Most embarrassing "fat" moment....



  • ahelsel1970
    ahelsel1970 Posts: 65 Member
    I have so many like the time at Burger King when I ordered a cheese whopper with extra mayo and I heard the cook in the back say "heart attack ready to happen" and then our eyes met!!! Yikes. or when the little kid in the store says "hey fat man" and I could go on but I am doing great now and used them all as inspiration.
  • ahelsel1970
    ahelsel1970 Posts: 65 Member
    I would have helped you!!
    let's be friends.
  • dmisty24
    dmisty24 Posts: 26
    My most embarrassing moment. Well there have been a few because I have been fighting this battle for a long time...

    the first time I had to ask the flight attendant for a seat extender
    when my scale would not register my weight anymore because it didn't go that high
    when I started having trouble trying to cut my toenails
    when the orthopedic surgeon told me he would not do my knee replacement because I was too heavy
    when I fell down in the shower and thought I would never get myself up

    I could go on and on but I am hoping that the memory of these embarrassing moments will spur me on to complete my weight loss journey.......thanks,

  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I was on a date (years ago) we went to a concert, we were late. We couldn't find ANY parking, so finally we found a spot we had to park real close to another car. He got out and walked around to my side. I couldn't fit out the door, I climbed into the back seat to try the back door, still wouldn't fit, we had to go find another parking spot, and that took like 15 minutes. I could tell he was irritated. I wanted to D I E E E E E E E E E E.

    I still get embarrassed thinking about it, Omg! Depressing.

    why didn't he just back out let you out then pull up into the same spot? It may have been your embarrassing "fat" moment but it wasn't a great moment for parking strategies either. I've had to do this not because of being fat but because sometime people can't stay between the lines and the only spot left just barely holds the car.

    I suppose I should tell mine now... restaurant booths were my bane, I had to turn down the only seats left because I couldn't fit between the table and the booth seat and wait until a table opened up.

    I thought the exact same thing about him just backing out!! You may have been the big one, but he was certainly not the brightest crayon in the box.

    But then if you parked there, the other person can't get IN. I've had people park so close to me that i've had to crawl in thru the passenger door. If there's not room for a passenger to get out, then I, as the driver of my car, can't get IN :(
  • emtb319
    emtb319 Posts: 87
    being in another country, going to the 'plus' size store and not being able to find anything in your size
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    When my mom gleefully gave me her "fat clothes".
  • ViRoot
    ViRoot Posts: 15 Member
    I've gotten the pregnant question while going to the doctors for an annual checkup. The lady first asked when I was due and I politely told her "no I'm not pregnant." She looked surprised then asked, "Oh! How many kids do you have?" I told her I didn't have any kids and sat there a little surprised that someone would go a little further instead of apologizing. She never apologized.

    One of the most embarrassing moments though has to be when me and my now fiance went to California together for his birthday in 2008. The whole trip was a bit disappointing due to poor planning, but at the last minute we decided to take a walk down Hollywood boulevard. It was a Saturday night and the streets were pretty busy. While me and my fiance were about to take a photo, a limo drove by and one of the guys occupying the vehicle was hanging out of the sunroof and yelled "YOU'RE TOO FAT TO BE OUTSIDE!" I know I quickly looked around searching (hoping) for another heavy person to be around so that I wouldn't have to accept the fact that the comment was directed towards me. Completely in denial, I ignored the comment and I believe my fiance, sister and brother in law did the same. (The limo had still been in motion and I'm sure most everyone who heard the douche bag cringed in some way) I was about 250lbs (at 5'4 1/2) at the time.

    I have to say that although I have seveeeeeral embarrassing moments none of them sparked this "NOW IS THE TIME" feeling in me. Instead all those moments did, was add the feeling that something was wrong with me. I was down on myself because I believed what those people said about me. But no one deserves to be treated that way! No one deserves to be bullied. In the end, it wasn't those moments or those things that were said to me that finally made me make healthier choices (otherwise I would have lost weight when other kids called me fat in 5th grade) - it was me finally believing that I can achieve anything I put my mind to.

    I always looked for that special defining moment that I had heard about in infomercials, but it never came. I always thought "Oh! Is this the moment?" And then I'd relapse. This time around it's not about dieting or restricting types of food. It's about moving more, watching my portions and how satisfied I feel after meals, and living life now instead of later.

