"10 Pounds At A Time Challenge"



  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    Hope everyone is doing well. I'm on a streak of being right within my calorie allowance every day this week, without hunger! Yay!! I'm loving the protein shakes for breakfast and lunch because I have so many more options for dinner then. Last night after dinner, my boyfriend talked me into taking a walk in the 27 degree weather and I'm SO glad he did. I ended up jogging for a half mile without stopping and he kept taking walking breaks, then had to run to catch up to me. How awesome is that??

    I've got him convinced that he needs to start running with me, so he's going to start looking for a used treadmill so he can do Couch to 5K this winter. He has also agreed to sign up for the 5K I'm doing with my family in February. Looks like him and I are finally getting on the same page about diet and exercise. It's so much easier with a workout buddy.

    Tonight, I have a date with my treadmill to move on to the Week 5, Day to workout of C25K. I'm actually looking forward to it. This morning, on the way to work, I saw a guy jogging in the cold and I actually thought to myself, "I wish I had the morning off so I could go running."

    On the Biggest Loser, the trainers talk about exercising being a thing that needs to "click" in their minds and bodies. I think I just hit that point. Suddenly, I WANT to RUN and I have a ton of energy, which has been definitely been helping me get up in the mornings and be productive during the day at work.

    Okay, enough of my blabbing. Have a good one!
  • 33KIKI
    33KIKI Posts: 304
    Zumba is fun - it's just dancing and then your sweating off the calories..and who cares if don't keep up the instructor usually says it's about having fun and keep moving. Try it ..you may like it :bigsmile:
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    Where is everyone??? It's like a ghost town in here! :frown:

    :noway: - I think they've been snatched by the Body Snatchers :laugh:

    LOL!!!! i figured at some point the momentum would fade a little....I just hope we get it back!!!
  • iamladibeast
    iamladibeast Posts: 451 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Did my morning workout, feeling great :happy: yesterday was a really bad day for me. I did not eat enough and I was slugging..I increased my calories today so I'll see how making the change goes...my elliptical workout is set for later...:wink:
  • haley4tn
    haley4tn Posts: 130
    Happy Friday :flowerforyou:

    Proud to say I have lost another pound this week and SO happy to say that I can now fit into my NEW blue jeans from Christmas last year - size 14! I have been in 18/20. My hubby bought two pairs for me last year and they didn't fit, so it was one of those conversions that he's never going to buy me clothes again and take them back for something else - never did. Well year later I'm in them - WOO HOO!

    Were heading to Knoxville this weekend so I'll be off again, try to get on Sunday.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend - BE strong!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Happy Friday :flowerforyou:

    Proud to say I have lost another pound this week and SO happy to say that I can now fit into my NEW blue jeans from Christmas last year - size 14! I have been in 18/20.

    Congrats on getting into a 14! You rock!!

    As for myself, I had another great day of staying within my calories. It's finally becoming EASY. I didn't get my workout done last night because I had errands to run. I know it's a terrible excuse, but I am bummed that I didn't get to it. Unfortunately, I enjoy my sleep too much...but, it is just as important to overall health as exercising, so it counts for something.

    Tonight I plan on getting on the treadmill. I don't think I have any errands I need to do. Yay!

    Hope you're all having a great day!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good evening,

    This weekend I was good about staying within my calories until today, when I went out to breakfast, had McDonald's for lunch and then had mom's homemade enchiladas for dinner. Uh-oh. Hopefully the scale won't be too mean to me tomorrow morning.

    Hope everyone had a great weekend!
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    Hello Those of you that are still here!!

    How is everything going? I have been ok...some family members have taken poor health recently and put me off course. My emotions are at an all time high this is where I need to get right with myself. I need to care for me during this time but I just dont feel like eating, cooking, exercising...but that still is no excuse, I have to learn how to function when faced with problems. HELP!! I could use some inspiration today... :frown:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    HELP!! I could use some inspiration today... :frown:

    Just remember that everyone has times where we need to focus on things other than exercising. Just make sure that you're taking care of your overall well-being such as eating healthy and getting enough sleep. You will find how to cope with the bad times and when you're feeling better, you'll get back on track. Also remember that even though it may be hard to get the exercising done, when you're actually doing it, it will help your emotions. We're here to support you, so please check in often and let us know how you're doing!

  • haley4tn
    haley4tn Posts: 130
    Happy Monday!

    Still here, :bigsmile:

    Weekend went by like that! Don't know where it went?? I moving slow on the scale right now, but I contribute that to I'm not getting my workouts in. We have somewhere to go ALL the time. I'm doing good on the food, just so late getting home. Gotta get better at that!

