Jillian's 30 Day Shred



  • InnerCutie
    Well I did the shred level one last night and I am very surprised that I can walk today without hurting for 3 days like the last time. Jillian was right I think my body is adapting.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Woo-hooo cutie! :) That's great! Keep with it!
    Hi Mroper and everyone else who's joining us - nice to see new faces. :)

    I did level 3 day 2 today - and found I handled it better. I can do the unmodified versions for some moves, and still modify for others. I think I'm gonna have quads/hammies of steel when this DVD is done. For some reason, I think level 2 made me sweat more than level 3,but maybe that's bc I'd worked up to 110% on level 2, and I'm gradually increasing my efforts on level 3. In any case, it feels good to be accomplishing it. :)
  • i did level 1 day 3 today. i woke up this morning and was SO SORE!!!
    but some how i managed to do the work out. you can def. feel all the muscles working!

    im so glad to have found this group (:
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Good Morning Shredders,
    Yesterday got in day 3 of level 3 and ab jam (20 min) after work instead of the yoga - i just felt like blasting my abs out. It was great. Man did day 3 of level 3 kick my A#$ !! Not sure if it was because it was like 820 pm and I was really tired after work or if my body is still adjusting. I am getting much better at the jump squats and for most of the moves I am watching Natalie - I just can't bend as deeply into the moves as she does... not yet anyway:drinker: The plank push up deals are the hardest for me and I was dripping with sweat so i guess that means I was working pretty hard. I definetly feel it in my back, shoulders, glutes and abs .... Oh hech, all over :laugh: I'll take it!!!!

    Hope All have a great day and i'll check back later,

  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Did level 2 again this morning, plus my weights routine. Will slide up to 3 tomorrow.

    Crazi-insane times in our house right now. New grandchild, lots going on, trying to figure out how we're going to handle day-to-day. My schedule is blown, we're stressing, Mrose is in a funk.

    This too shall pass,,,

    <<Grandparenthood rox though!>>
  • meana717
    meana717 Posts: 261 Member
    Casper...CONGRATULATIONS on the grandbaby!

    I got back into action today when I got home, did level 2 again...I think this would be like day 20! HA! Well I'm gonna attempt (again) level 3 tomorrow! Since I completed every circuit on level 2 today!

    Way to go everyone, love that you are sticking in there with me...
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Morning Shredders,
    Yesterday was a partial bust for me - stormy and very cold, got home late , body was achy - not sure why, probably combo of shred + weather, so I took the night off and got rest. After I logged my cals I was over by like 300:grumble: !! My body feels better this morning and I am going to work out when I get home. Shred for sure and probably some TJ cardio/kick. I promised myself if I allowed myself to rest yesterday I would work out extra hard today.
    Sometimes I really beat myself up when I take a day off, guess that's why I try really , really hard to never let a day go by with out doing my work out. Probably not the most realistic view point because sometimes life happens and there isn't time or energy to get it done. I am working on being gentler with myself and remembering that this lifestyle change is for the long haul and not to set my expectations too high. When I do that, set my expectations too high, i seem to fail... every time. Then it's really hard for me to get back on track. Got to keep reminding myself "it's a marathon not a sprint!!":smile:

    Casper - was wondering where you went!! Busy being Grandpa!!! How wonderful for you and Mrose - Congratulations!!!
    I am sure things will settle down in a little bit. I love " this too shall pass" - one of my favs... it seems to help:wink:
    Hang in there!

    Amanda - Good for you on giving level 3 a try today. It really has some sections that are brutal for me. I would love to hear your feed back!! Keep up the great work!:flowerforyou:

    Smiles - Hope you have a fantastic day and keep on! Hopefully we'll get level 3 down soon. like Jillian says " this is where the magic happens!" I am counting on her being right!!!:flowerforyou:

    Caroline - Welcome to the bunch and glad you're here!! Trust me we all feel your pain but it's a good pain. Kinda cool to feel your body changing!!

