serious problem



  • Camason04
    Camason04 Posts: 7 Member
    the simple - obvious answer for all of this is DONT BUY THE SNACK FOOD!! You are in charge, you make the decisions, and eventually they will come around. Let them starve for a couple days. Once they get the hint that your REALLY serious, they will eat what you make and what you have that is good for them.
  • jsbpitch
    jsbpitch Posts: 19 Member
    Get rid of the Internet package on your phone. That'll save you a ton of money.
  • CriosDubh
    CriosDubh Posts: 60 Member
    This has probably already been said, but don't buy snack food in easily consumed portions like bags of popcorn, mini Doritos bags, pudding cups, micorwavable mac and cheese, etc. make them cook it or dish it into small containers if they want it. And YES lock your pantry! I have locked mine and keep it locked and don't feel bad AT ALL. I am looking into locking the fridge, too.

    I would keep no crap in my house at all if my husband didn't insist upon having chips and cookies. He knows better now than to leave that stuff unsecured. They can have his treats with permission.

    My kids have access to ingredients, fresh fruits, vegetable, water, and milk. If they want mac and cheese or pudding, they make it. if they want popcorn, they have to get out the popper. If they want chocolate milk, they have to ask me for access to the NesQuik and then make it themselves. Cheese cubes? No, ma'am, they cut that stuff themselves off a big block from Costco. Cookies and brownies? then it's baking time! They're learning valuable skills and portion control. One of my kids made homemade ice cream the other day because he wanted some and it wasn't time to go shopping.

    I do, however, buy yogurt cups. my children seem to be incapable of understanding that you cannot eat directly from a large container of yogurt.

    My rule is, if you don't like dinner, then you are on your own. I will help them prepare things that are difficult or dangerous, but that's all.

    I have to invest in a lot of small, reusable containers and snack-size bags, but it keeps my costs down and makes them understand that food is to be appreciated, not mindlessly gobbled.

    And abut the milk, try keeping some powdered milk around for shortages. Kids will learn to ration themselves if they have to drink it, and in recipes, it's indistinguishable from real milk.
  • jacksamjack
    jacksamjack Posts: 146 Member
    Stop buying junk food and start stocking the fridge with a large bag of mixed fruit and other natural goodies for snacks. Buy popcorn that they would have to actually pop themselves for "junk". It will cut costs, they'll probably eat more home made food, and their health would benefit from the change. If its (chips and stuff) not there...they certainly can't eat it.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    They are 11, 13, 14. I don't have a problem with the "if u don't eat dinner u can go without" I was raised that way.
    I don't work, I'm disabled. Telling them to stay out of the kitchen is like expecting to win a lottery.
    Boys are sneaky

    Guess I'll just get a locking cabinet. I don't like the idea of having to lock up food. But it's getting out of control.

    I think a lot of people missed this post by the OP...

    They are definitely old enough to at least start helping with the cooking (if not cooking for themselves) and may appreciate your efforts more if they're with you when you're shopping and helping out with the cooking. You need to make them understand through experience - teenagers don't get how money works until they start earning and budgeting their own.

    I like the idea someone else posted of making snacking a little less convenient. Instead of microwave or fully popped bagged popcorn, buy an air popper and kernels. You may still need to hide the cereal and chips since those aren't the kinds of things you can control easily. Forget about a locking cabinet, just keep them in the trunk of your car and hide the keys.
  • misscristie
    misscristie Posts: 643 Member
    Stop buying the snacks and junk. When they get hungry enough, they'll eat. I promise.
  • Amryfal
    Amryfal Posts: 225
    when my fiancé's kids are here, they are ridiculously picky eaters. i stopped cooking for them. if my fiancé wants to feed them peanut butter sandwiches every day rather than good healthy meals, that's fine...i refuse to deal with the crying fits at the dinner table. but my kids know better than to refuse food. if they don't eat it, they'll get the leftovers for lunch the next day.