    Talk to ya'll soon!
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    HELP!! I could use some inspiration today... :frown:

    Just remember that everyone has times where we need to focus on things other than exercising. Just make sure that you're taking care of your overall well-being such as eating healthy and getting enough sleep. You will find how to cope with the bad times and when you're feeling better, you'll get back on track. Also remember that even though it may be hard to get the exercising done, when you're actually doing it, it will help your emotions. We're here to support you, so please check in often and let us know how you're doing!


    Thank you so much!!
  • 33KIKI
    33KIKI Posts: 304
    Well I am still waiting for my video so I can join in on the fun..so hopefully it shows today cause I am ready. :bigsmile:

    CW: 209 meaning that since I started I have dropped 50 lbs since late August - Woo Hoo!!:drinker: I have 9 more pounds for my New Years goal and I really want to make that goal..so I am keeping my fingers crossed.

    I have found that since my lap band fill (2CC) some foods are bit more difficult to eat so that has helped me make even healthier choices.

    BTW - If anyone goes to the Olive Garden - I highly recommend the Venetian Apriot Chicken - no pasta and it was delicious :love:

    Anyways I hope you all have a HAPPY TUESDAY!! :flowerforyou:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    We're experiencing a mini-blizzard here in the Twin Cities, so the holiday spirit is coming alive. It just never seems to be Christmas time until we get some snow! Now I wish I were Christmas shopping today instead of being stuck at my desk at work.

    Anyway, on Monday I ran my first mile outside (and in the cold, too!). It felt good, even though I was supposed to go two miles or run for 20 minutes without stopping, according to the Couch to 5K program. I will be attempting it again tonight, but on the treadmill due to the snow.

    I've been staying within my calories but really need to kick it all up a notch to get under 200 lbs. by the weekend. Any suggestions? I'm 2 lbs. away from being at my mini-goal!! The Biggest Loser finale last night showed me that big weight loss CAN be done at home, so I'm a bit frustrated with myself for not being more diligent about it!

    Hope you're all having a great day!
  • 33KIKI
    33KIKI Posts: 304
    WOO HOO!!! I got my video and will be starting it tonight. Just wanted to share!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Good Afternoon all,
    I have neglected this thread for a while....sorry :(

    I am still doing c2k5 and trying to finish week 5 d3...where i have to run for 20 minutes...which is very hard..can't pass 16 minutes...

    also, because of my stess level from things going around me and not being as focused as i would like i have not lost any weight...from NOvember - december...no weight, but i have not gain either...

    i gave myself a plan for Dec. to workout 6 days a week for 30 - 60 minutes...(which is dueable for me), drink my water..( stuggle with this), and last... stay with in my calories( stuggle wiht this too).

    i want to be at the 200 mark by new years...thats like 12 pounds away
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Good morning!

    We're experiencing a mini-blizzard here in the Twin Cities, so the holiday spirit is coming alive. It just never seems to be Christmas time until we get some snow! Now I wish I were Christmas shopping today instead of being stuck at my desk at work.

    Anyway, on Monday I ran my first mile outside (and in the cold, too!). It felt good, even though I was supposed to go two miles or run for 20 minutes without stopping, according to the Couch to 5K program. I will be attempting it again tonight, but on the treadmill due to the snow.

    I've been staying within my calories but really need to kick it all up a notch to get under 200 lbs. by the weekend. Any suggestions? I'm 2 lbs. away from being at my mini-goal!! The Biggest Loser finale last night showed me that big weight loss CAN be done at home, so I'm a bit frustrated with myself for not being more diligent about it!

    Hope you're all having a great day!

    Hey Heather,
    how are you doing??? its been a while...

    I think me and you are on the same week...i just read you are trying to run for 20 minutes...so am i...i am struggling to finish the 20 minutes without stopping...i managed to get to 16 minutes...lost kmy breath and had to stop. i will do it again today..hopefully i will make it and start my next week (6).

    Good luck to you!! and i know you will see the 190 by new years...or less...lol
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    WOO HOO!!! I got my video and will be starting it tonight. Just wanted to share!

    That's great!!! Have fun!! :)

    I have a lot of DVDs which are very helpful...(from walking 4 miles to the biggest loser series..)
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member

    How many of you are still interested in continuing the challenge? I wanted to try and re-group and see where we were at. Our record keeper has not been on for a while so I am not sure that she is still interested. I think anyone who wants to continue should let me know and then we can step up a new strategy...what do you think?
  • haley4tn
    haley4tn Posts: 130
    Still here. This month is CRAMMED with places to go and people to see, which makes it hard for me to find time to get on the site. I am doubtfully for the full 10 pounds this month. I am having trouble getting my exercise in. I doing good far as food and portion control. As long as I don't gain any this month I'll be happy with whatever results I have! I don't mean to rush it but I just want to get through the holidays so I can get back to normal!

    Have a wonderful day!

  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    I'm still in!!