on the floor in general.

    3. Instead of putting his clean clothes away, he leaves them on the floor.

    4. Soaks dishes but never actually washes them until I step in

    5. Right after work, immediately gets into his boxers even if we are going somewhere later that day.

    6. Is obsessed with video games to the point where stuff doesn't get cleaned.
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    My husband is the sole provider, and he works really hard. Because of this, I have accepted/worked through some of the little stuff. The things I can't get over are:

    1) He leaves his work boots, smell and all, under the coffee table in the living room. That wouldn't be that bad unless you count the 4 or 5 other pairs that end up there, even though we have a shoe place one room over!

    2) He NEVER makes a decision. Not about what to eat, wear, do, have, buy, sell, throw away, NOTHING!! He looks to me about accepting job offers or leaving a job. He's always been that way, "I just want everyone to be happy".

    3) He takes longer to get ready than me. A. lot. longer. I cut down as much time as I can by picking his clothes, making a drink, collecting his wallet and keys, turning off the TV, but nothing works. We are always late.

    4) If he starts something, by God he's going to finish it, even if it will
    -make us late
    -have to be re-fixed later
    -not be improved by his tinkering
    -cost him sleep
    -hurt him physically

    5) Tends to displace blame on me (i.e.- if we're late somewhere, he just rolls his eyes and says "women!" when someone asks about our tardiness). He doesn't do it very seriously, but it is still annoying because I'm always ready before him.

    But those things I can handle. He's supportive, loving, and puts the toilet seat down!

    EDIT: After reading my post again, I think that being late annoys me a lot more than any of these one things.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    My ex was addicted to his iPhone. I called Suri the "other woman"
  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member
    If I don't expect anything of him (as far as things in the house goes..), I can't be disappointed. :wink: LOL The whole "leaving clothes on the floor", "toilets", etc doesn't bother me much. BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT he likes to pass gas and lock the windows when we are in the car. REALLY??? WHO DOES THIS *kitten*??? Oh yeah. My husband. LMAO Nasty Effer.
  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    so many....
    1. he slurps his cereal and milk from his spoon...he has literally woke me up from sleep doing this..
    2. he snores very loudly, in my ear, then blows his stinkin breath in my face while im trying to sleep
    3. he puts his dirty socks on my CLEAN dining room table....DOES A DINING ROOM TABLE LOOK LIKE A CLOTHES HAMPER TO YOU?

    i love my hubby and he works hard, but dayyyyuuummmmmm......c'mon man
  • earthtoemilyy
    i'm really not trying to be a ***** but don't complain too much about your partners, you never know how much you miss things like these till they're gone.

    i could have filled up a page with petpeeves about my ex but we broke up two months ago and i would do anything. ANYTHING. to have him back.
    pet peeves and all :'(
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    To start it off, here's a few of what MINE does.....

    *He leaves the toilet seat UP!!

    *When he opens a cupboard, he forgets how to shut it I guess!

    *Flushes before he is done so OF COURSE theres pee in the toilet still.

    Ready, Set, GO!!!


    What a sad sad soul you are complaining about your man for pitiful things....... I hope he isnt on some site complainig that you are a whining person who has nothing more to do than be a complaining *****!
