serious problem



  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    Recoiljpr...... if they would EAT the food I made and not ALL the snacks and junk and treats in one or two days I wouldn't care.

    But now it's like I'm wasting money on good food going in the trash, and snacks n treats for anyone else for the week because they want to Hoover it almost before its in the door.

    If they ate b/l/d then had a snack I'd be happy as a clam! But they don't. I can't afford to keep tossing food in the trash off their plates nor buy snacks they will inhale which doesn't last more than a day or 2.

    Stop buying Snacks and Junk and Treats. These are typically convenience foods. Convenience foods are evil and promote laziness.

    When there is nothing else to eat, they will eat the healthy stuff or look elsewhere. That would be their problem, not yours.
  • Donnaakamagmid
    Donnaakamagmid Posts: 198 Member
    My mom never bought that stuff and neither did I when the kids were young. We had apples for smacks, if we were hungry or went without.

    Same here. My mom could't afford it & neither could I. They are not going to starve to death because they don't get junk food.
    Leave that big pot of pasta or baked/BBQ chicken thighs (super cheap) in the fridge and they'll eat it if they're hungry.
  • Shy500
    Shy500 Posts: 9
    Well, this is what I would do, hide mine (lol)
    then once they eat what is theirs its gone until the next time we can go shopping....
    if they dont have anything to eat but that other stuff guess what
    they will eventually eat it
    I raised 4 kids and the one at home will eat until he drops
    so what we do is actually have hiding spots, even for diet food lol
    my son and my godson that comes around eat like what you are saying
    school is about to start and those school lunches well guess what
    they will eat those or they will do without lol
    if they are old enough to work, mow yards, get a part time or whatever
    I would buy the real food and if they want anything else like cereal or chips
    they go work and buy their own....
    but actually I would let them know straight out you eat it up its all gone until next time
    do that once and stand on it I bet they learn to stretch it out
  • myfitnessval
    myfitnessval Posts: 687 Member
    growing up in my house i had a serious cheez it and pop tart addiction. they would be gone the day they were bought. so my mom stopped buying them, and then i discovered snacking on cucumbers or tomatoes, or toast. kids will be kids, but YOU are the parent. YOU DECIDE what they put into their bodies. stop buying snacks and stop being a short order cook. if they dont like what you make for dinner, let them go to bed hungry. they will soon learn that this is MOMMAS house not theirs.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Nothing constructive to contribute other than what's been already said. But it's at times like these when I want to get on top of my desk and do a dance.... I'm SO happy my boys are grown and OUT OF THE HOUSE!!!!!!!!! Woooo Hoooo!!
  • MissAnnieRosie
    It almost sounds as though they may be compulsively eating. I feel like that's a HUGE amount of food even for growing boys. My advice (as somebody who spends $100 a week to feed 3 adults) is plan plan plan plan and plan some more.
    Plan out every single meal, write it down and gets the kids to agree to it and stick to it. Make a list, get nothing extra and only allow eating at meal times.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    1) Stop buying junk food. It's unnecessary and often (although not always) expensive.
    2) Cook what you cook, put leftovers in the fridge or freezer, when they get hungry enough, they will eat it.
    3) Don't buy food that is "for you" or "for them," as kids, they will eat whatever is there.
  • healthtenderfoot
    Are you kidding? :grumble:
    1. First off, if that’s your food budget for 3 growing boys and that's seriously all you can afford suck in your pride and go get some help. Family, friends, shop at places like Aldi's, food pantry’s, or food stamps. You're not giving those 3 boys enough food off of 75 dollars a week. I'm on a limited food budget too, around the same price a week and I struggle with that sometimes just to feed myself. You really need to change your attitude towards these kids, and go get some help for food costs. If you’re denied the help, then you are living outside your means somewhere in your life.

    2. My boyfriend is 24 and he still eats all the time, when we go to family gatherings they make a ton of extra food so he'll be full, and then graciously let us have the left overs to help us out at home. Some guys just eat a lot. You can't be upset at them for a basic bodily need.

