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  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Speaking of Sodium...

    Has anyone been able to keep their Daily Sodium Intake at or below 2500mg? The only way I see it happening is to eat veggies and no processed foods, etc....

    It's tough! LOL!


    I had that problem initially, but I've successfully kept right around or below the 2500/day for awhile now. You can do that while still eating some processed foods, but you have to consciously look for the low sodium alternatives. What really got me was the bread and english muffins - I've switched to a lower sodium type. I eat packaged lunchmeat, but I buy the lower sodium ones - "Healthy Ones Turkey, Deli-think slices" is what I usually get. It's do-able, but you do have to eat a lot of fresh fruit/veggies and for the packaged foods you eat, you have to be vigilant about reading nutrition lables and looking for the low-sodium choices (which there's a low-sodium option of most things, it seems).

    Feel free to take a look at my food log if you want to see specifics.
  • Arienna
    Arienna Posts: 913
    Good afternoon everyone! :flowerforyou:

    I did the shred this morning and I feel GREAT! Going to keep it up! I bought mine at Wal-Mart for $10 too. I love it! I also bought No more Trouble Zones (I don't remember exact title) by Jillian Michaels. I was looking into the Yoga for weight loss with Bob, but haven't boughten it yet. I want to add yoga into my routine but don't know where to start!

    Ian - Yeah, I have to watch my sodium a lot too! I just went over today, not even thinking about it..made a chicken stir fry with veggies and brown rice..and 2 servings of soy souce - full sodium! GRR lol

    Well, I was going to write more but don't remember what else! Have some errands to go run, have to pay the tags for my license plate..why do they make me pay on my birthday!?! Well it's not till Sunday technically, but still! lol :ohwell:

    Anyway, I'll be back later!

    Much :heart:
  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    Arienna - if you do get the Yoga let me know how you like it....I too want to start doing yoga but not sure where to begin. How long have you been doing the Shred?

    Happy Birthday!!! :flowerforyou:
  • amym1
    amym1 Posts: 13
    Nothing in the house for breakfast and was so tempted to grab a scone at the bakery on the way in to work. But I scrounged around and found an english muffin and was able to avoid the bakery. Then at work they ordered pizza for the office. I was in the kitchen heating up my trusty lean pocket and didn't hear my phone ring telling me there was pizza downstairs. By the time I got the message, I'd already eaten my lunch and could say "no thank you" to the pizza. Oh, also bypassed the Friday donuts too. My office is a mine field. Glad it is the weekend...

  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    Nothing in the house for breakfast and was so tempted to grab a scone at the bakery on the way in to work. But I scrounged around and found an english muffin and was able to avoid the bakery. Then at work they ordered pizza for the office. I was in the kitchen heating up my trusty lean pocket and didn't hear my phone ring telling me there was pizza downstairs. By the time I got the message, I'd already eaten my lunch and could say "no thank you" to the pizza. Oh, also bypassed the Friday donuts too. My office is a mine field. Glad it is the weekend...


    Way to resist Amy!!! Pizza is by far my biggest downfall :grumble:
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Office food,,,

    I'm a little pissed off and depressed and I was left alone with a chocolate cake and I did a little damage. A co-worker turned 40 today, I had a nibble at the lunch party. Later I did my checkbook at my desk and realized I've paid out $700 lately on,,, stuff not entirely of my own choosing and,,, just grrrrrr...

    I could've happily eaten the whole thing,,, but I didn't. I had a second piece, with icing, with a cup of coffee.

    I'll exercise extra hard tonight and maybe skip my last snack,,, it was worth it.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    I agree...Office Food can be deadly! They had cake downstairs today in the cafeteria to celebrate the monthly birthdays - I didn't even look at what kind of cake because I knew I would want some.

    Since it's Friday and I've been good all week I will probably allow myself a small glass of wine or one of my hard ciders with dinner tonight. Yumm... I don't feel guilty because I'm only allowing myself a little and I have the room in my food budget for today - plus I plan on exercising tonigh.

