serious problem



  • zacksnana
    zacksnana Posts: 3,230 Member
    I posted earlier and i recant my response since you posted the height and weight of the children. You state the 14 year old is 5 feet and weighs 85 pounds. I looked through pediatric websites and a healthy weight for him would be 105 to 125

    You state the 13 year old weighs 84 pounds and is 5 feet 1 inch. He should weigh the same.

    You state your 11 year old weighs 77 pounds and is 4'6. His healthy weight is 85 to 100 pounds

    They are HUNGRY and UNDERWEIGHT! It does not matter that other family members are underweight, obviously these boys are not REQUIRED to be underweight are they? And if they get enough to eat eventually they will settle down and eat more normally.

    I also ate very little at one point in my life to make sure my children had enough food

    You state you are obese. Buy the children whatever they need to thrive and cut your needs back. You will all be better off and they will thank you for it.

    I know you will say the pediatrician says they are fine but YOU are the one saying they eat and eat and eat. Kids don't do that unless they are HUNGRY! Please please don't be hateful and call them pigs. Just show them you love them.
  • lil_bit_crazy
    lil_bit_crazy Posts: 161 Member
    No. They are small. Correctly proportioned. I can email u a picture if you'd like. They aren't underweight or malnourished or anything.

    But thanks for thinking I starve my kids. If they were starving they would eat the food placed in front of them and not all the popcorn saved for movie nite or the chips I buy for Burger nite.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    No. They are small. Correctly proportioned. I can email u a picture if you'd like. They aren't underweight or malnourished or anything.

    But thanks for thinking I starve my kids. If they were starving they would eat the food placed in front of them and not all the popcorn saved for movie nite or the chips I buy for Burger nite.

    You keep changing your story. You don't have chips, and then you do. They eat chips and popcorn. Then they only eat fruits and veggies. One kid eats 20 bananas in a day and the other eats an entire flat of yogurt. And yet, they are tiny little nugget-children while you are obese.

  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,728 Member
    No. They are small. Correctly proportioned. I can email u a picture if you'd like. They aren't underweight or malnourished or anything.

    But thanks for thinking I starve my kids. If they were starving they would eat the food placed in front of them and not all the popcorn saved for movie nite or the chips I buy for Burger nite.

    You keep changing your story. You don't have chips, and then you do. They eat chips and popcorn. Then they only eat fruits and veggies. One kid eats 20 bananas in a day and the other eats an entire flat of yogurt. And yet, they are tiny little nugget-children while you are obese.


    That's what I'm wondering.

    Again, it seems to me she just wanted to come on here and complain and say mean things about her kids.
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member

    This is a crapstorm.

    20 bananas in a day would kill a child. Children have to eat to grow. You're not the only parent in the world with children that eat. My five year old and two year old boys eat us out of the house every week.

    I cannot fathom feeding 5 people on $75/week, coupon queen of the damn universe or not.

    This is sort of a big pile of parenting fail.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    So here's my completely irrelevant position on this situation..

    I can completely understand the OPs frustrations and think it's good for a person to vent from time to time. I recently took in my two nieces and my nephew because my sister was deemed unfit by the state. Unfortunately, before now I haven't had a lot of time with my nieces and nephew aside from holidays. I was completely oblivious to the fact that my sister was struggling with addiction. I've been in the military and have been out of state since I turned 18. I'm 25, single, and now all of a sudden a parent to a 6 year old, a 9 year old, and a 12 year old. I had to put college on hold so I could take care of the children. I have to wait an extra year now to reenter the physical therapy assistant program I was in. There was just no way I could manage school, work, and the 3 kids when they first moved into my household. Things around here can be tough because It's me and only me. When they moved in they had absolutely no manners and hadn't had any type of structure for the longest time. I've worked really hard with the children on their behavior. The children can devour food. I've really struggled keeping food in the cabinets on my limited budget. I do buy the kids snacks.. and not always the healthiest stuff. I now have rules set up in the household. I am really strict about what comes out of the fridge and the pantry. Nothing gets eaten without asking first. $75 dollar per week is a tight budget and I'm sure the OP is aware of that but sometimes you can only do the best you can. I feed the 4 of us for around $100 per week. Our budget is what I would consider shoe string. My job is't the greatest job especially since I've had to cut my hours to be home when I need to for them. I am squeezing every penny I can. I buy what's on sale and I use a lot of coupons. It's been almost 6 months and I haven't received any aid from the state yet. I should be getting my first check next month. It will be close to around 500 dollars. That will definitely make things easier around here. It will at least cover groceries for the 3 kids.

