"10 Pounds At A Time Challenge"



  • iamladibeast
    iamladibeast Posts: 451 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Oh where do I begin. I originally joined mpf earlier this year but was stopped dead in my tracks when I developed a blood clot in early Feb. and then again in April. My recovery has taken me a long time to get to the point when I can even walk without much pain.

    My dr. advises me to lose weight but I could not before because I was not able to walk for more than a few mintues at a time. Now I am ready to start this journey again.

    This is my first full wk back on mfp and so far so good. I have walked everyday except today this week at the track at my local park, and boy did it feel great. Aside from getting over my blood clots, I have recently developed high blood pressure and asthma, so getting healthy is at the top of my lists...

    I can really use everyone advise and support, and want to thank everyone in advance :heart:

  • haley4tn
    haley4tn Posts: 130
    Hey hey everyone :flowerforyou:

    Weighed this morning and what should appear before my eyes ....... I'm very PROUD :bigsmile: to say I have meet the December goal, another 10 pounds GONE!!!

    I can not believe how easy this has gotten for me since I put my nose to the grinder and decided not to be FAT anymore! I use to freak out when we go out to eat or someones house, but now it's just making the right choices and for me portion control. As weird as this might sound I actually look forward to exercising every night.

    I think the stars and moons have finally lined up in my galaxy - of course in a month I might be singing the blues with all this holiday gatherings coming. Here's to having control! :drinker:

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day or night!
  • iamladibeast
    iamladibeast Posts: 451 Member
    Haley, thanks for the link, I'll have to check it out.

    I drank 2 extra glasses of water today, and one less can of Diet Coke! Woo hoo! How's everyone else doing with water?

    Drinking water is never a problem for me, because tht is all I really drink. Except for OJ in the morning with my breakfast, I drink water with everything else...

    Would love some new recipes though, any suggestions :happy:
  • haley4tn
    haley4tn Posts: 130
    ladileslie - welcome to the group :flowerforyou:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    Welcome to the group, Leslie!

    Congrats, Haley!!

    I'm happy to say that even with buffalo wings last night, I stayed within my calories for the day AND got in 7 servings of water!! Woo hoo. Only had one Diet Cherry Coke for the entire day.

    I know it's dorky, but I already have my tickets to see New Moon tonight, so I'll have to figure out where to fit the workout in...hmm.

    Tomorrow morning is dedicated to attempting to catch my horse AGAIN. And then it will be off to lunch with the friend who is going to share the secret of her weight loss success. Then, to a Tupperware party and dinner with a friend for her birthday. Busy, busy!!

    Hope you're all having a great day!
  • Hey all, I know I'm a little late joining, but I think it would be so much easier to lose weight with other people!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Calorie Counter
  • iamladibeast
    iamladibeast Posts: 451 Member
    :flowerforyou: thanks everyone for the warm welcome...
  • haley4tn
    haley4tn Posts: 130
    Hey all, I know I'm a little late joining, but I think it would be so much easier to lose weight with other people!

    Welcome :flowerforyou:
  • SusyC
    SusyC Posts: 68
    Be sure to share your friend's weight loss secret!

    Rotten water day today. :ohwell:
    Too stressed, craved the Diet Coke for the caffeine. OK, I know I could get caffeine by drinking tea, but, when stressed, it's either chocolate or Diet Coke. Or, both. Tomorrow, we'll try again. So, as far as the 10 pound thing ... I think I'll get there by the end of the month if Thanksgiving and TOM don't give me trouble. But, the water thing ... THAT'S going to be a different story! Who knew it would be harder for me to drink more water than lose weight?! :mad:
  • SusyC
    SusyC Posts: 68
    I know it's a day early to weigh in, but, I've got company coming today who'll stay all the way through next Saturday. I probably won't be checking in tomorrow. Besides, I weighed in last week on Saturday because of that mean ol' wedding reception food that I knew I'd be eating. :wink:

    So, I weighed this morning ... 3 pounds this week! Woo hoo! Wowie wowie wow! I'm so so excited! At this rate, maybe I really CAN lose 10 in a month! That means, maybe I'll be down a couple of dress sizes by New Year's Eve and can wow my husband on our anniversary in a gorgeous gown! :heart:

    Talk about being motivated! Nothing like losing these 3 pounds to get me going more! So ... I'm headed downstairs to the treadmill!

    Good luck all! And thanks for the constant support and encouragement! :bigsmile:
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    Hey hey everyone :flowerforyou:

    Weighed this morning and what should appear before my eyes ....... I'm very PROUD :bigsmile: to say I have meet the December goal, another 10 pounds GONE!!!

    I can not believe how easy this has gotten for me since I put my nose to the grinder and decided not to be FAT anymore! I use to freak out when we go out to eat or someones house, but now it's just making the right choices and for me portion control. As weird as this might sound I actually look forward to exercising every night.

    I think the stars and moons have finally lined up in my galaxy - of course in a month I might be singing the blues with all this holiday gatherings coming. Here's to having control! :drinker:

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day or night!

    YOU GO GIRL!!!! I think that is excellent!!! :bigsmile:
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    Good morning!

    Welcome to the group, Leslie!

