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  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Oh, and I def. think that one of the goals is to add more fruits and veggies. What was it you said Kim - 2 veggies and 3 fruits a day.

    3 veggies and 2 fruits...fruits are naturally higher cals/sugars
    I actually looked up this information...2 cups of lettuce/spinach equals one's a lot

    I like the idea of posting a question that helps in dealing with food, exercise or even fun issues? What does everyone think. We could take turns.

    Lastly, how long should this go on for?

    Does everyone agree the first weigh-in is on Monday?

    1) Cardio exercise 3 to 5 times a week
    2) Strength training 2 to 3 times a week
    3) 3 servings veggies/ 2 fruits per day
    4) Review logs, give honest feedback (if someone asks you to do this)
    5) Share one new recipe a week that tastes good, easy to make and kids' like
    6) Weekly weigh-ins on Mondays

  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    :flowerforyou: This is nice, learning about everyone.

    My name is Pam - I'm 37 years old. I have to demonchildren, I mean angelic daughters: Hunter is 3.5 and Sydney just turned 2, and an awesome dog, Jake (a weimaraner). I'm a stay at home mom, who transitioned from the glamorous world of travel and software. So it's been a huge adjustment for me.

    I never had problems with my weight until I hit my mid 30's. I was traveling a lot for work, developed a palate for single malt scotch and steak... and suddenly, swapping one meal for a salad just wouldn't drop the weight.:grumble: I still worked out on a regular basis, but I gained 20 pounds in one year!

    Got married and had two kids. +40 pounds.

    It's still a struggle for me to lose weight. I recently had a physical and all my blood work came back clear, however there was a "blip" on my Stress test ECG... and because of my Dad's history of heart disease, I will be going for a MIBI Scan (inject a small amount of radioactive dye in my arteries to see if all my heart valves are functioning properly).

    So I'm purely focusing on my cardiovascular health right now. I'm putting in a minimum of 30 minutes of cardio daily. I do work with a personal trainer once a week and we do a lot of CORE/PLYOMETRICS/CARDIO.

    My Goal weight is 150. I'm currently 199.

    That's me in a nutshell.

    2 Fruits: I agree - I would struggle to eat 3 fruits only because of the sweet factor. I'm not a big sweets eater.
    Let's keep this going Month-by-month. I think it's the best way to track ourselves. I also noticed another thread on posting your exercise times and trying to meet 1000 exercise minutes/month. How do you feel about that?
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Hey, I just bought some squash...I have never prepared it before...any ideas

  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    what kind of squash is it?

    Spaghetti Squash: pierce holes in the squash, and microwave for 10 minutes. Slice open and scoop out the seed. A little margarine/butter and seasoning (garlic plus)...
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    diced butternut squash...has to be kid friendly

    thinking a little maple syrup with a sprinkle of blue cheese and bake...not sure if I should mash it


  • charcharbec
    charcharbec Posts: 253 Member
    Sweet. This is great. Can I just ask everyone though--- this is my very first time really trying to lose weight. I don't want to get discouraged, but (and I know I won't see results right away) I can't help wanting to ALWAYS check my weight. We have a scale in the bathroom (my roommates) and I will weigh myself like three times a day. I know I need to just do it once a week to see results. But I am terrified that I won't even see a one pound loss. Is the trick in just making sure I don't weigh myself EVERY day, but like once a week?

    Does anyone else feel like they are going to be stuck like this FOREVVVERRRR???

    *chuckles* but really, do you?
  • sharimarie
    sharimarie Posts: 60 Member
    Weighing your self every day (even several times a day) is like watching a pot of water boil! You will get more discouraged. Weigh once a week or every other day, put the scale under the sink so it is out of sight out of mind. If it is just sitting there, you will be more tempted to hop on it.

    We are a instant gratification society and that is why many people don't stick with diet / exercise. We don't see immediate results, so we quit and give up.

    We have to change our mind set. Have a support group. Keep pushing along. Take one day at a time!

    We can do it together. I am happy to have MFP. As I said I lost 8 lbs a year and a half ago with it. I can only imagine what I would look like now if I had stuck to it! I keep trying to think back at why I stopped, but can't think of any reason. I am thinking it is when we went on vacation for more than 10 days and did not have access to a computer and when I got back I was just out of the habit. Dunno. But that is in the past. Today is a new day!!
  • sharimarie
    sharimarie Posts: 60 Member
    When I introduced myself, did not even think about telling about my pets or a little more about my family! You all did so here we go!

    Family - 4 kids and 1 husband. We have been married a little over 5 years

    14 yr old daughter - mine
    12 yr old son - husbands
    11 yr old son - mine
    8 yr old daughter - husbands

    Dog (Britney / Lab) her name is Keagan
    Turtle named Marti
    Tank full of convict cichlids
    Pink Toe Tarantula (my 14 yr old daughters) named Pinky
  • charcharbec
    charcharbec Posts: 253 Member
    Yeah. I know, I think I might, and tell my roommate WHY i am doing it. He is like me and likes to weigh himself ALL the time. I guess its a habit we should both get out of.