    3. They are eating because they are Hungry, not to piss you off or to eat all 'your' food. You really shouldn't be thinking like that when you are raising children! A locking cabinet? REALLY? That's horrible, just awful, and a little disturbing. These are not room-mates ransacking your cabinets, these are CHILDREN you are apparently RAISING. You're going to continue to buy the junk food and snacks but lock them up in a cabinet? What message would that send to them? That they aren't good enough for food? I had a step-mom that would buy certain items just for her, or for her work lunches, and I can tell you she put more money, thought, and care into what she bought for just herself than the rest of the household. It made me feel like absolute ****! I was always hungry from being under-fed, and yeah sometimes I would "sneak" some food because I was hungry but there wasn't anything else to eat, and I sure as heck was not going to cook an entire meal when a simple sandwich would suffice. I also got yelled at a lot for eating after supper, some people just have FAST metabolisms. I was always hungry growing up. I would eat my fill at a meal, and then be hungry an hour later.

    4. Buy filling foods, not cereal or Dorito’s. I think anyone could pound away a box of cereal and not really give it second thought. The same with any bag of chips. Instead of cereal, get oatmeal. Quit buying chips if you're only going to complain about them being eaten, which is what food is made for in case you needed a reminder. Also, 40 yogurts? That’s a LOT, and I’m sure it wasn’t too cheap to buy that many, especially in two days to go through, but at least it was a healthy snack they went for.

    5. The way you just talked about these kids sickens me, and you should feel bad for calling them pigs. They need all the food and nutrition they can get. With the way your tone is coming off, and other replies you've made, your acting ridiculous, possessive over food, and childish about this, and your kids sound close to under-fed or mal-nourished.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I really don't know where else to go to get ideas or vent. I am on my cell phone so yeah, I'll be txt typing.

    I have a VERY limited budget for food. As in @$75 per week for 5 people and 3 of those are growing boys.
    I buy healthy lasting items (freezer bulk things) and try to get a few things like a bag or 2 of chips or popcorn for a snack to last a few days.

    Today I went to the store and spent $35 on enough food for 4 days. I got 2 gallons of milk and cereal for them for the next 2 mornings. They have been told over and over and over DRINK WATER or koolaid.

    Tonight I go in the kitchen to get my 8 oz milk with my protein mix....ALL the cereal is gone. There is no milk left. The chips are gone. I am almost completely out of food again! This happens every time I go to the store!
    There is hamburger chicken potatoes green beans corn carrots and water left until Saturday.

    When I make food they wont eat it. Then cry they are hungry. I am not a short order cook. This is not a restaurant. If I cook breakfast lunch dinner from now til Saturday the food wont last.

    I thought of getting a locking cabinet but I shouldn't have to lock up food.
    They are pigs. They are inconsiderate and thoughtless. This has gone on for MONTHS!
    I have grounded, taken things, stopped buying treats, and yes I've busted their *kitten*. I don't care that they eat SOME but they eat ALL. Example ..I'll buy the 25 pk of popcorn for 2 weeks. Every last one is GONE within 2 DAYS. I've tried hiding food. Locking my bedroom door. Doesn't work. They ask to get something like batteries and go in, next thing ya know popcorn has 1 by 1 disappeared.
    They aren't starving. They are healthy and active.
    what would you do? I'm so tired of running out of food because they think they have to eat it all the day I buy it.

    They aren't pigs, inconsiderate or thoughtless they are growing boys. They need a lot of food. Do you really need milk and a protein shake? You can get just as much protein from chicken.

    Why don't you make them cook once in a while? It sounds like they are old enough to. And stop buying chips and popcorn. When I was a teenager, I had a job, I bought my own snack food.

    Seriously. Even cheap protein mix is easily $25 for 5 lbs. That's 1/3 of your total spending right there.

    Protein mix is 7.99 here for 12.5 ounces (eas vanilla) and I had a coupon for $2.50 off that printed from the register that I got from the last time I bought it. It was on sale with my value card too so that was another. 75 off. So I paid $4.74 for it.
    And yes I do need it. I don't always get enuf protein and really my dietary needs aren't your business.

    Okay, so you don't know how to get protein from real food fine. Apparently your children are just a bother for you. Why did you post on here? To complain about growing children because they are getting in the way of the diet you have set for yourself?

