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  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Morning - today is our 5th anniversary and we are going out for dinner. I can't wait. The girls will have their aunt and cousin over to watch them and they are thrilled.

    Kim - I'm sorry you are missing your oldest. He's a strong man for making the choice to defend his country. I bet you are proud.

    Tiff - Watch Wendy's or any fast food joint for that matter. Their low cal menu may be "low cal" but holy smokes - the sodium content is off the charts!

    Ian - good job on resisting temptation!

    I'm peeing myself reading the post about being over-emotional. I never really cried until having a kid. I didn't cry for either one of my children's births, but I see a hallmark advert and I'm a sobbing mess! My husband jokes now that he likes to see that I'm no longer a hard *kitten*.
  • Giggles27
    Giggles27 Posts: 139
    Pam - Congrats on the Anniversary!!!!

    Kim - You must be the proudest Mom...please Thank your son from all of us for what he is doing...he is helping keep us and our families safe.

    Ian - Thats great that you didnt eat what all that you could have...

    Courtney - You go that exercise...

    I totally messed up...two days in a row...I just think Im so hungry these past two days...and I don't know what to do with myself...I weighed myself this morning and I gained 4 lbs...WHAT IS THAT ABOUT!!!! I don't know if its because im lifting weights...not getting enough water...not enough protein....SOMEONE HELP!!!! I am def. working out like crazy.....AHHHHH

    I bought the 30 day tonight is my night off from the gym but I will be doing the Shred and then back to Kickboxing Tommorow morning.....
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Everyone is so postive today!!!

    Pam, happy exciting to go out and's nice to get away from the little ones especially after you told that funny (maybe not to you) story how they dress and undress and then spill, etc. It was hysterical. I think we don't cry when they are born; cause, we are so happy not be preggo anymore.

    Tiff, I buy healthy choice meals for work even tho I have the cafeteria downstairs. I like the portabello beef tips and the turkey medallions with squash and mashed potatoes. There are even low in sodium. Also, your right about the pomegranates. To me, they taste like Jolly Rancher candies. Only healthy.

    Ian...way to stay focused on a tough day

    Anu, thanks...we are proud of our son...Your weight gain may be a combo of stress, muscle building, water gain...stay focused, log your food and most important PLAN your will happen...look for other changes: mood, energy level, muscle toning....put the scale away until Monday
  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    Good morning and happy Friday everyone!!!!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I feel SO good today - I actually got myself out of bed a 1/2 hour early to do the Jillian Michael's Shred - I saw that you bought it Anu, does anyone else do this workout? One of my best friends from college is coming to visit me tonight and her one and only request is that we go to the local mexican place for dinner (my FAVORITE!! :grumble: ) so I definately needed that workout this morning - plan on getting a litte cardio in after work as well.

    Hope you all have a great Friday - weather is pretty miserable here in MI.....lots of wind and lots and lots of cold rain :frown: Have a great day all!
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Sara - I have the video and have completed it twice. The first time I did it - I had trouble sitting for 3 days!! She cooked my thighs. You will see though, each time you do Shred, you get stronger and stronger! I was barely able to do a push up and now I can do 15 boy style push ups!
    I'm going to either do Bob Harper's weight loss yoga today. Doesn't require a lot of jumping around, and my girls will likely want to do it with me:heart:
    Kim :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: It's so true, oh, those last 3 weeks of being pregnant was just the worst. Every joint in my body was aching. Even though I had a cesarian both times, I was only too happy jump up the next day and walk around without a watermelon as a belly.
    Anu - Kim is right, when the muscle is stressed it tends to hold onto water, so maybe instead of working out so intensively, try backing off a little and letting the muscle rest. Do cardio in it's place and "sweat it out". And if you are so hungry then I can only guess that your snacks after your workouts are not a balance of carbs & protein.

    OMG - my three year old daughter just found one of my sheer knee highs and put it on... I'm dying of laughter here:laugh:
  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    Sara - I have the video and have completed it twice. The first time I did it - I had trouble sitting for 3 days!! She cooked my thighs. You will see though, each time you do Shred, you get stronger and stronger! I was barely able to do a push up and now I can do 15 boy style push ups!

    I know what you mean - I did the workout a few times months ago and couldn't sit or walk right for about 5 days! My co-workers got a good laugh at me trying to sit or walk around - I was SO sore! Knowing that, I didn't push it as hard as I did the first time around, I don't want to get discouraged and quit this time!
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    TGIF everyone!
    Tiff - Watch Wendy's or any fast food joint for that matter. Their low cal menu may be "low cal" but holy smokes - the sodium content is off the charts!

    Thanks for the reminder, Pam. I did check out all the nutrition info, though, and what I bought (while not incredibly fulfilling, as I learned) wasn't too bad - I stayed under for the day in sodium.
    Tiff, I buy healthy choice meals for work even tho I have the cafeteria downstairs. I like the portabello beef tips and the turkey medallions with squash and mashed potatoes. There are even low in sodium.

    Kim - I tried buying those kind of lunches but those just aren't filling enough for me. I usually bring a sandwhich (regular amount of meat/cheese on one slice of bread, cut in half), fresh veggies and fruit. For me this fills me up much better. And even when I was buying the lower sodium boxed lunches they were high enough to make me go over most days. Really Lunches aren't an issue for me - just dinners on the nights I have class right after work, when I forget to pack dinner or don't have anything I can bring that can be eaten on the go.

    Anyways, Ive gotta go scramble and get ready to leave for work. Have a great Friday everyone!

