Jillian's 30 Day Shred



  • princesspurple
    I am on day 6 today! I started w/ 7 pushups before going to my knees, today I was at 11. She really motivates me! I can't wait to start level 2!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey Shredders!!
    Woo Hoo And Happy Monday to everybody!! I shredded on Saturday and took a rest day yesterday, sort of - did a bunch of walking and moving around up and down the ladder going into the attic for Xmas decorations and got them up yesterday, in the cold misty weather, and cooked and did laundry.....et al.
    Shred and 20min TJ on for after I get home from work and I already have dinner ready so there's one less thing to do, YAY!!.
    My scale says no changes but my clothes are fitting differently - even the size 12 low rises are loose in the hips and seat!!!!. I like the changes I see in me since I've added this workout. As I was dragging stuff out of the attic, I had no difficulty at all - big difference from last year. I think I will be using the 5lb dumbells for a while, though, I might - and I say might- be able to move up to 8lbs on some of the moves but on those shadowboxers and jumping jax w/ weights - DEF not right now. I guess it would be okay to do a partial increase.....hmmm
    Welcome, welcome to all the new faces!!!!! Glad you all are here ~ we need you!!
    Amanda - congrats on making it all the way through!!!:drinker: good for you, I knew you could do it!

    Smiles- Hang in there and heal, heal heal!! You will be so mad at yourself if you hit it too soon and make it worse!!! Jillian will be there for you when you're ready:laugh: and so will we!!

    Supermom - I know how you feel about the push up thing - never spent too much time on them until Jillian - they pay off though!!
    I am no longer self conscious about short sleeves or sleeveless shirts!!

    Mroper- I just changed my routine up from an am w/o to pm. Both have their pluses. I prefer working out in the am because it's done for the day but when I do I don't have enough time to do my hair - it's soaked!!! So I've had my hair in a ponytail since Jan 9th - (my vanity!!!!) Now I'm working out in the pm which gives me more time for the "maintenance stuff" but I have to really keep the goal in front of me or I'll find some plausible reason not to work out. So far so good though!!!

    Big (((HUGGS))) to All and Keep Shredding,
  • NikkiDerrig386
    NikkiDerrig386 Posts: 1,096 Member
    Question? I just got it yesterday and I am doing it today after work. Do I need anything for it? Like weights, jump rope, medicine ball, etc?
  • mroper
    mroper Posts: 92 Member
    You will need some hand weights and if exercising on a hard surface, you will need a mat. Those are all that are required for Level 1. not sure about the other 2 levels.
  • NikkiDerrig386
    NikkiDerrig386 Posts: 1,096 Member
    You will need some hand weights and if exercising on a hard surface, you will need a mat. Those are all that are required for Level 1. not sure about the other 2 levels.

    3 or 5 lbs?
  • mroper
    mroper Posts: 92 Member
    I use 4lb. But I have seen that some of the others use heavier and some lighter. So I guess its whatever you are comfortable with. There are a lot of reps so what may feel easy at first could turn out to be more difficult in the end. You will definitely feel this workout.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    YEAH BABY!!!! HAPPY DANCE!!!:happy: :happy: I'm back in the game!!! Decided to shred today and use modifications wherever necessary to spare the ankle... In the warmups, with the knee circles, I heard something "click" in my ankle... I cautiously tested to see what had happened and FULL MOTION WAS BACK! I can make full ankle circles now - and that stiffness i was writing about yesterday is GONE!

    Here's the report for level 3 day 5 :
    1. The only place I needed a break was with those scissor crosses in the first circuit of abs. That's IT. The only place in the entire circuit that I had to take a short (3 second?) break - and that was after resting for 3 days!
    2. I did modified mountain climbers to spare my ankle the harder impact
    3. I skipped the rock star jumps and replaced them with shadow boxing and jump ropes. (When I do them, I usually SLAM to the floor - figure I can wait a few more days to bring those back).