    Let's be honest. You post that they eat all the popcorn and chips. Then you post that you don't buy snacks.

    You weren't looking for advice, you were just looking to complain. You really should have thought about this issue before having children.

    ^^^ This. This is one of many reasons I don't have kids, I'm selfish, and I don't want to deal with everything that goes along with properly caring for developing humans.
  • Shy500
    Shy500 Posts: 9
    And make foods that stick to the ribs,
    Beans and rice, can even make hearty burritos,
    meats and stews,
    for snacks as someone stated Ramen, kids love it cooked or raw
    your kids are eating totally unhealthy
    you asked for advice and I dont mean to sound mean
    but 4 EGGS in one sitting
    how old are these kids
    and yes as a mom it is our responsibility to see that it is afforded them to eat
    but nothing wrong with teaching them to cook and clean for themself
    this helps them as they become adults
    my kids began chores at 8, did their own laundry as teens
    and learned how to cook as teens
    these are life skills they need in life
    also teach them what a serviing is or from personal experience
    they will be like my boy
    6 foot even and over 300 pounds
    ya good if he wanted to be a football player but nope
    he wants to be a chef
    4 eggs is not a portion size especially if they are eating sides with it
    do you want them to need also
    I regret allowing my son to eat those portion sizes
    and now he has a problem he will spend the rest of his life fixing
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    Recoiljpr...... if they would EAT the food I made and not ALL the snacks and junk and treats in one or two days I wouldn't care.

    But now it's like I'm wasting money on good food going in the trash, and snacks n treats for anyone else for the week because they want to Hoover it almost before its in the door.

    If they ate b/l/d then had a snack I'd be happy as a clam! But they don't. I can't afford to keep tossing food in the trash off their plates nor buy snacks they will inhale which doesn't last more than a day or 2.

    Stop buying Snacks and Junk and Treats. These are typically convenience foods. Convenience foods are evil and promote laziness.

    When there is nothing else to eat, they will eat the healthy stuff or look elsewhere. That would be their problem, not yours.

    Having read a little more into this... Don't buy convenience sized portions. Buy in bulk and only healthy food.

    Keep in mind a great deal of what we pay for in food is packaging. If you can buy the cheap brand in bulk and seperate it yourself, your food budget will stretch further.

    Also if there is more effort involved, they may be less inclined to eat the snacks.
  • MoveTheMountain
    I hate to say it, but stop buying crap food like popcorn and chips. It's a waste of money, and it's not good for anyone. I don't know what kind of cereal you're buying that they eat it all, but make sure it's something healthy like Mini-wheats, total, Fiber One, Kashi, etc. If they plow through that, well, at least they're eating the right kind of food.

    Pasta is a great way to stretch your food dollars, too. Get lots of Fiber One bread and peanut butter - that will fill their bellies, too. And again, it's good for them.

    The family can't fight over the good tasting crap food if it's not in the house!

    (The first 12 years of my life were in a housing project living below the poverty line. Man, did we learn how to stretch a dollar... and we had almost zero junk food in the house, because we just couldn't afford it with three boys and a teenage girl all eating and growing.)
  • LaurasClimb
    LaurasClimb Posts: 211 Member
    I really don't know where else to go to get ideas or vent. I am on my cell phone so yeah, I'll be txt typing.

    I have a VERY limited budget for food. As in @$75 per week for 5 people and 3 of those are growing boys.
    I buy healthy lasting items (freezer bulk things) and try to get a few things like a bag or 2 of chips or popcorn for a snack to last a few days.

    Today I went to the store and spent $35 on enough food for 4 days. I got 2 gallons of milk and cereal for them for the next 2 mornings. They have been told over and over and over DRINK WATER or koolaid.

    Tonight I go in the kitchen to get my 8 oz milk with my protein mix....ALL the cereal is gone. There is no milk left. The chips are gone. I am almost completely out of food again! This happens every time I go to the store!
    There is hamburger chicken potatoes green beans corn carrots and water left until Saturday.

    When I make food they wont eat it. Then cry they are hungry. I am not a short order cook. This is not a restaurant. If I cook breakfast lunch dinner from now til Saturday the food wont last.

