serious problem

lil_bit_crazy Posts: 161 Member
I really don't know where else to go to get ideas or vent. I am on my cell phone so yeah, I'll be txt typing.

I have a VERY limited budget for food. As in @$75 per week for 5 people and 3 of those are growing boys.
I buy healthy lasting items (freezer bulk things) and try to get a few things like a bag or 2 of chips or popcorn for a snack to last a few days.

Today I went to the store and spent $35 on enough food for 4 days. I got 2 gallons of milk and cereal for them for the next 2 mornings. They have been told over and over and over DRINK WATER or koolaid.

Tonight I go in the kitchen to get my 8 oz milk with my protein mix....ALL the cereal is gone. There is no milk left. The chips are gone. I am almost completely out of food again! This happens every time I go to the store!
There is hamburger chicken potatoes green beans corn carrots and water left until Saturday.

When I make food they wont eat it. Then cry they are hungry. I am not a short order cook. This is not a restaurant. If I cook breakfast lunch dinner from now til Saturday the food wont last.

I thought of getting a locking cabinet but I shouldn't have to lock up food.
They are pigs. They are inconsiderate and thoughtless. This has gone on for MONTHS!
I have grounded, taken things, stopped buying treats, and yes I've busted their *kitten*. I don't care that they eat SOME but they eat ALL. Example ..I'll buy the 25 pk of popcorn for 2 weeks. Every last one is GONE within 2 DAYS. I've tried hiding food. Locking my bedroom door. Doesn't work. They ask to get something like batteries and go in, next thing ya know popcorn has 1 by 1 disappeared.
They aren't starving. They are healthy and active.
what would you do? I'm so tired of running out of food because they think they have to eat it all the day I buy it.


  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    When all of the "good stuff" is gone, I'm sure if they are hungry enough they will eat what you make. Sounds like they are very hungry kids. What about making something that's extra filling like spaghetti for them.If they are eating all of the cereal it sounds like they aren't eating filling type items. What about eggs/omlets for breakfast? Something that is more filling then cereal. Good luck with everything.
  • MountainDont351LBS
    How much are your car payments and what do you owe on them? I'll get to my point in a bit.
  • lil_bit_crazy
    lil_bit_crazy Posts: 161 Member
    I buy 2 dozen eggs at a time. Each kid get 4 eggs when I cook them.
    If I don't make homemade noodles I'll buy whole wheat spaghetti and make double (2#) ..enough for 10-12 ppl. They don't finish that.
    But they'll go back 30 minutes later and eat 8 mini bags of Doritos, each.

    I just don't get it. Even when the junk food is gone, they wont eat. All I hear is "I'm hungry! I'm starving!" But there is GOOD food there!

    I am seriously thinking I'm getting a locking cabinet.

    I bought yogurt for myself to increase my calcium because milk upsets my stomach. Got 40 of them last Monday (of last week) by Tues at noon I went in for my snack, not a single one was left.
    Its getting bad. One or 2 I don't care. But 3 kids, 40 yogurts in under 24 hours?
  • lil_bit_crazy
    lil_bit_crazy Posts: 161 Member
    How much are your car payments and what do you owe on them? I'll get to my point in a bit.

    Car and truck are both paid in full.
  • recoiljpr
    recoiljpr Posts: 292
    I dunno, we have 3 boys (and a young girl) who eat us out of house and home. I have no idea how you spend $75 per week (Our average grocery bill is around $200 per week). We don't buy garbage, but the boys are hungry and eat whatever isn't nailed down. I consider it a "price" we pay for having children. No one made my wife and I have 4 kids. so we consider it our responsibility. With boys, comes a larger grocery bill, I don't know of anyone who has pre-teen and teen boys in which they DON'T eat them out of house and home. It's just how they are. So instead of having expensive cars or vacations, etc our money instead goes to daycare and groceries. We do what we can to save costs here and there, but in the end, kids aren't cheap! But we knew those were the "costs" and the joy our kids bring in our lives is worth many, many, many times the cost over.

    So for me personally, it's not a big deal and I don't sweat it.
  • lil_bit_crazy
    lil_bit_crazy Posts: 161 Member
    Recoiljpr...... if they would EAT the food I made and not ALL the snacks and junk and treats in one or two days I wouldn't care.

    But now it's like I'm wasting money on good food going in the trash, and snacks n treats for anyone else for the week because they want to Hoover it almost before its in the door.

