Visualize This

Ok, here's our new thread where we can stick together to meet our goals.

1) Cardio exercise 3 to 5 times a week
2) Strength training 2 to 3 times a week
2) Review logs, give honest feedback
3) Share one new recipe a week that tastes good, easy to make and kids' like
4) Weekly weigh-ins on Mondays

Sound good? Feel free to add/change anything. I just pulled this from the other thread with a little modification.



  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I think we should add the 2 fruits and 3 veggies per day. It's the recommended minimum daily allowance. You guys are sooooo lucky to have a personal nurse on-staff

    How's everyone doing? I have been holding steady. I did 3 bouts of exercise yesterday so I could enjoy some pizza with my family. It allowed me to stay within my daily allowance. It was delicious. I am feeling the soreness today.

    I have to go to the grocery store today and reload on the fruits and veggies. I find that eating healthy is time consuming. Last time I went, I made a conscious decision not to buy any more chips. I buy them for the kids to munch on during the weekend. Guess who's hand is in the bag...yep, it's mine.

    I would like to pose a question for the week:

    What food do you miss the most and how do you compensate?

    I love hot wings

    To compensate, I fill a La Torilla Soft Wrap made with Olive Oil (very good and 12 grams of fiber) with 1 cup roasted chicken, 1 to 2 cups lettuce, 1 roma tomato, 1/4 cup low-fat cheese and 1/2 T of buffalo wing sauce and 1/2 T of Ranch.

    That's 2 servings of veggies and lots of fiber with my delicious hot-wing flavor

    Have a great day!! Keep moving!!
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    wow - good idea.

    When you talk about strength, is that strictly weights or can it be core as well?
    and as for a yummy meal kids can eat too - mine are still too young and one is too fussy to eat anything but cheesy egg or mac n cheese!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    For me, strength in working on all major muscle groups including core...unless, your doing 20 of pilates

    Welcome to the group!
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Thanks... I'm trying to avoid any real weight training and focusing on my cardiovascular health. I had a health assessment and while I am very strong, my cardio was on the low end. I work out with a PT once a week and we do a lot of core/pliometric work.

    Thanks for the warm welcome!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Everyone has different needs...adjust as you need to
  • sharimarie
    sharimarie Posts: 60 Member
    Is it too late to jump in with you all?

    I am a mom of 4, I work full time and go to school full time. I am almost done with my bachelor's degree, last night of class is December 10th! YIPPEE! Then early next year I will be going into the masters program.

    I started mfp May 2008 and lost 8 lbs. Not sure why I stopped, but since then have gained 20 :(

    I tried in the last month to do the eating something small every few hours to help boost my metabolism....yeah did not work I gained 10 lbs. Went to the doctor and she said to go back to eating my breakfast / lunch / dinner. I usually don't snack.

    I have been doing the Wii EA Sports fitness 4 - 5 times per week and throwing the gym in here and there for the treadmill.

    I just feel lost and want to loose weight before May 1, 2010 for my graduation!
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    AOTD - I love a good bottle of red wine, and although I have not cut out alcohol altogether, I am cutting back. So I will have a glass of wine with dinner and then instead of pursuing with the REST OF THE BOTTLE, I'm drinking mint tea (aids in digestion too!) because mint and wine don't taste good together and I'm less likely to go back to wine with mint in my mouth.
  • ianconway
    ianconway Posts: 194 Member
    Yay! Glad to see a thread for "Visualize This!"

    I took yesterday of from exercising (sort of). My Wii Fit was calling my name yesterday morning, so I just HAD to get on there and do 30 minutes of aerobics games.

    Today, I plan on jogging 2 miles this afternoon and also doing some cardio/strength on the Wii Fit.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    I would like to pose a question for the week:

    What food do you miss the most and how do you compensate?

    I haven't really stopped eating things I shouldn't, I just need to keep them in moderation, or only one thing each day.

