
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,581 Member
    Logged today for the firsit time in too long. Too sleepy to write much or catch up on the posts.
    Mat minutes and Lenten lifestyle down the tubes but step average and measurements encouraging.
    More later,

    Hugs to all,

    Barbara, the AHMOD who WILL be size 10 one day

    August: EVERY DAY: 2 fruits + 7 veggies, 30 mins of any exercise, some mat work 5 days a week, average 10K steps, no more than 2 drinks Thurs-Sunday, PERIOD!!! Let it be. Really.

    2012: dance more, bark less and CHECK IN!!!
    DMOMofTHREE Posts: 55 Member
    Good Morning! Just turned 50 this spring and decided to finally get serious about my health.

    I have about 50 lbs to lose, have been yo-yo dieting for the last 25 years or so, but everytime I end up weighing a little more.

    Just took my measurements this Sunday and did my first weigh in on Monday morning.

    I love being able to track what I eat. I think doing that and having a support group will keep me on track.

  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Lynn- This is a great place to get motivation and support. Welcome.
    Deb A
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Morning, all -- it's hard to believe August is almost done. Will catch up on reading again tonight and marking the new thread for now. Have a wonderful day!
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies

    Amazing that we are on part three! Hello all you new ladies – tell us more about yourselves. We are a supportive and friendly group and we have Barbie to thank for taking on the role as our leader!

    Michelle - I know about sundowners - my MIL suffers from it too, in fact they've just upped her dosage of drugs to try to help it a little.

    I had a message from my good friend this morning, she was apologising for not coming to DH's birthday celebration last weekend. Then she admitted that she discovered that she has breast cancer five weeks ago. She's had surgery and is about to start chemo. I am devastated for her, she has two young children, aged 9 and 6 and was due to emigrate to New Zealand after Christmas. I will be praying for her and any extra prayers would be appreciated.

    It’s a blowy and wet day in London today, but I’m not complaining when I read about Hurricane Isaac. To anyone who is affected or who has loved ones who are affected I send wishes that they stay safe.

    My gym is calling me, so I’d better hop to it.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • apj79
    apj79 Posts: 23 Member
    Good morning to all, I am 56 and I am struggling with weight loss and exercise. I was active a few years ago and just loved walking/jogging and going to gym even though in the begining I didn't think I'd ever see resluts. WOW... I was happy etc.then one day I stopped and it has been a struggle ever since. I really could use some support and suggestions.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,129 Member
    Good morning to all, I am 56 and I am struggling with weight loss and exercise. I was active a few years ago and just loved walking/jogging and going to gym even though in the beginning I didn't think I'd ever see results. WOW... I was happy etc.then one day I stopped and it has been a struggle ever since. I really could use some support and suggestions.

    :flowerforyou: welcome, I hope you'll come back to this thread and become part of our family. Make today a new beginning and take it one day at a time....do something today---take a walk and celebrate your success....make a plan for what you will eat and stick to the plan and tell us about it......miracles have happened for us and they can for you......never, never, never give up

    :bigsmile: it is a beautiful morning for dog walking.....there is a hot air balloon festival here this weekend and there have been balloons up every morning.....they launch not far from my house.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,355 Member
    Woooo, a new section for the August post and September is right around the corner.

    Best wishes for anyone who is living through an evacuation or tornados/torrential rain associated with the Hurricane. Praying for everyone to be safe.

    Here is the U.S. we're fast approaching Labor Day weekend. A group of friends are getting together tomorrow evening for dinner and the delightful gentleman who chose the location this time made certain to select a restaurant that has a gluten-free menu. That was so thoughtful. I am the only celiac in the group and most others just choose whatever they want when it's their turn and I often am not able to order anything. I've been to this restaurant once for lunch and they have planked cod and mashed cauliflower which is very good.

    Several of those friends are traveling for the holiday and are leaving on Friday. One lady is visiting her son and family for a week. It will be her first visit since they moved from our area. She is anxious to see her grandchildren!

    I'm in the camp with those who just don't keep things around that I don't want to eat. I use to keep things for company since I live alone but that didn't work because I'd poach out of the company supplies. Apparently I'm not too trustworthy. And I stopped drinking eons ago when I started to have gall bladder issues and have never had a drink since. I guess I've lost interest in it totally.

