Coffee is not breakfast.



  • alisiaendris
    alisiaendris Posts: 213 Member
    Personally I cannot eat right away in the morning as I have to wait at least 30 min. due to a medication I take for my stomach. I am so used to it that I am up for at least an hour before I am even thinking about breakfast! I usually eat something small, or I might just have some coffee and eat after having been up for a few hours-that is usually when I have my kids settled down and can eat with minimal interuptions.
  • offthedeependay
    offthedeependay Posts: 435 Member
    has nothing to do with what you eat or when,your activity through the day is all that matters,research it,I have coffee for breakfast every day since I started ,usually burn over 3000 calories per day (fitbit count)I have lost 82 pounds so far in 14 months,
  • Starlightbella
    Starlightbella Posts: 77 Member
    I don't consider coffee breakfast unless it's from Starbucks and has an entire meals worth of calories in it :blushing:
  • Phoenix59
    Phoenix59 Posts: 364 Member
    I usually just drink coffee and have breakfast around 10:30 - 11:00 a.m. I love coffee! :bigsmile:
  • zgochenour
    zgochenour Posts: 67 Member
    Coffee isn't breakfast, and I feel much better when I eat breakfast, but I find I often don't have the time and energy to do much more. Maybe a piece of fruit, or if I have extra time I might scramble some egg whites. Since it's just me in the mornings and I'm usually running behind, I don't have much motivation to make a great meal.
  • crazybigchick
    I am starving when I wake up. I don't know how people make it till lunch on just coffee? I would be a hot mess! ...and now I am craving breakfast...
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I start my day with coffee with half & half cream and sugar. Then I run... If I run within an hour or so of getting up I'll go on just the coffee. If it's been a bit longer, breakfast may be just a half oz of almonds or a banana. Otherwise, my real breakfast is mid-morning - 10:00 or so, after my workout.
  • Bonny619
    Bonny619 Posts: 311 Member
    I rarely ever eat breakfast and I've lost weight just fine!
  • lala0719
    lala0719 Posts: 20
    I feel tired and sick if i dont eat breakfast.
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    Oh boi, when it comes to my coffee I must have my coffee in the morning :drinker: but as far is it breakfast I would say no. Breakfast is important to start your day off right and coffee alone is not going to cut it. I agree with what you.

    That is a pretty solid argument, I'm convinced
  • ashlafer
    ashlafer Posts: 42 Member
    You are totally correct. In an ideal world, breakfast would be your biggest meal of the day, and meals would decrease in size as the day goes on.

    Breakfast jump-starts your metabolism and gets it working, as does eating regularly (snacks and meals spaced out by 3-4 hours).
    You will find this information in practically every diet, fitness, nutrition, etc. book you pick up.

    More than that, a good, healthy, substantive breakfast with plenty of protein sets you on the right track for success later on in the day. Countless studies have shown that people who eat breakfast are less likely to binge later in the day and are likely to lose more weight. You do not do yourself any good by cutting calories in the morning and saving them for dinner, when your body needs them less.

    I used to have whimpy 150-cal breakfasts when I first started. I did this in order to save up calories for later in the day, because that's when I was always hungrier (I was never that hungry in the morning, so I figured why "waste" calories then?). Something along the lines of 1/2 a cup of cheerios and 3/4 a cup of nonfat milk. I always went over my calorie count and constantly snacked throughout the day. I was also really tired in the morning.

    A few months ago, I started eating more for breakfast...I have about a 300-calorie breakfast: a banana with either a big bowl of oatmeal (with pecans) or a bowl of cereal. I feel less hungry at night and during dinner. I actually am less hungry in the evening and more hungry in the morning...I guess this is something along the lines of "form follows function" :P.

    To sum it up, stick to breakfast. It is the most important meal of the day, and studies continue to show overwhelming amounts of evidence that it is linked to good health and weight loss. Your body needs fuel most in the morning and burns it up quicker than in the evening :)
  • mushroomcup
    mushroomcup Posts: 145 Member
    I wait an hour or two after waking to eat. Even if I wake up feeling very hungry, I get sick if I eat right away. I always drink water right after waking up though, and some mornings I'll drink coffee during that time since it doesn't make me feel sick like food does. Hasn't caused me any problems weight-wise.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    if that's what some does for breakfast and it works for them- then so be it..... but if that's breakfast and the person is feeling blah, tired, not losing wieght, etc-- then maybe they should try something different.

    If it works = great. If not= then change it.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    You are totally correct. In an ideal world, breakfast would be your biggest meal of the day, and meals would decrease in size as the day goes on.

    Breakfast jump-starts your metabolism and gets it working, as does eating regularly (snacks and meals spaced out by 3-4 hours).
    You will find this information in practically every diet, fitness, nutrition, etc. book you pick up.

    More than that, a good, healthy, substantive breakfast with plenty of protein sets you on the right track for success later on in the day. Countless studies have shown that people who eat breakfast are less likely to binge later in the day and are likely to lose more weight. You do not do yourself any good by cutting calories in the morning and saving them for dinner, when your body needs them less.