    Don't get me wrong.. this post is a rant.. and I AM b*tching. Not at anything in particular. Not at my sister. Not at the children. Not at the state who has taken their sweet time helping with aide. I am just *****ing because sometimes it's all I can do to keep from going crazy. Life's hard.. lol.

    With that said, I love my nieces and nephew. I will continue to support them and raise them like my own as long as necessary. They have been a handful but I love them with all of my heart.

    ... *Exhale* Rant Over.

    Your nieces and nephew are very lucky to have such an amazing uncle, you're doing a fab job!
  • lil_bit_crazy
    lil_bit_crazy Posts: 161 Member

    I don't know how you post pictures here with a cell fone but paste that in your browser and you'll see.
    I am not tall, my husband is very small and so are my kids.

    If you use half a brain cell you'll realize my kids are almost the same size as I am, and I am a few inches shorter than my husband. There are some they are next to me, next to him, and their friends TOWER them.

    And yes I get chips for 1 nite a week and popcorn. That is not for them to eat before I'm finished unloading the truck.
    I don't care if they have a snack. I care if they eat ALL of it in a day.

    And just because you can't bargain shop doesn't mean I can't.

    My kids are well cared for and are loved and provided for. I asked for ideas to stop eating it all in one day, not advice on how to shop.
    I think I do pretty good considering none of them have cavities or diabetes or other issues.

    As for name calling, if they eat all the snacks...bananas apples oranges or whatever I can call them pigs. They came from my vagina I can call them whatever I dam well please! They also need deodorant at this age. Should I not say they stink, or is that mean too?

    ***thanks to those that actually get it. I appreciate all the PM's.

    To everyone else who thinks I starve my me to children services and kiss my *kitten*.
  • Generalle
    Generalle Posts: 201 Member

    I don't know how you post pictures here with a cell fone but paste that in your browser and you'll see.
    I am not tall, my husband is very small and so are my kids.

    If you use half a brain cell you'll realize my kids are almost the same size as I am, and I am a few inches shorter than my husband. There are some they are next to me, next to him, and their friends TOWER them.

    And yes I get chips for 1 nite a week and popcorn. That is not for them to eat before I'm finished unloading the truck.
    I don't care if they have a snack. I care if they eat ALL of it in a day.

    And just because you can't bargain shop doesn't mean I can't.

    My kids are well cared for and are loved and provided for. I asked for ideas to stop eating it all in one day, not advice on how to shop.
    I think I do pretty good considering none of them have cavities or diabetes or other issues.

    As for name calling, if they eat all the snacks...bananas apples oranges or whatever I can call them pigs. They came from my vagina I can call them whatever I dam well please! They also need deodorant at this age. Should I not say they stink, or is that mean too?

    ***thanks to those that actually get it. I appreciate all the PM's.

    To everyone else who thinks I starve my me to children services and kiss my *kitten*.

    People read what they want to (most have said on here that they haven't read all the posts). I wouldn't bother with even replying to the ones that are offering an opinion on how much teenage boys eat and not believing you. I COMPLETELY believe that one boy can eat 20 bananas in a day - those who don't believe that don't have teenage boys living in their house.
    I will say what I did in previous posts, (which isn't much help to you I know), there will be no way to stop them from eating. My son goes through phases of what he eats, for instance, right now he goes through around 7 litres of milk a week - all to himself!! I watched my brother do the same thing growing up and it didn't change until he left home at 18.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    My daughter who is five gets into the habit of snacking rather than eating whole meals. She can snack on snacks, left overs, whatever..just flat out wants to snack and then plays at dinner at the table. And its our fault for getting busy and allowing it..then we have to crack down, not allow snacks and deal with those consequences so she starts eating dinner again. That kid is ALWAYS hungry. Like always. She is a little under weight but so constantly active that she just burns it all off. Some weeks no matter how much I spend on food there just isn't enough in the house.

