I'm gross



  • LaurySch
    LaurySch Posts: 277 Member
    Okay, someone needs to tell me where facepalm Jesus lives so that I can go take a picture of myself (half or 3/4 nekkid) and post it as my vanity pic.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    I lift weights and have a manly chest and manly arms, with pasty white skin, tattoos, thighs that touch, a big round *kitten*, visible quad definition, and curly hair that I refuse to flat-iron.

    And... I eat pizza regularly.
    Check. Check. Check. Andddd Check! My thighs don't always touch and I have no *kitten* or chest to speak of, but yea the rest sounds right.

    And I drink beer like a sailor and I think it just adds to my sex appeal :wink: But I'll take a burger over pizza any day of the week!

    Now now, single men, wait your turn....
  • nalfavi
    nalfavi Posts: 174 Member
    I have stretch marks, covered in moles and covered in scars from mosquito bites that I can't help but scratch to the point they bleed :(

    To my mum I'm gross because I have tattoos on my forearms and the calves of my legs.

    Oh how could I forget! I'm gross because I have a tongue piercing, and a nose piercing, and a labret, and plan on getting a couple more, as well as getting full sleeves once I lose weight (very big motivation for me, I think they're gorgeous). I'm also gross because I sweat profusely while working out, no tan, i don't shape my eyebrows, and i don't shave my legs or underarms (but, in my defense, not a lot of hair grows there, plus, at my weight, it's not like I have many people to impress who are going to see those areas :p )
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    I have pale pale white skin. I dye my hair bright colors. I have stretch marks on my tummy and thighs. My body is riddled with mutliple scars from mutliple surgeries. The toes on my left foot are deformed from my bone disease and I have other less visible bone tumors throughout my body.
  • Maurice1966
    Maurice1966 Posts: 438 Member
    F**K me you're all hideous :laugh:
    Anyone wanna shave my back with a chain saw
  • LuckyAng
    LuckyAng Posts: 1,173 Member
    F**K me you're all hideous :laugh:
    Anyone wanna shave my back with a chain saw

    Hold still

  • likearadiowave
    likearadiowave Posts: 445 Member
    I have stretch marks, but for some reason they are the clear/translucent kind and not the dark purple noticeable kind. They don't bother me too much, though.
  • avir8
    avir8 Posts: 671 Member
    I'm gross because, I'm thin, my boobs are bigger than a C and I have a thigh gap. But I love me.

    Same here Love me too
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I'm gross because I eat more than 1200 calories......AND MY EXERCIZE CALORIES.....I know I'm a freak.

    Oh and this one time in band camp.................................
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    i'm fat and covered in stretch marks, so i'm gross.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    repeat post....oops
  • CassiusKnox
    CassiusKnox Posts: 305 Member
    I don't understand this thread AT ALL.... why are you all saying you are gross???
  • norabeth
    norabeth Posts: 176 Member
    my boobs shrunk from DD to C over the years and I have stretch marks on my hips,thighs and breast and I love them and call them my "tiger stripes"

    Tiger strips I love it. I am going to start using this
  • KharismaticKayteh
    KharismaticKayteh Posts: 322 Member
    I'm gross because I'm currently heavier than my start weight and have been for several weeks. =(.
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    I'm ugly, and no matter how much weight I lose I'll always be ugly: and I am ok with that. I wasn't put on this earth to be esthetically pleasing according to our stupid American idea of beauty.
  • MILFdoesabodyGd
    MILFdoesabodyGd Posts: 347 Member
    My boobs are bigger than a C, I have stretch marks, my thighs TOTALLY touch, I wear makeup to the gym (I go straight from work), I socialize at the gym, I wear cute matchy matchy work out clothes, I sweat buckets all over the gym equipment and don't stop every 5 seconds to wipe it up (I wait til I'm done), and sometimes I drink beer. Oh and I don't wear underwear with my workout gear.

    Basically, I'm disgusting.

    You drink beer while working out? Genius!

    lol I've done this before it's awesome ;)

    and I also don't wear underwear with my workout gear! it bunches up ..not cool
  • CassiusKnox
    CassiusKnox Posts: 305 Member
    I'm ugly, and no matter how much weight I lose I'll always be ugly: and I am ok with that. I wasn't put on this earth to be esthetically pleasing according to our stupid American idea of beauty.

    Whaaaat???? Why are people saying mean things about themselves??? Is this like a joke thread or something??

    I think I'm missing the joke.
  • Savemyshannon
    Savemyshannon Posts: 334 Member
    I have stretch marks, I love alcohol, and I go to the gym with no makeup and any old clothing I can find, even if it's wrinkled from sitting at the bottom of my dresser drawer for 7 months.

    Also, I love carbs.
  • MargotAllen
    I think everything about my looks is gross. I hate myself. I like who I am as a person, but i want to kill myself when I look in a mirror.
  • curvymomo3
    curvymomo3 Posts: 253 Member
    Oh I could go on....

    1. my butt is so big It looks like two puppys under a blanket fighting over a milk dud.
    2. my thighs dont only touch but they rub together so fast it causes sparks!
    3. I like to pick up heavy crap as well.