    So the positives - (Gonna list 5):
    1. I feel AWESOME!!!! It's great to be back at it!
    2. Was able to use 5 lbs weights for the 1st set of shadow boxing. (That's an improvement)
    3. The plank holds are feeling strong and I'm not getting as wiped out.
    4. Liking those supermans - they're fun! I crack up when she says "You gonna fly away there, buddy?" :bigsmile:
    5. I'm learning how to modify around my "helpful" kitty. My traveling pushups usually mean figure out how to travel around her (she likes to sprawl out on my mat when I'm doing these for some reason). So it's a bonus challenge. :laugh: And today, she would paw at my ponytail during the situps.

    Loving it ! Thank you all for your support , and the encouragement to take it easy these past couple of days. Without your comments, I probably would have pushed too far too fast. I'm glad I didn't. Thanks again!
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    You will need some hand weights and if exercising on a hard surface, you will need a mat. Those are all that are required for Level 1. not sure about the other 2 levels.

    3 or 5 lbs?
    I use 5's for some things and 8's for others, and I could use 12's or 15's for a few things - but I don't have them :sad: .

    It's nice to have an assortment, so if you're getting your butt kicked you can trade down a bit, and if it's easy you can move up.


    Great job Smiley - that's how we do it.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Those are some awesome news Smiles!!! :drinker: :drinker: I know the feeling when injured. :noway: That is what I am going through right now.

    I agree with the suggestions about the weights needed for this workout. I use a range from 3-12lbs. I can go heavier on the back exercises and lower on the shoulder ones. This workout is definitely more for muscular endurance than for strength. So a lighter weight is usually better than heavier to be able to complete all those reps.

    I will be doing all three levels tomorrow morning, again with all the low impact modifications in the cardio portion. I will start with level 2, then 3 and then 1. It usually takes me about 1 hr and 20 minutes.

    Have a great evening! :flowerforyou:
  • meana717
    meana717 Posts: 261 Member
    YAY Smiles! Way to go. Did Level 3 day 5 ( I think) today. Gonna just keep doing it until I can do the whole thing for at least 3 days straight, Then I think I'm going to start at level 1 again with heavier weights! I don't know...gonna need to do something! I'm actually excited to step on the scale in the morning! :heart:
  • supermom1114
    Has anyone done this and gained first before losing? I'd like to think in theory this is possible, building muscle before losing fat so the scale goes up a bit but I wanted to see what ya'll thought. I was 141.4 last Friday and then monday I was 144 and today I'm 142.8... I know part of it is from holding in water since I didn't eat so great over the weekend but I've been doing Shred for 7 days as well as two other Wii games and running... I guess I expected to see a loss not a gain so its kind of frustrating.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Onesie-twosies don't count. You've been pounding your body lately, and it's grabbing a little extra fluid in self defense. I don't blame it, I would do the same.

    Stick with your program and eat right and shred away and check the scale again in 2 or 3 weeks and you should get some good news. You should also be monitoring measurements, 'cause that's where you'll really see the shred doing it's thing. It's a good thing.
  • supermom1114
    Onesie-twosies don't count. You've been pounding your body lately, and it's grabbing a little extra fluid in self defense. I don't blame it, I would do the same.

    Stick with your program and eat right and shred away and check the scale again in 2 or 3 weeks and you should get some good news. You should also be monitoring measurements, 'cause that's where you'll really see the shred doing it's thing. It's a good thing.

    My measurements have definitely gone down, a loss of 9.5in overall but I hadn't measured myself since the beginning of November so I know its not all from the shred. However the biggest changes in how my clothes fit I've seen just in the past week.

    Thanks for the advice, I know I shouldn't be so obsessed with the scale and I know you really shouldn't weigh yourself everyday since weight can fluctuate so much but I guess I just like to see the numbers go down to validate the loss I think I see as my body gets thinner and more toned. But I know muscle weighs more than fat and I can definitely feel a lot more muscle on my arms, and can see more definition in my legs. I've just got to trust the process and keep going.
  • amboardman
    amboardman Posts: 144 Member
    Okay, so I just did Day 1 of the 30-day shred last night. Wow! You don't really realize just how OUT of shape you are until Jillian kicks your butt for 20 minutes! I'm really excited about it, though, and I can't wait to get home and do Day 2. My 6 year old son exercised with me...it was great!:happy:
  • supermom1114
    Onesie-twosies don't count. You've been pounding your body lately, and it's grabbing a little extra fluid in self defense. I don't blame it, I would do the same.