    The mere fact that they won't eat your haelthy cooked meals just tells me that they snack way too much imo. My suggestion to you (and I looked at your pics, they are healthy kids :flowerforyou:) is to crack down and not allow the snacking. As someone mentioned earlier, and I'm sorry I read through 90% of the posts but missed some so I might not have seen your reply to eat as many meals as you can together as a family. It can take about a week of firm "no!" and dealing with nasty *kitten* kid backlash and then they will get on a schedule to eat whole meals without eating you out of house and home in two days.

    If you have to lock up the food for a while so they get the picture of how things are going to be According To Mom then do it. Just because we shouldn't have to do these things, they should just listen, kids will always test us no matter what. Its up to us, as you know, to crack down the smack down and make them mind us. Flat out. You can do it!
  • KaidaKantri
    KaidaKantri Posts: 401
    Recoiljpr...... if they would EAT the food I made and not ALL the snacks and junk and treats in one or two days I wouldn't care.

    But now it's like I'm wasting money on good food going in the trash, and snacks n treats for anyone else for the week because they want to Hoover it almost before its in the door.

    If they ate b/l/d then had a snack I'd be happy as a clam! But they don't. I can't afford to keep tossing food in the trash off their plates nor buy snacks they will inhale which doesn't last more than a day or 2.

    1: Make them eat what you cook
    2: If they don't want to eat it, fine, put it in the fridge, when they are hungry heat up leftovers. DO NOT let them eat anything else.
    3: Stop buying junk food and snacks.
    4: Lock them in your bedroom, do NOT let them go in there, if they want batteries or whatever else is in your room YOU get it. It will give you more walking around at the same time.

    Also, they might actually be hungry. $75 worth of food really ins't that much food at all for growing kids. My fiance and I spend $100 a week in food and it's just enough to keep us through the week, and we don't eat a lot of junk food or snacks. We don't have kids, if I had to spend only $75 a week on food, I would starve, and I'm sure my kids would be hungry as well.
  • yroma
    yroma Posts: 74 Member
    You're not alone. Lots of folks are struggling in this economy to feed their families and news story tonight about how the drought will make the price of meats, chicken and dairy go up... So, it's only getting worse. My suggestion is one you've heard, just don't buy the junk. Buy fruit. Buy carrots, celery and peanut butter. When I was growing up, the only drinks other than water were milk and orange juice. No sodas, no candy, no snack foods. I was used to it, didn't love it, but acclimated to it. Now that I"m an adult, I'm really happy I didn't grow up drinking soda and eating junk food--I just never developed a taste for them and I'm grateful to my parents for that. I wish you the best. I think it's time for a sit-down with your children to explain the state of affairs...I think most kids naturally will eat you out of house and's just their nature. But given the harsh reality, they might be able to support you in some healthy choices. You never know!
  • ggcat
    ggcat Posts: 313 Member
    I can't believe someone who is trying to 'eat healthy' would subject their kids to such trash (Doritos and popcorn, etc).

    Junk food is over priced and expensive. Changing your choices in the grocery store as a whole, will change their choices at home.

    Teach them to eat healthy now...

    Note: I would love to eat a Doritos....tasty! But the bad out weighs the good there (I can't remember the last time I had one)!

    You should be passing on healthy eating habits to your children...

    Good Luck!
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    I don't know what to say. When I was a child we were told what snack food we were free to eat and only ate that. We didn't feel entitled to any or all of the food in the fridge without asking. I think there is something more to it than being hungry or they would eat what you cook. I would not buy treat food until they respect the boundries you set.
    I am sorry, $76 dollars doesn't go far, I think you are doing fantastic if you can live on that. I am sorry for your frustration. Maybe a fridge lock is the answer.
  • lil_bit_crazy
    lil_bit_crazy Posts: 161 Member
    My daughter who is five gets into the habit of snacking rather than eating whole meals. She can snack on snacks, left overs, whatever..just flat out wants to snack and then plays at dinner at the table. And its our fault for getting busy and allowing it..then we have to crack down, not allow snacks and deal with those consequences so she starts eating dinner again. That kid is ALWAYS hungry. Like always. She is a little under weight but so constantly active that she just burns it all off. Some weeks no matter how much I spend on food there just isn't enough in the house.

