Jillian's 30 Day Shred



  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    CasperO - good partnership - making dinner AND logging it for her. How nice!:flowerforyou: Rockandroll - congrats on having him join with you - beling aligned will make a positive difference for both of you!

    I am reporting probably NO shred today. I went to the beach yesterday (which was good fun) but fell while I was there and rolled my ankle. It's not injured badly - only slight swelling, feels stiff... but I'm worried that I WILL injure it worse if proceed with the shred. (Lots of jumping and impact on the ankle joints). Same with my run. So, it's an elevate and ice day, and hopefully 'll be back at it tomorrow.

    The GOOD news is, when I fell and I went to stand up, I immediately thought I wasn't going to be able to walk (but i CAN), and, my first thought was "OH no! I might not be able to work out tomorrow!" So THAT means, my mind and desires are in the right place. Right on! I'll be back attacking it in no time. :)
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Happy Friday Shredders,
    Getting ready to take off from work - it's 33 degrees here in Houston feels like 20's and it's SNOWING - unbelievable!! Shred on for this evening and DH has to work late so I will probably do extra to pass the time. Would be a great snuggle nite but perhaps tomorrow..
    Shredded lates nite and noticed more energy throughout - scissors were more manageable, jumping lunges were accomplished with reasonably good form and I even wasn't completely dying during the jumping jax w/ 5lb weights (my arms were like rags after the first attmpt). I am with Smiles on those travelling push ups and that very last rep of dumbell lifts with the leg raises I was completely done. Feels good to not quit ...even when you feel like you want to theres a little more energy left, Hurray for us!!!!
    Casper - you get a gold star, what a thoughtful, loving husband to do that for Mrose:heart: The support is always so helpful, especially from loved one's who encourage us on. You two sound like the perfect match.:flowerforyou:
    Smiles- so sorry to hear about your injury, I know you'll be on the mend and back Shredding in no time:flowerforyou: It's so cool when those little moments happen that show us our attitude change - changed attitude = changed life in my book. You're such a rock star!!

    I hope everyone makes it a fantastic rest of the day and I'll probably check back later!

  • meana717
    meana717 Posts: 261 Member
    YAY! To Casper and RockandRoll! Its great to have a partnership!

    Smiles...I hope your ankle feels better soon!

    As for me, I did level 3 last night...still don't think I am doing the Supermans right, but other than that... I made it through.. Did part of each circuit with Natalie to start and then finished the second half of the circuit with Anita. But I DID IT! Hoping I can figure these dang supermans out. MIND OVER MATTER... that is what I keep telling myself!

    I have to take my babies to the doctor for their check-ups, so hopefully I will be able to get in the SHRED today, but if not most definately tomorrow!
  • RockNRollWeekender
    AGH! It's so cold today I didn't even feel like working out because I didn't want to get out from under my blanket!

    But I did and now I'm burning up.....
    and my shoulders feel like I'm a Barbie that some tot tried ripping the arms off!

    Hopefully that doesn't effect my bowling game tomorrow (which I will be doing after working 11 hours retail!) .

    Good job to everyone else for keeping up the good work...and letting me know what to expect from level 3. I think I'll be starting it in 3-4 days. =]

    :drinker: Heather

    Oh and I'll be doing my check-in on Sunday. I am anxious to see my results!
  • meana717
    meana717 Posts: 261 Member
    So I got up this morning and busted out level 3...once again followed some of Anita and some of Natalie! Getting better! YAY! Way to hang in there everyone!
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    So glad to see this thread still going! I'm still on Level 2 with 3 lb weights, doing it about every other or every third day. Wish I could do it more often, but I'm happy to be sticking with it. My energy level is so high, and I'm feeling so "fit." LOVE IT!! I can only imagine how much better I would feel if I could Shred everyday.