    Anyway, I didnt intro myself either.

    I have no kids no significant. I am only 22 (23 next month)--- but I have a kitten named Luna. She is about 11 or 12 weeks now. And then my roommate has a year old cat named Copper.

    :) Glad to be here though. Glad to have this tool.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    Ok, I totally meant the 3 veggie, 2 fruit but wrote it backwards. It's way easier for me to get fruits because I like them, but I believe the veggies are probly better for you - less of the sugars. I've been trying to keep more fruit around because the kiddos love them. So, I eat them too and it helps when snacking. The veggies I need to try a little harder. I love lettuce - as I've said, celery, and cucumbers. I'm not so big on cooked ones though. Really, I just try to buy what's on sale, celery seems to be most times.

    As for squash - I don't know the differences between them. You can cut it in half, poke the meat and microwave. Add some butter and brown sugar. Apparently its pretty good although I don't like or eat it. You could scoop out the meat after its cooked and the kids can eat it just like that, either mash it or chunk it.

    Oh, and we have a kitten named buddy.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    rkorduner - I have never really tried to lose weight before either. I was fine before kids. Now, I feel like I need to lose. Also, I had blood work done in June-ish and my cholesterol was a bit high. Not bad, but not in the good range. Anyway, for these reasons I would like to lose some weight and be healthier. I have an official weigh in on Fridays right now - and will have on Mondays for this group. That's fine, I'll be better on the weekend hopefully. But, I am guilty of stepping on the scale most days in the mornings. I always do it the same time, but only take the official days and compare those results. I do think its more of a hinderence though.

    I just want to apologize in advance for not using names. I might eventually but am horrible at remembering names. I will likely refer to you withyour screenname. Sorry. Unless your name happens to just click with me - as Kim's has - or I go back and figure it out where you wrote it, I likely won't know it. I hope no one thinks I am doing that on purpose. I'm like that IRL too. Sorry.
  • wb5eey
    wb5eey Posts: 2 Member
    Okay, here goes... My name is Paul. I am 52 years old, with two sons: Travis is 27, lives in San Antonio, and is married to a beautiful wife, Edith (Flor Edith), and they have a nearly two-year old daughter, Maddie (I'll put up a pic when I figure out how); and another son Tim who is a graduating senior at UCO in instrumental music performance. Enjoy bicycling for pleasure/recreation, gardening, playing the cello as part of a wedding (string) quartet, and amateur radio (callsign N5PT). My wife and I both are pre-diabetic, I have been overweight pretty much my whole life with a couple of short-lives excursions into "normal weight" which I could not sustain. Trying to get more active - joined the gym here at work last week, taking "gut busters" core training sessions 2 x per week, playing wallyball, and strength training (3 x per week). Most of my problem is portion control and post-dinner sessions in the freezer/fridge - mainly ice cream!

    I hope to learn from you guys and I'll try to include those things that have worked for me to keep me on the straight and narrow. One thing I am trying to do more is be active, go upstairs in the evening and work on the projects I have put away in the past due to lack of time or failing interest. I seem to do better staying off the couch that way. My wife is getting over a Large hernia operation that didn't heal right and she can't come upstairs yet. I feel guilty leaving her by herself, but she doesn't seem to mind! Of course, keeping food diaries, and logging the "feelings" will help...i just have to keep on doing it even when I falter (Chili's 2 days ago - had the chicken-fried steak! I never have chicken-fried steak?!?)
  • amym1
    amym1 Posts: 13
    Hi everyone,

    I didn't really introduce myself either. My name is Amy. I'm 49 years old, married, no children. 2 dogs (shepherd mixes) and 2 cats (black short hair).

    I feel like I've been on a diet my whole life. I know how to do it, just not how to stick with it. I'm an emotional eater - eat when I'm happy and when I'm sad, frustrated, angry, etc.... I sometimes find myself just grabbing anything out of the pantry or fridge and eating without thinking about it.

    Living in Southern California, I have a long commute every day. Sometimes I get really hungry on the drive home and will stop with the excuse that I need to buy something at the market for dinner and end up also grabbing cookies or a candy bar to munch on the rest of the way home. I haven't done it in a couple of weeks, but hope by acknowledging the problem here I can come to terms with it.

    Paul, try brushing and flossing your teeth right after dinner. I find it really helps me not think about eating more later in the evening.

    I'm really happy I found this website and this group (thanks to Kim).

  • outdoormom09
    Yaaa found you all! Did 25 min on elliptical today. Finally lost a couple pounds... need to get on and log them though! I am so relieved. I am on my 3rd week, but only 1 week on the MFP site. So nice to have friends to encourage. My goal... NOT TO GAIN THEM BACK OVER THE WEEKEND! (LMAO)

    GOOD LUCK see you for check in on Monday!!
  • outdoormom09
    OK... didn't do an intro.... My name is Rose. I am 45 and have a daughter 11 and a son 8. Got a late start! I am re-married this summer and having a wonderful life. The happiness has put on at least 10 lbs. I think I have gained and lost the same 10 lbs at least 100 times!. I have always had to watch my weight and have not been down to my goal weight in years. I know I can do it but i am an emotional eater.....