    Make it a great day everybody,
  • lbpw
    lbpw Posts: 77
    I recently just started the 30 day shred and I am in need of some major toning haha. Have any of you done it long enough to see a difference? I know I have to give it time, but I really don't want to do it if it doesn't improve the look of my abs and thighs.
  • RockNRollWeekender
    Just wanted to share that before I started 30 day shred & joined MFP, my BMI was 32 (obese)......well, currently my BMI is at 29.7. Yay!!! It's still in the higher point of "overweight" but heck, I am still excited!!!! =]

    lbpw- everyone's results are really going to vary. You get out of it what you put into it. I did Level 1 for 10 days....and Level 2 for 3 days.....then did my check in. I lost:

    3 lbs.
    0.2" off my neck
    0.2" off my waist
    1.0" off my hips
    0.7" off my thighs
    0.5" off my calves
    0.5" off my upper arms

    Pretty damn good. Also, I have a friend that I was supposed to be losing weight with (but it wasn't working out because she has bad eating habits like skipping meals and also didn't make time to workout with me). I saw her yesterday for first time since I joined MFP.....and the look on her face was priceless!!! Her eyes popped and her jaw dropped when she saw me. I love her, but the look on her face just felt really good.

    And fyi, I am trying to get her to sign on MFP and told her all about 30 day shred. Maybe she'll see now.
  • jessicajoy87
    LOL! I bought this and did it for a few says. It is an a** kicker! Even on level one. I plan to start it again soon. Jillian Michaels really knows how to work you out. I watced it first and thought hey this looks kind of easy the first time I did it I made halfway and gave up:frown: I was so frustrated with myself I woke up the next morning at 5 and did it. I was so sore!:sick: But it gives you a great work out. Good luck everyone!:smile:
  • elephantmeg
    elephantmeg Posts: 113 Member
    Did day 2 of level 2 today. I really like it-except the stupid skater thing. I need to clear more room in the living room. I'm between 2 12 hour nights so didn't feel up to clearing it out so I just did jumping jacks. And those stupid cheer squats. They feel great for the first set and then by the second set I'm dying and skipping every 3rd or 4th.
  • RockNRollWeekender
    ugh. the cheer squats make it feel like someone's ripping my arms off at the shoulders! but today when i did them, i made it through them.

    and word of advice to anyone, don't try to do the skaters on a rug. just saying, it's a BAD idea.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Meg and RockandRoll, you're making me laugh. Note to self - put all rugs away. :) I hated those squats too - well, it was actually the V-raise part. How are those for you?

    I did level 3 day 3 today. It seems.. oddly, not as hard as level 2. I'm not sure why. Don't get me wrong, it's hard, but not spirit crushing hard. So, that's a good thing. :) My thighs seem to be responding the fiercest - feeling a little stiffness, but nothing i can't tough out. I did find that my legs feel like lead when I go for a run, but I keep telling myself to stick with it, the body will adapt. If Jillian says so, it must be true. (Right??)

    And Ipbw... to my eyes, I would say it definitely makes a difference, but as another poster said, it depends on what you put into it. I don't have final measurements - but I did get told by a couple of different people last week that I"m lookin' hot! So... it MUST be working, right? :bigsmile:
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Did level 3 for the first time this morning, after warming up with 15 min's of elliptical and 1st set of my weights routine. Interesting, wierd, challenging. A couple of issues...

    I cannot do regular situps without hooking my toes under something. I have a great big top half and a smaller (comparatively speaking) bottom half and just not enough weight below my waist - and when I try to do situps my feet just come up off the ground. Not a biggie, just hook toes under the bannister and do it.

    I cannot do rockstar jumps, just can't do 'em, or at least I couldn't this morning after what I'd already done. I think I successfully did 2 right at the end by really crouching down and exploding upward with all my strength like a &%* NFL lineman. Will try tonight when I get home and I'm pretty rested. I did nice high hops and got some bend in my knees, but I sure didn't kick my own butt.