    I get a kick out of everyone's dog pictures. As I've said, maybe someday I'll be able to get a dog again but meanwhile I have to enjoy other people's pooches. Barbie, every time I see your profile picture I think of the Melanie Travis mysteries by Laurien Berenson. Some of the central characters were standard poodles. I wish the series hadn't ended. Sorry, I digress.

    Wishing everyone a healthy (or healthier) day. I looke forward to coming back to read all of your interesting upates.

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    G'Morning. I've got berries on the brain. :love: Besides being blackberry time, it's huckleberry time as well and I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to find my way up to the mountains for my annual picking. We usually plan a 3-day camp trip up to huckleberry country in WA, but haven't been able to make it happen yet this year. It won't kill me if we don't get to go, but dag nabbit, I can't stop thinking about it. Since it's Labor Day weekend coming up and everybody and their brothers will be out on the road, and finding camp spot would be iffy at best, I'm starting to think that a day-trip on Friday might be in order as long as hubby doesn't get called in for work. It's a 2 hour beautiful drive, if we left early in the morning we could pick for a few hours, break for a picnic lunch and maybe take a spin in the inner tube around the lake before resuming the berry-hunt for the afternoon, and head back home before dark. Hmmmm. Seems like I've got it all planned out, doesn't it. We'll see how the cookie crumbles.

    Nancy, you mentioned making salsa, now I'm thinking about doing the same. I picked a couple gallons of tomatoes yesterday and could pick jalapenos although they're not full-flavor yet so it's probably better I wait until late Sept for salsa. I've been perfecting my taco sauce recipe over the years, too, it's a nice, smooth sauce, cooked for several hours then pureed and canned. We use it all year.

    I've thrown out entire batches of home-canned salsa that didn't end up with good flavor. :grumble: After discussing the subject with several friends over the past couple of years, I found out that for canned salsas you need to remove the seeds from the tomatoes. Wah-lah! Time-consuming extra step in the proceedure, but what a big difference.

    Michele, did you see Barbie's pumpkin soup recipe? I re-posted it last night, page 20, I think, of the last thread. It's an interesting soup! The ginger really brings out the flavor of the apples.

    This morning I might have to force myself to walk the track for an hour. I could use a good workout.

    Hoping everyone has a wonderful day! :flowerforyou: Eat your greens, and don't forget to drink that water!

    :smile: jb
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: It's a nice looking Wednesday here in Colorado,

    Prayers to all of those affected by Hurricane Issac, those storms can be so devistating. Will have to go back to part 2 to the last page and see how everyone is...but no time right now.

    It's my Friday as we will be leaving in the morning for our long weekend to see Son #1 & DIL in Las Vegas. Son called yesterday and asked if we wanted to see where DIL worked (she works at a private school) as they were having a get together before the first football game of the school year...of course we said yes...it ought to be fun...and probably very hot:devil: Hubby and I plan on doing some serious walking on Friday when Son & DIL are at school (he's going to UNLV) we always enjoy people watching on the strip:happy:

    Since yesterday was spent working on the budget for the boss I didn't get done what I wanted to before I leave...but will try to get as much done as I can. It would be nice if the paper faries would show up while I'm gone...but they probably wont:ohwell: We just renewed our Driver's Licenses on line (we had them for 10 years) and because we did them on line the picture and all the information is the same as before....and I can say that right now the weight on my license and what the scale says is the TRUTH:bigsmile: and that's a good feeling.

    I weighed in this am, stayed the same and I'm not disappointed as I've not been exercising like I would like. I have been trying to figure out what kind of foods to take on the trip with us as we have a small frig that we put in the car when we travel, trying to think of things that I know the kids don't have in their house. One thing I know will happen is that we will go out on Sunday as it's my 58th Birthday so I will plan ahead for that.

    I best get to the work on my desk. Everyone have a good day, log it if you eat it, drink, drink and drink somemore water then get up and move your body:drinker:


    We will be taking the notebook so I will check in everyday and see how everyone is doing.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Lin,

    I totally understand what you are going through with your father. My parents were the same way and finally in 2007 they sold the 5 acres that had a house and two garages that were full to overflowing. :grumble: They did get rid of a lot but moved into a 55+ park over paid for the home and then it took me two years to sell it.

