Sixers Heading into the Holidays WK 1



  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    Hi Alison - Can you take the candy to work with you? When I worked, I put it in the lunch room - (not on my desk). Now, I send it to work with hubby. It sure is nice to get it out of the house. BTW, how is your new pt job going?
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member

    need to vent....sorry.....

    ok, been good, eating, getting in at least 30mins exercise every other day. some days i don't eat the right things, but, not as much as back when. been drinking 6+ glasses water daily. scale goes up 4#s. i get so frustrated at all this. had a dizzy episode again yesterday at walmart. headache today. that seems to be the patten dizzy one day headache the next. not sleeping at night. so tired. moved bed again. on one wall we sleep crappy, on the window we sleep great. so moved back to window. i just don't like being on the window. thinking of making doctors appt. about this dizzy spells and why the weight just isn't going anywhere. i was doing great up until the move/stress/ in may. than it started coming on and won't budge. that seems to be the same time the medications were changing. ump???? maybe having reactions with all the different ones i am on. taking some together that shouldn't be??? i had the BP, diabetic, asthma, added caltrate for low vitD. all changed around that time. the SP changed all together, even lower dose. the diabetic was reduced, the asthma all together. but, that gave me headaches so i went back to the old stuff. maybe than the others.

    ok, putting pieces together now. thanks for letting me vent some. i won't get so down on myself. just try to stay in control. going to do some internet investigating now.

  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    Susan - I'm okay with the candy at home. We didn't buy a lot, and I like having something sweet every day to keep my cravings under control. At least it's the fun size, so it's not many calories for a little pack. The part time job is going well. I'm still in training (through Thanksgiving), but the people who are training with me seem nice, and I'm actually having fun.

    Cathy - I hope you feel better! That does seem like a lot of medicine changes, so hopefully you can get it all back in balance soon.

    I've been having a pretty good day today. I feel fat, but I think it has to do with going way over on sodium yesterday during my free meal (at Olive Garden). I had the soup, salad and breadsticks and really noticed that my stomach has shrunk. I had way less than I would have eaten 6 or 7 weeks ago, and I was so full for hours and hours. But today I'm back to counting and trying to get in a ton of water to flush out all of that sodium.

    I hope everyone is having a great Sunday.

  • elephantmeg
    elephantmeg Posts: 113 Member
    I'm still here. Forgot about the unofficial friday weighing. I saw 126 at some point-lost water weight from TOM I think. It didn't stick around :( I've tried really hard to be good this weekend but it's been rough but I've stayed pretty close to my calories. And played simon says/red light green light and hide and seek with a bunch of kids yesterday.

    Sounds like my kids are sicker (I'm a work for a few hours even though it's my weekend off-err!) so I'm seriously thinking about getting up early and hitting the gym so I can be back before DH goes to work since I won't be able to take them to "gym play" as DS calls it. I need to work out-I miss it! Lets see, he leaves about 8 so I would need to get up around 6:30 maybe? It's 20 min away so be there at 6:50. leave by 7:40? Yes I think that's what I'll do!
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Hi all!

    Sorry I haven't been around, mom was in town this weekend!! I am now out of town myself for an on-site interview tomorrow at one of my number one choices for a fellowship!! I'm so excited!! Cross your fingers and say a prayer for me!!

    Phone interviews went well last week. I should hear this week on those, but i'm secretly hoping tomorrow goes well enough that I don't have to worry about it!! :smile:

    I'll let you know how it goes, sorry i can't do personals right now!!
  • elephantmeg
    elephantmeg Posts: 113 Member
    fingers crossed for you Amy!

