10 in 9



  • jocelyne2
    jocelyne2 Posts: 271 Member
    Jocelyn, I know you must be stressed out, but try to stop eating 2hrs before u go to bed. Make urself a stopping point after which u cannot eat anything. Mine is at 8 cuz I usually go to sleep by 10. Try having some fiber for dinner around 6 so u feel full.

    Update: last night I wanted to wear shorts and tried on a pair that I cud not even get up my thigh! lol so it went up and zipped closed but still not good enough to wear out in public if u know what I mean. Still working on my muffin top. But hey atleast I'm getting close!

    Woooohoooo Way to go !!!!! Lmao @ muffin top . I think u should staple them to the wall for encouragement ....good thing short season is still far far away maybe we can be a size 8 by then :flowerforyou: Lately I have been going to bed really late usually never before midnight , I have tried to cut myself off at 8-9 and almost always fail. I have started the metamucil thing , everytime I took It I was in so much pain but found a new trick I put it in my whey protien shake with some yogurt helps alot .... no more pain .

    Today is another day !!!!:drinker:
  • Pattyisgr8
    Pattyisgr8 Posts: 104 Member
    I try to drink as much water as possible until 8pm or so (I don't want to wake up to go potty all night long :blushing: ). It seems to help me from feeling hungry, and if I do feel a rumble I drink more H2O so stop the hungry feeling. Filling up on water help me get my water intake in and I know its 0 cals! Hope it helps!
  • shera426
    shera426 Posts: 227 Member
    Thank you so much for the encouragment. This is why I just love this site so much!! I have good new to, I have so many milestones that I have overcome and I really am proud of myself :happy: Last night I was feeling pretty blue, so I got on the tredmil determined to get out of the negative in my calories by working out. I stayed on for an hour!!! Where before I wouldn't have touched the tredmil with a 10 foot pole and probably would have made myself feel worse by eaten myself out of home. I never would have thought that was possible!

    Not to mention today is usually my weigh in day so this a.m I jumped on there figuring I haven't budged in weeks. The 170's just seem to trap me in their grasp. 167!!!!:laugh: HOW AWSOME IS THAT! 3 lbs lost WOHOO now I feel good I need to work on beating myself up. I did it! my first milestone was reached GOOD BYE 170, never want to see you again :glasses:
  • shera426
    shera426 Posts: 227 Member
    oh I almost forgot. Some of the things I've done to overcome my eating at night habit. Granted I still give in every now and then, especially if the hubby is working nights but these have worked for me.

    I brush my teeth after dinner. who wants to brush them again? I'll drink water but nothing else after I brush.

    Also if I REALLY want something but know I shouldn't and i've brushed my teeth then do the whitening strips :laugh: now I really don't want to eat anythiny who wants to eat with those silly plastic things in your mouth.

    Or I just go to bed. Sometimes I think it's ridiculous to go so early sometimes since i'm a night owl. Plus that's my time w/o kids but hey I get a great nights sleep and I wake up ready to take on the new day. :drinker:
  • jocelyne2
    jocelyne2 Posts: 271 Member
    Woooohoooo Shera Im so excited for u !!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: That is awesome. I just can't seem to get mine to budge but im going to stick with it . I think maybe my problem is that I never ever drank water and I barely drank at all during the day just coffee in morning and my downfall at night . But now Im getting my 8 a day and more sometime I wonder if my body is just somehow holding it in . Thanks for the tips . You are my HERO !!!! By the way weren't you just like 171 or something a few days ago ? You have peeked my intrest .... You Rock ...LOL
  • shera426
    shera426 Posts: 227 Member
    Woooohoooo Shera Im so excited for u !!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: That is awesome. I just can't seem to get mine to budge but im going to stick with it . I think maybe my problem is that I never ever drank water and I barely drank at all during the day just coffee in morning and my downfall at night . But now Im getting my 8 a day and more sometime I wonder if my body is just somehow holding it in . Thanks for the tips . You are my HERO !!!! By the way weren't you just like 171 or something a few days ago ? You have peeked my intrest .... You Rock ...LOL

    I was 171 just a few days ago...that's what has me amazed. I did horrible all week to, with aunt flo then, the darn bbq last night. OH and did I mention the jack in the box & apple pie while my mom was here? AND the m&m's.