    Stick with your program and eat right and shred away and check the scale again in 2 or 3 weeks and you should get some good news. You should also be monitoring measurements, 'cause that's where you'll really see the shred doing it's thing. It's a good thing.

    on a random note, whats your best advice for learning to ride a motorcycle? My husband rides and loves it and I love riding with him. I plan on going to a course once he gets back from Iraq and can watch our son while I'm gone. I've heard its easier if you know how to drive stick shift first... and well.. I never had. I'm kind of nervous I'm going to screw up and drop the bike ugh
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Shred, done this morning. :drinker: I did levels 2, 3 and 1, in that order. I burned 442 cals. :drinker: I already logged in all my meals except for dinner. I still have over 700 cals to eat for dinner. :noway:

    Supermom, try not to weigh yourself too often. Once a week or every other week is best to see true weight loss. And pay close attention to your diet. Your diet is the most important aspect of a weight loss, fat loss program. For me it is the hardest part but I know it is an important one. Mine is not perfect and it will never be but I try to eat clean at least 80% of the time.

    Amboardman, welcome to the Shred!!! :drinker:

    Have a great day!!! :flowerforyou:
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    on a random note, whats your best advice for learning to ride a motorcycle? My husband rides and loves it and I love riding with him. I plan on going to a course once he gets back from Iraq and can watch our son while I'm gone. I've heard its easier if you know how to drive stick shift first... and well.. I never had. I'm kind of nervous I'm going to screw up and drop the bike ugh
    Take the MSF BRC (Basic Rider Course). They'll provide the bike, and the training. It does start from square one, you don't need to know anything about riding motorcycles beforehand. If you can drive stick and have an understanding of what a clutch does it might help a little, but I've taught hundreds of people either way. If you can ride a bicycle you're ready.


    I teach the same class here in Ohio. It's great, the best safest smartest way to get started riding motorcycles. You'll spend 4 hours in a classroom and 12 hours out riding around a parking lot and you'll learn so much. Have fun...

    ((Oh ya', about dropping the bike. It happens sometimes, don't sweat it. Training bikes have a hard life and get a few battle scars, no biggie. You're not going very fast, and there's nothing to hit. I've had a lot of students just fall down, but I've never had one hit anything - and I've never had a young person get really hurt)).
  • mroper
    mroper Posts: 92 Member
    Did level 1 day 5 this morning. (10 days after starting Shred but have only done 5 workouts)...I feel so amazing right now. I was able to complete all the moves except the push ups which im getting better at, but still not able to do them all. Today the last set of ab crunches had me wishing it was over! But its good to feel the burn. If I could stay motivated to do this everyday I know I would get some good results. Im still doing well with my eating....just gotta get my butt outta bed in the mornings and work out!!!! Ive also decided to get some heavier weights. Ive been using 4 lbs for everything but I think I can handle a little heavier for some moves. And after reading some of the other posts Ive realized its a good idea to have a variety. Thank you guys for sharing with the "newbies". All of your advice comes in handy.

  • meana717
    meana717 Posts: 261 Member

    on a random note, whats your best advice for learning to ride a motorcycle? My husband rides and loves it and I love riding with him. I plan on going to a course once he gets back from Iraq and can watch our son while I'm gone. I've heard its easier if you know how to drive stick shift first... and well.. I never had. I'm kind of nervous I'm going to screw up and drop the bike ugh

    I took the Basic Rider Course that Casper mentions. Army provides it for free. I too was in the same boat as you. My hubby rides and loves it and I used to ride with him and completely enjoyed it. So while he was deployed I signed up and took the course. Here at Fort Lewis they do it right in the PX parking lot! You could use your free CYS hours for your son while you take the class. Just an idea! I didn't know how to drive stick... and I too was DEATHLY afraid to drop the bike. This is the reason I refused to let my hubby teach me. I didn't want to get embarrased in front of him. I didn't drop the bike during class.... and even more I scored number 1 on the tests for my class!!! :happy:
  • NikkiDerrig386
    NikkiDerrig386 Posts: 1,096 Member
    Your suppose to do one level at a time right. Firt 1-2 weeeks level one and increase by weeks?