Runners.......what BUGS you?



  • moustache_flavored_lube

    5. bikers who say "to your left". I want to say no **** dude!

    I am both a runner / cyclist.. how dos this possibly make your top 5?!

    I can't tell you how many near accidents I have had when passing pedestrians on a multi use path. If you don't yell on your left prior to passing there is a good chance they will freak out step in front of you and both of you get hurt.

    Cycling is all about efficiency when you have to slow way down to pass someone who is "misusing" a multi use path, and this happens dozens of times an hour it really kills your pace
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I'm mid run. Getting in a good burn. At the point where I'm starting to feel tired but also thrilled. Suddenly... I trip. Tumble tumble tumble. Roll. Down a hill. At the bottom I take a moment to compose myself, then get up and finish the run at half speed. >.< I couldn't walk for weeks after. It wasn't worth it.

    If you fall. Stop running. Please. :P
  • louisel809
    Joggers nipple.
  • Hadabetter
    Hadabetter Posts: 942 Member
    Joggers nipple.
    Damn...need cold shower now.
  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
    well i am not a runner but my dog and I go for very fast walks and one thing that really bugs me is when other peoples dogs are run after us when I am walking past their house, I have lost count as to how many times i have yelled ( somewhat ) at a dog to go home. The worst is when the owners holler that the dog is friendly lol thats great but my is not always great with other dogs! keep your dogs confined!
  • eggsmilkbread
    eggsmilkbread Posts: 184 Member

    A lot of crap tends to annoy me while running when I think about it!
    -Very slow walkers
    -Bumpy sidewalk
    -Fat people sitting on their porches heckling me while eating fried chicken
    -having to stop for cars
  • dollhousedolly
    dollhousedolly Posts: 73 Member
    When you run past someone who is just walking or whatever and their perfume/cologne takes your breath away.

    This is the worst.
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    bugs bug me. especially when i accidentally inhale them. gross!

    I can't stand it when dogs come out of their yards after me. i usually will stop and walk slowly past all while talking to the dog.

    had this happen yesterday. just about to pass a house with the garage open AND i was on the opposite side of the street. little dog came running out of the garage coming right up to me barking (no owner in sight). all i could think was thank God there wasn't a car coming or else this dog would not be alive. i stopped let the dog sniff me talked to it and walked it back towards it's home. owner barely came out of the garage to get the darn thing. i'm a dog owner and this would NEVER happen with my two.
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    Bikers. they could care less if they run us down. and they have those stupid mirrors so they can see behind them. I always give them the finger
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    well i am not a runner but my dog and I go for very fast walks and one thing that really bugs me is when other peoples dogs are run after us when I am walking past their house, I have lost count as to how many times i have yelled ( somewhat ) at a dog to go home. The worst is when the owners holler that the dog is friendly lol thats great but my is not always great with other dogs! keep your dogs confined!

    ^^^^ this happens to me more times than i can count. i have 2 dogs - a malamute and an akita. my akita does not like little dogs nor does she like other females. combined my dogs weigh almost 200lbs. pisses me off when loose dogs come running after us. neighbor's dog just did this recently. i was 2 houses away and on the other side of the street walking my two when their dog came out after us. scared the living *kitten* out of me. but i held my two back and all my neighbor did was stand there whistling - REALLY! i just yelled come get your F'N DOG! pissed.
  • Doodlewhopper
    Doodlewhopper Posts: 1,018 Member
    A few years back on a 5am 10 miler, half way through I had a hawk make a "deposit" mid air that landed on my my mouth. It was hot. I dropped to my knees heaving.

    That's a taste you just cannot forget.

    Didya log it?
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,637 Member
    When a creepy old man in a trench coat walks past and then obviously turns around as I pass him to stare at my backside. Had to check to make sure he wasn't going to run after me lol
  • jjlibunao
    Yes - people in their cars that are totally unaware of runners/joggers. Also, I hate when my iPod runs out of battery life during the early portion of your run.
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    #1 When people don't clean up their dog's poop and it's right in the middle of a paved path. You couldn't have at least nudged the dog off the path?

    #2 The other day I was on that same path and two old guys were walking their dogs and standing there taking up the entire path, leashes literally stretched from side to side and neither guy or their dogs moved an inch so I had to go off path into the mud. It was wide enough for all of us if they had felt like sharing. Real nice.

    #3 A lot of people assume just cuz they luv their little ankle-biters that everyone will think it's adorable when their dog jumps on you. I don't. I would prefer they not jump on me with muddy paws, thanks. Why bother with a leash if you aren't going to yank on it when they go jumping on strangers?
  • Doodlewhopper
    Doodlewhopper Posts: 1,018 Member

    5. bikers who say "to your left". I want to say no **** dude!

    I am both a runner / cyclist.. how dos this possibly make your top 5?!

    I can't tell you how many near accidents I have had when passing pedestrians on a multi use path. If you don't yell on your left prior to passing there is a good chance they will freak out step in front of you and both of you get hurt.

    Cycling is all about efficiency when you have to slow way down to pass someone who is "misusing" a multi use path, and this happens dozens of times an hour it really kills your pace

    I consider the hail, "on your left" mandatory & a courtesy.
  • roro1925
    roro1925 Posts: 120 Member
    A few years back on a 5am 10 miler, half way through I had a hawk make a "deposit" mid air that landed on my my mouth. It was hot. I dropped to my knees heaving.

    That's a taste you just cannot forget.

    Didya log it?

    LMFAO!!!!!! This made me laugh so damn hard!!!! Hahahahahaha
  • roro1925
    roro1925 Posts: 120 Member

    A lot of crap tends to annoy me while running when I think about it!
    -Very slow walkers
    -Bumpy sidewalk
    -Fat people sitting on their porches heckling me while eating fried chicken
    -having to stop for cars

    This!!! absolutely!!! I run in residential areas so I'm constantly looking out for cars that won't stop for a stop sign or turning, cuz they don't give a crap about u and always try to beat u so they don't have to stop!! Ugh, so annoying. And also, i always smile and/or wave when passing someone and may even say good morning/afternoon or whatever, and I cant stand it when they just look down or don't even crack a smile. Lighten up people!!!!
  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
    I just told a Co-Worker about an incident where I was bit by a golden retriever when running at a city park.
    She didnt believe me, guess I will have to have her read this thread. Seems to be a common occurance.

    Now if you had told her it was a bully breed dog like a pit or a shepperd then look out : there would be a lynch mob! :bigsmile:
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Pollution is the worst by far, even a little bit lowers my run time and I get out of breath much faster. Add seasonal allergies to that and I pretty much can't run. I'm going to try to this Spring and Summer anyway, but I know already it won't happen.

    Roadkill is disgusting. Either evolution is a crock or squirrels breed too prolifically because the survivors sure never seem to learn about cars (kidding, don't make a five page post at me, biologists and geneticists!). Thank goodness we have vultures around here, or turkey buzzards or whatever, they're my favorite cleanup crew.

    Bugs, especially ones that sting, like hornets and yellow jackets.

    Otherwise tasteful, pricy neighborhoods and residential areas that cut costs by not including sidewalks.

    Dog crap.

    Small dogs running loose. Only had one large dog give me trouble, but there is a small dog in my neighborhood that goes for my ankles just about every time. I've threatened to dropkick the mutt, but it doesn't seem worried. Probably knows I won't do it, but if it ever bites me, I will call animal control.

    Humidity and heat. Ick. Who likes running in the great outdoors when it feels and smells like a filthy steam room at the gym?
  • bobf279
    bobf279 Posts: 342 Member
    running through a cloud of smoke, breathing heavy when passing a smoker