    I know this is off topic, but I felt compelled to bring it up. When you marry this man, his children become your children. You take on the mother role for his children, as he will for your children. Having this attitude about them will only lead to problems. Work WITH your fiance to work through this issue instead of having the "Well they are YOUR kids and YOUR problem" mentality. You don't want him to resent you down the road... and 9.9 out of 10 times, the husband chooses his children over a woman.

    lol thanks, but i think we have our relationship pretty well figured out.
  • dragonc321
    dragonc321 Posts: 33
    Growing up we never had junk food in the house. Don't buy snacks and they will have no other choice but to either go hungry or eat healthier. I have 2 teenage brothers who eat my parents out of house and home. My parents are on a tight budget as well. Try shopping at Costco or some other bulk item stores. You have to pay for a membership, but you save money in the long run. As someone else said, such is the price you pay for having children. Not to judge your parenting skills, but continue to punish when they disobey your rules. Consistency is key. My daughter is only 4 but she knows there are consequences for not listening.
  • VanessaGS
    VanessaGS Posts: 514 Member
    Straight up...just don't let them go in your room. If they ask for something then you get it for them. Tell them that they either eat what you cook or starve. You are not a restaurant. Or in general just stop buying the treats. Put nothing but healthy food in the house. If they're hungry enough then they'll eat it. Also, try buying a different milk that they can't eat with their food. Organic soymilk is delicious with Vanilla. You should try it. I'm sure they're gonna think it's healthy and not want to drink it. That way you will have it all to yourself.
  • ernielaurie
    Seems obvious to me, stop buying snacks and stick to healthy food. No one has ever died from not getting snacks!
  • tuiccim
    tuiccim Posts: 689 Member
    Buy a locking cabinet. Make a basket/bucket with each kid's/person's name on it and put there snack food in it and tell them that is all they get for the day.
  • _Elemenopee_
    _Elemenopee_ Posts: 2,665 Member
    I didn't read the 6 previous pages but the answer is in the question. Stop wasting your money on "snacks" and keep buying the real food. Children will NOT allow themselves to go hungry if there is food available. Keep buying real food and they WILL eventually eat it. All fresh fruit, vegetables, pasta, beef, chicken, pork, bread, eggs, milk, plain yogurt etc. Even some of the frozen stuff will do well and last longer..If they're hungry, they WILL eat what's available. You have to ignore the whining and convince them there is NO other option but what is available.
  • garita93
    garita93 Posts: 276 Member
    In my house my kids- 15 yr old boy, 9 yr old girl and 3 yr old boy- no snacks are allowed unless they eat all their dinner/lunch/breakfast. They know the rules and they push it once in a while but they know that I will stand firm on it. A lot of times they will eat their meal even if they don't like it when they know there is a bucket of ice cream in the freezer that they can't have unless they eat what I made.
  • Naytahlee
    Naytahlee Posts: 53 Member
    Stop buying snacks and treats. They eat what's there or they don't eat. At least, that's what I did with my kids when they were growing up. If their really that hungry, they'll eat the good food you make them.

    This. When my son was growing up he had to eat what was made for him or he didnt eat. If I bought treats and he ate them up, then no treats for awhile. He learned balance.
  • Cat52169
    Cat52169 Posts: 277 Member
    It's easy to give advice but this is a hard situation you are in. It's really hard to tell your children that you can't afford to buy food. This is something a parent never wants to say. I have children so I know. I would do as other suggest and go to local food banks. They really do offer a TON of healthy foods and maybe that can help ease the food bill. Maybe your area has a community garden that you can get fresh veggies from? My neighbor has two teenage boys and she goes to the food bank and community garden and always brings a ton of stuff to my house because they give her so much. Try and see what's in your area. Good luck. I will send prayers your way for a solution to your problem :flowerforyou:
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    I grew up in a house of 5 kids (at my dads house). We RARELY had snack foods. Hell, we were lucky to have milk, peanut butter and jelly, ramen noodles. Things for my dads lunches were hidden in his room. Cereal was something we were lucky to have!! My stepmom made dinner every night, and if we didn't eat...we went hungry.

    I'm going to chime in with everyone else when I say....stop buying the junk. Continue your ways of shopping, but cut out the convenient easy junk foods.
  • kimmianne89
    kimmianne89 Posts: 428 Member
    I have it the other way around, My parents have always bought generally healthy food but never ALOT.
    They buy expensive salmon etc for themselves. They think quality rather than quantity, and it was always my stuff missed off the list. Since I became older, I bought my own different healthy foods which end up being expensive and they decide to eat it. I wouldnt mind but its when my day is planned and they eat for example... the last piece of chicken I have for lunch at work, and don't tell me, I then have to go without, and if I ever mention it I get the whole "THE AMOUNT OF FOOD WE HAVE BOUGHT YOU AND WE CANT EAT ANY OF YOURS?!?!?!" .... frustrating.