    Being an only child it all fell on my shoulders and here it is almost two years since Mom passed (Dad passed in 2009) and I'm still dealing with some of their stuff.

    Enjoy your Dad while you have him because time does go by way too fast.

  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hello everyone :happy: ,

    Today's a "go to the gym" day. I am already in my workout clothes and will get there as soon as I drop J'boy off at the packing plant. There's a yam baking in the oven (to be mashed with a tiny bit of butter, honey and lime juice) for supper tonight. After the gym it's salsa time (canning, not dancing, though I could do both :wink: ) and I am also going to put away a few jars of jalapeno jelly. Love it, love it.

    Gini, I’m so glad to hear that your DIL & DS have good news for their jobs. :drinker: Your weight loss already shows that you can pay attention to what you eat and stay on track. Hang in there for the last few pounds!

    Shawna, I love, love, love French fries. :love: My theory is when I eat them they better be good. Lucky thing they are not something I can make or keep at home.

    During our holiday road trip I let myself indulge (French fries & ice cream :blushing: ). That was fine, but this is now…and I have two pounds of road trip indulgences to get rid of just to make my ticker read true. Sigh.

    Faye, wave to me when you’re in Idaho, :drinker: we live about 10 km north of the CDA/USA border, up the panhandle north of Sandpoint. Where will you be visiting?

    Go Kathy, go! But don’t push it too much. The most frustrating part of my recovery has been since I got the robo-boot off. I kind of figured I’d be A-OK to walk, run and jump right away. Not so…it’s still a slow recovery, so take care of yourself.

    Lila, my advice is eat what you plan, plan what you eat. Keep moving. Drink your water. Stick with the 1200 calories but make it count by eating the best, freshest food you can find – salmon works for me but I don’t think it will be all I eat! Most of all, keep logging in here to tell us how you’re doing. In the long term it’s not about the pounds it’s about the life style.

    Hi Janet, wish you could ship a few blackberries my way! Have fun at school.

    Meg, your post just sparkled with the excitement for your work with 7 students, no migranes today– you will get the same spark back into your eating plan soon too, I know it!

    Lin – welcome home. :flowerforyou:

    Barbie & Lin, I too banished some foods from my home in the last year and I found out this summer at the cabin (sharing the kitchen & food supplies with extended family) that there are still some things I binge on– so salty crackers, for example, and good bread, stay on the “not in my house” list.

    JB – Apple-Squash soup is on my first week of school lunch list. Take the seeds out of the tomatoes, huh? I shall try it.

    Stardancer, what kind of school work do you do? I’m a grade 7 teacher, we start next Tuesday.

    Woops, the housekeeper just drove up. Time to get off the computer and out of the kitchen.

    Hasta pronto,


    September goals:
    No bedtime snacks, no second helpings!
    Get the routine chores done – no procrastination!
    Workout 4 x a week at the gym, walk on the off days.
    Be a role model of healthy living for my students.
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Wow, can't believe this thread is on part 3! Again, thanks Barbie for keeping this going! Just wanted to mark my spot so I could catch up later after the doctor.

    Have a great day everyone-thoughts and prayers to all in the path of Hurricane Isaac!


    “You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.”

    - Unknown
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Amanda:smile: I looked at the pictures of Monkey World, what a unique venue for a wedding!!! Can't wait to see pictures of it!
    I'm saying a prayer for your friend and for you! I know it's hard, my best friends husband is going through cancer right now, they're going to harvest stem cells this coming week and he will be in isolation at least for 20 days if not more. It is truly a dreaded disease.

    Jb:smile: the Chile Relleno Casserole sounds good, I couldn't access the website though to get the recipe:angry: . Your plans for Friday, hope they come true, it sounds wonderful!!!!

    Nancy:smile: hope your first day back was fun. How did J'boy enjoy his first day of work?

    Shawna:smile: French fries every once in awhile won't get you, now if you were eating them everyday.....Did you keep them within your calorie goal? I've had fries twice since I started in May, but I've always kept them in my calorie goal. You'll figure it out it just takes some time.

    Faye:smile: Have a wonderful and safe adventure!!!