    But, the thing I need to actually get rid of is fast food. I :heart: me some Taco Bell. I could eat there all day everyday if it was healhy. Right now I'm concentrating on trying to cut back - to only once a week. I really just need to get past the cravings. If I can get to a point where I don't eat it for a few weeks I think the cravings will go away.

    I have cut out pop, but don't miss it.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Try a taco dip with baked chips to satisify your Taco Bell needs

    Layer in this order:

    low-fat refried beans, low-fat sour cream, lettuce, low-fat cheese, salsa, jalepenos, black olives

    Eat with baked chips

    Some people use taco seasoning in the sour cream...I don't do that because of the sodium in the seasoning...but, you can add it if you like

    Many items can be purchased with can do a baking sheet for a party or a small plate for one person...may kids love it

    I cut out pop; but, miss it at me the sugary jolt and caffeine I need to move from room to room
  • ianconway
    ianconway Posts: 194 Member
    Oh man, I love Taco Bell. And I also like the local Mexican restaurants here in Columbia. I would definitely say those types of places helped me gain most of my weight.

    Here's my remedy-

    Home Made Taco Salad

    6 Old El Paso Hard Taco Shells
    8 oz. of Fat Free Ground Turkey
    1 cup of canned pinto beans
    1 Slice of Kraft Fat Free Swiss Cheese
    2 teaspoons Chili Powder
    2 Tablespoons Salsa

    Brown the turkey and add in the chili powder. Warm pinto beans and smash. You may need to add a little water to beans while smashing. After a good smash, cut up swiss cheese into strips and stir into beans to melt. Bake the Taco Shells as directed on the box. When taco shells are finished warming, crunch into chips in a bowl or on a plate. Place half of the bean mixture onto the chips followed by half of the turkey. Add lettuce and tomatoes and add salsa to taste and enjoy!

    This makes 2 total servings with +/- 400 Calories depending on your ingredients.
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    Hello all! I'll be able to add a recipe as soon as my little one goes to sleepy and I have time!
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    Ok, baby's actually napping... MIRACLE. So every Packer game make chili, so obviously I don't make the same old thing. This past game (which was horribly painful to watch by the way) I made a little bit healthier of a version. However if and when I make it again all of the tomato products will either be made by me or low sodium.

    1# ground beef
    1/2# ground pork
    1 medium sweet onion, diced
    2 stalks celery, diced
    2 jalepenos, minced
    1 cup shredded carrot (about 2 carrots)
    28 oz petite diced tomatoes
    28 oz crushed tomato in puree
    large container black beans (I used bush's)
    1 cup V8
    1 T chili powder
    1 1/2 t. cumin
    1 1/2 t creole (I use Tony Chacheres)
    and my secret ingredient, a pinch of cinnamon

    I actually have this in our database under Jessica's healthy chili, and you can actually do it by cups, not just meal (I get so mad when it's like that!) Of course if you use low sodium it will be different, but perhaps one of these days I'll be able to make it again! Enjoy!
  • jeanniedreambtl
    Hello Everyone!
    So I am really happy to see a new team starting up. Me and mamaturner were actually planning on starting a new one. I dont like jumping into ones that have been going on, you feel like the new kid at school and it's hard to relate. But anyways:
    My name is Jeannie. I'm 24. I've been doing really good. I started this journey on August 27th and have lost 17 pounds so far. I completely cut out soda and fast food. And get up religiously everyday and either go for a walk or to the gym, or both. I've changed my whole out look on Life. I figure if you send good energy out to the world, it comes back to you so I always try to remain positive in everything. One thing I know for sure is if you give up, you'll never make it. Thus, I'm NOT giving up!!!! :laugh: As far as what I miss eating, to be honest I havent really quit eating anything I truly enjoy. I definitely dont eat fast food, unless you consider Subway. But i do love Mexican. I've just pretty much either cut my rations down in half or just made wiser decisions with my meals. For instance instead of fries with my steak, Ill go with brocolli. I try to avoid all fried food, fast food, and soda and that about sums it up. It's not necessaily that my main mission is to be skinny, but to just be healthy. And I've never felt better:)
    Oh, question. So I dont know how to register strength training on here. I dont really know what it's called, so what do you all do?
    Welp, hope this works out great. I believe we could all help eachother a whole lot:)


    P.S.- A can of soda equals 140 calories. If you replace just one a day with water, you'll save 51,000 calories a year. Unbelievable but true!
    Imagine if that's all you drank was water:)
  • whitepuredove
    Alright Let's do it.......