    Fun fun,,, this is kewl. After Shred 3 I finished my weights (time to buy iron again :smile: ) and then started my day. At work now, and I feel like bionic superman on crank.
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Good Morning Shred Family,
    You all are so funny!! I totally agree with you about the skaters!! At first they were really hard to get used to and certainly difficult in the 2nd set but by day 10 I was really moving and getting some good distance!! A rug would def be a bad idea though, I work out on tile - which was causing me problems during push ups and some of the plank sets. ( I use an extra thick pilates mat now:laugh: )

    Last nite I did day 4 level 3 and I did level 1 too!! Man, that was quite a combo - I was soaked! I am not where Anita is any more (except maybe those Rock Star Jumps!!!:laugh: ) and not where Natalie is yet - guess I'm somewhere in the middle but I feel stronger and leaner - I was reviewing my weight loss with this program - and I miscalculated! I've lost roughly12lbs since Oct 9 - and only 5-6 of those were on this plan (primarily). I can't say this was a major weight loss plan but I can tell I've lost inches galore! Wish I had taken my measurements on day 1 so i could have tracked the changes. I've still got 6 more days on level 3, maybe I'll drop a few more pounds (I hope, I hope) I'm trying to come up with something to try next. I can't say i've "mastered" this one, as there are still areas where I could improve my strength and endurance. I am really thinking about making up a "2 a day" kind of a thing to get through the rest of December and them start BFBM on Jan 1..... Just some morning thoughts ~ now back to the present, LOL!!

    Thanks for the smiles this morning and make it a great day,
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: to all on this thread. It's so fun to log in and see where everyone's at.
    Casper - yay for moving up to level 3!!!!! It might've taken us a while, but we got here! Exciting! How's mrose? And a belated congrats on the grandbaby. :flowerforyou:

    Janet - I don't care if you're pulling off those jumps 100% or not - you ARE a rock star! Go girl! You are inspiration to me - and I usually take your phrase "Make it a great day" to heart. So thank you. :)

    I'm going to test drive a new formula for my progress report. I'm allowed to make as many comments as I need to about what's hard or challenging, but will make sure to tip the balance in favor of the positive (by at least 2 comments)... it's so important to stay positive and strength focused! :)

    So, here's my check in for the day:
    1. Wow, wow wow. Those scissor crosses in the ab part of circuit 1 are a huge challenge for me - one of the hardest parts.
    2. Still finding my place with the traveling push ups... it feels "weird" and I'm not sure if I'm doing it right.
    3. Wishing I could use 5 lb weights for the shadow boxing rather than the 3 lbs.

    1. Although the scissor crosses are hard, I DID THEM ALL!!!! EVERY SINGLE ONE! And they're getting SLIGHTLY easier by the day. :happy:
    2. I've noticed improved endurance when it comes to the squat jumps, sumo squats. Getting a little deeper into the squat part.
    3. I'M ABLE TO DO THE JUMPING LUNGES!!!! And this is only Day 3 of level 3!!!! I couldn't do the jumping part on day 1 or 2.
    4. Butt kicks were kicking my butt when I started this DVD (on level 1). Now they're a piece of cake. And no, saying that does not make me crave cake. :wink:
    5. I gave the rock stars my best effort today and they were pretty freakin impressive. Feelin like I ROCK! :)

    ALRIGHTY, in the words of our friend Janet, "Make it a great day!" :flowerforyou:
  • meana717
    meana717 Posts: 261 Member
    So I totally flaked out yesterday on the workout... but I promise to myself, as well as you all, that I will hit it when I get home.

    I have been contemplating doing the same thing as you Janet, combining 2 levels together for one killer workout...but I'm think I should probably hit level 3 a few times first. When I did try it that one time, I just didn't feel like I got a good workout in. Between having to rest and the modifications I was having to make. Oh and that dang Superman. I felt like I didn't move my chest off the ground at all! OK... NO MORE EXCUSES!!! I will do it this afternoon. I PROMISE!