    Kathy:smile: Yay, getting the pin out!!!!!!

    Lila:smile: 3 pounds up:frown: , I played with 2 pounds for about 2 1/2 weeks, up, down, up, down, they finally left and took a friend too!!!! I kept telling myself I was doing things right, my body was just taking some time to adjust to the new lower weight. I try to eat at least 1200 calories, my goal is set to 1410, I usually don't go over 1350 or so. This week and part of last hasn't been real good. I'm just not hungry when I'm sick, I've been around 990 to 1100 calories, I think I lose more when I eat more. Good luck!

    Laura80111:smile: have a great time on your trip!!!! Happy birthday early:flowerforyou: !!!!

    Janet0522:smile: welcome to the group:flowerforyou: !!! Come in often and chat!!!

    Doni:smile: congrats on your 3 pounds gone!!!!!!

    Meg:smile: glad you have good students! Maybe you lost your motivation under a patients bed, or maybe one of your students accidentally took it:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: , no, really, you just started working again, it's easy to get overwhelmed and put what we don't consider to be a high priority on the back burner. Once you get used to your schedule it'll get better!!! The story about your mom is priceless, I just laughed and laughed. My mother was also a Southen belle matriarch and very proper, I don't think she would have been amused at the "mooning" though:laugh: :laugh: .

    Deb A:smile: I like the idea of the pictures in the classroom, we all need to remember to slow down and relax.

    Lin:smile: I applaud you for taking care of your dad and everything that goes along with it!!!!! Wish I had some good words of wisdom for you. Enjoy you dinner out with friends!!!!

    Michele:smile: the soup is fabulous, I made it last night. It's really filling.

    Liz:smile: you got a lot of walking in!!! Does Bella Jo like long walks? Hope you're feeling better today!!!

    Sue:smile: glad you're getting back on track!!!!

    Oh shoot I have to go right now, I take some time off and my phone rings off the hook, got to help someone out on the computer. Will be back to finish my post later.


    Gini:smile: WOW, you've lost so much weight already!!!! Those 3 pounds are just being stubborn:angry: .
  • cathyb60
    cathyb60 Posts: 313 Member
    Hello Everyone, I haven't posted since July but would really like to become a part of this group. I have been looking at previous posts and getting inspired all over again. Shortly after I started posting here (and a couple of other challenges) I started having serious pain in my left knee,(arthritis) which got me terribly discouraged.I finally got fitted yesterday for a brace, so hoping that will help me at least be able to walk and do some exercise!
    I am 60, I have about 100 pounds to lose,married 42 years, 2 children and 2 grand children.I enjoy sewing,quilting, spinning (not the bike kind:smile: ) rug hooking and anything like that. Have several rescued cats, ranging in age from 8 months to 18 years, all spayed/neutered and we have an enclosure so they don't kill song birds or dig in people's gardens:smile: Have never been very physical, but would love to be able to ride a bike and learn to kyack some day! In fact that was my plan when I joined MFP. My doctor said it would help to keep track of my food (which it does) but I told her I wanted to concentrate on exercise as well as food, because I have such a negative history around food and the word "diet" that I thought it would help if I came at my weight loss from a different angle at first. I know how and what to eat but I need to be more physicallly active. I have gotten off track the last month because of ny knee, but reading the posts and being a part of MFP helps me not give up entirely.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Happy Hump Day! Today is a nice quiet day in my office. Everyone has been asking about my day yesterday because we have never had students in that unit and I am surprised to report how excited I was about it!

    My weight loss buddy and I both kinda went off the wagon last week, so we both will be in the same boat. We are doing our first weigh in tomorrow in the afternoon so we both expect to show a gain. Oh well. Then we are meeting to plan our strategy and work on motivating each other. She is also on mfp but says she never uses it. So we are going to “friend” each other to keep that going too. The good news, and what I have learned, is that is ok…I made the decision to eat what I did and here is whatever result, now I’m making the decision to get back to my plan and it will be fine. Before I would have just given up and thought I might as well eat anything and not even try because I have already blown it!

    I can’t believe we are so chatty that we are in our third thread for the month! That is so awesome!

    Yoyo: thanks for posting that lovely lake shot. I need to slow down and remind myself of the beauty around me! After summer is over, I, like you, have no idea how I managed to fit working into my day!

