Adult movies vs Adult novels.



  • still_crafty
    still_crafty Posts: 692 Member
    It's the same. I personally find it hypocritical to say one is okay and one is not. I don't see a problem with either one. For me, I don't really care where my man gets his appetite so long as he's coming home for dinner...and the same for me!

    ^ THIS times a million. Plus some of my best ideas/techniques/skills came from watching porn or reading erotica.
  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,267 Member
    Typical female double standard in a relationship.

    This is such a disappointing statement given the variety of responses here.
  • bsix3
    bsix3 Posts: 291
    i think it's insecurity on both ends. if they are insecure it doesn't matter if it's porn, novels or going to the grocery store by themselves.
  • shaynak112
    shaynak112 Posts: 751 Member
    I like adult movies. So does my boyfriend.
    What's the big deal?

    Some people are just jealous of everything - find someone who isn't :)
  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member
    They're both porn. One is printed word and one is visual, but it's still porn.

    Does that make it bad or wrong? Not in my mind. But it's up to the individual couple to decide if it's OK for their relationship.

    I prefer the visual format though...books shake too much.
  • PhotogNerd
    PhotogNerd Posts: 420 Member
    My deal is that if he watches porn it makes me feel like he will be comparing me to the girls in the videos. it makes me feel like him looking at me isnt enough for him, which makes me feel like *kitten*.

    Exactly what goes through my mind. As for racy fiction, it's never been my thing. I'm more into historical or horror.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    My deal is that if he watches porn it makes me feel like he will be comparing me to the girls in the videos. it makes me feel like him looking at me isnt enough for him, which makes me feel like *kitten*.

    If you read erotic fiction he could say the same thing. He could wonder if sex with him is so bad that you have to resort to a fantasy book to turn yourself on. It's not that you aren't enough for him it's that a man likes naked women and sex period and the chances that he's sitting there and doing a mental comparison between you and the porn star is nil.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I like adult movies. So does my boyfriend.
    What's the big deal?

    Some people are just jealous of everything - find someone who isn't :)

    Jealous of what? :huh:
  • BeckiCharlotte13x
    BeckiCharlotte13x Posts: 259 Member
    Everyone is saying books leave more to the imagination and that women can imagine a man that looks similar or has similar characteristics to their S.O. Who's to say that while many men watch porn, they don't imagine it is him and his S.O?

    Definately agree about Mummy Porn!
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    no difference it's all smut trash and general fodder for the stupid.

  • calvert6183
    calvert6183 Posts: 539 Member
    Typical female double standard in a relationship.

    This is such a disappointing statement given the variety of responses here.

    I dont know if its typical but it sure has been with every woman ive ever dates. There were double standards about everything.

    Btw thank you to many who understands erotic fiction is not a romance novel. Erotic is erotic no matter what the format is.
  • fallenangel1973
    There is nothing wrong with watching porn and I do watch porn sometimes, but there are times where Erotic SHORT stories ( no patience for novels) totally do it for me.

    Lol I agree with you totally!!!!!!!
  • Peanut0711
    Peanut0711 Posts: 88 Member
    I love porn and I love books.....BUT...when my husband watches porn..I am scared....he is all about I never know what position or "piece of equipment" he is going to use.....::sigh::: I did marry him.....:devil:
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    You think porn is cheesy!? I tried reading 50 Shades of Grey and I couldn't continue because it sounded like a teenager's wet dream.

    But that's the point of this stuff. It's so unbelievable because it's an escape.

    Porn, books, it's all good
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Personally I am not a fan of either, but I prefer the idea of literature because watching porn is just watching 2 strangers having sex. To me there is nothing interesting about that, and fortunately my husband agrees. Reading is different because you can put yourself into the situation, it can be about you in a way watching other people isn't.
  • AuddAlise
    AuddAlise Posts: 723 Member
    Hell, I love porn! I love the erotic novels too. I love it all!

    ETA - I am female.
    REALBIGBATBASTARD Posts: 103 Member
    both of them are distructive toward marriage.


    They can help a marriage more than kill one!
    REALBIGBATBASTARD Posts: 103 Member
    Hell, I love porn! I love the erotic novels too. I love it all!

    ETA - I am female.

    I love you!
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    Personally I am not a fan of either, but I prefer the idea of literature because watching porn is just watching 2 strangers having sex. To me there is nothing interesting about that, and fortunately my husband agrees. Reading is different because you can put yourself into the situation, it can be about you in a way watching other people isn't.

    Watching two people having sex is HOT!

    And believe me you can also put yourself into the situation when you're watching other people.:wink::bigsmile:
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    This has probably been said, but I think what women hate so much about the visual erotics is they believe it makes guys have false fantasies of how their lovers should look, act, etc or that they get compared to the women in the films. With written stuff, it's not so much focused on looks but action but I think sometimes, especially with the Harlequin stuff, that it deceives women the same way porn can deceive guys.

    Myself I have no problem with my guy watching porn. In fact we had a conversation once in the beginning of our relationship about various ones we watched that had hilariously stupid or unrealistic scenes and he told me he and his friends used to get together to watch really bad porn and anime just to laugh at it.

    In the end, they're both there to give the feeling of pleasure and of course react accordingly to, whether alone or with someone else. It can't replace a person nor should it give anyone a certain idea about sex or seduction or what have you. Because in the end it's fiction, just like love stories. You don't really fall in love like those in books and movies do.