So whats your GYM like!?!?!? whats the eye candy level?



  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    This thread is exactly the reason I choose to work out at home. Yeesh.

    However, if it gets you to the gym, more power to ya.

    Really? Makes me want to join a gym...dirty old lady that I am : )
  • VoodooLuLu
    VoodooLuLu Posts: 636 Member
    my gym was the xbox 360, it broke so now I cant do zumba and ufc trainer so now I just walk....
  • farmgirlsuz
    farmgirlsuz Posts: 351 Member
    I work out at a PD....OMG...I am starting to feel REALLY old but it is motivational!
  • P05T5CRIPT
    P05T5CRIPT Posts: 285 Member
    I love my little gym for the exact opposite of this thread, it's full of young, old, fat and thin people, and no one gives a damn what you look like. We all work hard and end up a sweaty mess at the end of the workout, I'll take that over the usual 'poser' type gyms where they go in full makeup, never break a sweat and spend most of the time looking at their reflections! :bigsmile:
  • krissielynn87
    krissielynn87 Posts: 214 Member
    LA Fitness has quite a few yummy guys. My boyfriend included
  • RunWinterGarden
    RunWinterGarden Posts: 428 Member
    I have a gym in my community, there is usually nobody there, but when there is someone there it's usually 1-2 cute girls, so that's nice, but I'm usually just focused on the show I'm watching on the treadmill.
  • Whiskybelly
    Whiskybelly Posts: 197 Member
    My gym has a huge mirror, so the eye candy level is through the roof when I'm standing in front of it...............

    .............because I'm so fat that I block the view for everyone else.
  • McButtski
    McButtski Posts: 203 Member
    I really really don't notice the men and couldn't pick any of them out of a line up.. seeing one flex a hairy bicep across the room would do nothing for me. I find it off putting and uncomfortable when there's men in there staring at me though, like seriously dude, f** off.

    That said, I've noticed a few of the women and would check them out in a 'I want my *kitten* to be like her's' kinda way! A 'woman only' gym would be ideal :wink:
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    This thread is exactly the reason I choose to work out at home. Yeesh.

    However, if it gets you to the gym, more power to ya.

    Really? Makes me want to join a gym...dirty old lady that I am : )

    DO IT!
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    I work out at home, in front of a mirror. The eye candy level is through the roof!
  • wmstormvet
    wmstormvet Posts: 145
    I don't know.... I go there to actually work out!!!
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    Eye candy is pretty decent at my gym. I'd say a 7, maybe 8 on a good day.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    This thread is exactly the reason I choose to work out at home. Yeesh.

    However, if it gets you to the gym, more power to ya.

    Couldnt Agree more..I love my home gym!

    Go to your home gym then.

    I don't want to go to a gym with a bunch of stuffed up people anyways. The gym should be FUN.
  • writetomab
    writetomab Posts: 226
    I work out in my garage and I don't have any mirrors or posters and crap like that... Just me and my weights! Has made me think though.... Maybe I need to introduce some colour and a few posters for some added inspiration! :smile:
  • melbot24
    melbot24 Posts: 347 Member
    I think I might have seen only about 2 or 3 guys who made me drool slightly in the two years I've been going to my current gym.
    If you want to see hot, lithe, tattooed bodies I would join a CrossFit gym, ladies!

    OH EDIT:
    Spartan Races also tend to attract men of a god-like physique. GOODNESS :love:
  • Annette_rose
    Annette_rose Posts: 427 Member
    Mine is the local YMCA also, but it is placed on a college campus so have to say the eye candy is pretty high at at least an 8. It is a great location though and families are also very involved so there is a wide variety.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,871 Member
    The cardio area and classes are on floor 1 and weight room is upstairs...I'm usually upstairs...eye candy is pretty much non-existent. There are a couple of good looking ladies who lift and I see them occasionally, but we usually miss each other.
  • spider_mark51959
    spider_mark51959 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Home gym, so no eye candy for me.
  • Maribel_1986
    Maribel_1986 Posts: 457 Member
    Just started going to a 24 Hour Fitness Super Sport in Ontario and WOW! About 98% of the guys there are smokin' hot... The women there are also really fit and look amazing. It's definitely motivating!
  • lgtahoe
    lgtahoe Posts: 96

    If you want to see hot, lithe, tattooed bodies I would join a CrossFit gym, ladies!

    This. All the hot guys in my town do Crossfit, but it's $100 more a month than my gym :(. I need a sponsor!