    I did it! I got up early and hit the gym and got my workout in. AND I did 25 min at 6 mph. I feel fabulous. And DS looks much better today. :)
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    good morning.

    my weekend.....well was thinking of passing tomorrows weigh in. but, i will face the music, and just do it. it will be way up. it is what it is. i just totally ate and it was good and it's over. another thing to add to my vent. during that time is when i had my gallbladder out too. so just don't know.

    just finished my c25k wk3day1. i needed that. wore my HRM today. haven't worn that in a long time. need to adjust the numbers on it. wasn't working at first so only read i burned 250 cals. i don't think that is right.

    need to get lots done around here today. so will check back later

    good luck amylou, i sent a word on up.
  • DawnOf1969
    DawnOf1969 Posts: 726 Member
    I'd like to join this group. I forgot to weigh last week so can I just jump in tomorrow?
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Hi Sixers! I had a rough weekend -- I'm sure many of you understand; dealing with a separation from a man you love who treated you worse than dirt is hard. I don't think I'll ever understand why he couldn't love me, and why I loved someone so worthless. :cry: Anyhow, I did get to have my kiddo for a couple hours to trick or treat and that was GREAT! She is my world. :bigsmile: I ate too much all weekend long and I'm dreading weigh in tomorrow! :laugh: Today is my self appointed WATER DAY to try to cleanse out some of this sodium!!

    DrTamm, thank you so much for the book!!! I got it in the mail. Oh thank you!!! Can't wait to start reading on it! And as far as buying a candy I don't like ---- um, there is such a thing??? :noway: :laugh: :laugh: I love you handed out candy with toothbrushes! :bigsmile:

    Tiff, have you been able to schedule the dr appt yet?

    Susan, no idea how the full moon effects me. I think maybe it makes me get emotional and crave sweets and carbs! :laugh: How was your weekend?

    Jennifer, CONGRATULATIONS DARLING!!!!!! Do you have any photos you can share? I am so happy for you! I know it must have been hard, not having your grandpa there but he was SMILING down on you from Heaven!!!!

    Meg, I swear I just saw your picture for the first time today, but I had deja vu as soon as I saw it. I think you were in my dream last night, I have no recollection of the dream. :indifferent: Weird!! I hope the kids feel better soon!

    AmyLou, hope that interview goes well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll keep my fingers crossed. Where is it?

    Cathy, weigh in with me. We'll face the music together and be greatful it's EARLY in the challenge! :wink:

    Hi Bratgrr1 !! Join us!! Tell us a little about yourself. Tomorrow will be a great day to officially weigh in and join. :flowerforyou:
  • mello
    mello Posts: 817 Member
    Had a great weekend. I only allowed myself to eat on Saturday, and that was just a little bit. I had a snack pack of candy corns and a snack sized Hershey's was Halloween!!!!! I also had Sushi for dinner and I'm not sure if it was the rice or the salt from the soy that made me show quite a gain Sunday morinig, but I was back to where I wanted to be by this morning.

    I'm soooo excited to officially weigh in!!!!! I've bought a Leslie Sansone 5 mile Fat Burn DVD and it's KICKING MY BUTT!!!!! Good Stuff!!!!! Anxious to see what the results are!!!

    Happy Monday everyone!
  • Gogo
    Gogo Posts: 9,942 Member
    Hi All,

    I had a great weekend! Hope everyone's Halloween was fun! I had a party at my house, and I designated myself as the responsible sober one! I only had 3 light beers throughout the whole night (from like 5pm-3am ) and I only ate 3 pieces of candy! Yay me. I also went and lifted weights on Saturday morning, so I got a good workout in before the party. I sooooo want to start seeing some results though! My measurements and my weight have not changed in like a month! Here's hoping that my weigh in tomorrow shows some losses! :drinker:

    Good Luck everyone!
  • Redneckwoman
    Redneckwoman Posts: 668 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    How is everyone. I had a long weekend too. Yep too much food and drink here as well:drinker: :drinker: But on the positive note a new pair of running shoes and two new dvds :wink: "The 30 day shred with Jullian Michaels and Leslie Sansone's Walk away the pounds" The walking one has 4 different workouts one it. A 1mile get up and get started, 2mile brisk walk, 3 mile advanced walk and 4 mile super challenge. So I am starting the 30 day shred tomarrow and then I am going to do the other dvd starting with the 2 mile brisk walk the next day and continue going back and forth every day with sundays off. Hope I can stick to it. Well this is my plan for the next couple of months. With the holidays and the rainey season on the way I have got to really do something to keep me busy. So I thought this would keep me moving and on track.

