Everyone do me a favor...



  • AsrarHussain
    AsrarHussain Posts: 1,424 Member
    I dont ask it depends on the way what motivated me sometimes its rock music or rap everyone is diffrent
  • 33neenaj
    33neenaj Posts: 306
    I agree with the OP, Keep punching!!!!
  • rheilala
    rheilala Posts: 32
    stop posting on these forums asking for some motivation. Listen, your either motivated, or not. If your not going to put in the work then expect to maintain what you currently have. There is no secret pill, workout, training plan, etc. You put in the work you will see results.

    Why does suddenly everyone need motivation? Its a very simple thing. Either you want to do something, or you don't. What's the mystery? Besides, if your motivated enough to join this site and ask for motivation aren't you motivated enough to put in the work?



    Then don't read it, Summer's Eve.
  • 150930
    150930 Posts: 19
    Meh. To each their own. I think the support is what makes this website more of a community than just a regular ol' tracking site. I'm not one for reaching out, but I'm glad people can get support if they need it. Besides, what does it harm you any if people reach out/ give motivation? If you don't like it, stay off the 'motivation boards'. Problem solved.

    ditto. it's like religion - it's not for everyone and it may not be for me but if it keeps people in line and make them better human beings - go'on then. same thing with motivation. some people love "warm and fuzzy" and some are "lone rangers." At the end of the day, Do You.
  • rheilala
    rheilala Posts: 32
    Public forum = people can post what they want, if you don't like it either eff off or keep shtum.

    back at ya then.

    You're probably one of the many few that try to look for a date on here too.
  • VogtAndrea
    VogtAndrea Posts: 236
    You might not need motivation but the person beside you or behind you might need a little bit of noise from the rah-rah section or a small boot to the butt. There's certainly no crime in admitting that you're having a spell where motivation is lacking. I certainly hope that the person who originally posted here doesn't need a little help with motivation. But I bet they have times too.
  • angelalf1979
    angelalf1979 Posts: 244 Member
    Glad you are perfect.

    Exactly. If you don't like to read it, then don't and get rid of your MFP friends. Be here to track and leave the rest of us alone. We're all here for different reasons. Encouragement is why this community is so strong. You sir, can go sit in a corner on your own all by yourself while you endlessly motivate yourself. Cheers :drinker:
  • TriThreat
    TriThreat Posts: 313
    stop posting on these forums asking for some motivation. Listen, your either motivated, or not. If your not going to put in the work then expect to maintain what you currently have. There is no secret pill, workout, training plan, etc. You put in the work you will see results.

    Why does suddenly everyone need motivation? Its a very simple thing. Either you want to do something, or you don't. What's the mystery? Besides, if your motivated enough to join this site and ask for motivation aren't you motivated enough to put in the work?



    so you are either MOTIVATED or NOT MOTIVATED. care to suggest what the people who are NOT MOTIVATED should do? I agree with you that people don't need to get on here and just plead for attention through their posts, BUT, if you aren't motivated and you are willing to admit it, then what's the big deal with asking people to try and encourage you to get where you need to go? that's what A SUPPORT TEAM is all about :smile:
  • glenn1barber
    I thought that was what the community boards was about. Helping each other to achieve their goals.::indifferent:
  • laus_8882
    laus_8882 Posts: 217 Member
    Sounds like the OP's motivated by negative attention.

    They've groups for that sort of thing.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    stop posting on these forums asking for some motivation. Listen, your either motivated, or not. If your not going to put in the work then expect to maintain what you currently have. There is no secret pill, workout, training plan, etc. You put in the work you will see results.

    Why does suddenly everyone need motivation? Its a very simple thing. Either you want to do something, or you don't. What's the mystery? Besides, if your motivated enough to join this site and ask for motivation aren't you motivated enough to put in the work?


    Why would you post this, except to motivate us?
  • jheilala63
    jheilala63 Posts: 94
    Public forum = people can post what they want, if you don't like it either eff off or keep shtum.

    back at ya then.

    Dude, how can you create a thread like this and not expect people to be upset? Don't be a Summer's Eve when people fire back at you.
  • Fruch02
    Fruch02 Posts: 104 Member
    stop posting on these forums asking for some motivation. Listen, your either motivated, or not. If your not going to put in the work then expect to maintain what you currently have. There is no secret pill, workout, training plan, etc. You put in the work you will see results.

