What is your number 1 reason to get fit?



  • To do a better job loving my beautiful wife with my heart, mind, soul.... AND...body. Over the last few years I think she's been getting a bum deal... I'm working to fix that.

    GOOD FOR YOU!!! ** applauds you **
  • Kimbers70
    Kimbers70 Posts: 102 Member
    #1 So that I am around for my kiddos growing up.:smile:
    #2 To have a better selection of amazing clothes.
  • arielian
    arielian Posts: 200
    -To take full advantage of the body God has given me

    -To love my body NAKED.

    -To walk to my closet and be able to wear anything in it
  • camelgirlmn
    camelgirlmn Posts: 226 Member
    I met a fantastic man who changed my life. He loves me, completely, no matter what. He thinks I am beautiful and perfect and has since the moment we met. I have never truly loved myself. I looked at myself in photos and in the mirror and thought, "I should love myself that much. I want to feel beautiful, I want to be the best I can be."

    ^^^^^ AGREED!
  • So I can better with MMA, kick harder and punch harder... get stamina and endurance, and not gas out... i'm slowly getting there.
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    At first it was a cruise, that was last summer. Now simply that I love being fit and lookin hot when I dress like a girl.
  • myfitnessval
    myfitnessval Posts: 687 Member
    When I stopped recognizing myself in the mirror I knew it was time to change. Other things led me here, like cancer, depression, anxiety, health, but the big tipping point was the mirror.
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    I HATE the person I see in the mirror.
  • suckerlove
    suckerlove Posts: 198
    To be healthy enough to conceive a baby and carry to term.
  • MtnKat
    MtnKat Posts: 714
    To stay alive.

    If I kept on with the way that I was going, I would eat myself to an early grave.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I like to feel strong. Also, I want lots of people to want to have sex with me, even though most of them won't be able to.
  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    Why don't you ask...ahhhhhhhhhhh! This is killing me. Never mind.

    Faster mile and smaller clothes or something.
  • Pengi81
    Pengi81 Posts: 336 Member
    To feel happier in my own body and get my old cheeky confidence back!
  • Southernsass6885
    Southernsass6885 Posts: 100 Member
    1) I want to wear a bikini
    2) That gap between my thighs (my jeans scream in protest)
    3) Go to a department store where they actually HAVE my size
    4) not be the hot girl's friend. But to be the "hot girl."
  • ChristineMarie89
    ChristineMarie89 Posts: 1,079 Member
    cuz im a fatty of course!!!! i just wanna look normal lol
  • Tina0807
    Tina0807 Posts: 212
    1) I want to wear a bikini
    2) That gap between my thighs (my jeans scream in protest)
    3) Go to a department store where they actually HAVE my size
    4) not be the hot girl's friend. But to be the "hot girl."

    Our reasons are so alike. I want to be the "hot girl" too. So sick of being unsexy.
  • To look good naked
  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    To look good naked

    This. No point in lying! lol
  • audigal2008
    audigal2008 Posts: 1,129 Member
    divorce! So my ex will wish he never let me slip away! :glasses:
  • brooshie
    brooshie Posts: 141 Member
    i'm sick of having my friends joke around and pinch my man boobs like it's a joke. in reality, it's not funny, it's depressing.
  • MizzTatiana
    MizzTatiana Posts: 116 Member

    OMG he is sooo CUTE!!!!
  • Misslisat
    Misslisat Posts: 203 Member
    #1 reason that motivated my fat *kitten* is when the doctor said to lose weight or lose your eyesight (intracranial hypertension). YIKES.

    Of course there are many other reasons, most to do with vanity, but I really just want to be healthy and feel well.
  • DiannaMoorer
    DiannaMoorer Posts: 783 Member
    I HATED looking at myself in the mirror. And refused to buy clothes in a bigger size. And now that I'm close to my goal weight I LOVE the looks and compliments I am getting from my husband! :blushing:
  • jcjsjones
    jcjsjones Posts: 571 Member
    When I first started this life change in January it was to "get skinny". That has changed. I am now in this to become healthy and strong.
  • MizzTatiana
    MizzTatiana Posts: 116 Member
    My hubby. I wanna look good for him. He's pretty damn sexy, so I gotta make sure I'm up to par!
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