    Eat when I 'm happy and Eat when I'm sad!

    I LOVE to eat.. especially Pasta and Deserts... my down fall... right to the old hips....

    I know I need to make life style changes and I feel I am ready. It needs to be a life time comittment to make the right choices.

    I want to look good for my kids and my husband... oh .. did I forget to mention? MY SELF!!

    Nice to meet you all and look forward to joining you on this journey.:smooched:
  • ianconway
    ianconway Posts: 194 Member
    Really glad to meet everyone here!

    Here goes...

    My name is Ian. I live in Columbia, South Carolina and am 26 years old. I am married to a very awesome wife and we have a cat! I work at a state agency in the media/video department. In my spare time, I like to go out and recover lost artifacts from the Civil War. I am quite a history buff!

    I quit smoking back in 2005. I was a 2 pack a day smoker! it seems that I gained at least 30 pounds once I kicked the habit, cold turkey! I have always been a 'big boy' but it's time for a change!

    I want to get down in weight because I never have been a 'skinny' person. I seriously started to feel like I was just meant to be big. Then I got it in me one day, "Ian! You've got to make a change my friend!"

    And so, my change is in progress!
  • charcharbec
    charcharbec Posts: 253 Member
    Sooo today I was a bit bad and ate a cup of ice cream. Blech. But after doing so I threw the cartons I had laying there out. Scooped it down the sink. Hope that because it's not there I won't be tempted to eat it. I have to say one of the hardest parts is being honest with myself about what I have eaten just because it's so easy to lie and say I didn't. Sooo I had way toooolso manycalories today. Bad idea. But I am hoping one day isn't too bad and that I can dance
    those cals tonight when we go to the bar (where I will be the dd do that I don't have to worry about THOSE cals too. Haha. I want to smoke so bad too but it's been like over a week now since I had my last cigg. We will see if I can beat it.

  • ianconway
    ianconway Posts: 194 Member
    Sooo today I was a bit bad and ate a cup of ice cream. Blech. But after doing so I threw the cartons I had laying there out. Scooped it down the sink. Hope that because it's not there I won't be tempted to eat it. I have to say one of the hardest parts is being honest with myself about what I have eaten just because it's so easy to lie and say I didn't. Sooo I had way toooolso manycalories today. Bad idea. But I am hoping one day isn't too bad and that I can dance
    those cals tonight when we go to the bar (where I will be the dd do that I don't have to worry about THOSE cals too. Haha. I want to smoke so bad too but it's been like over a week now since I had my last cigg. We will see if I can beat it.


    You got it, Becca! Be strong!! If I can quit smoking, I know you can! Have fun dancing!

  • ianconway
    ianconway Posts: 194 Member
    I thought I was about to have a heartache just a little while ago.

    I had just turned on my Wii Fit Plus and was doing the Island Cycling. After I get about a half mile into it, BOOMM! The power goes out for about 2 seconds and then back on. I was like, okay, that was a free half mile...

    I go and use the bathroom and I noticed that the Wii didn't turn back on, nor is it responding to the Wiimote. So, I press the button the the console. Nothing happens...................

    I start scrounging around for the Best Buy paperwork because we purchased the extra Warranty with it. I get on the phone and get routed to a queue. As I look over the paperwork, I turn back around to notice that the orange light is illuminated on the Wii.

    WOO HOO and Phewww!!!

    I got on there and all seems to be fine. Even did 30 more minutes of cardio added on to the 30 minute workout I had this morning!

  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    Ok so I guess since I have time I'll introduce myself. My name's Jessica, I'm 23, 24 in Jan. I've been married for 2 1/2 years, we have a beautiful 8 month old daughter named Olivia, who has recently started me on the I always move and get into things work out. We also have a tank full of chiclids, which I can't seem to spell. We had to get rid of our 2 dogs and 2 cats when I got pregnant so we coud move into something more affordable :( However plan to get a dog when our daughters perhaps 2 or 3.

    We're hoping to rent a house, we get to go see it next Wednesday and would be so much better to have a 3 bedroom of our own rather than a 2 bedroom in a 12 unit building. Boy do kids take up a lot of room!

    My original weight was 115 pounds at my skinny/healthiest (I'm 5'0") After going through Culinary School and being in a comfortable relationship I got up to 140, and then getting pregnant and being high risk and doing nothing but sitting on my butt and eating whatever I wanted I ballooned to 204 at my largest. I'm presently at 171 I would like to get to at least 120. It is a lot of hard work but once you start losing it, what a motivation!! I'm working part time at The Home Depot, yay, just kidding not yay at all. However I'm on my feet the whole time I'm there which also has been helping!

    Good luck toeveryone and I can't wait til we start having check ins and get more recipes!! By the way are we having a specific day each week for the recipes?