    Lin: I hope you are rejuvenated from your stressful day. That is a ton to take in and consider.

    Lila: I think all those calories are in the air!

    Faye: the coconut milk does sound good. You’ll have to let me know how the recipe turns out.

    DeeDee: hope you are getting lots of rest and getting better!

    Michele: you sound so busy I don’t know how you keep track of your comings and goings!

    Barbie: everyone is raving about your soup recipe. I will have to try it too. Thanks for all you do to keep us going.

    Amanda: I’ll send good wishes for your friend

    Nancy: thanks for that encouragement!

    Newbies: all are welcome here!

    OOOPS I have a meeting to get to so I have to cut this off. Apologies to those I missed. Stay strong today! Take care, Meg
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Have been lurking more than anything. I had 2 good weeks then I just dont know what happened. UGH!

    Went to the bowling alley this morning. It's fun we have a good group of ladies. I am one of the youngest players just one person younger than me.

    Yesterday was a pretty good exercise day. I walked both dogs ( separately since they are too much for me to handle alone). After all these years I finally purchased a harness which I like so much better than the leash. I'll probably get another and then see if I can take both of them at once. I just dont want them walking me! One is Old and the other is in his prime.

    My goal today is no evening snacks.

  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    Women age 50plus? now that caught my attentioni! Experienced women with mature goals - may be just what I need to keep me motivated:wink: But I have never really participated on a message board before, am totally new to MFP and am not sure if I will ever find my way back to this conversation. But as I embark on the next stage of my journey, let's give it a try!
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Okay, I`m going to try to finish now. I`m hoping the phone will be quite for awhile!!!!

    Stardancer:smile: welcome to the group, come in often and chat!!!

    Barbara:smile: Hi, good to hear from you again!!!!

    Lynn:smile: Welcome to the group, come in often and chat!!!

    Gail:smile: I can`t believe Aug. is almost over too, time seems to really go by fast, the older I get the faster it goes:laugh: .

    apj79:smile: welcome to the group, the women here are wonderful, full of motivation and inspiration!!!! Listen to Barbie, she is a wise woman!!!!

    Barbie:smile: I bet those hot air balloons are beautiful:love: !!! I was lucky enough to go up in one once, it was amazing, however I am not fond of heights:noway: , I was ready to kiss the ground when I got off:laugh: .

    Cathy:smile: Welcome to the group! Come in often and chat!!!

    I hope I`m caught up now.
    I`m supposed to be home resting, it has been far from restful here today. I was awakened at 4:00am by my alarm system going off, it was telling me there was a power failure, great, thank you, I get back into bed, it goes off again, power still out, yes,yes, I know, i silence it again, get back in bed, again it goes off, power failure, low battery......I just got up, when the battery is low it goes off every 10 minutes, only this time it started going off every few seconds, I was ready to pull my hair out, throw the barking dog outside, and rip the alarm panels off the wall:angry: , for 35 minutes it did this, then the battery died. My power came back on around 8am, needless to say I now have a brand new battery back up, this should keep the system on for about 48 hrs. before it loses power. I will have to say, its been close to 14 years since I changed the battery, so I guess it was time.
    My SIL came by to check on me, she says I look really bad, I have my hair pulled back in a pony tail, no makeup on and major dark circles under my eyes, I looked in the mirror and scared myself:blushing: , and then the phone has done nothing but ring today, if this was my vacation I would really be unhappy!!!! I have told everyone call at your own risk, I may or may not answer and if I do, I probably will not be nice!!!! I know someone said this is going to be a blue moon this weekend, hmmm....is this just the prelude of more unsettledness (I`m not sure that is really a word)?
    Anyhow lovely ladies, I am going to go take a nap, see if I can sleep this pneumonia off! I am taking my antibiotics too!

    glendalight:smile: welcome to the group, this is a great group of women, please forgive my rant above, we are a very chatty bunch of women, but always supportive of each other!!! Look under "My Topics" and you will be able to find us again!!!

    Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: , log your food. Until later....

  • rdlhuskers
    rdlhuskers Posts: 17 Member
    What is the soup are you all talking about? With Fall/Winter coming, I love making soup.