    The mere fact that they won't eat your haelthy cooked meals just tells me that they snack way too much imo. My suggestion to you (and I looked at your pics, they are healthy kids :flowerforyou:) is to crack down and not allow the snacking. As someone mentioned earlier, and I'm sorry I read through 90% of the posts but missed some so I might not have seen your reply to eat as many meals as you can together as a family. It can take about a week of firm "no!" and dealing with nasty *kitten* kid backlash and then they will get on a schedule to eat whole meals without eating you out of house and home in two days.

    If you have to lock up the food for a while so they get the picture of how things are going to be According

    To Mom then do it. Just because we shouldn't have to do these things, they should just listen, kids will always test us no matter what. Its up to us, as you know, to crack down the smack down and make them mind us. Flat out. You can do it!

    Thanks so much! I know I'm not crazy. I know they get healthy food and I feed (offer) healthy meals.

    They really are just small.

    You should see the team pictures (school football basketball, rec baseball and soccer) kids are always the smallest ..
    But fastest and most athletic. Its quite funny seeing them play football and the kids same age are a foot taller and 50-75 pounds heavier. But they love it.
    My kids are happy and healthy. We have a lot of fun.

    I just wish they knew how to control snacking
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    I posted earlier and i recant my response since you posted the height and weight of the children. You state the 14 year old is 5 feet and weighs 85 pounds. I looked through pediatric websites and a healthy weight for him would be 105 to 125

    You state the 13 year old weighs 84 pounds and is 5 feet 1 inch. He should weigh the same.

    You state your 11 year old weighs 77 pounds and is 4'6. His healthy weight is 85 to 100 pounds

    They are HUNGRY and UNDERWEIGHT! It does not matter that other family members are underweight, obviously these boys are not REQUIRED to be underweight are they? And if they get enough to eat eventually they will settle down and eat more normally.

    I also ate very little at one point in my life to make sure my children had enough food

    You state you are obese. Buy the children whatever they need to thrive and cut your needs back. You will all be better off and they will thank you for it.

    I know you will say the pediatrician says they are fine but YOU are the one saying they eat and eat and eat. Kids don't do that unless they are HUNGRY! Please please don't be hateful and call them pigs. Just show them you love them.

    Very much dislike this post. I work in a family medicine office and weigh people for a living. Kids come in many shapes and sizes. How very rude and ignorant to tell a mother her children are hungry and underweight.
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Oh and OP....I agree cutting the junk will help. I have 2 boys and we rarely have chips and junk. I buy one pack of cookies every week or so and the occasional bag of chips. They always have on hand granola bars, PB crackers, block cheddar cheese and crackers (my 17 year old's favorite), carrotts, fruit, cheeze itz/chex mix. My little one loves chocolate rice cakes with peanut butter.
  • pmcco
    pmcco Posts: 56 Member
    my husband spent 20 years in the army and we only bought the bulk of groceries once a month. there was always arguinng over who ate what and who did not get. I allowed less than one soda per day and 1 box of granola bars per kid per week. I labeled them with their names. that way... no arguing. when it was gone it was gone.... I did not buy more. Also, my daughter got very very picky when she was a teenager... but guess what... when she joined the Navy she found she would eat whatever was put in front of her and I was told oh I eat avocados and I eat sushi and I eat porkchops and I eat.... on and on... really... they can move beyond the crap
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    Stop buying the snack food and instead, spend that money on fruits and other healthy snacks. Tell them tough ****... I've provided you with perfectly good, healthy good that millions of people eat (and enjoy) every day. You don't need junk food to snack on. You may have an apple. Period. Anything extra that's for fun (cookies, ice cream, popcorn, etc.) is purchased at certain intervals and that's that. When it's gone, it's gone.
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    OP, we're going to need an update, ok?? :)
  • Simone_King
    Simone_King Posts: 467 Member
    May I make a sugestion? Like another poster said..

    Stop buying the snacks.

    They don't need the junk food and frankly, IF they want it. They SHOULD pay for their own snacks. That's what my parents made me do. It gets expensive and hurts their wallet then your own.

    Then also, did you consider on making them help you buy food? Its a big wake up call for them. I don't care what age the boys are. They need to learn money doesn't grow on trees!

    Regardless of their agg. I think you need to go over your fiancess again. Then cut back someplace else in order to get more, wholesome food.

    Regardless of their weight and age. It's time for them to know the pain of money.

    It's never too early to start.
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