    I used to have whimpy 150-cal breakfasts when I first started. I did this in order to save up calories for later in the day, because that's when I was always hungrier (I was never that hungry in the morning, so I figured why "waste" calories then?). Something along the lines of 1/2 a cup of cheerios and 3/4 a cup of nonfat milk. I always went over my calorie count and constantly snacked throughout the day. I was also really tired in the morning.

    A few months ago, I started eating more for breakfast...I have about a 300-calorie breakfast: a banana with either a big bowl of oatmeal (with pecans) or a bowl of cereal. I feel less hungry at night and during dinner. I actually am less hungry in the evening and more hungry in the morning...I guess this is something along the lines of "form follows function" :P.

    To sum it up, stick to breakfast. It is the most important meal of the day, and studies continue to show overwhelming amounts of evidence that it is linked to good health and weight loss. Your body needs fuel most in the morning and burns it up quicker than in the evening :)

  • jatilmig
    jatilmig Posts: 13 Member
    yea, and no - coffee on it's own, does not constitute breakfast....
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    I guess I never got the big deal with breakfast. I eat it, because I like to, but what does it matter if you don't? You haven't eaten since say 8pm, what's it matter if you don't for a few more hours?

    Edited to add: I eat less calories when I eat breakfast later. If I eat it super early, I'm hungry again at 10am and because I'm a huge night snacker, if I eat too many cals early on in the day, I eat way too many overall because I still feel the need to eat later. If I eat it about 10 I can eat my lunch about 1pm and stay on track, I'm rarely hungry earlier than that.

    I find I eat less if I eat my breakfast later. Twice last week I got up at 5am and both those times I at my normal breakfast at that time and on both those days I ended up having a 2nd breakfast later in the morning.
  • maxonehiphop
    maxonehiphop Posts: 139 Member
    doesn't really matter when you eat but a good breakfast can potentially keep you on track so you don't skip eating all day and then binge late in the day when you are "starving."

    I sometimes can't eat at work so if i don't eat before I leave the house i'm so hungry when i get home that it's really difficult for me to not go over all in a short amount of time.

    It's really just how you manage your intake.
  • maxonehiphop
    maxonehiphop Posts: 139 Member
    I guess I never got the big deal with breakfast. I eat it, because I like to, but what does it matter if you don't? You haven't eaten since say 8pm, what's it matter if you don't for a few more hours?

    Edited to add: I eat less calories when I eat breakfast later. If I eat it super early, I'm hungry again at 10am and because I'm a huge night snacker, if I eat too many cals early on in the day, I eat way too many overall because I still feel the need to eat later. If I eat it about 10 I can eat my lunch about 1pm and stay on track, I'm rarely hungry earlier than that.

    I find I eat less if I eat my breakfast later. Twice last week I got up at 5am and both those times I at my normal breakfast at that time and on both those days I ended up having a 2nd breakfast later in the morning.

    2nd breakfast is the best.
  • ToughTulip
    ToughTulip Posts: 1,118 Member
    You are totally correct. In an ideal world, breakfast would be your biggest meal of the day, and meals would decrease in size as the day goes on.

    Breakfast jump-starts your metabolism and gets it working, as does eating regularly (snacks and meals spaced out by 3-4 hours).
    You will find this information in practically every diet, fitness, nutrition, etc. book you pick up.

    More than that, a good, healthy, substantive breakfast with plenty of protein sets you on the right track for success later on in the day. Countless studies have shown that people who eat breakfast are less likely to binge later in the day and are likely to lose more weight. You do not do yourself any good by cutting calories in the morning and saving them for dinner, when your body needs them less.

    I used to have whimpy 150-cal breakfasts when I first started. I did this in order to save up calories for later in the day, because that's when I was always hungrier (I was never that hungry in the morning, so I figured why "waste" calories then?). Something along the lines of 1/2 a cup of cheerios and 3/4 a cup of nonfat milk. I always went over my calorie count and constantly snacked throughout the day. I was also really tired in the morning.

    A few months ago, I started eating more for breakfast...I have about a 300-calorie breakfast: a banana with either a big bowl of oatmeal (with pecans) or a bowl of cereal. I feel less hungry at night and during dinner. I actually am less hungry in the evening and more hungry in the morning...I guess this is something along the lines of "form follows function" :P.

    To sum it up, stick to breakfast. It is the most important meal of the day, and studies continue to show overwhelming amounts of evidence that it is linked to good health and weight loss. Your body needs fuel most in the morning and burns it up quicker than in the evening :)

    Where to start.... o.O

    Short and to the point: You are 100% wrong and need to stop reading magazines filled with broscience for your nutrition advice.
  • katheern
    katheern Posts: 213 Member
    I think the times that you eat are all about personal choice - I'm willing to bet that the reason she hasn't lost weight is that she eats too much and/or doesn't move enough.
    Whether she has coffee or a big brekky of eggs and bacon first thing doesn't matter - if she is eating too much in total during the day, she won't lose weight.

    I think we make this whole weight loss way more complicated than it needs to be with rules about timing and what you have to eat and when and where. Calories in/calories out works in my experience.

    Edited to add: I eat breakfast (2 breakfasts sometimes) because that makes me feel good. Not everyone is the same as me!

    Definitely this.