    For now...I'm going to go get some water. I'm hungry again even though I ate a sandwich, a bowl of fresh veggies (broccoli, cucumber, sugar snap peas and tomatos - about 2 cups total) and two clementine oranges. :grumble: Hopefully the water will satisfy me for now.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Mmm.... I made my own pasta sauce today (I poured it over wheat rotini and ground turkey) and it turned out surprisingly yummy! It's not super low in calories, but it's not too bad, and a good bit of the fat it does have is good fat (from avacado):

    1/4 avacado
    juice from 1 lemon
    1 tbsp Kraft Mayo made from Olive Oil (could probably reduce this if you wanted to)
    dash of ginger

    I mixed all these up with this stick-mixer thing I have and it was a tangy, creamy sauce. I used all of what I made but it probably could have been split between 2 if you didn't want a lot of sauce on each serving. Here is the nutrition info:

    129 calories
    10g carbs
    11g fat
    1g protien
    99 sodium
    4 cholesterol
    3 fiber

    I'm finding that I enjoy experimenting like this, especially when it turns out good!
  • jeanniedreambtl
    Ok everyone! I'm here. I have had a lot going on. I wont be able to keep up as much as Id like to with you all but just know that I am here ok.
    I had an abcess between my tummy and groin area that had gotten so bad that I had to have a small surgery done on it. They had to cut, drain, and pack it with gauze. I couldnt even walk, therefore I havent done any exercising. But Ive managed to keep of the weight I had already lost so thats good.
    Everyone think about me in the morning, I'm doing a 5-mile walk for Breast Cancer Awareness, and think about anyone you know who has or had cancer. Its for a great cause and Im honoured to be a part of it.
    I hope everyone is doing fabulous!
  • Arienna
    Arienna Posts: 913
    Ok everyone! I'm here. I have had a lot going on. I wont be able to keep up as much as Id like to with you all but just know that I am here ok.
    I had an abcess between my tummy and groin area that had gotten so bad that I had to have a small surgery done on it. They had to cut, drain, and pack it with gauze. I couldnt even walk, therefore I havent done any exercising. But Ive managed to keep of the weight I had already lost so thats good.
    Everyone think about me in the morning, I'm doing a 5-mile walk for Breast Cancer Awareness, and think about anyone you know who has or had cancer. Its for a great cause and Im honoured to be a part of it.
    I hope everyone is doing fabulous!

    I hope you're feeling better!! :flowerforyou: That's awesome you are doing that! I did one of those here a few weeks ago! We know you're here, don't worry! We all get busy sometimes! :heart:

    Tiff - Thanks for the yummy recipe! I hope you enjoyed your wine :smile:

    Sara - I picked up the Biggest loser's yoga for weight loss today, I will let you know how it goes! A friend of mine recommended that a long with bootcamp for 6 weeks to jump start my routine, so I think I might hold off on shred for now, since I heard you're supposed to change up your routine every so often anyway and start off with the yoga and bootcamp for now!

    I had such a great day today! I have been looking for a job FOREVER. For months and months. I had an interview today, just at JcPenney for a part-time temp employee, I thought oh well it will get me through the holidays at least. Well, I got that job but then I also got a nursing assistant job (I got my certification about a year ago)! So I am so happy! No jobs to 2!? lol But unfortunately I am not keeping the JcPenney job, because this other job is a permanent full-time job! I am soo happy! So, to celebrate I went out and bought two of the biggest loser's workout tapes. Bootcamp and Yoga for weight loss. Going to start them tomorrow!

    Hope everyone has a great night! :drinker:
  • Arienna
    Arienna Posts: 913
    Hey everyone.

    Was gonna do the gym this morning but am going to take today off (perhaps running tomorrow or Sunday as I am going to be away from my home gym).

    Can I just say, that I want an effing fast food sandwich? It sucks. I mean I have enough will power (I reallllly hope) that I can just wave my hand and say no thanks. But MAN....MAAAAAAANNNN.

    I really hope that I can make sure that I am eating well this weekend. It's kind of hard when I go to my friends' homes (1.5 hours away) because they just buy crap to eat. Always eating out. Blah.

    Here's to a hump weekend yeah? :D

    Good luck to you all as well.

    Oh, I know what you mean about a fast food sandwich! I have been craving a crispy chicken sandwich at McDonald's lol. But I've resisted and will continue to do so :) gum really helps me!
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Jeannie - you must be pretty well recovered if you're doing a 5 mile walk tomorrow! Hope you have a great time and you heal quickly (if you're not already all better)!

    Courtney - congrats on getting the permanent full-time job! That must be such a relief... I can't imagine being out of work right now - My company was laying people off and I was panicked at the thought of having to look for another job in this economy. (Thankfully I'm still employed...)

    I ended up going for the raspberry cider instead of wine - wine would've been healthier, but I'm going to the gym and will work the cider off.

    Ok... off to the gym and then I have to buckle down and work on a project for school. What an exciting Friday night. :tongue:
  • Giggles27
    Giggles27 Posts: 139
    Jeannie - Good Luck on that walk...I did something like that a while ago and would love to do it again....

    Tiff - I hope you had a great time working out and doing that project on a Friday night.

    Courtney - Congrats on the Full Time Job!!!! I need one as soon as school is over....which should be in another 5 months.