    I drank A LOT of water the last few days hoping to flush myself out with all the cr@p i've been eating. My only savior is that I've logged everything I put in my mouth. As horrible as it looked seeing it on my food diary I did it and I never went over my allotted calories. Well with the exception of yesterday and I eventually worked that off to :bigsmile:

    I would say drink up :drinker: I usually would get in about 60 oz of water. The last 3 days i've probably had between 100-120 oz. I can't say for sure because I kept loosing count I couldn't remember how many times I filled the same darn cup up LOL The only down fall is I did pee ALL the time. Between me and my daughter who is just potty trained we were having issues with who could pee first :laugh:
  • jocelyne2
    jocelyne2 Posts: 271 Member
    Woooohoooo Shera Im so excited for u !!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: That is awesome. I just can't seem to get mine to budge but im going to stick with it . I think maybe my problem is that I never ever drank water and I barely drank at all during the day just coffee in morning and my downfall at night . But now Im getting my 8 a day and more sometime I wonder if my body is just somehow holding it in . Thanks for the tips . You are my HERO !!!! By the way weren't you just like 171 or something a few days ago ? You have peeked my intrest .... You Rock ...LOL

    I was 171 just a few days ago...that's what has me amazed. I did horrible all week to, with aunt flo then, the darn bbq last night. OH and did I mention the jack in the box & apple pie while my mom was here? AND the m&m's.

    I drank A LOT of water the last few days hoping to flush myself out with all the cr@p i've been eating. My only savior is that I've logged everything I put in my mouth. As horrible as it looked seeing it on my food diary I did it and I never went over my allotted calories. Well with the exception of yesterday and I eventually worked that off to :bigsmile:

    I would say drink up :drinker: I usually would get in about 60 oz of water. The last 3 days i've probably had between 100-120 oz. I can't say for sure because I kept loosing count I couldn't remember how many times I filled the same darn cup up LOL The only down fall is I did pee ALL the time. Between me and my daughter who is just potty trained we were having issues with who could pee first :laugh:

    Omg Lmao @ that bathroom battle .... :laugh: Never have that problem in my house have 11 toilets ...no wait time !!!!! :wink:
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    way to go Shera! That is awesome! I was totally feeling your pain last night, but I am so glad that the scale made up for it! And way to go and work out afterwards... i think sometimes I tend to get so down and feeling like crap that I would just sit there all night, but you were SO determined not to let that affect you!! I need to be more like that!

    I've been drinking A LOT of water too...and the people at work probably think I have some sort of issue because I am constantly in the bathroom! I get this feeling like I am constantly thirsty, but the water feels so good and my body feels cleaned.

    Keep it up during the weekend girls!! Weekends are the hardest time for me, but I know I can do it, and you can do it too!! SIZE 10 BABY!!!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    WTG SHERA! Bet u never expected that nice surprise! Well I know how u feel cuz this morning I was hesitant to get on the scale and to my surprise I lost 3lbs! Was soo happy that I stayed really motivated during my work out. :tongue:

    We can do this ladies just takes some determination n hard work.
  • jocelyne2
    jocelyne2 Posts: 271 Member
    WTG SHERA! Bet u never expected that nice surprise! Well I know how u feel cuz this morning I was hesitant to get on the scale and to my surprise I lost 3lbs! Was soo happy that I stayed really motivated during my work out. :tongue:

    We can do this ladies just takes some determination n hard work.

    Congrats nola !!!!!! You go girl :flowerforyou: Now my turn to rant and rave...... Im just a little pissed this week I stuck to my calories and did a whooping 8.5 hrs cardio and stuff and DAMMIT NOTHING WTH!!!!!:explode: :explode: :explode:
  • jocelyne2
    jocelyne2 Posts: 271 Member
    Oh btw ... going of topic for a sec..... You guys have got to check out the movie The Proposal ...Watch it last night and LMAO from start to finish . My opinion hands down best movie of the year . Ryan Reynolds with no shirt whewwww :love: :love: :love:
  • ♥seoid♥
    GGGGRRR...tried on a 12 and they barely fit! I'm going the wrong way!
  • jocelyne2
    jocelyne2 Posts: 271 Member
    GGGGRRR...tried on a 12 and they barely fit! I'm going the wrong way!