    I suggest quit buying the junk, and they will HAVE to eat the good foods.
    Could you not cook treats? say you could make a biscuits or something? in the long run it can be cheaper.
  • noketch
    noketch Posts: 11 Member
    If you have teenaged boys, there really isn't much you can do about how much they eat. They eat a lot. I have an 18 year old football player who eats so much that I haven't been able to keep food in the house for the last four years. He's leaving for college next month and will be in a dorm with all you can eat food. I pity the dorm cafeteria.

    I understand your frustration with disappearing food. I only have two children and one of them is 10, but also a boy with a big appetite, and a gallon of milk will not last in my house for more than 48 hours, if that. Between huge bowls of cereal made in mixing bowls, protein shakes and 16 ounce glasses of milk, a gallon doesn't stand a chance. A box of cereal will vanish over night f they have a friend over.

    I just came to accept that anything that could be eaten without having to be cooked, or anything that you could drink, or anythng that could be microwaved would be gone almost as soon as it came into the house. So I only buy things I don't mind them eating.

    If I do buy a treat like ice cream which they both love I tell them that if it is gone in one day, I will not buy it again for a very long time. And I stick to it. If you don't buy it, they can't eat it and they will have to eat what you provide.

    But if you have boys, it is just an unfortunate fact that they will eat you out of house and home. Especially if they play sports and have friends who come over.
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    In my house my kids- 15 yr old boy, 9 yr old girl and 3 yr old boy- no snacks are allowed unless they eat all their dinner/lunch/breakfast. They know the rules and they push it once in a while but they know that I will stand firm on it. A lot of times they will eat their meal even if they don't like it when they know there is a bucket of ice cream in the freezer that they can't have unless they eat what I made.

    This is my rule. My son is 6 and knows this rule like the law. But even with this rule, I RARELY buy things like chips, cookies, soda. I had a problem with him drinking the capri-sun juices within just a day or two (also wasn't picking up the empty containers...), I stopped buying them, and told him why. We now have koolaide or water.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    I really don't know where else to go to get ideas or vent. I am on my cell phone so yeah, I'll be txt typing.

    I have a VERY limited budget for food. As in @$75 per week for 5 people and 3 of those are growing boys.
    I buy healthy lasting items (freezer bulk things) and try to get a few things like a bag or 2 of chips or popcorn for a snack to last a few days.

    Today I went to the store and spent $35 on enough food for 4 days. I got 2 gallons of milk and cereal for them for the next 2 mornings. They have been told over and over and over DRINK WATER or koolaid.

    Tonight I go in the kitchen to get my 8 oz milk with my protein mix....ALL the cereal is gone. There is no milk left. The chips are gone. I am almost completely out of food again! This happens every time I go to the store!
    There is hamburger chicken potatoes green beans corn carrots and water left until Saturday.

    When I make food they wont eat it. Then cry they are hungry. I am not a short order cook. This is not a restaurant. If I cook breakfast lunch dinner from now til Saturday the food wont last.

    I thought of getting a locking cabinet but I shouldn't have to lock up food.
    They are pigs. They are inconsiderate and thoughtless. This has gone on for MONTHS!
    I have grounded, taken things, stopped buying treats, and yes I've busted their *kitten*. I don't care that they eat SOME but they eat ALL. Example ..I'll buy the 25 pk of popcorn for 2 weeks. Every last one is GONE within 2 DAYS. I've tried hiding food. Locking my bedroom door. Doesn't work. They ask to get something like batteries and go in, next thing ya know popcorn has 1 by 1 disappeared.
    They aren't starving. They are healthy and active.
    what would you do? I'm so tired of running out of food because they think they have to eat it all the day I buy it.

    They aren't pigs, inconsiderate or thoughtless they are growing boys. They need a lot of food. Do you really need milk and a protein shake? You can get just as much protein from chicken.

    Why don't you make them cook once in a while? It sounds like they are old enough to. And stop buying chips and popcorn. When I was a teenager, I had a job, I bought my own snack food.
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