"10 Pounds At A Time Challenge"



  • silvertears
    silvertears Posts: 106 Member
    I weighed in this morning and was pleasantly surprised that it had not moved. We spent the weekend camping and I didn't get to go hiking like I had hoped and didn't drink nearly enough water, so I was sure it would work negatively for me. And maybe it did... maybe I lost a pound or two earlier in the week and gained it back. I'm not fretting over it =)
  • SusyC
    SusyC Posts: 68
    I weighed myself Saturday morning instead of Sunday because I knew the food at the wedding reception would do me in. I had lost 4 pounds last week! Woo hoo!

    But, yep, Saturday's reception ruined it. They had great food!:mad:
    I ate enough brushetta to fill myself up before dinner even came!

    And, the family went out to eat for lunch after church yesterday and went to a movie.

    So, this morning I weighed in to find out the damage. 2 lbs.
    But, that means I lost 2 pounds last week, total. Not too bad. I'll have to work hard the next 2 weeks, though, to get in my 10 for November. I can do it. I can do it.

    Thanks, ladies, for all your support!
  • haley4tn
    haley4tn Posts: 130
    Hey everyone! Sooooo glad to be back home, hectic weekend but we had a great time in Louisville. Tyler placed 2nd for class at the Show. We are so happy with that, he was ecstatic! My husband had show for years there and never placed that high.

    We did some shopping while we were there, good Christmas deals! My wallet is hurting a little bit.

    I also weighed myself Friday morning to see what damaged I would do to myself in Louisville, weight 219. I am very proud :bigsmile: to say that I weighed myself this morning, 218 - WOO HOO. What help I think was the walking we did, we had tie-outs for the cows a mile from the barn, and when we were at the trade show that was a LOT of walking. I did the treadmill at the hotel too, 45 minutes Friday night and 30 Saturday. I ate so-so, tried to really make good choices while there, chicken instead of steak (we are at a beef show and I ate chicken :blushing: ). It was worth it! 3 pounds to go for my December goal which worries me, TOM will be that week!

    Congrats to everyone that loss, those who didn't hang in there it will happen, Welcome Newbies, and Hope everyone has a Wonderful Day! :flowerforyou:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning, everyone,

    So this weekend I was a bit naughty again. I had bowling and beers with a group of gals I hadn't seen in a while...it was a blast! Then, I had dinner with another friend I hadn't seen in a while last night and we had beer and pizza. Oops.

    But, I am back down to 203.8, which means I lost the 3.2 pounds I had gained back. Now, I'm ready to get to that 200 mark this week! But, TOM may try to stop me....

    I just have to focus on exercising more and eating less.

    Have a great day!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    hey all,
    sorry i have not been on the board for a while...i have had a tough week...some in my family passed away on Tuesday...and i have not logged on..or even uploaded my food or exercise...i basically have not been on track last week.

    today, a whole new week, i plan to stay on track and stay with in my calories...i already uploaded my food for today and exercise. i plan to get at least 30 minutes a day...of exercise.

    Good Luck to all this week! :wink:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Falhaone: I'm sorry for your loss and it's completely understandable that you were "not on track." I have a feeling you'll do great this week. We're here if you need motivation, support or just to vent.

    I propose that the group has a mini-challenge of trying to get exercise in at least five days this week for a minimum of 30 minutes each of those days. Anyone with me??

  • cambam84
    cambam84 Posts: 59 Member
    Im down for the challenge!!!! Thats a great challenge.
  • silvertears
    silvertears Posts: 106 Member

    I propose that the group has a mini-challenge of trying to get exercise in at least five days this week for a minimum of 30 minutes each of those days. Anyone with me??


    I'm up for the challenge. I've been a slacker for almost a week now and need to get back to sweating. Thursdays and Fridays are tough for me, but I will have to do one of them to make it 5 by Sunday. I can do it :bigsmile:
  • SusyC
    SusyC Posts: 68
    Hey everyone! Sooooo glad to be back home, hectic weekend but we had a great time in Louisville. Tyler placed 2nd for class at the Show. We are so happy with that, he was ecstatic! My husband had show for years there and never placed that high.

    Woo hoo for Tyler!!! Did better than Dad ever did! That's awesome!

    I'm up for the challenge. 5 times a week, at least 30 minutes. I can do that, I think. Company comes in Friday to spend a week. I'm in big trouble then, because they LOVE LOVE LOVE to eat. I'm guaranteed at least one night of take-out pizza with them before Thanksgiving. And, well, you know, pies pies pies. :happy: Not to mention, even though it's not due to come, I feel like TOM already. I've heard of women who live with each other tend to begin to cycle together, but, could it be that everyone on the message board is coming together?? :laugh:

    Maybe I should shoot for 5 times this week, but longer than 30 minutes!
  • SusyC
    SusyC Posts: 68
    OK, I don't know how this ended up in the quote box up there, I'm such a dufus! :ohwell:

    Woo hoo for Tyler!!! Did better than Dad ever did! That's awesome!

    I'm up for the challenge. 5 times a week, at least 30 minutes. I can do that, I think. Company comes in Friday to spend a week. I'm in big trouble then, because they LOVE LOVE LOVE to eat. I'm guaranteed at least one night of take-out pizza with them before Thanksgiving. And, well, you know, pies pies pies. Not to mention, even though it's not due to come, I feel like TOM already. I've heard of women who live with each other tend to begin to cycle together, but, could it be that everyone on the message board is coming together??