  • ianconway
    ianconway Posts: 194 Member
    Tiff - Watch Wendy's or any fast food joint for that matter. Their low cal menu may be "low cal" but holy smokes - the sodium content is off the charts!

    Speaking of Sodium...

    Has anyone been able to keep their Daily Sodium Intake at or below 2500mg? The only way I see it happening is to eat veggies and no processed foods, etc....

    It's tough! LOL!

  • charcharbec
    charcharbec Posts: 253 Member
    Hey everyone.

    Was gonna do the gym this morning but am going to take today off (perhaps running tomorrow or Sunday as I am going to be away from my home gym).

    Can I just say, that I want an effing fast food sandwich? It sucks. I mean I have enough will power (I reallllly hope) that I can just wave my hand and say no thanks. But MAN....MAAAAAAANNNN.

    I really hope that I can make sure that I am eating well this weekend. It's kind of hard when I go to my friends' homes (1.5 hours away) because they just buy crap to eat. Always eating out. Blah.

    Here's to a hump weekend yeah? :D

    Good luck to you all as well.
  • charcharbec
    charcharbec Posts: 253 Member
    Tiff - Watch Wendy's or any fast food joint for that matter. Their low cal menu may be "low cal" but holy smokes - the sodium content is off the charts!

    Speaking of Sodium...

    Has anyone been able to keep their Daily Sodium Intake at or below 2500mg? The only way I see it happening is to eat veggies and no processed foods, etc....

    It's tough! LOL!


    Oh and yes. There was a pretty long period of time that I did this. THe last couple of days I have been just slightly over.

    But I believe I have been doing pretty okay with that.
  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    I really hope that I can make sure that I am eating well this weekend. It's kind of hard when I go to my friends' homes (1.5 hours away) because they just buy crap to eat. Always eating out. Blah.

    Good luck this weekend - just stay strong :happy: being around people who aren't concious of what they put in their mouths is hard. You'll do GREAT!!!! :bigsmile:
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Ian - I thought I was doing myself a favor by using low fat cheese - but holy cripes! This morning alone because of 3 measely slices of yucky processed fat free cheese, I'm up 1025 mgs of SODIUM. Dang!
    Bec - Hang in there and make wise choices.
  • ianconway
    ianconway Posts: 194 Member
    Ian - I thought I was doing myself a favor by using low fat cheese - but holy cripes! This morning alone because of 3 measely slices of yucky processed fat free cheese, I'm up 1025 mgs of SODIUM. Dang!
    Bec - Hang in there and make wise choices.

    Holy Cow!! What kind are you using?
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    black diamond fat free cheddar slices.
    I hate processed cheese, but the girls prefer it in their grilled cheese. O-wise they'd be in the garbage right now.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Tiff - Watch Wendy's or any fast food joint for that matter. Their low cal menu may be "low cal" but holy smokes - the sodium content is off the charts!

    Speaking of Sodium...

    Has anyone been able to keep their Daily Sodium Intake at or below 2500mg? The only way I see it happening is to eat veggies and no processed foods, etc....

    It's tough! LOL!


    Yep, you got processed foods, lunch meat, cheese, canned soups and, yes, bread can be high in tip, if you use canned veggies or bean, rinse them off with water before you use them

    OK, I am off to face the sweaty beast on Comcast, make lunch, pack a dinner and off to work...I feel like a slave to this NEW LIFESTYLE
  • Giggles27
    Giggles27 Posts: 139
    For Lunch I am doing a grilled chicken sandwich on Pita bread with portabella mushrooms (I will only eat half) and a side greek salad (dressing on side) and since I have had this before I know it has very lil feta cheese on it and no olives.....

    For tonight I will have the rest of my sandwich and also a side salad consisting of Cucumbers and tomatoes (my fav)....

    Mid Afternoon Snack will be yogurt....

    I think I may have a plan....
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    For Lunch I am doing a grilled chicken sandwich on Pita bread with portabella mushrooms (I will only eat half) and a side greek salad (dressing on side) and since I have had this before I know it has very lil feta cheese on it and no olives.....

    For tonight I will have the rest of my sandwich and also a side salad consisting of Cucumbers and tomatoes (my fav)....

    Mid Afternoon Snack will be yogurt....

    I think I may have a plan....

    That's the key planning! Great Job!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Sara - I have the video and have completed it twice. The first time I did it - I had trouble sitting for 3 days!! She cooked my thighs. You will see though, each time you do Shred, you get stronger and stronger! I was barely able to do a push up and now I can do 15 boy style push ups!

    I know what you mean - I did the workout a few times months ago and couldn't sit or walk right for about 5 days! My co-workers got a good laugh at me trying to sit or walk around - I was SO sore! Knowing that, I didn't push it as hard as I did the first time around, I don't want to get discouraged and quit this time!

    Can you buy this at the store? How does it work? I did Shred 1 on Comcast. They have Shred 1 and 2. How does the program work?


  • Giggles27
    Giggles27 Posts: 139

    Can you buy this at the store? How does it work? I did Shred 1 on Comcast. They have Shred 1 and 2. How does the program work?



    I just bought Jillian Micheals Shred at WalMart for $10.00 and it has all three levels....thats my understanding...they say you should do a level for 10 days and then move on
  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    I just bought Jillian Micheals Shred at WalMart for $10.00 and it has all three levels....thats my understanding...they say you should do a level for 10 days and then move on

    I did the same - bought mine off of Amazon months ago. I have heard of people doing it from Comcast too though.