Adult movies vs Adult novels.



  • charlami
    charlami Posts: 31
    I think that porn does have it's place. I'm nether for or against it. It is really whatever works for you. I will say that if I come across something that looks interesting, I share with my hubby. It definately does contribute to our spice.
  • sassydebbie67
    Pulls up chair, grabs popcorn, and glass of water with a twist of lemon and begins to watch this thread unfold. Great question!!

    May i pull up a chair and sit beside you and whatch too? :laugh: :drinker:
  • DivaJadelyn
    DivaJadelyn Posts: 280 Member
    Personal preference is novels... but that's because I can omit visualizing the grosser elements of sex. Also, novels *tend* to be a little more classy in general as they're meant to bring on more than just sexual fantasy (generalizing here I know there are definitely porny, crass books out there). But as far as one being bad... no, I don't see a problem with porn. Porn is porn and in moderation helps keep a relationship healthy. Hell, I'd much rather catch my fella watching porn than 'caming' with a stranger.
  • DMarieLVT
    DMarieLVT Posts: 71 Member
    Honestly, to each their own -- as long as it's not a replacement for your significant other, I think it's totally healthy for a relationship.

    Hell, I read erotic short stories from time to time or watch some of the 'classier' porn (that made me giggle -- as if there is such a thing!) I think I could be pretty happy with a guy that wanted to partake in the fun with me from time to time :wink:
  • calvert6183
    calvert6183 Posts: 539 Member
    Some one posted a thread in the boards about erotic novels on which ones to read. lol. Im not dissing her, its just funny cause this one chick on here says normal women dont read that stuff and that i was making things up. Normal read that stuff just like normal guys watch porn sometimes.
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    Some one posted a thread in the boards about erotic novels on which ones to read. lol. Im not dissing her, its just funny cause this one chick on here says normal women dont read that stuff and that i was making things up. Normal read that stuff just like normal guys watch porn sometimes.

    Since when it is it considered not normal to get hot in the britches once in a while? Everyone scratches their itch somehow.
  • calvert6183
    calvert6183 Posts: 539 Member
    Some one posted a thread in the boards about erotic novels on which ones to read. lol. Im not dissing her, its just funny cause this one chick on here says normal women dont read that stuff and that i was making things up. Normal read that stuff just like normal guys watch porn sometimes.

    Since when it is it considered not normal to get hot in the britches once in a while? Everyone scratches their itch somehow.

    Ask that one chick who was bashing women for reading those things. I think normal people do read them. I wish I could find who she is that bashes women for reading them.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    50 Shades of Grey is fanfiction of Twilight. So just like Twilight, it sucks.

    As for for the reading of erotica and/or romance novels, to each their own. I'm comfortable in my sexuality and I think it's just women who are uncomfortable by these books that have a problem with them. Maybe if they read a few more of these books, they'd be a lot less uptight.... :wink:
  • Louisianababy93
    Louisianababy93 Posts: 1,709 Member
    porn is porn..
    if your reading it it goes into details.
    if your watching it it goes into details.

    rather your watching or reading it,someone's getting screwed.

    but,i could careless, if my man wants to watch it okay,its better for me when he gets to me anyway
    ...the movie/book cant touch him,but i sure can.
  • devodev44
    devodev44 Posts: 50 Member
    Pulls up chair, grabs popcorn, and glass of water with a twist of lemon and begins to watch this thread unfold. Great question!!

    May i pull up a chair and sit beside you and whatch too? :laugh: :drinker:

    Okay...I'm in for sitting and watching as well. Some conversations I never expect on ole' MFP...:huh: