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  • Arienna
    Arienna Posts: 913
    Also... had to giggle all the pants I bought 2 months ago, if I take my belt off... FALL RIGHT OFF! Its exciting and a little sad... soon I will have no pants.. I don't know that I'll be able to fit into any of my old pants yet. But still super excited..

    Omg I think I lost 5 lbs just now, laughing at this "soon i will have no pants" hahaha I'm in the same boat as you, I'm like well I never budgeted new That's awesome!! Those Bistro Sensations Chicken Sausages are really yummy!

    Welcome Rick!

    Kim- Aww, that must be so hard on you, your son being gone in the army :(:heart: He's doing a wonderful thing though and I am sure you are very proud, and we are very thankful he is serving our country! :drinker:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    How exciting to have new people join our group...I think we are awesome for support:

    These are the goals that we initially set up (feel free to modify as needed)

    1) Cardio exercise 3 to 5 times a week
    2) Strength training 2 to 3 times a week
    3) 3 servings veggies/ 2 fruits per day
    4) Review logs, give honest feedback (if someone asks you to do this)
    5) Share one new recipe a week that tastes good, easy to make and kids' like
    6) Weekly weigh-ins on Mondays

    Anyone that's new, tell us about yourself

  • Arienna
    Arienna Posts: 913
    The hubby wants "Philly Cheesesteak Sandwiches" for dinner tonight..homemade that is.. The first thing that crossed my mind was, OMG ALL THE CALORIES lol. BUT I am going to make his with steak, and mine chicken. Also I have these whole grain sub buns I can use and I'm going to cook the peppers and onions with pam, not oil. Though, that's always how I've made them so nothing there is changing really. Also does anyone else find themselves less hungry? I'm allowed about 1600 calories and have eaten about 400 for the day..and it's almost 7 pm. That's not good..
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Also... had to giggle all the pants I bought 2 months ago, if I take my belt off... FALL RIGHT OFF! Its exciting and a little sad... soon I will have no pants.. I don't know that I'll be able to fit into any of my old pants yet. But still super excited..

    Welcome Rick!

    Kim- Aww, that must be so hard on you, your son being gone in the army :(:heart: He's doing a wonderful thing though and I am sure you are very proud, and we are very thankful he is serving our country! :drinker:

    Jessica, if you walk around with no might end up with another BABY!!!! I am wearing some supertight old rid of the fat jeans this week

    Courtney, thanks for the kind wishes...He is my first child, it's weird not to have him around...He will graduate December 4th at Fort Knox, KY....I know I will cry at the ceremony; of course, I cry at Hallmark commericals...I think giving birth made me all sappy.

    Off to make ham hash and chicken, broccoli and big salad

    Ham Hash (great for leftover ham):

    Cubed Ham, Cubed potatoes (frozen is ok)...cook potatoes until nearly done and dump in the ham...sprinking with Cajun seasoning

    Cook chicken in skilled until done and sprinkle with Cajun seasoning

    When everything is done, put chicken on ham hash and pour bernaise sauce over all of itt. I use a packet from the seasoning section for the bernaise.

  • Arienna
    Arienna Posts: 913
    oops double post somehow!

    Kim - Giving birth made me really sappy too! I am soo emotional now! lol
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    The hubby wants "Philly Cheesesteak Sandwiches" for dinner tonight..homemade that is.. The first thing that crossed my mind was, OMG ALL THE CALORIES lol. BUT I am going to make his with steak, and mine chicken. Also I have these whole grain sub buns I can use and I'm going to cook the peppers and onions with pam, not oil. Though, that's always how I've made them so nothing there is changing really. Also does anyone else find themselves less hungry? I'm allowed about 1600 calories and have eaten about 400 for the day..and it's almost 7 pm. That's not good..

    I have but holy moly I dunno that I could do that one. My calorie intake for the day is 1360 if I don't excercise.. yesterday I buned 420 and went to bed with 360 calroeies left... today I didin't excercise and I'll probably go to sleep with 150 calories left... although its been a long day and a mgd 64 sounds pretty good...
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    Jessica, if you walk around with no might end up with another BABY!!!! I am wearing some supertight old rid of the fat jeans this week
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member

    Jessica, if you walk around with no might end up with another BABY!!!! I am wearing some supertight old rid of the fat jeans this week

    Sorry! wrong button.. had to respond.. I laughed outloud to that, thank you! And yes, my husband realized that was happening and I think perhaps his mood and motivation will change now that more and more changes are becoming visable. I have a few smaller sizes in my closet I'm gonna try on tonight.. if they don't fit now perhaps in a month!! Thanks guys! and YES the chicken sausage was AMAZING! I wanna get the apple chicken with gouda but I didn't see it when I was at the store... I bet my husband won't even notice it's chicken!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member

    Jessica, if you walk around with no might end up with another BABY!!!! I am wearing some supertight old rid of the fat jeans this week

    Sorry! wrong button.. had to respond.. I laughed outloud to that, thank you! And yes, my husband realized that was happening and I think perhaps his mood and motivation will change now that more and more changes are becoming visable. I have a few smaller sizes in my closet I'm gonna try on tonight.. if they don't fit now perhaps in a month!! Thanks guys! and YES the chicken sausage was AMAZING! I wanna get the apple chicken with gouda but I didn't see it when I was at the store... I bet my husband won't even notice it's chicken!

    My son saw your post that I left up. He noted the cigarettes saved and the $$$$ saved. After he read that, it was like "Mom, that's really good isn't it". He's 11. He thinks you did a good job!!!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I just had Dole Southwest Salad comes with Taco Ranch Dressing, cheddar cheese, sour cream and toritilla chips...I added chicken...I am addicted

  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    Awe! That's awesome!! Yes it's been quite an accomplishment that I don't take very lightly since my husband smokes and I quit whilst he smoked which only makes it harder. But I have to admit I have no idea how a mother can't quit, I hardly have time to do anything I can't do while holding my daughter! :P Tell your son thank you! And hopefully it will help others struggling with the gross addiction.
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    I just had Dole Southwest Salad comes with Taco Ranch Dressing, cheddar cheese, sour cream and toritilla chips...I added chicken...I am addicted


    Fresh Express makes one similar it was VERY good, I also added chicken. I believe they also have an asian salad mix I'll be trying next.
  • ianconway
    ianconway Posts: 194 Member
    Just checking in briefly...

    Today at work consisted of me driving around all day to log GPS coordinates. 8 counties and 11 hours later, I am finally home. So, YOU GUESSED IT! Fast food all the way... :frown:

    BUT WAIT! :laugh: I had Subway for both Lunch and Dinner!!!! 6" Oven Roasted Chicken for Lunch and 6" Veggie Delight for din din. No cheese on either, both loaded with veggies and only condiment being a little mustard. I had Lay's Light which are only 75 calories per serving and Lay's Baked Sour Cream and Onion which are 140 per serving.

    All in all, a really good day for what could have turned out to be a GUT GOBBLING day...

    Woo Hoo!

    OH! and I have a recipe for a low-calorie Philly Cheese Steak sandwich that if I can find I will pass along to everyone!

  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    oops double post somehow!

    Kim - Giving birth made me really sappy too! I am soo emotional now! lol

    Oh man, I'm in trouble.....I haven't even given birth and I cry at EVERYTHING!!!! :laugh:
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    Oh yea, your trouble lol. I was one of those tough girls that had all guy friends and only brothers, lived on my own at 17.. needless to say I was a tough cookie.... yea that completely changes! So if it did it tome your in big time trouble lol. But its wonderful!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    oops double post somehow!

    Kim - Giving birth made me really sappy too! I am soo emotional now! lol

    Oh man, I'm in trouble.....I haven't even given birth and I cry at EVERYTHING!!!! :laugh:

    You bet you are....LOL
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Ian - great job on making healthy choices today when it would have been soooo easy to eat typical fast food! :smile:

    Hey everyone - hope your day went well. Thank goodness tomorrow's Friday!!! I was really hungry again today - not sure why. I did notice that the two Wendy's grilled chicken wraps (minus the cheese) I had for dinner weren't as filling as I expected. Unfortunately I didn't really have anything to pack for dinner this morning, so I had to eat on the go. (either that or eat around 8:30 pm!) At least I looked online at nutrition info ahead of time and picked something that stayed in my plan for the day!

    I don't know how many of you have ever eaten a pomegranate, but I've discovered that I really love them! If you've never had one, you should try one - they tend to be in the grocery stores on sale time time of year (they're mostly a fall fruit here in the US). My grocery store even had a little pamplet explaining the best way to open & get the part you eat out. It's tangy and sweet and less than 100 calories for a whole pomegranate's worth of arils (the edible part). It also makes for a good addition to cereal, salads, almost anything!
  • ianconway
    ianconway Posts: 194 Member
    Ian - great job on making healthy choices today when it would have been soooo easy to eat typical fast food! smile

    Thanks Tiff!
  • ianconway
    ianconway Posts: 194 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    Good morning and Happy Friday! Woo Hoo! I hope you all have a great day as well as a good start to your weekend. Stay focused on your goals and you will get there.

    If you get off track, just get back on. Simple as that! That's what I had to do this week. Too much junk food earlier in the week, but now getting back into the rhythm and habit of making healthy choices.

    Good Luck Everyone!
    -Ian :wink:
  • Arienna
    Arienna Posts: 913
    Ian - Awesome job yesterday on your food choices!!

    Tiff - Thanks for the info on the pomegranate! I always wondered what they actually tasted like and how to eat them haha. I might buy some next time I go grocery shopping, they are loaded with antioxidants! Good job to you too for planning out what to get before hand!

    I just got up about 30 min ago, had to take my husband to work cause I need the car today :grumble: His engine is being rebuilt in his truck, so we are down to one car for a few weeks, I hate it! lol I'm just eating an apple as I read the messages before I do my work out. It's raining here so I'm not going to go for a walk, instead I'm going to do Leslie Sansone's walking video (not sure which) and of course the 30 day shred, which if any of you haven't done that yet, OMG its hard lol. But well worth it.

    Sara - Yes, you definitely are in trouble sweetie!

    Jeannie - How are you doing?! We miss you!!!! :flowerforyou: