Putting your KID on a leash



  • pmcco
    pmcco Posts: 56 Member
    I had a major back injury due to work. I was not very mobile for the first year afterwards.... my grand daughter started walking at 9 months.... which I thought was not possible... but it is.... you know how low you have to stoop to hold an itty bittys hand?....I got a leash.... she hated it.... we never ended up using it.... but man it sure would have saved on the stooping over when we were in crowds..... so for some it may not totally be a control issue... it may just be ergonomics....thats my two cents....
  • karenwill2
    karenwill2 Posts: 604 Member
    lolololololol! Oh my! I was anti kid leash till I had my second child. Korbin (my first son) understood rules and limitations from the get go. My second son, Nigel, did the exact opposite. If there is danger, he is there. Blink and there is trouble. We used a leash with him only once because we were at Riverfest which is a big thing in our state and even with 3 sets of eyes on him, he still was unable to be contained. He could never use a high chair because no amount of straps could keep him contained for longer than 30 seconds. So when we set off on this trip when he was 2 yrs old, my MIL insisted I bring the hand me down kid leash my sister gave me (unused) when I had my first child. I brought it as a precaution and was glad I did. First off, Nigel LOVED it. He enjoyed having that 4 ft of freedom. It was also an Elmo harness and that is what he was into at the time so he thought it looked awesome. We all had an excellent time because he was happy and not being told "NO" constantly. When we got back home, he wore the harness as an accessory but there was no leash attached.

    I feel like sometimes a leash is better than constantly yelling at the kid. If the kid doesn't hate it then you shouldn't either. Sometimes it is the best thing so the family can have a good time. I do not believe in using them constantly but when there are a few thousand people it doesn't hurt to be extra cautious.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    Leashes are sad, but I've babysat enough crazy children to know that their use can be justified!
  • IamSheaMc
    IamSheaMc Posts: 1,310 Member
    Wow... never used a carseat? That's just unsafe IMO! My daughter will be 8 and she still sits in a high backbooster. I can't imagine a two year old never using a carseat... unless they were never in a car!

    Wow it's called public transportation...lol

    An 8 yr in a booster hahaha omg smh my nephew is 7 and he doesn't use one.
  • karenwill2
    karenwill2 Posts: 604 Member
    oh, and my kids are playing inside today. We have already been swimming, fishing and boating today.
  • lissymae11
    lissymae11 Posts: 71
    Apparently my mom used to use one with my brother...
    she only started after he ran away in crowds numerous times... and the time we were on vacation, and we got out of the car and he sprinted through the gate and jumped into the deep end of the pool... he was only 3, couldn't swim...

    so i understand.
  • The_New_Christina
    The_New_Christina Posts: 818 Member
    I notice this a lot, parents with their toddler on a leash. Personally I think a leash is for a furry animal, not a child. I can't be the only one who feels this way.

    My 2 yr old daughter would run out in to the street in a heart beat if I didn't put her on a leash, I have one, but haven't used it cuz we don't go out that much but I'd much rather have her on a leash than run out in the street and get hit by a car. (she refuses to hold my hand and won't let me hold her)
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    WOW, this thread is ridiculous. Congrats to the people who think they know everything.

    do what works for you and yours.

    Thanks, duct tape fixes everything!
  • AwesomePossum82
    Well, you should know it depends on size. It's safer to be in a booster than not. Try looking up carseat safety rules. I'm sure SHE is making sure her child is as safe as possible.
    Wow... never used a carseat? That's just unsafe IMO! My daughter will be 8 and she still sits in a high backbooster. I can't imagine a two year old never using a carseat... unless they were never in a car!

    Wow it's called public transportation...lol

    An 8 yr in a booster hahaha omg smh my nephew is 7 and he doesn't use one.
  • MrsR0SE
    MrsR0SE Posts: 341 Member
    Btw it's 9pm here - my children are in bed upstairs for the night!
  • sammyjbray
    sammyjbray Posts: 146 Member
    Some of you have NO idea and are a touch judgemental. I have six rugrats, and I have had to use reins (as we call them in the UK) for my 3rd as a toddler (a son with ADD) and currently my youngest who just runs and never even looks back to see if you are following him. He throws a full on tantrum if you try to hold his hand - head banging on floor and all sorts - and only goes into his pram if he is tired. Why bother getting us both stressed when a little bit of nylon keeps him happy and safe?
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 847 Member
    whether you use one occasionally, all the time or as a once off & whether due to ADD/ autistic/ disabled/ naughty child or general restraint it doesn't matter.

    Why you use one is no one elses business. end. of.
    AMKAG Posts: 31 Member
    When my daughter was about 3 - 4y.o, she was a "bolter". She would walked next to me one moment and gone the next. After losing her at a school carnival, I bought a leash. We put it on her at home told her why and then carried it with me every where we went. All I had to do was remind her I had it. I never had to use it....
  • JanSmelly
    JanSmelly Posts: 143 Member
    Wow... never used a carseat? That's just unsafe IMO! My daughter will be 8 and she still sits in a high backbooster. I can't imagine a two year old never using a carseat... unless they were never in a car!

    Wow it's called public transportation...lol

    An 8 yr in a booster hahaha omg smh my nephew is 7 and he doesn't use one.

    Congrats on bragging about a really dumb choice. IMO that's nothing to be proud of.

    ETA - I shouldn't be so quick to speak. Unless your nephew over 4'9" and over 80-100 pounds he is much safer in a booster seat.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    LOL I grew up in the city, it's safer than losing your child in the crowd, I have zero hard feelings toward my mom for having one of those on me
  • IamSheaMc
    IamSheaMc Posts: 1,310 Member
    Well, you should know it depends on size. It's safer to be in a booster than not. Try looking up carseat safety rules. I'm sure SHE is making sure her child is as safe as possible.
    Wow... never used a carseat? That's just unsafe IMO! My daughter will be 8 and she still sits in a high backbooster. I can't imagine a two year old never using a carseat... unless they were never in a car!

    Wow it's called public transportation...lol

    An 8 yr in a booster hahaha omg smh my nephew is 7 and he doesn't use one.

    Where did I say she should'nt use one? ...I guess that's a very small eighhhhhhht year old ;)
  • gailashton
    gailashton Posts: 292
    I agree with you 100%. I had 3 kids under 3 - never a leash. Leashes are for dogs or maybe parents who can't control their kids! My opinion that's all!
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,713 Member
    Wow... never used a carseat? That's just unsafe IMO! My daughter will be 8 and she still sits in a high backbooster. I can't imagine a two year old never using a carseat... unless they were never in a car!

    Wow it's called public transportation...lol

    An 8 yr in a booster hahaha omg smh my nephew is 7 and he doesn't use one.
    you think a booster seat is ''hahaha omg'' worthy.

    in the uk children must, by law, use a booster/child seat unti they are either 135cm or 12y/o.
    why? because if they are in a crash it could make the difference between them living or dying.

    and you think this is a ''hahaha'' matter.
    you mock parents who follow car safety advice and protect their children.
    you brag that young children in your family go without the appropriate restraints.
  • rmkramer003
    rmkramer003 Posts: 115 Member
    When my son was young, he was Houdini. I had him on a leash just so I didn't lose him. We did lose him a couple of times when we didn't use one and it is completely nerve racking waiting to hear from a Park security guard to say they found your kid. You don't put your kids on a leash to be mean, you do it because you love them. If you have ever lost a kid in the time it takes to look at your watch, you would have no problems with the leash.
  • TadaGanIarracht
    TadaGanIarracht Posts: 2,615 Member
    My mom had me on one once or twice.

    It didn't bug me and makes for great stories now.