    LoL .... Welcome seoid !!!!! Ugh I know the feeling :sad: , Think we should start a new group where we all get together with our size 12 's and have a big ole BombFire and Pizza :laugh: We will bring a whole new meaning to " Sister Hood of the travelling pants" :wink:
  • Pattyisgr8
    Pattyisgr8 Posts: 104 Member
    Great job on the loses ladies!!! I read on MFP once of something called zig zag weight loss. Apparently you eat in your cal range and then over, and repeat every two to three days and you'll drop the weight. However, its really not healthy because your body will get used to the roller coaster ride. The ups and downs during your week may have helped trigger the loss, along with the massive amounts of water Shera!!!!:drinker:
  • Pattyisgr8
    Pattyisgr8 Posts: 104 Member
    My husband & I watched the Proposal and it was really good!!!!!!!:tongue:
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    I liked the proposal but was expecting it to be funnier. Next movie on my list is Couples Retreat. Anyone seen it? I've heard mixed reviews....

    On another topic, I just got back from the mall and well.......
    I bought a size 10 old navy trousers! lol Well fridays is Casual at work and u can wear Jeans but I didnt have any decent ones. So I picked these up today....yes they fit great but still not comfortable wearing it cuz of my tummy. I think in another 5lbs I can wear them to the office. Soooo excited! :smile:
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Okay girls...I tried REALLY REALLY hard to be good today. I woke up early, went running and then did a cardio- lifting class, which was awesome and kicked my butt! Then, I ate an amazing egg white omelet with ham, onions & a little cheese. Super scrumptious!

    However this evening...well early afternoon my husband took me out to eat at Applebees. And I tried really really hard, to be good. My husband ordered the spinach & artichoke dip, which was soooo tempting. I admit, I did give in, but not a lot. I settled my cravings, and then stopped myself. Then I did really good, and completely annoyed the waiter :devil: by ordering the Fiesta Lime chicken--with no tortilla strips, no cheese & no sauce, kind of pathetic right? But, I do love it with the pico de gallo sauce. And I got a baked potato, which I only ate like 1/4 of.... I was stuffed. I felt like a bossy, picky person...but I figured if I'm paying, my choice- RIGHT? And I wanted to be healthy! Anyone else feel bossy when they order food???

    I can honestly say I didn't do too bad. I probably should have ordered off of the Weight Watchers menu, but everything I've ever tried on that tastes like sand paper. Anyone find anything they really liked on that part of the menu???????

    Have a great night!
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    Sounds awesome. I'm a 12 in some pants and a 10 in others. My goal from the beginning is to fit into a size 10! :happy:
  • Pattyisgr8
    Pattyisgr8 Posts: 104 Member
    Ok I'm a bit frustrated, I bought a new digital scale last night. Knowing it would be up after my crappy dinner I got on anyway and it was 186.2 (+ 1.2 lbs since Thursday), but it was like 9pm and I just ate. However this morning I got up used the bathroom and weighed in and it was 182.8 I was so happy with the loss, however (and now the frustrating part) I went back to watch tv in bed and got up later and decided to weigh in again just to see and I was 181.2 (wich I love) but thats insane to go down 1.5 lbs over a couple of hours!!! Everything was the same, I used the bathroom both times, ect. I just want to know which to go by, both are great losses, but I'm confused, I bought a digital scale to be more accurate!!!!!!!

    Has this happened to anyone else?
  • jocelyne2
    jocelyne2 Posts: 271 Member
    Ok I'm a bit frustrated, I bought a new digital scale last night. Knowing it would be up after my crappy dinner I got on anyway and it was 186.2 (+ 1.2 lbs since Thursday), but it was like 9pm and I just ate. However this morning I got up used the bathroom and weighed in and it was 182.8 I was so happy with the loss, however (and now the frustrating part) I went back to watch tv in bed and got up later and decided to weigh in again just to see and I was 181.2 (wich I love) but thats insane to go down 1.5 lbs over a couple of hours!!! Everything was the same, I used the bathroom both times, ect. I just want to know which to go by, both are great losses, but I'm confused, I bought a digital scale to be more accurate!!!!!!!

    Has this happened to anyone else?

    Wow That is huge Congrats !!!!! I read somewhere that the best time to weigh is as soon as you get up in morning at the same time every day . Personally I would use the first weight so I wouldn't set myself up for disappointment :wink: I have played with the scale a few times a day and would be the same up and down :flowerforyou:

    I did really well last nite I didn't eat past 9 pm and stayed within my cal range . Didn't do any exercise yesterday because hubby is painting my exercise room . I feel like im gonna burst with energy this morning which is highly unusual for me . Before I needed like 5 coffee's just to get moving but since I switched to coffee with just milk and sweetner taste crappy and can barely drink the second one anymore.

    Have a great day Ladies :bigsmile: