30 Day Shred - Started TODAY 7/28/12

Started today -- Anyone else want to join? We'll be done by August 26! :)


  • langeraf
    langeraf Posts: 1
    Is that everyday? Are you going to do it along with the C25K program? I can't remember if I have that one or not... Will have to unpack those boxes today!
  • cmore135
    cmore135 Posts: 25 Member
    I will join I needed the push I was going to to it this morning but I got busy. so before dinner it is.

  • Julie31171
    Julie31171 Posts: 24 Member
    Yes, I think it's supposed to be everyday. I decided this morning to dust off the DVD and commit the 20 minutes to it. It's intense but I was reading about everyone's results and I got motivated. I have been really trying to mix things up with exercises. My plan is to continue the C25K 3 days per week (most likely Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday--because that's the schedule you are on, right?) and then try to do this every day until August 26 and see where I am at.

    I know that when school starts back up, along with all the activities, I won't have the time to go to the gym like I do now. I am just trying to find something I like -- and that I will be able to stick with. I like doing the weight lifting at the gym and Adam's being helping me figure out how I can do some of that here at the house (he has weights). I just want to keep working towards my ultimate goals!

    I am hoping to loose 20 pounds by my 100th day on here. The way I figured that out is, starting with July 15 -- my first "official" weigh in, I counted 100 days, which puts me at October 22. I have already lost 4 so I am basically "ahead" of schedule...if I keep things up. I think this "schedule" of goals is slow but I would rather be "ahead" than behind...because then I get discouraged. :)

    That's a long way of saying, "Yes", I am going to do this along with the C25K plan. I also am going to continue to do the weights 3 times per week at least until school gets back to session (August 17th for me).

    :) Unpack those boxes and do it with me :)

  • Julie31171
    Julie31171 Posts: 24 Member
    Good! So glad this post was the motivation you needed!

    Week 1, Day 1 Down....

    29 days to go!
  • thistimesucess
    thistimesucess Posts: 169 Member
    I started 30 day shred a week ago and am loving it. I'm also starting c25k this week as well. I started this earlier this year but didin't finish it before I went on holiday so now need to start again. I can't believe how much fitness I lost with the month off schedule! But keen to get back into things now.
  • andie23
    andie23 Posts: 25
    Can you still get the 30DS at Costco? I want to start it Monday and used to own it but an old roommate walked away with it. Just wondering if anyone knows. We can kind of do it together!
  • brttnyhrrll
    today 7/29 i'm on day 12, so thats level 2 day 2. i am sore all over again! lol. level 2 is a killer. i've lost 5lbs so far though!
  • libland
    libland Posts: 285 Member
    I'm starting today also. I would love to have others help me with motivation. I did this last year between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Worked well for me at the time. Then I started P90X Lean for about a month in a half. Came down with a respiratory illness and haven't been able to get motivated to strength train since them. I lost 35 lb between Halloween and March.... now I have gained half of it back. Time to get disciplined again.
  • ahmommy
    ahmommy Posts: 316 Member
    I just did day 1 of level 1 this morning after finally getting the DVD in the mail yesterday. I've found that I'm more likely to stick with an exercise routine if I give myself Fridays and Saturdays off, so I'll be doing 5 days a week, which will stretch the entire program over 6 weeks.

    I'm proud of myself for pushing through my first workout. It was tough, and I had to pause once to move my baby from the floor to her jumperoo and get a drink of water, but otherwise I stuck with it. The jump ropes kill me for some reason. I also didn't have weights so I didn't get the most out of the arm exercises but I still felt it.

    I took pictures and measurements a few days ago, so I can't wait to compare when I finish the program. I'm near my goal weight but skinny-fat, so I'm not sure exactly what my weight needs to be for me to look like I really want to look. I also have a routine physical scheduled in late August so I'm really curious to see how that goes.
  • supersblack92
    supersblack92 Posts: 2 Member
    I also started yesterday. And just finished day two. I seriously HATE all the jumping jacks, that is the part I have the hardest time with! But only 28 more days to go!
  • ehwilson30
    ehwilson30 Posts: 21 Member
    I would love to join.... I always start but never make the full 30 days. This will be great since I will know others are doing it with me. Day 1 here I come! :)
  • tjk71
    tjk71 Posts: 167
    I'm in.....did day 1 level 1 yesterday!
  • Julie31171
    Julie31171 Posts: 24 Member
    Week 1 day 2 DONE!!!!!

    Whats the hardest part for everyone? I hate the jumping jacks....everything else is ok ...hard but manageable....28 days to go....keep it up!
  • Julie31171
    Julie31171 Posts: 24 Member
    I have started this in the past too and never finished...this time i am determined to finish....
  • cmore135
    cmore135 Posts: 25 Member
    Day 2 done. OMG its hard I am VERRRRRY out of shape with almost a hundred pounds to lose. I have a hard time with the Jumping Jacks as well but I managed to do ONE 30 seconds rep with out stopping today.

    When I was done I jumped into the pool and swam laps for 15 min. I feel amazing. I'm glad to have somewhere to report and keep me motivated. WTG everyone .:smile:
  • stacythames11
    I'm joining the 30 day shred challenge. I just finished day 1 and am actually looking forward to day 2. Good luck everybody!!!1
  • libland
    libland Posts: 285 Member
    Level 1 Day 1 complete. I too despise jumping jacks but I was impressed with myself that I could still do them since I haven't done any since I last did the shred last December.
  • willowbrooke1
    willowbrooke1 Posts: 24 Member
    I will join in as well, I started the Shred yesterday and am so sore today, but I did feel great afterwards.
  • jenndaddio
    I am starting tomorrow, too. I get bored with doing 1 workout everyday. I do 30 day shred 3x a week with 2 days of turbo kick or turbo fire and 1 day of Zumba. I am a Zumba instructor, so I am also practicing a little everyday.
  • Sharylyn
    Sharylyn Posts: 4 Member
    I hated jumping jacks too but on day 3 I didn't have a problem with it.