    Well time to go Have to go feed the cows. Then make dinner for us.

    Love to all and to all a good nite.:flowerforyou: :yawn: :flowerforyou:

  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    I'm doing okay with my weight. I ate all of my Halloween candy several weeks ago, so I did good over the weekend. :embarassed:
    I walk daily with my daughter and her 8 month old baby (carried in the backpack). It's great girl time for us, and we also get a pretty good workout. The best part is that it is consistent. If our walk is too easy, I try to get to the gym later in the day. Although my weight isn't reflecting my abundance of perspiration, I am getting into much better shape, and my measurements are responding. Unfortunately, the first to go is always my chest! :laugh:

    Amy, how did your interview go? I hope they get back to you by Friday.
    Cathy, did you schedule your exam?
    Erin, Marci, Melanie, Nicole (Colie), T, and Verda: you are all so inspirational to me with your workouts!
    Lauryn, are you going to be able to start your gym membership?
    Maggie, did you go hiking last weekend?
    Margaret, great job on the early trek to the gym. Was it quiet at that hour?
    Shanell, I hope your procedure works (I had fibroid embolization and it didn't work for me) :frown:
    Tamm, are you in Nashville now? How is it going?
    Tiff, when is your MRI scheduled?

    See you tomorrow. Remember I got a new digital scale? Did you know that the weight reading doesn't go down if you get on and off it several times in a row? :laugh: I keep trying.
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    Aren't new shoes fun? I just got some, too. Best of luck with the new workout plans. You're off to a great start! :flowerforyou:
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi there Susan ... no I didn't get that hike in on Saturday that I wanted to do ... my hiking partner had some kind of stomach virus that laid her out ... she felt a bit better on Sunday so we did do a good 90 minute walk on Sunday through Niagara Falls ... it was nice but my friend over did it a bit after being so sick on Saturday and ended up in bed for most of the rest of that day. I did my last haunted tour of the season in the evening too so lots of walking happened on Sunday ... it felt great. Work has been so busy and stressful lately ... the walking really does help to de-stress. I hope everyone is doing well ... take care and I'll talk to you all again soon.
  • nellienell12
    nellienell12 Posts: 325 Member
    Good evening. Sorry I hadn't checked in. Been a little busy. Took one of my girls trick or treating. The youngest didn't really want to go. So my and my oldest went to a new neighborhood and walked the whole neighborhood. Was great for us. Gave me and her some quality time and my youngest quality time with her daddy. Then we went to watch a movie at a friends that night.
    Been eating candy. Kids got a lot of Snickers which are my favs.

    Tonight youngest knocked her big mirror and TV on her. Just scratched her side. Such a clutz.

    Well, gotta go, just thought I would check in.

    Weight in tomorrow. Not sure what to expect. Later.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    shanell how'd the hell did she do that. dad wants to know if she's flatter now and can slid under the door?

    weigh in will be crappy.

    no i haven't made my appt yet. i really do need to.

  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    Forgot to say, Lauryn, your photo is beautiful, and so is your daughter. What was your estranged guy thinking, treating you so poorly? He could do better? No way. You are amazing.
  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    Hello everyone,
    Today was a pretty good day. I put some definite limits on my candy eating, and made an effort to eat more vegetables and drink more water. I'm proud of my efforts today. I'm sure I can have a really great week if I keep this up.

    I hope everyone is having a great night.

  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Forgot to say, Lauryn, your photo is beautiful, and so is your daughter. What was your estranged guy thinking, treating you so poorly? He could do better? No way. You are amazing.
    He is obviously an IDIOT!!!!!