    Congrats, Haley!!

    I'm happy to say that even with buffalo wings last night, I stayed within my calories for the day AND got in 7 servings of water!! Woo hoo. Only had one Diet Cherry Coke for the entire day.

    I know it's dorky, but I already have my tickets to see New Moon tonight, so I'll have to figure out where to fit the workout in...hmm.

    Tomorrow morning is dedicated to attempting to catch my horse AGAIN. And then it will be off to lunch with the friend who is going to share the secret of her weight loss success. Then, to a Tupperware party and dinner with a friend for her birthday. Busy, busy!!

    Hope you're all having a great day!

    It's not dorky at all! My daughter and I went to see it yesterday...it was SOOOO GOOOD! It left me wanting more...now to wait for eclipse!!! Did you love it??
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Welcome to all th newbies...you'll love this board...or group!!! they are the best!!!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    hello all:

    I have been working out 5 days a week and watching what i eat..managed to stay within in my calories and fat...but the scale would not budge...

    i do the c25k....i was on week 5 now i am on week 6...and on my days off i just walk on the treadmill for about an hour or so...or 3 miles.

    yesterday and today i couldn't walk because i have a bump on the back of my leg which swelled up and it hurts really bad....i think the doctor called it "abscess" today i can't walk because of te pain :(

    hopefu the pain will go away and i will be back on track!

    Good luck all!! :)
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good afternoon!

    First things first...I LOVED New Moon and hate to admit that I was practically drooling over a 17 year old's abs (Jacob the Werewolf). Wow, is all I can say about that guy.

    Secondly, I got my friend's weight loss information. She did the program called Slim4Life, which is also known as Slimgenics. I will NOT be doing that diet for several reasons. First, it's crazy to tell someone NOT to exercise....apparently they've never heard of being strong or having cardiovascular health. Secondly, they strictly limit the dairy intake which is insane because apparently they've never heard of osteoporosis. Thirdly, after reading reviews on the internet almost everyone gained the weight back because this program is not realistic for real life. Also, many who had done the program said people asked if they were sick because they were thin but lacked luster in their skin and had no strength or tone. Personally, I'll take the extra pounds over looking ill and not being able to lift more than 10 lbs!

    Okay, with that said, I got my five workouts in this week, seriously upped my water intake AND lost inches. No, I didnt actually measure myself, but my size 14 jeans feel very loose and can be pulled off without unzipping or unbuttoning them. This prompted me to pull my size 12s out of the closet. Amazingly they can be pulled all the way on, buttoned and zipped. They're just too tight to look good or be very comfortable. I'd say five pounds would make them comfy. So close, but I keep fluctuating the same five pounds. I think the hardest part is that I don't have the right balance of calories. Not sure why, though.

    CW is 204, but I'm blaming TOM for no lost weight on the scale. Tomorrow is my official weigh where I have my measurements taken, so I'm interested to see if my guess is correct.

    Anyway, have a great day everyone!
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    Hello All,

    I am sorry I have not been more active on the board but I have been in holiday prep mode! I am feeling a little stressed and trying desperately not to fall off the wagon. :sad: This is an obstacle I know that I can face and win but I have to admit that I am having some trouble...I have not been emotionally eating in months now...but yesterday I caught myself in the midst of doing just that but was able to stop myself. Also, I have been slacking a bit on the workouts and I don't want to do that because it only hurts me in the long run...oh TOM please go away!! I know that is part of the struggle but I think I am just feeling the stress...I am glad that I have a place to come and vent! I know I will be busy the next few days so I may not be on too much but I do want to wish everyone a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! :drinker:
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    Good afternoon!

    First things first...I LOVED New Moon and hate to admit that I was practically drooling over a 17 year old's abs (Jacob the Werewolf). Wow, is all I can say about that guy.

    His abs were something to drool over...OMG :noway: !! I have to admit I was feeling the same way...about him being so young but I will say I was just appreciating how well he has taken care of his body...LOL!
  • Ssirclesgirl
    Ssirclesgirl Posts: 25 Member
    Sorry I have been MIA computer issues! Im back
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member

    His abs were something to drool over...OMG :noway: !! I have to admit I was feeling the same way...about him being so young but I will say I was just appreciating how well he has taken care of his body...LOL!

    Okay, glad I wasn't the only one. Now how can I get my boyfriend to get abs like that?

    Yesterday, I was pretty good with the eating, except for the tortilla chips at the Mexican restaurant. I didn't get a workout in last night, but will tonight since it's Biggest Loser night. I did get six servings of water yesterday, so I'm consistently staying around 4-6 in a day instead of my previous 1-2. Yay!

    I'm back to the protein shakes this morning and have my official weigh-in and measurement taking tonight. I haven't lost any pounds, but I feel like I've lost inches. Hopefully, I won't be disappointed!

    Hope you're all having a great day!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    hey all:
    I have been on resting mode since Friday...i can't wait until i am all better and back to my exercise routine...i hate not exercise since now i like doing it...i would be on week6 but i ahve to put that on hold, hopefully not for long...
    i will try to drink more water today...i have been adding lemon to my water...maybe something new will encourage me to drink more water and less coffee.

    Good Luck to all!
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