August Cycling Challenge



  • Kowent
    Kowent Posts: 40 Member
    I just joined MFP yesterday and was lucky enough to find this challenge today. I only have time to ride about twice a week but I'll set a goal at 150 miles for the rest of this month. Wish me luck.
  • njfitnessgirl
    8/1 12 miles in 55 minutes
    8/5 15 miles in 73 minutes
    8/8 9 miles in 43 minutes
    8/11 15 miles in 71 minutes

    Total 51 miles
  • Mac247
    Mac247 Posts: 57
    Might've been just a bit wee too ambitious for my goal...I don't have enough hours in my day to hit the road for 20 mi. each day. Hmmm, we'll see how the month shakes out, I'll revise if need be for next month! This whole MFP is new to me, I've never tracked calories before. I do like the idea of challenges though...having that goal in front of you definitely gives you something to focus on for the long haul.

    Distance Avg. Speed
    8/5 21.8 mi. 9.9 mph
    8/7 12.7 mi. 9.6 mph
    8/8 10.7 mi. 15.6 mph
    8/9 5.3 mi. 15.1 mph


  • loadsandloads
    loadsandloads Posts: 353 Member


    I plan on doing at least 10 miles tomorrow so I'll be over 1/2 way there!!! :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:

    Everybody is doing awesome!
  • RideaYeti
    RideaYeti Posts: 211 Member
    I was going to be close to 200 miles (my goal is 400) after today, but noticed my rear tire is worn to the threads in a couple of places. Thankfully I noticed it before I left so I wasn't stranded 25+ miles from home, but it will be at least a week before I can get new tires (front is worn too). So I am losing a week of riding. :sad:
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Daily goal 15
    Daily avg. 14.4
    Monthly goal 400
    Total so far 157.9

    8/1 - 10.0
    8/2 - 16.0
    8/3 - 11.3
    8/4 - 62.0
    8/5 - 15.3
    8/6 - 0.0
    8/7 - 4.0
    8/8 - 0.0
    8/9 - 0.0
    8/10 - 15.1
    8/11 - 24.2
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    15.4 miles for me today! That's my longest yet and boy am I feeling it.

  • andrewlazenby
    Fri 08/10/12 05:42 AM
    Aug 1 - 27 miles
    Aug 2 - 26 miles - aug 3 planned rest day
    Aug 3 - Rest Day
    Aug 4 - 70 miles
    Aug 5 - 17 miles - storm with lightening cut our planned route short
    Aug 6 - 35 miles -Round trip commute to work - recovery pace
    Aug 7 - rest day
    Aug 8 - 30 miles
    Aug 9 - 35 miles
    Aug 10 - Rest day
    Aug 11 - 63 miles

    Total for aug: 303 miles
  • KellyAnn65
    Just found this thread -- I'm in! I've been cycling for a while, but fell out of it when it got so hot. I'm going to shoot for 40 miles per week (not including long rides on weekends).

    8/7- 12.4 miles
  • luvsunshine1
    luvsunshine1 Posts: 878 Member
    Aug 1 Weds - Off
    Aug 2 Thurs - 30min walk (23 hrs 30min left)
    Aug 3 Fri - 30min walk ( 23hrs left)
    Aug 4 Sat - 90min bike (21 hrs 30min left)
    Aug 5 Sun - 90min bike (20 hrs left)
    Aug 8 Weds - 45min bike/speed w/o (19hrs 15min left)
    Aug 10 Fri - 60 min bike (18hrs 15min left)
    Aug 11 Sat - 75min bike, 60min yoga (16hrs left)

    Doing challenge of exercising 24hrs for month too.
  • ModoVincere
    ModoVincere Posts: 530 Member
    20 minuites of 190 watts on the trainer this evening. Mileage of 5.5 miles.
    Brings the Aug total to 32 miles.

    1 hour spinnerval dvd on the trainer today...15 miles.
    Total Aug. mileage so far 47 miles.
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Some help is very much needed, My Dear Cycling Friends.

    What kind of bike do you have? I purchased my bike at Target around Mother's Day. I blindly purchase a cheap (in every sense of the word) bike because, after not cycling since I was a kid, I didn't know how much I would use it. After having endless problems with it, I returned it to the store today. Now I am bereft and a little gun shy. Money is, unfortunately, something that needs to be considered, but I want a bike that I can rely on. Any suggestions?
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    Training diary from start of the year says 500km for August - so we'll call it 300 miles again...