    I thought of getting a locking cabinet but I shouldn't have to lock up food.
    They are pigs. They are inconsiderate and thoughtless. This has gone on for MONTHS!
    I have grounded, taken things, stopped buying treats, and yes I've busted their *kitten*. I don't care that they eat SOME but they eat ALL. Example ..I'll buy the 25 pk of popcorn for 2 weeks. Every last one is GONE within 2 DAYS. I've tried hiding food. Locking my bedroom door. Doesn't work. They ask to get something like batteries and go in, next thing ya know popcorn has 1 by 1 disappeared.
    They aren't starving. They are healthy and active.
    what would you do? I'm so tired of running out of food because they think they have to eat it all the day I buy it.

    Sounds like you are really frustrated! Honestly, to me, this sounds more like a respect issue not a food issue. A lot of posters point out that teenage boys eat a lot. I agree this is true but I have an active teenage boy, he doesn't eat THAT much!

    I have some thoughts/ideas that may help you but I don't want to spend the time typing them if they are just going to get lost on the message board - I'll admit, I don't check the boards often.

    So if you want to have a conversation (not someone telling you to quit buying snacks when you've clearly stated you don't buy junk!), send me a message and lets see if we can figure something out. quick tip about popcorn for all the posters talking about buying bulk popcorn. You CAN microwave it. Just put a couple tablespoons it in a paper lunchbag & fold the top down. Microwave it until it stops popping. Either eat it plain or spray it with Pam & salt or melt some butter...whatever your pleasure.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I've already made a couple of comments, but this thread really struck me...
    When I was a kid, there was a period of time when my mother didn't have enough money for food to feed us both. We didn't qualify for food stamps because of a technicality related to my parent's divorce, so she made do with what money she did have, plus donations from people at church, etc.. We ate a lot of oatmeal, beans, rice, and whatever she could buy at the discount food store. I was a kid, and sometimes I complained about the food we had, but I ate it, because I knew that's all there was. What I didn't realize at the time was that my mother wasn't eating enough herself so that I would have enough to eat, she always made an excuse to let me eat first, then she ate what was left. As an adult, I look at pictures of my mother from this period and I cringe at how thin she was, but she never let on to me how hungry she must have been at the time. I'm not saying my mother was a perfect parent, or that she was even always the best parent she could be, but she tried hard, she made sacrifices, and she never blamed me for being a hungry child. Just some food for thought.
  • lil_bit_crazy
    lil_bit_crazy Posts: 161 Member
    When did I say I buy name brands? And so what if my budget is $75? I can get 250-300 dollars of food for $75 dollars.
    As for the one saying they need 5 servings of this n that and only getting 2... I said. They eat it ALL AT ONCE.

    Let me type slower maybe you can understand.
    I get PLENTY of food to meet and exceed the daily requirements of kids and adults.

    If I buy 25 bananas, ONE KID will eat 20 of them in a day, leaving not enough for the rest of the family. If I buy apples, 10 pounds, another kid will eat the whole bag, again, leaving none for.anyone else.

    We can afford our kids. They were EACH planned. Well in advance.

    Ideas on how to stop that shovel eating behavior is one thing. Attacking me about how I care about my kids is uncalled for.

  • jaygregz
    jaygregz Posts: 104
    So here's my completely irrelevant position on this situation..

    I can completely understand the OPs frustrations and think it's good for a person to vent from time to time. I recently took in my two nieces and my nephew because my sister was deemed unfit by the state. Unfortunately, before now I haven't had a lot of time with my nieces and nephew aside from holidays. I was completely oblivious to the fact that my sister was struggling with addiction. I've been in the military and have been out of state since I turned 18. I'm 25, single, and now all of a sudden a parent to a 6 year old, a 9 year old, and a 12 year old. I had to put college on hold so I could take care of the children. I have to wait an extra year now to reenter the physical therapy assistant program I was in. There was just no way I could manage school, work, and the 3 kids when they first moved into my household. Things around here can be tough because It's me and only me. When they moved in they had absolutely no manners and hadn't had any type of structure for the longest time. I've worked really hard with the children on their behavior. The children can devour food. I've really struggled keeping food in the cabinets on my limited budget. I do buy the kids snacks.. and not always the healthiest stuff. I now have rules set up in the household. I am really strict about what comes out of the fridge and the pantry. Nothing gets eaten without asking first. $75 dollar per week is a tight budget and I'm sure the OP is aware of that but sometimes you can only do the best you can. I feed the 4 of us for around $100 per week. Our budget is what I would consider shoe string. My job is't the greatest job especially since I've had to cut my hours to be home when I need to for them. I am squeezing every penny I can. I buy what's on sale and I use a lot of coupons. It's been almost 6 months and I haven't received any aid from the state yet. I should be getting my first check next month. It will be close to around 500 dollars. That will definitely make things easier around here. It will at least cover groceries for the 3 kids.