    If they ate b/l/d then had a snack I'd be happy as a clam! But they don't. I can't afford to keep tossing food in the trash off their plates nor buy snacks they will inhale which doesn't last more than a day or 2.
  • itsuki
    itsuki Posts: 520 Member
    If you're that strapped for cash, check out your local food pantry. Situations like yours are exactly what they're for.
  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    OK, so they're not eating their dinner, but they're eating all the junk/snack food--what if you didn't buy junk/snack food?
  • slrrese
    slrrese Posts: 180 Member
    My mom never bought that stuff and neither did I when the kids were young. We had apples for smacks, if we were hungry or went without.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    No idea what to tell you really, other than, stop buying the snacks. Buy big containers of plain yogurt for yourself which they will surely ignore. Add fresh fruit to it.
  • takingnameskickingbutt
    takingnameskickingbutt Posts: 232 Member
    Do you know if there are any local food banks?

    I know it may not be something you are used to, but I know a lot of people who have used them when they have had big families and tight budgets.

    Good luck!
  • Phoenix59
    Phoenix59 Posts: 364 Member
    Stop buying snacks and treats. They eat what's there or they don't eat. At least, that's what I did with my kids when they were growing up. If their really that hungry, they'll eat the good food you make them.
  • Pilotgirl86
    Recoiljpr...... if they would EAT the food I made and not ALL the snacks and junk and treats in one or two days I wouldn't care.

    But now it's like I'm wasting money on good food going in the trash, and snacks n treats for anyone else for the week because they want to Hoover it almost before its in the door.

    If they ate b/l/d then had a snack I'd be happy as a clam! But they don't. I can't afford to keep tossing food in the trash off their plates nor buy snacks they will inhale which doesn't last more than a day or 2.

    Stop buying snacks.

    They will either learn to eat the healthy food you have, or they will go hungry (which they won't). Don't have popcorn or chips around period. My mom did this with my brother, and he eventually started eating the chicken and veggies etc that she cooked.

    Cut up carrot and celery as snacks, with ranch dip or PB. If the kids don't have the option of junk, they will eat whatever is available.
  • paintlisapurple
    paintlisapurple Posts: 982 Member
    Stop buying junk food and start stocking the fridge with a large bag of mixed fruit and other natural goodies for snacks. Buy popcorn that they would have to actually pop themselves for "junk". It will cut costs, they'll probably eat more home made food, and their health would benefit from the change. If its (chips and stuff) not there...they certainly can't eat it.
  • subcult
    subcult Posts: 262 Member
    Sounds like buying in bulk ks costing you more even if it's saving per item. My girls don't eat a ton but my 7 year old 48 pound son can as much as me or more. I can see now I'm in for a world of hurt in the future.
  • leo02098
    leo02098 Posts: 106 Member
    Quit buying snack food? Don't give them the option of "junk".
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member

    But they'll go back 30 minutes later and eat 8 mini bags of Doritos, each.

    I just don't get it. Even when the junk food is gone, they wont eat. All I hear is "I'm hungry! I'm starving!" But there is GOOD food there!

    So don't buy the junk food and they'll have no choice but to only eat the good food.

    I know how it is though - I got a pound and a half of cheese slices the other day - totally gone. I got a half-dozen bagels yesterday - there's 2 or 3 left. I just have one teenage boy - they sure can eat!
  • rugbyphreak
    rugbyphreak Posts: 509 Member
    my mom just says that we can either eat what she makes or eat nothing and she's serious. stop buying the "junk" and they can't eat it. their will be no fighting for what isn't there.
  • spiregrain
    spiregrain Posts: 254 Member
    I have a housemate that sometimes eats more of my random condiment type food than I can afford to replace. She eats organic so I stopped buying organic anything if it would be too expensive for me to replace. My advice would be, if you can't afford the junk they fill up on and ditch the healthy meals for, then don't. Is there a reason you need all that popcorn in the house? Junk food is expensive relative to what you actually get out of it. Maybe keep some ramen around for times when they just need way more calories than their meals that day provided.
  • recoiljpr
    recoiljpr Posts: 292
    Recoiljpr...... if they would EAT the food I made and not ALL the snacks and junk and treats in one or two days I wouldn't care.

    Well, then don't get snacks for a few weeks and only give them plenty of food you cook. They will eat it, I promise they won't starve. :-)

    Yeah, it sucks you can't keep a few treats for yourself, but for now that's really your only choice. Show them you mean business by not buying a single snack food for a while. They will get the picture.
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