    I'm glad all of us are able to let out these embarrassing moments. It helps us realize at those times we felt like we didn't have control. And now we do. :)
  • HellsBells61
    Soooooo many.....

    My 4 YO son asking me to jump into a swimming pool to retrieve his goggles from the bottom because "you're big so you can sink further than me"...

    Falling through a deckchair, getting stuck, and everyone else laughing so hard they couldn't help me out...

    Falling though an (old) wooden garden table, cracking my head on a paving slab and ending up in hospital getting stitches in my scalp...

    An abseiling instructor at a work team day out having to go back into the store to fetch me a bigger harness...

    A shop assistant looking me up and down then pointing me towards the men's section to buy a sweatshirt...

    These are just the ones that have stuck in my brain over the years, the rest I've managed to successfully blank out.
  • kingofcrunk
    kingofcrunk Posts: 372 Member
    This was less embarrassing and more hilarious. My friend and I (both quite large at the time) were in the smoking area of a bar. We asked some boy if we could buy a cigarette off of him. And he turned round and said "cigarette or pigarette?" - it was really funny. We still laugh about it to this day.
  • Hudderstub
    Hudderstub Posts: 11 Member
    Why do people think its Ok to abuse others who are overweight? Can you imagine having someonelean out of a car and shout "Go F*cking you cold turkey you smoker" ...In fact there are lots of words to abuse fat people but I can't think of a single one for smokers, why is that?
  • joselo2
    joselo2 Posts: 461
    In physics class my junior year we were doing an class project about energy. First we had to weigh ourselves and then be timed as we ran up and down a flight of stairs. The results were recorded on the board so everyone got to see that not only was I the heaviest girl, but also the slowest runner out of everyone.

    OMG, we had to do just about the same thing!! I refused, I used my friends stats. As each person got weighed the rest of the class was all crowded round looking... I just could not do that!!. There was a few times for various reasons they asked to weigh us in school, I always refused!! hehe.

    A bad time at school (I just got so many!) the teacher was talking about averages in maths class, and she said something like 'James is the lightest boy in the class and Joselito is the heaviest,so everyone else is in between' She didn't even weigh us, just assumed! I was sat there all shocked and wounded,. haha!

    There is also a whole load of stuff happened in PE lessons, theyr were the worst!
  • dereed63
    That has also happened to me, but to take it a step further, when you sit in one of those chairs at a picnic and the legs sink into the ground....then you really need help getting out of the chair.
  • GmeB
    GmeB Posts: 70 Member
    breaking my new beach chair,ON the beach
  • slimsdown
    slimsdown Posts: 122 Member
    hmmm too many to count ..... guess the worst was from a work collegue he said " uld look so much bettter if you lost weight, i mean you have a pretty face but you would look better losing a stone or 2"

    i cryed like a baby after that comment, but he is now in a retirement home hahahaha whos laughing now
  • Canther
    Canther Posts: 14
    The day in high school I realized I was unable to shop any where in the mall except for the large department stores anymore.

    Not fitting in the Superman ride at Six Flags over Georgia and my special needs friend getting upset and making a scene about it.

    On a school trip in middle school, two friends stole a pair of my jeans and showed everyone how they could both fit in my jeans.

    All of those happened over 10 years ago, but none of it was enough to spark a change. It wasn't until recently when I got a new job and they ordered personalized shirts for me. I could still wear 2X in most brands, so that's what size I requested. They gave me 5 personalized shirts and they were ridiculously short. Enough for my gut to hang out the bottom of them. I was also unable to keep them tucked in. I wore my work hoodie as much as possible to hid it, but living in the south, the acceptable time for wearing a hoodie is fairly short. It killed my spirit every time I had to put one of those shirts on.
  • phoenixoncemore
    phoenixoncemore Posts: 202 Member
    I have one that I gave out as kid, the shame lives with me to this day. I was waiting on a plane to get off, jammed in behind this larger lady and my Mum was yelling at me to move so she could get out from wedged behind the seat. To this day I don't know why these words came out of my mouth:

    "I can't move Mum, I'm stuck behind this lady with the big bum!"