    Don't get me wrong.. this post is a rant.. and I AM b*tching. Not at anything in particular. Not at my sister. Not at the children. Not at the state who has taken their sweet time helping with aide. I am just *****ing because sometimes it's all I can do to keep from going crazy. Life's hard.. lol.

    With that said, I love my nieces and nephew. I will continue to support them and raise them like my own as long as necessary. They have been a handful but I love them with all of my heart.

    ... *Exhale* Rant Over.
  • CJisinShape
    CJisinShape Posts: 1,404 Member
    Save half on groceries and use the savings to buy more food.

    Check this website:

    I'm really frugal, but like nice things. The lady at Walgreens and I have this same conversation when I buy makeup:

    "How can I be so cheap and want to look glamorous?". She says that's why she doesn't buy makeup."
  • thefullmontysmom
    thefullmontysmom Posts: 148 Member
    I couldn't read all the posts (very long) so sorry if I am repeating someone...

    I am not sure how old your kids are, but I can sugest 2 things:

    1- you have them each plan a meal that they would eat before you go shopping. Have them do a realistic weekly menu that includes all meals and snacks. Stick it on the fridge.., Each person in the family has to adhere to their menu not going over, and if they go under, they could give an item to another family member maybe in exchange for a chore or something?

    2-instead of buying the pop corn or doritos each week, you can give them the money to buy their own treat snack. This way they have to learn about budgeting, and once it's gone, they will have to wait until the next 'allowance'...

    Good luck!
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    When did I say I buy name brands? And so what if my budget is $75? I can get 250-300 dollars of food for $75 dollars.
    As for the one saying they need 5 servings of this n that and only getting 2... I said. They eat it ALL AT ONCE.

    Let me type slower maybe you can understand.
    I get PLENTY of food to meet and exceed the daily requirements of kids and adults.

    If I buy 25 bananas, ONE KID will eat 20 of them in a day, leaving not enough for the rest of the family. If I buy apples, 10 pounds, another kid will eat the whole bag, again, leaving none for.anyone else.

    We can afford our kids. They were EACH planned. Well in advance.

    Ideas on how to stop that shovel eating behavior is one thing. Attacking me about how I care about my kids is uncalled for.


    LOL no kid is going to eat 20 bananas in a day. That would be upwards of, 8,000mg of potassium which could poison a child. I suspect you may be using hyperbole here.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    When did I say I buy name brands? And so what if my budget is $75? I can get 250-300 dollars of food for $75 dollars.
    As for the one saying they need 5 servings of this n that and only getting 2... I said. They eat it ALL AT ONCE.

    Let me type slower maybe you can understand.
    I get PLENTY of food to meet and exceed the daily requirements of kids and adults.

    If I buy 25 bananas, ONE KID will eat 20 of them in a day, leaving not enough for the rest of the family. If I buy apples, 10 pounds, another kid will eat the whole bag, again, leaving none for.anyone else.

    We can afford our kids. They were EACH planned. Well in advance.

    Ideas on how to stop that shovel eating behavior is one thing. Attacking me about how I care about my kids is uncalled for.


    Calling your children pigs is uncalled for. If you don't want to be judged, don't judge your children on a public forum. You can stop the shovel behavior--as other people have said--buy not buying snack foods. If you only eat the popcorn once a week, only buy enough for that one night. If you only eat chips once a week, only buy it on that one day. 1 child is not eating a 10 pound bag of apples in one day. That is ridiculous.
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