Grunting at the gym

True story, this morning there was this fairly attractive guy on a machine in front of me who was lifting weights and grunting like an animal. Well more like sex grunts really, I will admit it was kind of hot but awkward. Has anyone else experienced this or do it?


  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    It's a mating ritual. Grunt back.
  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    I dont use machines OR grunt. Perhaps the latter will happen at some point.
  • LilMissSunshine_
    I grunt when I lift. I can't help it. Plus it makes my lifts go up.
  • rgrange
    rgrange Posts: 236 Member
    If you don't grunt while lifting, you're not lifting enough.
  • Annaruthus
    Annaruthus Posts: 301 Member
    I may grunt a little bit on the last reps of a set, but not like an animal!
  • EnergyYesPlease
    Hahahaha yesssssss!!!!!!! A guy at my gym would grunt/moan loudly and I couldn't help but giggle every time, it was hilarious and awkward at the same time :D
  • cal_73
    cal_73 Posts: 77
    Grunting is wasting energy you could be putting towards your lift.

    Of course some just happen and that is OK.
  • ImKindOfABigDeal40
    ImKindOfABigDeal40 Posts: 807 Member
    Excessive or loud grunting is stupid!
  • majikmiker
    majikmiker Posts: 291 Member
    :laugh: OMG!!!! Yes. There is this one guy at the gym, I know when I see him that I'll have to crank the music on my MP3 so I don't laugh out loud. Maybe it really does help as LilMiss says. After all, if you grunt when you hit the ball in tennis it makes it go faster..... all the pros do it......
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    Grunting is OK if the weight you are lifting causes the barbell to bend.
  • icreate
    icreate Posts: 60
    attention deficiency syndrome ?
  • Toxictwist
    Toxictwist Posts: 274
    It's a mating ritual. Grunt back.

    lol Too funny
  • jaysonhijinx
    jaysonhijinx Posts: 663 Member
    I'll sometimes drop a small grunt on a heavy lift especially when it's the last on a set but definitely not loud enough to be heard from on the other side of the gym, that's for sure.
  • pittskaa
    pittskaa Posts: 319 Member
    grunting is fine. snorting and moaning is gross. there is one guy at my gym and he like snorts on his own sweat while doing cardio. if that makes sense.
  • mszebra
    mszebra Posts: 94
    Grunting, groaning, sweating and anything else that occurs in the gym doesn't bother me.
  • tennisbabe94
    tennisbabe94 Posts: 444 Member
    It's a mating ritual. Grunt back.

  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    Grunting is wasting energy you could be putting towards your lift.

    Of course some just happen and that is OK.

    Have you ever seen professional weight lifters? They're basically screaming while lifting weights. It's a natural thing to do.
  • sweetchildomine
    sweetchildomine Posts: 872 Member
    lol a tiny bit of grunting is normal. Even I have been known to let out a grunt or two! HOWEVER, you gotta wonder about those guys that sound like they are having a baby. I really don't think that is necessarily hahahaha I saw a guy once that literally was yelling "AHHHHH!!!!" like he was the Incredible Hulk or something. Good thing I own an ipod haha.
  • ImKindOfABigDeal40
    ImKindOfABigDeal40 Posts: 807 Member
    lol a tiny bit of grunting is normal. Even I have been known to let out a grunt or two! HOWEVER, you gotta wonder about those guys that sound like they are having a baby. I really don't think that is necessarily hahahaha I saw a guy once that literally was yelling "AHHHHH!!!!" like he was the Incredible Hulk or something. Good thing I own an ipod haha.
    They want everyone to notice them.
  • mstclair03
    mstclair03 Posts: 151
    Grunt back. Then chest bump.