    Since it would be easy to talk myself out of it, I'm committing to Shred tomorrow morning. I have just enough time to squeeze it in before the rest of our day starts (busy day with the kids planned). Have a great Sunday, everyone!!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    So I got up this morning and busted out level 3...once again followed some of Anita and some of Natalie! Getting better! YAY! Way to hang in there everyone!

    FANTASTIC!!! :) How were the supermans?

    Um, rockandroll - that's quite a visual - barbie with the arms ripped off.... how'd it go today?

    Glad you're still with it Kath! It's great to be feeling results, isn't it? :flowerforyou:

    I'm hoping to come back to it tomorrow.... (ankle feeling better!)
  • meana717
    meana717 Posts: 261 Member
    Ahhh the SUPERMANS....they were surprisingly easier today than yesterday. Pretty sure I'm doing them right. Second set definately harder than the first though! However, I completed every single one! I'm hoping my eyes would catch up with the scale..and everyone else's eyes...18 gone and I'm just not seeing or believing it! Why do I feel like my clothes don't even fit any different!? Anyone else experience this?

    Good night ya'll...catch ya in the morning!

    Smiles.. dont push the injury to heal any quicker...might end up doing worse damage if you do. Take your time and recover fully before going and doing anything crazy like playing with Jillian!!!

  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hi Shredders!!! Could I tag along? I love this workout!!! I did it for the first time last year. It helped me to break out a plateau. I just do it a little bit differently than recommended. Today I did all three levels but modified. I burned 494 calories!! :drinker: I am recuperating from an injury I suffered 2 wks ago, hip flexor strain, while running. So I still have to take it easy. :noway: I am planning on doing this workout, all three levels, every other day. On days "off" I will do some yoga or stretch workouts.

    Have a great Sunday!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    Ahhh the SUPERMANS....they were surprisingly easier today than yesterday. Pretty sure I'm doing them right. Second set definately harder than the first though! However, I completed every single one! I'm hoping my eyes would catch up with the scale..and everyone else's eyes...18 gone and I'm just not seeing or believing it! Why do I feel like my clothes don't even fit any different!? Anyone else experience this?

    What kind of clothes? Are they fitted or stretchy? May be worth a visit to a clothing store and try some things in a smaller size, just for a reality check. I did that a few weeks ago. Had been stuck in one size for so long, it was automatic to pull that size off the racks. Then I thought, "Why not?" and tried on a smaller size. Much to my surprise, the smaller size fit! And not just one item, either. Everything in that smaller size fit, so I know it wasn't just a fluke.

    I stayed true to my word and got my Shred in this morning. I'm so glad I did. I swear it's because I committed to this thread last night. Thanks guys!
  • meana717
    meana717 Posts: 261 Member
    Kath- great job. More than I can say for myself. I got up, turned on the dvd, did the warm-up circuit 1 of strength, 1/2 of cardio and shut off the video. HA! Hopefully later I can gather up the energy.

    As for the clothes. I have dress clothes for work. They are fitted. And jeans. A co-worker gave me some of her clothes that she slimmed out of. They are 14s. I tried on one pair and the fit. I was excited. So I tried on the other...NOT A CHANCE IN H$#! would they fit. So I had to go buy a pair of jeans last week. Well for the past 2 years I have been roaming around in a pair that a girlfriend got me from Lane Bryant. And I thought to myself...No way am I paying that much for a pair of jeans, especially not when I plan on not fitting them too long. They were a size 4 from Lane. Well not too sure what that calculates into regular jeans, the danged sales assistant said that they didn't know the conversion. Well went to good ole' Walmart and grabbed 6 pair of jeans. 2 were size 17 Baby Phat (seriously they had these at Walmart so I had to try) and the other 4 were various cuts of Levi's in a size 16. Got down to the last pair before I could say that any of them fit. And now, I'm not even sure they do fit. Still quite tight.

    Okay done with the venting about the clothes!