    Already been chatting with Kim about all this. ...... Love this group and look forward to everyone's success.


    Created by - Free Calorie Chart
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I think it would be a good idea to all introduce ourselves as Jeannie did. That way we can forge some stronger bonds here. It may be redundant to some, but there are some new people who have joined.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    Ok, I'll introduce myself. My name is Shannon - I'll be 30 :gasp: at the end of the year. I have twin two year olds that are a blast. Acutally, if I was home with them I probly wouldn't have any problem losing weight. But, I work full time and get super bored. I tend to think about the snack bowl in the break room when I get bored. That, and its just so easy to run out and get fast food for lunch. So, I'm trying to avoid the snacks in the break room and not eating fast food. To do this I plan to bring my food. I am trying to have low cal, healthy snacks on hand for when I get bored. If I can just bring my lunch, or have healthy soups or frozen meals on hand, I will be so much better off. I really feel like fast food is addictive and evil :devil:

    So, that's me in a nutshell.

    My workout plan is to do my elliptical most days of the week until I can lose a few more pounds. I'm at 155 right now, so 150 would be good. Then, I'd like to add back in the strength training, probly though the shred dvd and Jillian's other dvds. She does some good strength moves - at least for me. Hopefully I can do this by the end of the month. I'd :heart: to be at at least 140 by the end of the year. That's totally doable being that its only 15 pounds, but this is just so hard.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    Oh, and I def. think that one of the goals is to add more fruits and veggies. What was it you said Kim - 2 veggies and 3 fruits a day.

    I will start out with a goal of 1 of each and work my way up there. Although, I think I usually get more of these than I really realize. I actually :heart: lettuce a lot.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    GM Everyone,

    My name is Kim and I am 43 years old. I have to say that I am so excited today because I received a letter from my son, Ronald, who is in basic training at Fort Knox, KY. He is my oldest of 4 and I have read his letter over and over. I can't believe he is a man now. Seems like yesterday, I was following the garbage dumpster trucks with him cause trucks were cool. Anyway, I have 3 other children Amanda, 15; Kyle, 11 and Nicholas 8. We have several pets to include a dog (Shelby), cat (Bear), turtle (Tommy) and a horse (Buddy). Needless to say, I drive a lot running kids around.

    I also work part-time as a nurse on a heart monitoring unit. I see congestive heart failure, diabetics who could not or did not manage their blood sugars and are on dialysis or amputated. I educate people all the time on health issues.

    I see a lot of people in my age group coming in with chest pain. Quite honestly, the 40s are the time in your life that chronic health issues begin to build. However, we just don't know it. So, I have decided that I have fell into patterns of eating and drinking that should no longer be continued. In addition, how can I counsel patients if I do not look the part.

    I have 3 goals:

    Oct/ comfortably into the size 12s that I currently own and get rid of fat pants...I own 1 pair that I wear a lot
    Dec 2009...165 lbs...son graduates from basic training
    Jan 2010...have cholesterol was high last time
    Mar 2010...150 lbs...Mexico vacation

    Trying to have baby steps to get to the big picture. It's difficult to fathom losing 40+ lbs. It is literally going to take months of hard work, food prep and exercise. How does someone keep it up for so long? I guess its just a lifestyle change that needs to be made.

    I think this is going to be a great group and I hope we can make our goals together. It's great to meet all of you.

  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    P.S.- A can of soda equals 140 calories. If you replace just one a day with water, you'll save 51,000 calories a year. Unbelievable but true!
    Imagine if that's all you drank was water:)

    I figured it out...that's 20 lbs loss in one year