    Maybe I should shoot for 5 times this week, but longer than 30 minutes!
  • wks7777
    wks7777 Posts: 230
    id love to do this!
    My starting weight for Nov is 160
    My goal weight for Dec is 150
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Falhaone: I'm sorry for your loss and it's completely understandable that you were "not on track." I have a feeling you'll do great this week. We're here if you need motivation, support or just to vent.

    I propose that the group has a mini-challenge of trying to get exercise in at least five days this week for a minimum of 30 minutes each of those days. Anyone with me??


    Thanks Heather, she is in a better place.

    I would love to join the mini challenge...Monday i did 30 minutes on the treadmill, 2 miles done! Tuesday i also finished my 2 mile workout on the treadmill...for 30 minutes...

    I think this challenge is doable for me...

    small question for all:

    when working out, do you eat your exercise calories? I find if i eat my exercise calories i gain weight. AGh!:sad:
  • haley4tn
    haley4tn Posts: 130
    Thanks for the well wishes for Tyler.:wink:

    I'm up for the challenge. I didn't get to exercise last night we had 4H meeting and Sunday night I was just physical exhausted from getting up that morning at 3:15 am for the show, plus I walked my booty off all over that place, so I did do a lot of walking. So that leaves me having to workout for the rest of the week. I might have to double up one night., my side of the family is coming for Thanksgiving on Saturday - I'm going to be strong! NO SNACKING WHILE COOKING!!!! Of course after eating I might just need to walk, we'll see how it goes.

    Have a good day :drinker:
  • haley4tn
    haley4tn Posts: 130
    hajohnson24 - You have a picture now :flowerforyou:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    hajohnson24 - You have a picture now :flowerforyou:

    Yeah, I do! I figured it was about time.

    I'm glad to hear so many of you are up for the challenge this week. I need to get busy and continue with my Couch to 5K program. I'm also trying to talk my boyfriend into doing it, but he's so anti-cardio.

    Last night was another naughty eating night with fajitas. I WILL get better, I promise. I'm meeting up with a friend for lunch on Saturday and she's going to outline for me how she lost 45 lbs. in four months. If she has any good tips, I'll be sure to share them with everyone!! Until then, I have to behave myself. At least Biggest Loser tonight and that always helps with the motivation.

    Hope you're all off to a good start for the day!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    hajohnson24 - You have a picture now :flowerforyou:

    Yeah, I do! I figured it was about time.

    I'm glad to hear so many of you are up for the challenge this week. I need to get busy and continue with my Couch to 5K program. I'm also trying to talk my boyfriend into doing it, but he's so anti-cardio.

    Last night was another naughty eating night with fajitas. I WILL get better, I promise. I'm meeting up with a friend for lunch on Saturday and she's going to outline for me how she lost 45 lbs. in four months. If she has any good tips, I'll be sure to share them with everyone!! Until then, I have to behave myself. At least Biggest Loser tonight and that always helps with the motivation.

    Hope you're all off to a good start for the day!


    if you are intrested in the c25k...i am in another group that is doing the c25k...I think the the topic is called "Couch to 5 k starting Monday" I am on week 5...boy is it hard...but i got through the first day, yesterday. tomorrow i will be doing w5d2.

    I am very intrested in hearing how your friend lost 45 pounds in 4 months...i need all the help i can get...good luck to all:heart:
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    Hey Everyone!!!

    Looks like TOM is gonna be here in the next day or so...I feel so warn down this time of the month its the worst!! I have no motivation so I am up for the workout challenge!! I need to get my *kitten* in gear THANKSGIVING is next week LOL! It is one of my favorite holidays but I am still trying to getting mentally prepared for this one! I am cooking here which gives me control on how food is prepared. I also have guests that will be here all weekend I hope they eat all the food PLEASE PLEASE EAT IT ALL! LOL!

    I hope you guys are not tired of hearing this but as you can see I obviously need to talk it out!!

    Has everyone been getting their water in?? I am a water person so I dont have an issue usually. Maybe in addition to our workout challenge we can kick it up a notch on our water as well...what do you guys think???

    Please anyone who has any information to share please share....I am getting bored food wise and that is never a good thing....I wont over eat but I will do the exact opposite and not eat...wierd I know but that is a BAD habit of mine.... Speaking of I am too low on calories tonight and I am not hungry....I do not want to go into starvation mode...let me go make a snack:wink:

    RECIPES RECIPES RECIPES....or just ideas PLEASE!!!!!! :noway:
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    i am very low on calories today......i have a very upset tummy and back n fourth to the bathroom all day ..... 1 day being this low isnt going to hurt me ... i am afraid to eat anything .... i had some crackers earlier and even that didnt agree with me .... so no dinner for me tonight i just cant eat ....:cry:
  • SusyC
    SusyC Posts: 68
    I'm super bad with water and am a Diet Coke junky. I need to stop, I know. So, if there were a water challenge, what would it be? I'd need something feasible. (Like replacing ONE Diet Coke with a glass of water! Heck, what do you want? I'm addicted! :ohwell: )
  • ForeverTrying
    hi, i just joined today, is it too late to join??