    I got a huge smack from my mother right there and then. (Deservedly so) I remember that moment and how the poor lady looked at me and I still feel awful right to my core. I was quite young and a few years later, I put on the dreaded puppy fat and got the fat comments myself. I still believe it was kharma. I hope the lady has forgotten it but knowing what I know now I doubt it, I imagine I'll always be that horrible child to her.

    I call it puppy fat as I ballooned at 11 and it sort of redistributed and shrank away by the age of 13 into a size 10-12 figure of a, ahem, more adult female. Unfortunately I spent the couple of years that I started high school being the fat kid and that label doesn't ever leave.

    The ones that stick out for me are:

    Playing at arm wrestling with my cousin of the same age when I was about 12 and when I won he said "Yeah, well you are a lot chunkier that me" Ouch.

    And this thing at primary school where we were given jobs in rotation during breaks, during my rotation of holding the doors open for the other kids to come back in a boy came up to me, right in my face and shouted "BIG, FAT, UGLY, BOUNCER". I laughed it off in front of the others but I went to the toilets later and bawled. :cry:
  • phoenixoncemore
    phoenixoncemore Posts: 202 Member
    Why do people think its Ok to abuse others who are overweight? Can you imagine having someonelean out of a car and shout "Go F*cking you cold turkey you smoker" ...In fact there are lots of words to abuse fat people but I can't think of a single one for smokers, why is that?

    I can tell you that people do, in fact, shout that and much worse to smokers.

    Why do you think shouting abuse at one group of people is so wrong but completely admirable to shout abuse at a different group?

    My favourite is somebody telling me that because I smoke I deserved to die young, when I was outside having a cigarette. It's NEVER ok to say stuff like that to people, much like I shouldn't go up to a fat person and say "Because you haven't controlled your weight you deserve to get heart disease and die early" :explode:

    Edited to add: FYI, you know how when someone yells abuse at you for being fat and it makes you feel awful and just want to stuff yourself with a massive cake? Guess what reaction happens for getting abuse for smoking? Get stressed and want another cigarette! It didn't help that I was cutting down when this bloke made the above comment to me, and it pretty much blew that day right out of the water for my cutting down effort.
  • Everythin2Lose
    One that stands out was at a theme park about to get on a ride with my bf at the time... and a young girl pulled me aside and with hands on perfect little hips asked me infront of the whole group "ummm like are you preggas or what? Coz if you are you really can't go on this ride..." I just died.. it ruined my entire day!
    Another one that makes me shudder... I was at a bar having a great time with my friends and I hear a snide remark from a guy trying to give his mate hell "go for the whale, she won't say no- it's not like she'll ever get anyone else so you're in!" he was looking directly at me.
    I will not be the fat girl forever...
  • PayneAS
    PayneAS Posts: 669 Member
    I was on a date (years ago) we went to a concert, we were late. We couldn't find ANY parking, so finally we found a spot we had to park real close to another car. He got out and walked around to my side. I couldn't fit out the door, I climbed into the back seat to try the back door, still wouldn't fit, we had to go find another parking spot, and that took like 15 minutes. I could tell he was irritated. I wanted to D I E E E E E E E E E E.

    I still get embarrassed thinking about it, Omg! Depressing.

    why didn't he just back out let you out then pull up into the same spot? It may have been your embarrassing "fat" moment but it wasn't a great moment for parking strategies either. I've had to do this not because of being fat but because sometime people can't stay between the lines and the only spot left just barely holds the car.

    I suppose I should tell mine now... restaurant booths were my bane, I had to turn down the only seats left because I couldn't fit between the table and the booth seat and wait until a table opened up.

    I thought the exact same thing about him just backing out!! You may have been the big one, but he was certainly not the brightest crayon in the box.

    But then if you parked there, the other person can't get IN. I've had people park so close to me that i've had to crawl in thru the passenger door. If there's not room for a passenger to get out, then I, as the driver of my car, can't get IN :(

    But it says in the original post that the guy got out of the car just fine. I can understand your post, I'm sure it happens occasionally, however the person above though was totally right about the guy not being the brightest crayon in the box.
  • TxAngel79
    TxAngel79 Posts: 318 Member
    My ever so sweet precious babygirl, one day said "Momma did you know you're a little fat and have a big butt?" Started my "lifestyle" change the next day!!! Have to love the brutal honesty of a child!!