    Ah, anyone seeing or feeling any difference? How is it that I could have lost 18lbs thus far and not see or feel any different? My best friend tells me that I look thinner...and so does the husband (via webcam) but honestly.... THEY HAVE TO SAY THOSE THINGS. I'm combat trained! HA! I feel more endurance/stamina. But as far as my body goes... I don't feel like I've lost 18lbs nor do I think I look like I have.

    Smiles I like your new format. I might adapt that. Let me hit level 3 tonight and I will let you know afterwards! HA!

    Alright everyone... great job and keep up the good work. As for me, I think I should take my own advice! :wink:
  • RockNRollWeekender
    GUESS WHAT!!!!!!

    I wanna share this with all of you, since this is the group I have by far socialized with the most since joining.....

    I have been enough of an inspiration *tear* to my husband working out and using MFP for the last 2 1/2 weeks, that when I came home today he showed me HIS MFP profile. =] He has a bit more to lose than I do, but it just feels really awesome to be that person to pull him up on the wagon!

    Just wanted to share that.

    Now time to eat! And I have yet to SHRED today....I can't wait either...because I need that energy boost that I always have afterward to go shopping with my friend!
  • lbpw
    lbpw Posts: 77
    So I totally flaked out yesterday on the workout... but I promise to myself, as well as you all, that I will hit it when I get home.

    I have been contemplating doing the same thing as you Janet, combining 2 levels together for one killer workout...but I'm think I should probably hit level 3 a few times first. When I did try it that one time, I just didn't feel like I got a good workout in. Between having to rest and the modifications I was having to make. Oh and that dang Superman. I felt like I didn't move my chest off the ground at all! OK... NO MORE EXCUSES!!! I will do it this afternoon. I PROMISE!

    Ah, anyone seeing or feeling any difference? How is it that I could have lost 18lbs thus far and not see or feel any different? My best friend tells me that I look thinner...and so does the husband (via webcam) but honestly.... THEY HAVE TO SAY THOSE THINGS. I'm combat trained! HA! I feel more endurance/stamina. But as far as my body goes... I don't feel like I've lost 18lbs nor do I think I look like I have.

    Smiles I like your new format. I might adapt that. Let me hit level 3 tonight and I will let you know afterwards! HA!

    Alright everyone... great job and keep up the good work. As for me, I think I should take my own advice! :wink:

    i know how you feel. but your working hard and you did lose 18 lbs! it just may take awhile to see it. it took me about 50 lbs and now that i lost 80 i look at myself and see only about a 20 lbs difference. your eyes just probably need to catch up. but good luck and keep going :wink:
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    GUESS WHAT!!!!!!

    I wanna share this with all of you, since this is the group I have by far socialized with the most since joining.....

    I have been enough of an inspiration *tear* to my husband working out and using MFP for the last 2 1/2 weeks, that when I came home today he showed me HIS MFP profile. =] He has a bit more to lose than I do, but it just feels really awesome to be that person to pull him up on the wagon!

    Just wanted to share that.

    Now time to eat! And I have yet to SHRED today....I can't wait either...because I need that energy boost that I always have afterward to go shopping with my friend!
    Wow! Excellent,,, that's just great news for a lot of reasons.

    My wife (Mariettarose) and I are both members here, both working hard, both doing great. It's a big help when you're both working on it, 'cause he won't tempt you with "Let's go to Olive Garden!" - you won't tempt him with "Lookit these cookies I baked!". You both understand what's going on and both working on the same goal.

    Sometimes I get a neat idea for supper, and I go ahead and log on to her account and enter her dinner for her - then when she comes home I've got a plate waiting and the MFP logging all done and she can just relax and eat knowing it's Ok. That's pretty kewl...

    I'm doing shred 3 again this afternoon. Gonna try it when I'm a little fresher this time - I will hit those rockstar jumps this time. I can be a little noisier at 4:30pm when I don't have to worry about waking 1/2 the house.