    :drinker: Here's to another day!
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    May I also tag along? I just joined MFP this last week and just started 30 Shred today. I'm gearing up to start Power90 in January (my Dad's Christmas gift to me. :happy:)

    Today was level one day one for me. Afterward I was so shaky and queasy (not enough of a cool down, I'm thinking) -- but I made it though the entire workout (albeit with modifications). When the cardio (mostly the jumping jacks and jumping rope) started kicking my butt, I walked (briskly) in place until I caught my breath/stamina and could continue. I couldn't keep up with ALL of the push ups and crunches -- but I really surprised myself by being able to do about half of the push ups, which I did not expect! I though I would be able to do maybe one or two.

    One day down. :wink:

  • RockNRollWeekender
    fit_in - The workout really does get easier. Pretty much Jillian was right on the nose with me. It took me about 5-7 days to make it through the Level 1 feeling good (not like I was dying) and she always gives her encouraging words right when I want to rest.

    Good luck with it. :flowerforyou:

    It's the only workout I've been doing and so far it's been really successful for me.

  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Mande, congrats on your first workout!! :drinker: It will definitely get easier with time. Be patient but be consistent. You may extend the cool down. I also recommend stretching more. :flowerforyou:
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Hi alf and fit_in, Welcome! :)
    Amanda - woop woop! You did all the circuits on level 3!!! :) Way to go!!! and 18 lbs down is awesome! Don't worry - your eyes will catch up. Maybe you should take a current photo and put it side by side to an older one - do a comparison - then you might "see" it more easily.

    I didn't shred or run today either. Ankle feels... STIFF. Worries me a bit. I know I need to be patient. Can't wait to be back in (hoping I dont have to drop back to level 2) - and report on how it's going.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Yesterday I did the first set of my weights routine, which is morphing - and I need to buy iron again :tongue: . Then did shred level 3 with just a couple of little cheats, then did the second set of my weights. Then did 15 min's of elliptical to cool down - and then went ahead and did a 3rd set of weights on a couple of my weaker exercises.

    I need to do some concentration curls on my left arm - the bicep is notable smaller than my right.

    Couple cute notes. I accidentally grabbed our 8 pound dumbs when it was time to do shadow boxing with weights - I'd been doing it with 5's. Wow,,, big diff. I'll do that again.

    Nothing really unusual about yesterdays exercises, I should feel fine. After exercising I went out in the shop and worked a couple hours on the restore I'm doing on an antique crib for the grandson. Man - I'm feeling that today. Just beat-*kitten*-up...
  • Ckinse
    Ckinse Posts: 14
    Since starting this site last week , I've heard a lot about this workout... just curious if people are losing any weight on it within those 30 days? I'm definitly thinking about getting it, but I have limited time, so want to get the most out of the time i have to kick my butt.
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    30 day shred level one day two DONE! My alarm went off at 6:15 this morning and I popped right out of bed -- it was great!

    I eased up on the cardio a little more (alternating between the actual exercise and walking in place) to keep my heart rate under control (don't have a HRM yet) and walked circles around my kitchen/dining/living room for about 5 minutes following the workout for extra cool down -- still feeling a teeny bit queasy, but better than yesterday.
  • mroper
    mroper Posts: 92 Member
    I started the 30 day shred 9 days ago and I loved it..but the last few days I have been a MAJOR slacker! Cant seem to get motivated to get outta bed in the mornings and do it! Im so glad I logged in today because you guys are so motivating!! I plan on doing it after work today. And who knows I may decide that its easier working out in the evenings. This site has been a major blessing to me. Thanks to all of you dedicated Shredders that post daily or weekly...it helps more than you know.
  • supermom1114
    Hey all!

    I started the 30 Day Shred on Dec 1 and have done it everyday, so today is my 7th Day!! I can really see a difference in my performance in just a week. I'm going to move up on the 11th to level 2 so I'll have 10 full days at level 1. I still pretty much despise push-ups but at least I'm doing them!

    I hope everyone has a great work out today!!!