    1/8/2012 - 30.14 miles -
    2/8/2012 - 30.06 miles -
    3/8/2012 - rest day
    4/8/2012 - 29.96 miles -
    5/8/2012 - 65.42 miles -
    6/8/2012 - 20.19 miles -
    7/8/201 - rest day
    8/8/2012 - 29.98 miles -
    9/8/2012 - 30.13 miles -
    10/8/2012 - 30.15 miles -
    12/8/2012 - 36.44 miles -

    total 302.37 miles

  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    Some help is very much needed, My Dear Cycling Friends.

    What kind of bike do you have? I purchased my bike at Target around Mother's Day. I blindly purchase a cheap (in every sense of the word) bike because, after not cycling since I was a kid, I didn't know how much I would use it. After having endless problems with it, I returned it to the store today. Now I am bereft and a little gun shy. Money is, unfortunately, something that needs to be considered, but I want a bike that I can rely on. Any suggestions?

    Cheapest way to get a decent bike (assuming you're not a bike enthusiast who can just buy it in bits from fleabay/junkshops) is normally to go to a good local bike shop, explain your situation, and ask if they have any bikes that they've taken in PX and are selling second hand, or if they know anyone in the local bike fraternity who may have a old bike they're looking to get rid of.
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Daily goal 15
    Daily avg. 14.6
    Monthly goal 400
    Total so far 175.7

    8/1 - 10.0
    8/2 - 16.0
    8/3 - 11.3
    8/4 - 62.0
    8/5 - 15.3
    8/6 - 0.0
    8/7 - 4.0
    8/8 - 0.0
    8/9 - 0.0
    8/10 - 15.1
    8/11 - 24.2
    8/12 - 17.8

    Some of my miles today were in the rain which was not as much fun :(
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Some help is very much needed, My Dear Cycling Friends.

    What kind of bike do you have? I purchased my bike at Target around Mother's Day. I blindly purchase a cheap (in every sense of the word) bike because, after not cycling since I was a kid, I didn't know how much I would use it. After having endless problems with it, I returned it to the store today. Now I am bereft and a little gun shy. Money is, unfortunately, something that needs to be considered, but I want a bike that I can rely on. Any suggestions?

    I would suggest looking on Craigs list. I have heard some people say they have gotten some nice bikes inexpensively there.

    You could also try asking friends or family if they have a bike they do not use anymore that you could borrow.

    If you wanted a new bike it seems a decent new bike starts at about $250 at bike store
  • loadsandloads
    loadsandloads Posts: 353 Member

    Happy to be over half way! Hope to do more riding this week!
  • laur4369
    laur4369 Posts: 39 Member

  • TDSeest
    TDSeest Posts: 1,089 Member
    Goal for August - 700 Miles

    08/01 - 1 Hour 11 Minutes - 14.78 Miles - 1067 Calories - 12.45 MPH Ave - 97 Feet Ascent
    08/01 - 1 Hour 18 Minutes - 15.33 Miles - 1195 Calories - 11.76 MPH Ave - 176 Feet Ascent
    08/02 - 1 Hour 10 Minutes - 14.55 Miles - 1023 Calories - 12.44 MPH Ave - 52 Feet Ascent
    08/03 - 2 Hours 32 MInutes - 29.47 Miles - 2398 Calories - 11.67 MPH Ave - 311 Feet Ascent
    08/05 - 1 Hour 43 Minutes - 20.74 Miles - 1562 Calories - 12.03 MPH Ave - 37 Feet Ascent
    08/06 - 1 Hour 10 Minutes - 14.43 Miles - 1076 Calories - 12.37 MPH Ave - 87 Feet Ascent
    08/06 - 1 Hour 29 Minutes - 15.72 Miles - 1282 Calories - 10.59 MPH Ave - 151 Feet Ascent
    08/07 - 1 Hour 23 Minutes - 17.86 Miles - 1363 Calories - 12.88 MPH Ave - 67 Feet Ascent
    08/08 - 2 Hours 04 Minutes - 25.81 Miles - 1990 Calories - 12.49 MPH Ave - 44 Feet Ascent
    08/10 - 3 Hours 40 Minutes - 53.36 Miles - 3652 Calories - 14.59 MPH Ave - 267 Feet Ascent
    08/12 - 1 Hour 57 Minutes - 25.03 Miles - 1863 Calories - 12.86 MPH Ave - 162 Feet Ascent

    Totals - 19 Hours 37 Minutes - 247.09 Miles - 18470 Calories - 12.59 MPH Ave - 1450 Feet Ascent

    Miles remaining to goal: 472.91
  • njfitnessgirl
    Did my first bike ride with DH this morning.

    8/1 12 miles in 55 minutes
    8/5 15 miles in 73 minutes
    8/8 9 miles in 43 minutes
    8/11 15 miles in 71 minutes
    8/12 15 miles in 73 minutes

    Total 66 miles