    Today im up early and looking at some paperwork and then heading to the gym, I am taking a hard kickboxing class at 9:45 am and then a Body Works Class right after that....I am really going to try and go to both....I dont know why but I am so scared of Kickboxing...I have tried it with this trainer twice and I almost died both thats 2 hrs and 15 mins of exercise and only a 15 mins break in the i cant forget my protein bar

    Also today I have to go to a 1yr old bday party....lots of yummy food....I will def. try to avoid somethings but im being realistic and will eat some "bad" things tooo
  • Arienna
    Arienna Posts: 913
    Good morning everyone!!

    Anu - Good luck on your workouts and willpower at your bday party!

    I did weight loss for yoga and bootcamp this morning and I LOVED THEM! Definitely got a great workout. I personally like Bob as the instructor better than Jillian. I have some school work to do and some cleaning later. Going to be a pretty laid back weekend!

    Oh! Also had 1/2 cup of arils, the pomegranate seeds this morning they are so yummy!

  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    Day 2 of the Shred and I'm feeling good :happy: ! It's probably in my head but I swear that I could do more today than I could yesterday :laugh:

    Courtney - I'm excited to hear how you like the yoga and the bootcamp - hadn't heard about the bootcamp before. And CONGRATULATIONS on the job!!! :bigsmile: I was unemployed for awhile a year and a half ago and I know how frustrating, stressful and depressing it can be to try and find work - especially in Michigan! Cheers to you! :drinker:

    Jeannie - that's so awesome that you are doing the walk for breast cancer - kudos to you!

    Anu - sounds like you've got quite the morning planned for yourself! Kick butt!

    Tiff - I'm drooling over the thought of raspberry cider and it's only 9:00 a.m.:tongue:

    have a GREAT Saturday everyone!!!
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    Good morning all! I feel a bit lost today, I had to take my little one to my aunts last night since my husband and I both work this morning and my aunt lives an hour away... I hate it! The house feels so empty an I fought off tears most of the way home.. I'm such a baby! But I'm very excited, we sign the lease for a house today! We can actually have a real sized tree for my daughers first Christmas and have her 1st birthday party there!! Yay! So needless to say I slept in instead of getting up to work out.. but I have about 1 1/2 hours between work and the signing so I'm gonna hop on the eliptcal.

    Jeannie-I'll be thinking of you! I've always wanted to do a walk for a cause ... it's a wonderful thing!

    Courtney-Congrats!! It's a great feeling and a HUGE amount of stress off your shoulders once you finally get that job, especially in your field!

    PS I had spaghetti squash last night in some tomato sauce.. talk about yum! I think perhaps I need to eat more squash, it just never comes to mind when I plan meals.

    Have a great weekend yall! Hopefully the weather will be nice for ya, b/c here is another gloomy WI day.
  • Arienna
    Arienna Posts: 913
    Jessica - I know how you feel in regards to your daughter! I feel the same way every time my kids stay the night at my parents' house. They are 5 and 6 now, so I'm pretty used to it, and I usually just get cleaning done or RELAX lol. Have a good day at work!

    Sara - Awesome job on the Shred! Keep it up!! :flowerforyou:

    I'm supposed to be doing homework but I keep coming back here! lol. I think I am going to go watch a show or two that I DVR'd this week.. :ohwell:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    It's amazing to read all of the postive things that are going one right now

    Tiff...great will-power on only having 1 cider...I would have been like I'll take the bottle of wine...LOL

    Courtney....yea, a job....I used to work in a nursing home as an aide, you will grow very attached to the residents...they are so sweet and have wonderful stories

    Jeannie...What a powerful feeling that is going to come with that walk, the solidarity of so many people coming together can really trigger emotions

    Anu...great choices yesterday....continue to stick with the plan wonder your afraid of the kick-boxing, sounds brutal

    Sara...your starting out great, I might do the shred 1 today before work

    I had a rough night at work yesterday, busy, busy, busy. I had to stay late to do charting and all my patients were so sick and busy. I didn't get home till 12:30. I was DYING for cold beer (well, several to be accurate) when I got home and my tummy was growling.

    So, I checked MFP to see who was doing what. I looked at how many cals and fat grams were left. Then Tiff actually inspired me with his one cider which was budgeted for. I opened the fridge......suspense.....and then closed it.

    You all are a great inspiration and support system...I am actually looking forward to the weigh-in on Monday.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I'll exercise extra hard tonight and maybe skip my last snack,,, it was worth it.

    Excellent recovery plan

  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Have a great weekend yall! Hopefully the weather will be nice for ya, b/c here is another gloomy WI day.

    Jessica, where are you in WI? I'm in St. Paul, MN.

    Was curious if we are close...I already know your a Packer fan