    Why does suddenly everyone need motivation? Its a very simple thing. Either you want to do something, or you don't. What's the mystery? Besides, if your motivated enough to join this site and ask for motivation aren't you motivated enough to put in the work?


    Why would you post this, except to motivate us?

    because you are all motivated....you wouldn't be here if you weren't. So why ask; " Hey, I need some motivation!" It's redundant.
  • Sasssy69
    Sasssy69 Posts: 547 Member
    stop posting on these forums asking for some motivation. Listen, your either motivated, or not. If your not going to put in the work then expect to maintain what you currently have. There is no secret pill, workout, training plan, etc. You put in the work you will see results.

    Why does suddenly everyone need motivation? Its a very simple thing. Either you want to do something, or you don't. What's the mystery? Besides, if your motivated enough to join this site and ask for motivation aren't you motivated enough to put in the work?



    I started falling off the wagon and like I said in my thread, I need a kick in the *kitten* to get myself back on track. I don't really see any harm about that.

    And seeing that this fine young gentleman needed a kick in the *kitten*, I gave him one. Then I friended him. And now we're besties.

    Besides, I love kicking *kitten*. It's how I roll.
  • JessMySize
    JessMySize Posts: 130
    LMAO. :)
  • EmileeSue
    EmileeSue Posts: 2 Member
    Let's just let everyone and anyone use the site in a manner which is most productive for them. It is irksome that any individual believes that what is right for him/her is right for everyone.

    Now, OP, do me a favor and use proper punctuation. If YOU'RE going to throw stones, at least speak (type) properly.
  • trinitylyons01
    trinitylyons01 Posts: 126 Member
    Joining here was a first step. They came here knowing that there will be people here to support them as well as a way to get this whole weight loss thing organized. Sometimes a person needs some encouragment and there is nothing wrong with that. Some people have a very very long way to go and the battle ahead is full of discouragment and disappointment. There is nothing wrong with a little jumpstart from your peers, a story here and there from someone who has been there already. There is however, something wrong with somebody making people feel like they can't come out and say "I'm having trouble today" You sir are an *kitten*.

    I think I love you! :wink:

    One other thing, it amazes me how people are so intolerant of things they don't do or struggle with that others may battle with. The answer here is clear: If you don't want or need motivation 1) don't ask for it, 2) don't accept any friends on this site because they usually give a lot of encouragement - otherwise known as motivation! and 3) leave people alone who are different from you and DO need motivation. In other words, mind your business, live and let live. It really is an easy thing to do!
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    OP as you life get you down you start to need those motivations. I wish it was just an off or on switch. When I was 16 I had no worries in the world and would work out for hours, as I got older things pile up and it becomes harder to get motivated about all of them.

    If you are doing the last rep on a bench press and you just don't think you got it anymore, your spotter can help you get over that hump by motivating you (screaming, cheering , etc).

    So asking for a spot on the forums that were meant to help people out is only logical.

    Empathy is a great thing to have.
  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member
    stop posting on these forums asking for some motivation. Listen, your either motivated, or not. If your not going to put in the work then expect to maintain what you currently have. There is no secret pill, workout, training plan, etc. You put in the work you will see results.

    Why does suddenly everyone need motivation? Its a very simple thing. Either you want to do something, or you don't. What's the mystery? Besides, if your motivated enough to join this site and ask for motivation aren't you motivated enough to put in the work?



    Don't want to motivate people, well that's your prerogative but to tell others to not ask for a boost, well that's really kinda controlling and belittling... If you don't like it...move along!
  • xLexa
    xLexa Posts: 482 Member
    I have been motivated to lose weight for the last 10 years, started,failed, started, failed, started, failed gave up whats the point. What gets me going most days? Seeing REAL people DOING IT! It makes me know that I CAN too :) Many of us here know what we need to do, but with life, kids, depression and countless other things sometimes it is easy to lose sight of your goals. Eventually I know I will have the inherent motivation strong enough because it has become a habit. At that time I will still be around "motivating" people who ask for it, want it, whatever, until they too get to the I can do this by myself stage! Sometimes you just need a little nudge in the right direction to get to where you need to be and feel strong enough within yourself to fly alone.